Chapter 3 - The Sneak Attack, Shockingly Strong Adversary!

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#4 of Book 1: Eurasia's Awakening, Organization of Dragoons

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my good friend Jack. If it wasnt for him, this story wouldnt have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx. Do not use in your stories without consulting me first. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Organization of D.O.O.P.

Chapter 3 - The Sneak Attack, Shockingly Strong Adversary!

Again, I make haste towards Zero's room, where the meeting will be held. After returning with DarkStar two days ago, everyone seemed displeased with me. It was only until later that I found that DarkStar actually left D.O.O.P. to recuse dragons on his own. That was five years ago that he made that choice. After much quarrelling between allowing him to stay here or to kick him out, he was allowed to stay. Today Zero, DarkStar, and myself were supposed to meet up in Zero's room. I told DarkStar to go on ahead since I was not done filling out my report. Later, I finally finished and headed towards them.

"Damn it, I hope next time it does not take that long. It sucks to write in everything that happened from my journal.", I thought as I reached Zero's room. I heard that Zero and DarkStar were having a conversation. I knocked, then entered the room. I saw that they were sitting at a table. They offered me a seat and greeted me. Zero was the first one to talk.

"Eurasia, what took you so long? You were always late...", he joked.

"Well yea, I was always the one working unlike you. So whats up guys?", I asked.

DarkStar remained serious, neither smiling or laughing. "Guys... back to the matter at hand. We were just talking about how in your report that Falcon attacked you. Zero, you tell him the other thing."

Zero cleared his throat. "Ok, Eurasia, you know its almost time for again. That important day coming up that happens once a year."

I started to wonder what was so important. I had no clue. "Nah man, no clue. What is it that is so important."

DarkStar looked away, as if this conversation annoyed him. "Hmph! It's that time to return back home, to see our parents for a day. How could you forget?"

I smacked myself for not remembering that. "Damn, how could I forget. That one day that we return from the "Army" to greet our parents. They are better off not knowing what we do. If they did, they would worry their heads off, knowing that we can get killed no problem."

Zero got up and fetched us some drinks. "Here you go guys, drink up.", he said while tossing 6 cans our way, two for the each of us.

He sat back down and I continued our conversation. "Ok, Falcon is a real threat now. Two things do not make sense. He has a dragoon spirit, even though he was rejected for becoming a full dragoon. Second, his spirit was a dark color, emitting a chilling feeling while it shined."

DarkStar stood up from his seat. "I'll kill him quickly, before he even notices him. You know that we have to eliminate anyone who is a threat to D.O.O.P.."

Zero then stood up. "No, you mean I'll kill that traitor without hesitation or regret!"

I then stood, feeling uneasy about the mood within this conversation. "Alright guys, we'll all stop him, but don't talk all cold hearted. You know we'll have some regret since he was once our friend."

My P.I.C. then suddenly rang, alerting me about a message being sent to me. It was a recording from Nocturnophile, with the topic labeled "Private Message". I understood what it meant, so I had to bid farewell to my friends.

I started walking out, "Sorry guys, but we'll have to talk later. Duty calls as usual."

Zero waved goodbye while DarkStar nodded. I exited quickly and ran towards my room to listen to the message. I entered and played the message.

"Hello Eurasia, if you are playing this message, I assume you are alone. Your next mission is a special one. You are to escort the our Messager of Peace, Firon, to the dimension you were in last mission. You know if this does not work, the dimension is going into the rejected pile. Get to the Grand Transdimensional Gateway quickly and dress formally. Noc out", then the message ended.

I quickly showered and looked for anything to wear to a formal event. I only had one suit, used only when I graduated and became a full dragoon. It had the mark of the dragoon to symbolize that I was from D.O.O.P.. I dressed and headed for where I was supposed to meet Firon. Noc was at the Gateway, prepping the coordinates. I headed to him to chat.

"Noc! Where is this Firon?", I asked him.

He got up from the control panel and gave his attention towards me. "Welcome Eurasia, he'll be here in a moment. I trust you got my message and read it in private right?"

I nodded, "Yea, I understood what you meant." Then someone came into the area. "Is that Firon?", I asked while pointing.

He came up to me, wearing a robe of peace. "Yes, I am Firon. You must Eurasia, am I correct? I've heard of your accomplishments. Great work."

