Realisation - Chapter 7

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Part 7 of Jake and Sam's story. I wanted to start introducing some more characters, so I thought the football team would be best.

More to follow, stay tuned.

P.s Football = Soccer (you Americans... dunno what to do with ya!)

DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author.




'W... What you want?' whimpered Jake, his eyes widened in fright and his ears pressed back against his head, which, along with his shower-wet fur made him look very vulnerable and puppyish.

The large rottweiler didn't lose his menacing smile as he slowly began to undo his trouser button and pull the jeans around his ankle. His two companions did the same. Once their jeans were pushed to one side, the 3 dogs removed their t-shirts, leaving them in just their boxer shorts. The biggest dog, the one who did most of the talking and probably the most vicious had an extremely muscled body. The 17 year old had a large snaking tattoo down one side of his abs and a large scar down the other, evidence of previous fights. He had broad shoulders that accentuated his bulging neck muscles, which, along with his black-and-tan fur, made him look extremely powerful and scary. The dog to the left of their leader was shorter and stockier, but clearly extremely strong and not afraid of a fight. The final dog, who Jake couldn't recall ever talking in all of their encounters was taller than both the others, but much skinnier, clearly a very fast runner, judging by the thickness of his legs. Almost simultaneously all 3 beasts removed their boxer shorts and chucked them to one side, revealing their fully erect cocks, all completely out of their black sheaths and glistening a deep, angry red as they slowly walking towards the quivering cub who backed up against the shower wall, pressing the button and unintentionally turning the steady stream of water off, leaving him dripping and shaking.

'I think it's pretty obvious what we want, we little faggot. You just keeping your fucking mouth shut or you'll pay. Actually... I think your mouth will be a little too busy to be used for talking.' Spat the stockier of the 3 dogs in a vicious tone, saliva dripping onto the cold floor.

'Alright Zak, calm it.' The large rottweiler chastised him. Jake realised he'd never heard any of their names before. Not that he cared.

'Why should I, Trey? Let's put this poof in his place.' He said this as he rubbed his throbbing erection, spilling precum onto the floor with his saliva, clearly extremely horny.

'Just cool it.' The dog growled. 'I want to have some fun with my little play thing first.' This elicited a cruel laugh from the tallest dog 'See? Ron agrees with me.' The short dog just huffed in annoyance. Trey turned back to Jake, who was backed into the corner, the 3 dogs had surrounded him so they were about 2 meters away and had blocked all his exits. 'You're gonna enjoy this... Jake.' Jake cringed as the beast spat his name.

Trey lunged forward and grabbed Jake by the neck, lifting him a pushing him against the wall so he was at the dog's eye level. Jake's paws instinctively grabbed at Trey's powerful fist that was wrapped around his delicate neck, his legs flailing widely, that choked him. Trey pushed his head forward and stuck his tongue into Jake's mouth, tasting every inch of the cub's muzzle. Jake was shocked by this and, he was disgusted to admit, felt his own sheath twitch and start to thicken. Trey broke the kiss and loosened his grip slightly, allowing to Jake to breath. 'He tastes like fear.' The dog chuckled towards his friends, then turned back to Jake with a sly smile and his eyes narrowed 'And cum.'

He pulled Jake off the wall and violently threw him into the middle of the tiled room, making Jake yelp in pain as he felt his elbows and knees collide with the hard floor, creating strong stings of pain pulse through his body. He started crying when he felt a strong paw grab the scruff of his neck and pull him up into a kneeling position. Holding his painful arm he looked up and through his tears he saw that the dogs had trapped him once again, forming a triangle around him. When he was standing he only just reached the older boys' chests, now he was kneeling his head was at groin height.

