Red and Blake Ch. 5

Story by SweetKitten on SoFurry

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#3 of Red and Blake(Wolfie Steel)

Hello fellow readers, here is Chapter 5 of Red and Blake! finally being introduced to the mystery teacher Red finally has a name to that handsome face but what he doesn't realize is that he wasn't off the hook yet. Things are just getting started...

As always show lots of love to Wolfie Steel who is really helping the story progressing into something fantastic and making it all the more fun to write. Please comment, rate, and fave!

Chapter 1:

Previous Chapter (Ch. 4):

Next Chapter 6:

_ 'This isn't fair...THIS ISN'T FAIR! He's toying with me on purpose!' _

My thoughts were racing a million miles a minute as all I could see was that ass, that plump juicy Dobie ass!

At first I thought things would be okay after I had apologized but when that Doberman came down to personally access everyone's personal level that's when I thought hell had broke loose.

In the form of this masculine god I had never seen nor witness a creature with such beauty and masculinity that simply drove me mad. I wanted so bad to jump across the table and pin him down but all I could do was whimper and squirm in my seat like a good kit awaiting my master's command.

Shuddering I watched as he easily walked among the students going to talk to a cute young looking Rottweiler first as he began to play with my head with the swishing and wagging of his tail. I always found full tailed furs to be very sexy but this was a whole new definition of sexy. Licking my lips I whimpered folding my ears back rubbing my legs together trying to keep myself calm but it was only making it worse as my pants started to become uncomfortable. They were getting so tight that the extra baggy give began to become non-existent as he moved to the next student. A female Hyena. What was her name? Maryl? Marllyn? Either way I've seen her before and she was part of the popular click on campus who could get any fur she could possibly want without even trying.

Seeing him leaning over her shoulder my eyes instantly looked at that sweet bottom but this time I wasn't just looking at that playful tail but the valley with the most perfect depth and all around perfectly shaped round yet muscled buttocks. 'Butcher I'll take that rump roast to go.' My mind lamely thought all the while licking my muzzle to make sure no drool was escaping from me onto my blazer.

As I continued to drool over the sweet bottom my view was interrupted by that tail moving back down covering my sweet view a lot faster than I would have liked but I quickly averted my eyes as my paw gripped my crotch trying to calm myself down even just a little. I knew I would need to go to the washroom as soon as possible after this doubting I could wait till I got home to handle my little 'issue'. Leaning back into my chair I sighed irritated yet overly aroused not realizing that it was my turn and the moment I felt something a bit hard brushing against my sensitive ear I nearly fell out of the small wooden seat as I turned to see the teacher had came over to me.

Blushing deeply as I opened and closed my mouth like a fool I finally just turned and opened up my book showing I barely was into it as I was still stuck on the basics of telling the differences between megabytes and gigabytes along with cookies and other stuff I couldn't really spell or even pronounce.

"I-I..I can handle it f-for now sir and p-please call me Red." I finally managed to speak out hearing the giggle making my ears flatten once again but I couldn't have felt more than relieved when the male finally let me be. The way he had said my name made my spine tingle and my tail fur frizz out slightly as I never knew my name could ever sound as erotic as I had rolling off that dog's tongue, I couldn't help but wonder what it would sound like if he was moaning it in the midst of pleasure.

The rest of class thankfully was uneventful as I was left alone to my thoughts but my hard-on just didn't seem to quit. Someone up there must really hate me. Brushing some of my headfur back my eyes would glance over to see what Winters was doing but when his eyes would glance to me I'd of course look away like a coward. My thoughts continued to revolve around the other as I started to have a small hope that the male was maybe bi? Maybe but that was more like wishful thinking than anything.

Hearing the Doberman standing I watched as he dismissed the class feeling relieved to finally get out of there as I started packing my bag but realized the text my father had left me at lunch about inviting a certain guest over for dinner. Standing up I slipped my messenger bag strap over my shoulder moving the sack in a more clever position to hide my crotch but at the same time not look horribly obvious of my intentions I waited for the room to clear out of all the students. Once alone I feel my legs are locked and frozen in place as I watched the canine, I urge my feet to move but they protest and refuse for a little longer till I finally get control and strolled over to the male's desk clearing my throat.

"Mr. Winters..." Waiting for the Doberman to give me his full attention I couldn't help but to stare into his eyes, they spoke more than a thousand words as I could feel my heart racing and trying to claw it's way up my throat but I swallowed it back down as my tail flicks nervously behind me.

"I-I...I want to...once again apologize rude behavior and saying those things." A part of me was clawing to call the other out on his teasing behavior but the other part just wanted to keep quiet and not embarrass myself more than I've had so far in front of this beauty and practically spilling out that I had indeed been checking him out the whole time. "I would...I mean my father and I would like to invite you t-to a welcoming dinner in town. He's known Chester since he was a college student himself and he'd like to meet the one who has caught Chester's attention and approval to tutor his class s-so if you want to you can either meet us there or urm follow me home. That is if you'd like to accept, no pressure."

_ 'I need to talk to people more...' _ I thought standing there feeling like the request could have gone much better but if you was standing in front of this hunk your mind would go blank and/or as stupid as mine was right now and it's hard enough to talk to the whole cause of my still twitching hard-on! Suddenly realizing this I took a huge step back hoping the dog's nose wasn't too sensitive to my aroused scent as it was only increasing by the moments I waited there.

I needed to find release and I needed it soon!