"Ah, you flatter me. I just do what I'm told. So is it time to go?"

The Gateway opened and Firon headed first. "Now it is, lets go. I'm counting on you for this one." He disappearing into the vortex, with me following behind. Instantly, we were transported back to where I was last time.

"I hope this time, my visit will be better than last time.", I thought.

We appeared in the main market, where Dragons were already awaiting our arrival. Firon bowed to the crowd and headed towards a large building. I stayed on alert, to make sure that we were safe. On the way, I saw my former Mistress Shyranrya. I wanted to say hello, but I was on duty. I escorted Firon to the World Agreement Building, where peace talks were to be held. I was not allowed inside, so I guarded the area from he outside. When he finally went inside, I waved hello to her.

"Shyranrya! Over here!", I yelled.

She turned her head towards me, and came over to my direction. She seemed surprised to see me again. "Eurasia!, I did not expect to see you here. I over heard something about dragoons coming but I wanted to see for myself."

I gave her a hug, which seemed to get her by surprise. "Well, its great to see you again. This is for taking good care of me, even though I was something you hated." She started to hug back, then picking me up.

"T-thank you Eurasia. I wanted to thank you again for saving me from that brute.", she said while started to cry.

I then realized that everyone was watching everything, staring at us. The knight that sold me came up from the crowd. "You mean that you are a dragoon?! I-I didn't know! Forgive me", he whimpered. I let go of her and walked up to him. I held out my hand, to show that its ok.

"It's ok, you were just doing your job. I cannot blame you for that. But that other guard, I had to kill him. He came in and tried to rape and kill the Mistress and myself."

He looked at me with shock, then retracting his hand. "You killed him?! You monster! Get away from me!" He then ran away, and the crowd started talking amongst each other. I started to get a little uneasy.

"Maybe that was not the best thing to say, but it was the truth.", I told the crowd.

The crowd broke away, watching me closely. I ignored them, knowing what I did was right. Shyranrya then tapped me to get my attention.

"Don't mind them, they always judge first. Thats how I was when I first met you.", she said while stroking my hair.

"Well... ", I thought. I then walked over to the building, towards a guard. I asked the local dragon guard about the meeting. He looked at me for a second, to make sure that I was an authorized dragoon.

"Well my fellow dragoon, not yet. The elder has not arrived yet, but he should still be on his way."

I nodded and walked back to Shyranrya. Suddenly, there was an explosion. It was so great that it destroyed the entire building. Everyone was panicking, screaming and pandemonium was everywhere. I quickly ran towards the ruins of the building and looked frantically for survivors. Dragons were all coming from the rubble, all slightly injured with biruses and cuts. That was a good thing, but Firon was nowhere to be seen.

"FIRON! FIRON! WHERE ARE YOU!?", I yelled, desperate for a response. ".....mghugm", was said somewhere. I listened in to see where it came from. It lead me a large piece of stone, four times my size. I took out my sword and shattered it to pieces. Under it, Firon was there, his bodying looking twisted around like some kid's toy. He was twitching, just barely still alive. I took out my P.I.C. and signaled for help.

"Noc! Answer me! Noc! Emergency!", I awaited for a response.

"Yes Eurasia, I can hear you. What is the problem?"

"The building were the peace talks where being held as been attacked! Firon is badly wounded! I need a team here to pick him up!"

"What!? I'll get a team right on it! Tell everyone to stay away from him until help arrives!", he yelled.

The transmission ended and I told the crowd formed around Firon's twisted body. "I'm sorry everyone but please step away. He needs space until the medic team arrives."

Everyone started to back away, worried about if this would effect the peace talks. I look around to see where the team would arrive. I then notice someone in a cloak, smaller than a dragon. I couldn't see his face so he could not be identified. He started to walk off, it seemed suspicious. I followed after him but he seemed to disappear before I got even close. There was a note on the ground where he was.

It read, "Stay out of my way Eurasia, or you'll suffer a fate worse than hell". The note seemed threatening but I could not tell who wrote it. I held on to it for later purposes. Maybe at D.O.O.P., I can find out. The area started growing dark, the signal that a vortex was about to open. In a blinding flash, the medic team arrived with a spark of hope for Firon. The went up to his body and got a diagnosis on his condition.