'Aww look at the wittle puppy, he's cwying! Maybe you should cheer him up, Ron.' Teased the larger rottweiler. Jake looked to his left, seeing the tallest rottweiler advance on him, his erection looking much bigger now Jake's face was only about a foot from it. The tall dog grabbed painfully grabbed Jake's head fur and forced his head into his scrotum, keeping it there for several moments, slowly rubbing it round. Jake couldn't help but inhale the extremely masculine scent, getting covered in ball sweat as the dog forced him into his scrotum. Jake felt his erection start to peek through the end of his sheath. Ron pulled the cub away from his scrotum and grabbed the base of his throbbing erection, with his other hand he took a hold of the cub's muzzle and with one swift movement forced his entire 8 inches into the tight mouth, feeling it slide down the cub's throat slightly. Jake let a muffled cry of surprise as the large member entered his throat. He heard Trey speak 'Haha! He didn't even gag! God this kid is more of a faggot than I first thought!' Jake shifted his eyes as much as he could, unable to move his head as it was skewered deeply on a dog's cock, he saw the other two beasts slowly rubbing their erections.

Ron quickly started forcing the wolf's head up and down his large cock, Jake instinctively grabbing the bulbous knot, sending shivers of pleasure through the rottweiler's body. Without realising it, Jake closed his eyes in pleasure, loving the feeling of the huge dog muzzle fucking him, he reached one of his paws down to his own throbbing erection and started rubbing it. The practically feral animal increasing his thrusts into the tight mouth, his own eyes closing as he felt himself nearing the climax, this little cub was better than any slut he'd had before. Without warning the dog's cock jerked and twitched awkwardly in the wolf's muzzle, shooting thick ropes of semen straight down his neck. He pulled out and rode the rest of his immense orgasm by shooting his cum all over the young cub, practically painting him white. Jake opened his mouth, getting as much of the salty thick dog cum into his mouth as he could, lapping it up whilst rubbing his cock. The warm feeling of the sticky seed covering him brought him on the edge of his own orgasm, he felt his seed shoot out onto the floor in front of him, eliciting laughs from the on-lookers.

'Haha, eating Ron's huge cock made him cum, and look at the way he laps up that cum! He's a true slut!' Jake heard Zak's words and his cheeks burned in shame and embarrassment, he knew he was right... he didn't know why he felt so needy, so willing to guzzle down the dog seed, he'd only ever been with Sam, and he thought he only ever would be...

'Alright guys, I'm done with this whore. I'm off home.' It was the first time Jake had heard him speak, Ron had a very low and quiet voice, one that could easily be misinterpreted. Jake knelt there, swaying slightly in his afterglow and from the lack of oxygen he had got when the dog's dick was in his mouth, covered in cum. 'Oh. His muzzle is fucking incredible.' He calmly said before leaving.

The two other dogs turned back to Jake and advanced to him. 'Well, you enjoyed that, didn't you, you little slut?' said Trey, right in Jake's ear. Jake didn't respond, just let more tears fall from his eyes. 'Well? I asked you a question.'

'Y...yes.' Jake sniffled quietly.

'What?! Speak up. Tell me you enjoyed sucking that cock and drinking that cum.' Zak shouted, hitting Jake in the back of the head.

'I... I enjoyed s...sucking the c...cock. A...and d...drinking the c...cum.' Jake said a little louder, but through sobs, his voice high pitched and scared.

'Right, enough of this shit' Trey walked behind Jake and pushed him forward on all fours so he had better access to the tight tail hole. He grabbed Jake's still wet tail and yanked it upwards to reveal the pink hole, making Jake yelp in pain. 'Zak, shut the bitch up, would you?'

Zak walked forward and knelt down by Jake's head, shoving his slightly shorter but thicker cock into Jake's jaw, which struggled to cope with the large girth, letting out muffled whimpers of pain. 'Shut up, slut!' Zak barked, thrusting his member to the back of Jake's neck.

'You're a bit eager, Zak, anyone would think you're a fag yourself!' Joked Trey as he lined up his 8.5 inch cock with the tight hole.

'Fuck off, I just haven't had a good slut in a while!' Zak countered, increasing his pace.

Trey placed his large tip against the puckering passage, sending jolts of electricity up the cub's back. Without even bothering to prepare the boy, his cock lubed enough with his own precum, he jammed his hips forward, feeling the barrier give way and his cock slide all the way up to his knot and deep inside the cub's insides. This sudden invasion made Jake squirm in pain and let out a loud yelp, even with the dog's cock in his mouth, which prompted Zak to shove his dick in his mouth more forcefully, making Jake's tears freely roll down his face.