I asked the head doctor how badly he was hurt. "Well, its a very bad condition. He was hit with a huge amount of force, along with the building falling on top of him. His body is battered and bruised with every bone broken. His lungs have been severely damaged, heart rate is just beyond the point of death and he has a huge concussion. Besides having that, he'll be fine if we treat him quickly."

I sighed deeply with relief. My P.I.C. started to ring, alerting me that I have received my next pack of orders. I took it out read my next goals. "Find the mysterious assassin and protect the Elder.", it read. I let the medics take care of Firon while I returned to Shyranrya.

"I've gotten my next mission specs. We'll have to catch up later. How about we meet up at your cave later?"

She purred with delight. "That sounds good, please be careful. Whatever did that must be strong, might even be too much for a dragoon. Good luck."

I waved goodbye and was about to head out until there was a huge commotion. It seems that the Elder of the Dragons just arrived. He was very large looking dragon, also very old. I ran up to him to fill him in on the details.

"Elder, I'm sorry but it seems that the peace talks will have to be put on hold. There was an assassination attempt today. Our Messager was badly wounded, and we fear you might be next."

He seemed displeased, but not scared. His voice was raspy as he spoke. "Well, the situation seems bad... who would do such a thing. Bringing peace is something that was been thought about, but never put into action since dragons today seem to hate humans. I don't really have a problem against them, but humans seem to hate those different than themselves."

I took his words to heart. "I do agree about that, how humans are like that. But not all humans think like that. Peace can be made, dragons and humans can coexist together. Not immediately but as time goes on, it is possible. Thats what we dragoons fight for."

He seemed to be humbled at my way of thinking. "Well, I hope so. I do remember a time when we lived with humans together, but that was a long time ago. I hope this time the peace lasts and we can live together in harmony instead of fighting against each other."

His words marked truth, long ago all dragons and humans lived together but then "it" happened and ruined everything. We fight hoping to bring that all back, for the dream to become a reality. I shook his hand, feeling honored to have talked with him. While I did, he stared at me for a second, studying my face.

"It may be my imagination but you remind me of "him" from long ago...", he said.

I was dumbfounded by what he meant. "Who?"

He just laughed and continued. "Don't stress too much about it young one. I'm going back to my home to await for the next meeting."

I was about to wave goodbye until I remembered something important. "Wait a second! Take this before you leave." I took out a tracer with the mark of D.O.O.P. and handed it to him. "Use this in case something happens to contact me."

He grinned and left for the mountains. I then sprinted around town to find hide or trace of my mysterious friend. I jumped from roof to roof to get a better vintage point, but ended up with nothing. Night soon came, which ended my search. I made a break to Shyranrya's house as I promised. As I entered, the acrid smell of raw meat entered my nasal cavity. It seems that she was preparing her meal, so I decided to sneak up on her to help. I carefully entered the cave and stopped at the doorway to the kitchen. I climbed on the ceiling and crawled above her head.

I was about to surprise her until she said, "Eurasia, nice try but you make too much noise. You have to do better than that to sneak up on me."

I feel from the ceiling headfirst, shattering the ground. She did not seem pleased that I ruined her floor. "Are you ok? If you are, you'd better fix my floor."

I got up, not phased by the fall. I looked at the hole. "No problem. I'll fix that up no problem.", I said confidently. I powered up and made a fireball. I launched it into the hole, melting the area, and filling up the hold. I blew my smoking hands. "Thats "hot!" if you know what I mean.", I joked.

I managed to get a chuckle out of her, but thats all. She got a huge tray full of food. "Well, you hungry? I made us food to eat. Why don't you set the table?"

I ran out of the kitchen and grabbed the cloths. She then came in with a heaping amount of food. The tray contained Goat Pancreas, Moose Stomachs, and Pig Bladders. I felt lightheaded looking at the choice of foods. She placed them on the table and went back for another tray. As she came back, the smell of the second try was more appealing than the first one. It had a piece of cooked ham, and a mug of water. She handed it to me.

"I saw how my food did not agree with your tastes last time, so I prepared this for you. Enjoy."

My mouth and stomach thanked her as I started to eat. The piece was huge, I did not think I could finish it. Luckily that search made me hungry so I managed. In the time it took me to eat my one piece, she ate her whole tray of food. I was quite satisfied with the meal. I gulped down the water and took my tray to the kitchen. Then by instinct, I grabbed my supplies to prepare the bath. By the time I realized what I was doing, I had prepared the lake for bathing.

Shyranrya was bewildered with my performance. "Wow, even though you aren't my slave, you still prepared the bath."

I felt embarrassed. "Well, I didn't realize it until now. It just felt like you were my Mistress for a second there. Well, it's all set, how about a bath? Like old times."

She smiled and giggled. "Sure, I was about to shower anyway. It good to have company around here."

We went down and got undressed. Her breasts jiggled up and down as she took off her dress. It seemed to arouse me this time around, which was weird since I didn't feel this way last time. I tried to focus but then I started to feel what Rizon called horny. It was hard to focus while you are aroused according to what she told me.

I jumped into the hot water and felt that familiar feeling of relaxation and stress relief taking effect. Shyranrya then came in, the way her face looked, bursting with pleasure turned me on even more. I felt my member rise slowly, the familiar feeling from that day. This time I was accustomed to the feeling so I felt normal. I swam towards her, holding the luffa. Again, I scrubbed her back, but the feeling was much more intense this time around. My erection grew and grew. It enlarged so much, that it hit her tail, startling her.

"What was that? Did you hit my tail?", she asked.

"Um.. yea, my hand slipped and hit it. Sorry.", I replied while trying to sound innocent.

She then turned around and wanted me to scrub her breasts. The moment I touched her, I almost fainted from the tension that ran through my body. Fondling her slowly with my free hand and scrubbing with the other revived that feeling from my time with Rizan. My length popped it's head above the water for a second. I quickly noticed and bent down. She seemed to not notice it, but she did look like she was enjoying my scrubbing much more than last time. After few minutes, we switched and she started to scrub me. She quickly took care of my back and started my front. When she was scrubbing me, she seemed to be looking down at me.

She looked at me with suspiciously. "Eurasia, is there something wrong with you? You seem to be acting a bit off..."

I started to panic. "No, I'm fine! Really!"

She did not seem to buy it. She quickly put both her arms on my body and lifted me out of the water, revealing my throbbing length.

She gazed at it closing, astonished at the site of my erection. The amount of embarrassment I felt was infinite. She slowly put me down back into the water and turned away from me. I was empty on what to say about this awkward situation. I decided it was better for me to leave so I started to climb out of the water. I dragged my wet body across the room and got ready to leave. Before I grabbed my clothes I heard her coming out as well.

"I'm sorry for this, I didn't understand why this time it happened. I'll just let myself out.", I told her feeling dismal.

I felt something wrap around my stomach and pull me back hard. I was then lifted into her arms. "I didn't mean to hurt you Eurasia, but how did you expect me to react? Last time I couldn't arouse you, no matter how hard I tried. Now all of a sudden, just feeling my breasts gets a huge erection out of you. Thats a bit hard to believe."

She did speak the truth, last was as much a mystery to me as this time. She started to carry me off somewhere.

"Where are we going?", I asked.

"To finish up what was left undone from last time. Remember, you did not complete all of your duties last time you were here...", she said sexually.

When we made it to her room, she threw me on her bed causing me to bounce around for a second. Her bed was very soft and huge, more than enough room to have sex. She slowly climbed on, looking at me with such passion.

I climbed up on her body and started to feel up on her breasts. She moaned as soon as both hands met her body. Her breasts felt even larger than last time but just as soft. I fondled her nipple with the most gentlest of touch, which made her nipples grow. After minutes later she stopped me a threw me back a bit.

When she moved up to me, she flicked my shaft slightly, making it move back and forth rapidly.

"This is pretty big. Most dragons don't even have it this long, but they are a big thicker than you. About twice as thick."

I chuckled, "Thanks, but no one is perfect. So are you ready for this?".

She grabbed a hold of my length as her way of saying yes. She placed the lower part of her body over me, placing us in what Rizan told me was called a 69 position. This was my first time experiencing this, and it felt different.

"Lets make each other feel wonderful Eurasia...", she cooed.

Her slit was right above my face, dripping with anticipation. I was about to start until her tail smacked me in the face. I grabbed it and shoved it away while trying to make the swelling go down.

"Oh! Sorry Eurasia! Are you ok?!"

"Yea, I'm ok. But you have a strong tail!", I joked.

"Well, It is used for other things besides just being behind me. Sorry about that. Now let the fun begin..."