'Oh god, this bitch is fucking tight! I guess his tiger isn't that big.' Grunted Trey, slowly beginning to gyrate his hips as Jake's tail hole begrudgingly accepted his huge size.

Jake could feel his cock begin to re-harden already , making him annoyed with himself, why was he enjoying this so much? He was being raped! He felt ashamed, but just couldn't help it.

The 2 remaining dogs knelt there, with both their cocks buried deep inside the small cub, they looked at each other briefly a smiled a menacing smile, nodding their heads slightly.

Jake felt a surge of pain as he felt himself being lifted into the air, the 2 dogs had slowly began to stand up, so Jake was suspended on their cocks between them, like a pig on a spit roast. Jake shuddered at the painful pleasure, his cock already fully extend and throbbing again, begging for attention, but Jake was unable to give it what it wanted as it was all he could do to keep himself from falling, he had to grab onto the strong arms of Zak.

Zak started pumping in and out of Jake's mouth again, as Trey did the same at the other end. As Zak thrust inwards, so did Trey, pushing Jake painfully in on himself, each time he let out a small whimper. As the two dogs pulled out, Jake felt quite empty, only to be countered with an inexplicable fullness when they pushed back, making Jake's cock jump and throw precum onto the already semen-covered floor.

'Ah... Ah, I'm gonna cum!' Zak shouted before blowing his load deep into the wolf's neck and down into his stomach. His orgasm was one of the biggest he'd ever had, the cum just didn't seem to want to stop. Jake greedily drank all the rottweiler's seed, ashamedly loving every drop of the salty juice. The twitch cock inside his mouth made him once again shoot his cum out of his rock hard cock to mix with the previous dog's and his own load already on the floor. He huffed in satisfaction as his felt his cock jump and throb, his anal muscles clamping down around the other dog's large invading member. The tight passage contracting around Trey's cock, milking it, sent try over the edge as well, pumping his equally immense amount of seed past the cub's prostate and deep inside him. The volume of seed inside Jake was visibly noticeable, as his stomach had expanded slightly, as if he'd eaten too much.

The dogs stayed for a few moments, panting in their afterglow. They simultaneously pulled their softening cocks out of Jake, who fell hard on the floor, in the pool of semen below with a loud 'squelch' and more pain in his already grazed knees and elbows. He curled up into a foetal position, gripping his stomach in immense pain as the seed spilled out of his quickly closing hole, along with a steady trickle of blood.

'Aww... Look at the pathetic little faggot! Covered in cum and crying. Come on... let's get the fuck out here, I'm done with this bitch.' Zak sneered as he walked out of the room, grabbing his clothes.

'Coming... just gotta do one more thing...' Trey stood over the quivering cub and released a powerful stream of deeply yellow, warm piss, waving his sheath around to cover the whole of the cub. Jake could do nothing as he was barely conscious, he felt the warm liquid splash onto his body and squirmed around a bit, but the pain in his tail hole was too great. Trey knelt down and placed his muzzle by the vulnerable cub's ear and whispered, softly but threateningly 'You're nothing but a common slut. You're mine now. Every time you're in bed with your tiger you'll be thinking of me. I. Own. You.' Trey growled the last part and spat on Jake's face. He quickly put his clothes back on before grabbing a towel and throwing it on the ground near the pathetic boy lying in a pool of cum, piss and blood, in the middle of the shower room. He left, letting the door slam behind him,

Jake did not move for what seemed like ages. He just lay there, curled up into a ball, softly whimpering and crying. The dog's potent piss had stained his white chest and stomach yellow. He felt so ashamed, so pathetic, lying there, soiled in a pool of cum. The worst part was... he had enjoyed it.


In a trance-like state Jake pulled himself up of the sticky ground, not crying, just...staring. His cum and piss covered fur starting to dry, making it stick out at awkward messy angles, not that Jake noticed. His elbows and knees ached from where he had been roughly thrown around, and tail hole stung a lot. He shuffled over to his clothes, like a zombie, pulled on his football shirt and shorts and made his way to the door. His eyes wide, obviously in a state of immense shock, his ears flat against his head, and his leg fur matted with quickly drying blood, he made his way to Great Shakes.