She started stroking me while licking my sack. Her hands felt much bigger than what I'm used to, so the feeling was familiar yet different. I began to do my part for her as she is for me. I pulled in her body towards me and started licking her swelling lips. Her moans were music to me, getting louder each time. She then wrapped her tongue around my manhood and sucked into her mouth. It was such an incredible feeling having my cocked sucked a second time. She almost screamed her head off when I pushed my tongue into her open hole, tasting her fluids. I could not help myself, her taste kept me wanted more, to lick inside of her even harder. I felt my balls tighten as I reached my climax, like an explosion being delayed. Soon enough, I couldn't take it anymore and I let it all flow out. My seed rushed into her mouth, emptying into her throat as she swallowed the whole thing. At that same moment, she orgasmed furiously. All of her juices rushed out and spilled all over my face. I licked most of it off my face, savoring the taste that I rarely get to enjoy.

She lifter herself away from me and rested beside me. "Eurasia, where did you learn to please like that? You had to have been the best male between my legs. Your cum also tasted remarkable. You ready for the best part?", she asked me while nuzzling me.

"If you are, I am.", I replied, feeling tense about what is to come.

She turned over on her back and spread her legs open, revealing her swollen lips. My erection was about at its maximum and was ready. I then slowly pushed myself into her, impaling her with my massive manhood. I could not believe how good it felt, to have her folds enclosing my penis. She seemed to be much tighter then Rizan was. I drive myself back and forth while she yelled and moaned every single time.

"It's so long!", she moaned.

I tried my best to hang on while keeping the constant motion. The sound of my body hitting her rear seemed to arouse her even more.

"I can't hold it in anymore!", I yelled.

"Then lets both let it all out!", she yelled back.

I whimpered as my seed entered her womb, violently and stronger than the first time. The feeling was not as enjoyable as the first time, but it was around there. I continued spurted until it started to leak out her cunt. As I slid out of her, a moist sound was made on my exit from her tight lips.

We laid there and snuggled for the rest of the night. "I might get used to this "sex" business. It pretty good, but Rizan said to be careful of who I mate with. I think this time I was made the right choice, but next time, I must be more careful. I'll just sleep on it...", I thought before falling asleep.

Morning came soon after, the great experience was now a fond memory. As I awoke, I noticed that I was wrapped around her arms, like a child to a mother. I loved the embrace but I had to leave for the next part of my mission. I gently loosened her grip on me and climbed out of bed quietly to avoid awaking her. I quickly got dressed and left a note for her. It explained that I had to leave for the Elder's house to provide protection. I exited the cave to prepare.

The morning sun was blindingly bright as I made it outside. I took out my P.I.C. and pulled up a map of the area. According to the map, the Elder's house was about a few hours sprint from here, where there was a huge chain of mountains. His house was on top of one of them. I placed the P.I.C. back into my pocket and ran towards my destination at speeds excess of 100 mph. Hours later, I finally made it to the mountains. In the distance, I spotted a small cabin with smoke coming out of its chiminy. That had to be it. As I started to run again, I noticed that the sky was started to get dark.

"A storm, great... I don't feel like getting wet. I'll have to hurry.", I said to myself.

I ran across the base of a mountain and went past it to the next one. I still had a few more to pass before I would start going up. By the time I made it to the proper mountain, the sky was pitch black, creating the image of night during the noon sky. I started making my way up the mountain, running up until I had no choice but to jump so I could continue.

When I reached the top, rain started to fall. I walked towards the cabin and knocked on the door.

"Elder! Are you there? Its me, Eurasia!", I shouted.

While I awaited an answer, the rain started to fall harder. I really wanted to get inside. The door started to open and the Elder invited me in.

"I'm sorry for being late, I was busy getting everything ready for the next peace talks. Please come inside."

I entered and dried off by his fire place. His cabin was mostly full of books containing the history of everything from the beginning when dragons started recording history. I was curious to read what was in those books, but D.O.O.P. probably has everything here recorded in its memory banks. He poured me a cup of relaxing tea and offered me a seat by the fire place.

"Thank you Elder for your generosity. I just hope that the peace talks will turn out well."

He smiled while sipping his tea. "I feel the same young one. Not many dragons here have anything against most humans, but there are those that committed various wrongdoings. But I hope the world of peace can be come a reality instead of remaining a dream."

I was overwhelmed with the amount of wisdom he had. Before I could comment on the his words of wisdom, the tea within my cup started to shake. It slowly got stronger until the whole cabin was shaking. The books started to fall off the selves and a blinding light shined outside.

"W-Whats ha-ppen-ing!?", said the Elder.

Something was going to happen. I had to protect the Elder. "Elder, we have to get out of here rig--!", then the house instantly exploded.

As the cloud of dust faded, I looked to see if the Elder was ok. At the last second, I used my aura of fire to protect us, but it was dispelled during the attack due to its devastating force. Nothing much on me besides a few cuts. As I helped the Elder to his feet, he seemed to be ok, much better shape than I was.

"My word! What was that?!", he yelled. He then noticed that his cabin was gone. "OH NO! ALL OF THE HISTORY RECORDED BY US! ITS ALL GONE!". He then started to sob, mourning the lost of irreplaceable information. He stood straight and wiped the tears from his eyes. "This would be a grave situation if we hadn't thought ahead and made a copy of every book and saved them in a safe place."

I gave a sigh of relief. I checked around for anything that could give me a clue on who did this. There seemed to be nothing, but I noticed how the sky getting more violent, thunder deafened the sky. I decided it was safer for the both of us if we stayed back at the town.

"Elder, its dangerous to stay here. I'll carry you back to town quickly."

He seemed a bit skeptical about my idea. "You sure you can carry my weight young one? I'm about a lean 800 pounds."

"Of course, I am very strong. Climb on."

As he climbed on, my feet sank into the ground. He was indeed heavy, but I could handle it. Thunder boomed the sky, but it was much closer than the previous ones. A huge bolt of lightning struck the ruins of the house and headed right for us. Before it hit us, I jumped off the mountain. During the free fall, more bolts rained down, barely grazing us as I tried my best to dodge in the air. Before I reached sea level, I was hit dead on, shocking the Elder and myself. I dropped the Elder as we hit the ground. When I finally got my composure back, another bolt came racing down towards him. I got up and quickly pushed him out of the way. Unfortunately I had no time to dodge it myself and I got hit again.

"Ahhh!", I yelled in agony as I was being shocked.

My body was smoking, every part of my body was fried, but I was not out yet. I walked over to the Elder to check on him. "Are you ok? Sorry about that push."

He dusted himself off and stood up. "I'm ok, scales are very tough since I am a dragon of experience. Besides, if you did not push me, I might have been seriously hurt. I'm the one who should've been asking to see if you were ok."

"I'm ok, no problems here. Now lets get out of here quickly. Those damn bolts might come back."

He quickly got back on and we rushed off to town. As we entered the forest, the lightning stopped and it was smooth sailing the whole way. Hours later, we arrived back at the town. I filled everyone in on what happened to us. There was an uproar within the crowd. Everyone agreed to place under my guard, but not in town. In a cave on the outskirts of town, since he wasn't safe in houses, so a cave was pretty much our best bet. It was the cave were the previous Elder lived until it was passed on. As we went on our way, I noticed that mysterious, cloaked person in the crowd.

"It's him again!", I thought.

I quickly ran up past the crowd to him. By the time I reached up to were he was, he disappeared again. But nothing this time, not even a note. I decided to worry about him later, and escorted the Elder to the cave. It was a short walk as everyone from the town followed us, hoping that everything will turn out ok. Everyone gave their prayers and walked back to their homes.

I stood guard outside, not faltering on second. During the middle of the night, It seemed quiet. Nothing seemed to be happening since we arrived at this cave.

"Heh, he probably got cold feet with me around.", I thought.

Suddenly I felt something coming towards me. I unsheathed my sword and prepared to find out if this pretense was friend or foe. When it reached us, the energy seemed to just passed over us and continued on. I started to wonder whatever flew over us might still be around. I stood on my guard for the rest of the night just in case.

The time felt slow as the uneventful night seemed to stretch out. In the morning, everything seemed to be quiet and peaceful. I stretched a bit and waited for the Elder to come out. I took out my P.I.C. to see if new has happened back in D.O.O.P.. Nothing was happening and I felt so bored. The Elder finally awakened a few hours after dawn, feeling rejuvenated.

"Good morning to you young one. Did you sleep at all?", sounding concerned.