Sam sat at the large table with the football team, awkwardly nursing his Malteser milk shake, wanting very much for his boyfriend to walk through the door. He liked the guys in the team, but he didn't really know them, and wasn't really interested in football, so there wasn't much to talk about. The other boys noticed him staring at the door hopefully.

'I'm sure he'll be here soon, Sam, he probably just got held up, or taking longer in his shower.' The cute puma boy and the team's captain, Robbie, reassured Sam.

'Cheers mate, I know.' He smiled at Robbie and went back to his drink. He was starting to get worried, it was over an hour since he saw Jake go into the showers, normally it'd only take him half an hour to get clean, dry and come to the café. He shook the thought away as the guys engaged him in conversation.

'So, how long have you and Jake been going out, Sam?' asked the team's goalkeeper, an otter named John.

Sam snorted his drink at the sudden question, his cheeks burning. 'Wh...what do you mean?' he asked, trying to keep it cool, but knew it was useless.

'Oh come on Sam... everyone knows you two are a couple' a lanky rabbit chipped in.

'Wh... H...How?!' Sam asked, shocked.

'Haha! It's obvious! You walk to school together, walk home together, whenever you're not in class you're with each other and you always come to watch practice, even though we know you don't like footie.' John laughed.

'Uhh... B...But we were always so carful!' Sam was still flustered.

'It's alright Sam! None of us mind, you two seem really happy together!' Robbie looked sincere, noticing the tiger's discomfort.

Sam smiled at this 'W...well cheers guys. We...we were gonna come out soon.'

'You never answered our question.' The rabbit said with a cheeky grin. He was pretty cute, with long floppy ears.

'We met in November, I was walking home and noticed that Jake was being uhh... surrounded by those 3 rottweilers in 6th form. I scared them away. They haven't bothered us since. We just sort of... hit it off from there' Sam avoided telling them that the dogs were about to rape him. He blushed, but it quickly faded.

A chorus of groans came from the guys around the table when Sam mention the rottweilers. 'Urgh, those guys are such dicks.' John said, with nods of agreement from the rest of the team.

'Jake and I have actually been uhh... living together since January. His did kicked him out when we came out to his parents. Sorry, I should probably stop talking, Jake'll kill me if I keep on. You get the jist though.'

'Oh god, that's horrible! How could his dad do that?!' Robbie said shocked, and he hadn't realised it, but he'd put his paw on top of Sam's. He noticed and slid it off, slightly embarrassed.

'Yeah, it really destroyed hi-' Sam was cut off by what he saw.

Jake limped through the open doors to the café, his tail hole still stinging a lot. Still in a trance-like state he noticed Sam and the team at a large table in the corner of the room. He saw Clarice look over with concern.

'Jake? What's wrong?' Sam said with concern as the cub limped towards them. When he got a little closer he could see that his fur was a mess, the fur that was showing, anyway, it was sticking out at weird angles and was visibly sticky in some places whilst crusty in others. He had a strange look on his face, one which Sam had not seen before. The guys around the table were all silent, also concerned for their usually cheery team mate.

Jake stood at the foot of the table at the guys. He turned to Sam, who was at the end nearest to him and said in a very quiet voice, so quiet it was pretty much just a whimper. 'S...Sam... can we go home please?'

Sam, with a confused expression on his face, look from Jake's face down his body. He looked over his legs and his eyes widened in shock and he felt anger brewing in him when he saw the inside of his left leg was matted with blood, only just beginning to dry. Sam shot up from the table and stood in a defensive stance, his voice slightly raised. 'What the hell happened to you, baby?! Tell me!' Sam drew Jake into a protective hug, but Jake yelped at the pain so he quickly released him holding his shoulders 'Talk to me Jake.' He stared deeply into his eyes.

Jake felt his eyes begin to tear up as Sam looked down on him. He repeated, his voice quivering. 'C...can we go home, please?'

Sam just looked at Jake with pity, before relaxing his arms. 'Sure baby, tell me about it at home.' He put his arm around Jake, supporting him, Jake buried his head into Sam's chest fur and began to cry, at last. Sam looked up at the table, worry in his face, then turned around and the two slowly walked out of the shop.