"Nah, I was awake all night but I'm used to it. Lets go back into town. I'm pretty sure its safe."

We walked together to town, only find out that something happened. There was a huge crowd of the dragon townspeople surrounding a dragon knight, with chatter all over the place. I went up to the crowd and asked whats all the halabaloo.

"Yo, did something happen?"

Everyone looked over and noticed who I was. They suddenly ransacked me, surrounding me. There was a lot of screaming and I couldn't understand anything.

"YO! CHILL FOR A SECOND! ONE AT A TIME!", I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The crowd went silent as the knight headed towards me.

"Haven't you heard Dragoon? About what happened?", he asked.

"I guess I haven't if I'm asking you. I was up all night guarding the Elder. Tell me what happened."

He explained that there was noise coming from the outskirts of town late last night. Then about an hour ago, someone in a cloak came into town and asked him to give me a letter. He also mentioned that he seemed small for a dragon. He stood about my height according to what he thinks.

"A man in a cloak? Could it be him?", I thought.

"Here, take the letter. We promised that we wouldn't read it.", he said while handing me the letter.

I opened the letter and read the text inside of it. "I warned you once Eurasia, and you ignored me. Now you will have to suffer the consequences... There is someone with me who is screaming your name, hoping for you to save her. If you don't, she might cease to exist in this world... If you want her back, meet me at this location. Remember, her life depends on your attendance to this. I would recommend not letting her down..."

The rest of the note was just a map to guide me to the meeting place. "Who could he have taken? Why me?", I thought. I decided to show this note to Shyranrya, but I couldn't leave the Elder alone. Before I could tell the Elder, he went up to me.

"I see that you have troubles now young one. Go tend to them, I'll be fine. We have powerful defensive magic all set up since that incident yesterday. When you leave the town, an impenetrable barrier will be formed over this city."

That saved me alot of time. I waved goodbye and headed for Shyranrya's house, to let her know that something happened. I made good time as I quickly made it to her cave.

"Shyranrya! You there?", I shouted.

There was no answer. I thought that shes taking her morning bath or something and couldn't hear me. I entered the cave, hoping to see her smiling face. The cave seemed dark and depressing on the way in. As I reached the kitchen, confusion entered my mind. The whole living room was trashed, with everything in pieces.


I ran into her bedroom to find the bed torn and the furniture tossed over. I felt heavy-hearted at the site of everything ruined.

"It can't be...the one he took was...", I thought in horror.

I blasted out of the cave, powered up and infuriated. I ran towards where the map told me to meet him, a place called the Plateau of the Heartless. I ran nearly at twice the speed, leaving a huge a trail of fire and a gust of wind behind me.

From the distance I saw the Plateau with two figures standing on it. "There they are, whoever took her is going to pay, dearly..." As I got closer, I felt my power growing stronger and stronger, as my will to save Shyranrya grew as well. At the base of the plateau, I ran up it, going at a 90 degree angle. I didn't care about anything anymore besides kicking the ass of the one who caused me this much trouble.

I jumped to the top, landing without falter. I surveyed the area, a saw that she was ahead of me, tied up and gagged. I went to her aid, until a lightning bolt stopped me from continuing. I dodged at the last minute, but it stood in my way. I looked around to see if there was anyone else around. I felt a spark of energy flare up from above me.

Looking up, I see the cloaked man, holding what seemed to be lightning in his hand. He slowly fell back down to earth. I couldn't see his face, but I did feel that he held an incredible amount of energy.

"I can't believe you would do this... You out of all people...", I said.

"Hmmm? So you finally figured it out Eurasia?", he responded sarcastically.

"I did not take long to figure out, but the lightning attacks pieced it all together. Why!?"

He removed his cloak, and tossed it away. I was right, my enemy was Falcon. He had barely changed since 10 years ago, just a bit older and much taller. He also had armor similar to mine but different. He started to get riled up.

"Why?, WHY?! You know why, for revenge against you dragoons. On that fateful day 10 years ago, at the graduation, we all promised ourselves that we would all become dragoons. Then we waited at the ceremony for our names. You were first to get called up, then Zero and DarkStar. I awaited for my name, but it was never called. I was told that I did not make it, that I was rejected. After hearing those words, I swore to all dragoons that they would all regret it. I disappeared that day, with revenge on my mind."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, all because he did not get accepted. "You want revenge just because you did not get accepted. I can't believe you! I'm going to kick your ass so hard... I'm make you see that your revenge is pointless.", I said as I prepared my self.