'Sam, is there anything we can do?' Robbie asked after them, to which Sam just waved a paw.

The tiger walked the wolf home, letting him put most of his weight on him, as they had done the night Jake's Dad had kicked him out. Sam had no idea what had happened to his love, but he knew that whoever had done this to him would not get away with it... and he had a pretty good idea of who it was.


Sam helped Jake up onto their double bed, where Jake sat in a cross-legged position. Sam climbed up as well and sat opposite him, also cross-legged. He held Jake's paws in his own and looked into his eyes, trying to comfort him. 'Start from the beginning, hun, take as long as you like, I'm here now.'

Jake looked up, maintaining eye contact with his loving tiger. Although it hurt him to do so, he told Sam the whole story. Every now and then Sam would squeeze his paws if there was something particularly upsetting, Jake choked down the tears the whole time. When he'd finished Sam got off the bed and went to the window, looking out across the city. He said, in a low growl that scared Jake: 'Those fuckers think they can do that to my boyfriend and get away with it? They've got another thing coming to them!' he said it almost as if to himself.

'S...Sam... you're scaring me.' Jake said in the quietest of whimpers. Sam suddenly turned round to see that Jake had got off the bed and was standing on the other side of the room, a look of terror in his eyes.

'Oh, no! Baby no! I'm just mad is all! I didn't mean to scare you!' Sam briskly walked over to Jake and pulled him into a loving embrace. Jake winced slightly, but his wounds didn't hurt so much. 'Come on, we need to get you out of that football stuff and get you clean.' Sam said with a motherly tone to his voice.

They went into their small bathroom that had a tiny shower in one side. Jake and Sam had enjoyed many things in there... Sam smiled slightly at the memories. 'Come one, sweetie.' Sam gently took the bottom of Jake's t-shirt and pulled it over his head. What he saw shocked him and made him shake with anger. Jake's normally brilliantly white chest and stomach fur was stained yellow with rottweiler piss, and a lot of it was hard from where cum had dried into it. Sam had noticed before because of his t-shirt, and the rest of is brown fur masked the yellow. He held back from shouting in rage, not wanting to scare Jake again. He just sighed and closed his eyes.

He hooked his paw over Jake's waistband and slowly lowered the shorts off of the cub, revealing more cum stains, but more painfully to Sam, blood soaked fur. He couldn't look at it, for he feared what he might do. He stripped off and stood up behind Jake, placing his paws on his shoulders, showing Jake he was there. He slowly guided him into the already running shower, turning Jake around to face him. Jake just let himself be controlled by Sam, too ashamed to really do anything for himself.

Sam let the water soak into Jake's fur as he grabbed a nearby wash cloth. Starting with Jake's face, he gently dabbed and rubbed away any stains, be it cum or piss. He made sure he was careful in any particularly tender parts, such has his wounds. He paid special attention to Jake's sheath and balls, a small part of him wanting him to get aroused, but didn't blame him when he didn't. Jake shuddered slightly when Sam rubbed the soft cloth over his privates.

'Turn around baby, I need to do your tail hole. It may hurt, but it has to be done and I promise I will be gentle.' Jake did as he was told. Sam rubbed off all the blood from around Jake's butt before slowly opening his crack, seeing a very swollen and red hole. He extremely gently pressed the cloth onto Jake's tail hole - eliciting a slight yelp of pain from the cub - and wiped away all the blood, making sure it was clean before turning Jake back round to face him.

'There' Sam smiled lovingly down on Jake, 'all clean.'

'Thank you so much S...Sam.' Jake pulled Sam in for a hug, feeling himself well up again after all the love Sam had shown him.

Sam reached over and turned the shower off. 'Come on sweetie, why don't you grab your towel and go and dry off on the balcony.' Jake did as he was told, wrapping the towel around his waist he headed for the balcony.

Sam stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes longer. His fists were clenched and his eyes closed as he shook with anger at the thought of his love being raped and beaten by the three animals, he nearly lost it but calmed himself down. Again, he had to be strong for Jake, but this was by no means over...

To Be Continued...