He started to laugh, powering up as well. "You can try, but I assure you that it is you who will get his ass kicked. Prepare yourself!"

The whole area grew dark, the clouds spinning around the plateau and tornadoes being formed in the adjacent area. I unsheathed my sword and charged it up. I lunged forward to make the first strike. Before my hit connected, he instantly moved away at lightning speed. As he moved, he looked like a bolt of lightning.

His speed was incredible as he dodged all of my attempts. Even at my full speed, I couldn't keep up with him.

"Damn it, I can't keep up with him. He's too fast..."

He started laughing, "Hahaha, whats wrong Eurasia? Too fast for you?". He suddenly warped behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. It happened so fast that I could not get away.

"Too slow Eurasia! THUNDER STROKE!"

A surge of lightning started shocking my entire body with an immense amount of electricity.

"AHHHHH!", I cried in agony as my body was being fried and burned all over. When he finally let me go, I fell in pain as my body collapsed down to the floor smoking.

"How did you like that Eurasia? The feel of one trillion volts surging throughout your body..."

I was down but not out. I could not lose to him, her life depends on it. I stood back up and prepared for my attack.

"Don't get too happy Falcon! Take this!, SONIC BOOM!"

I launched a huge wave of energy at him, hoping to get some payback. The attack got a direct hit as a ear shattering explosion came next. The power almost sent me flying but I stood my ground as the dust and debris was everywhere. I awaited to see how much damage my attack caused.

"Was that the best you can do Eurasia, you disappoint me...", I heard him say from the other side of the dust.

Upon hearing that, my attack must have not been enough for much or he dodged at the last second. As the dust cleared, he still stood where the attack hit, covered in dust. That ensured me that I got a hit, but he did not seemed to be affected at all.

"Your attack was pathetic Eurasia, so as your speed. You don't stand a chance.", he said confidently.

I started to think of my other options. I then felt a slight tugging at my leg. I look at and I notice that I moved so much that I ended up right by Shyranrya.

"MGMGHHUMG!", garbled words were all that came out from her. I quickly untied, ungagged and helped her up to her feet.

"Eurasia! Thank you for coming to save me, I was so frightened!", she said while hugging me.

"Of course, I wouldn't let him have his way. But there is no time, you have to get away from this area as fast as you can. I'll join you after I take care of him."

"Oh crap... I was having so much fun that I didn't notice you move to her. Oh well, just release her so we can get back to your ass kicking.", said Falcon while smirking.

She then suddenly sprouted wings from her back. I nearly fell back. "Wow! You never told me you had wings!"

She snickered, "Well you never asked. Please come back safely Eurasia... Everyone is counting on you!"

I gave her a thumbs up as she flew off. With her out of harms way, I could now focus my full attention on Falcon.

I powered up to maximum and was prepared to continue the battle. "Take this Falcon!", I said as I launched my sword into the clouds. "FIRESTORM!", I shouted as the clouds started to glow red. The sky then rained down balls of fire. Falcon just stood his ground, taking the hits that came his way.

"What? What is he doing? Hes not avoiding any of the hits...", I thought.

After my attacked ceased, he started to snicker. "You should really get new attacks Eurasia, they are too weak."

He raised his sword towards the sky. A huge bolt of lightning came down and struck the sword, electrifying it. I wondered what was his next plan of attack. He swung his sword towards me and launched a beam of lightning. It was fast, but I jumped up into the air and was able to dodge with minimal effort.

"What the... that attack seemed too weak, every easy to dodge.", I thought.

Something started to come from behind. The same beam that I dodged seemed to have changed direction, but It took on the form of a dragon. I came at me a much faster speed. I could not dodge it in the air, the end was near.

"Once again, you will fall prey to my attack! DARK LIGHTNING DRAGON!"

The dragon wrapped around my body, and engulfed me in a veil of electricity. The torment was unbearable as I was being shocked all over my body. Then an explosion of electrical energy rocked the whole area. My body was now unable to move and fell to the ground like a rock. I slammed into the rock hard plateau at a speed so great, my body smashed the ground where I landed.

I struggled to get up, but my insides seemed to have shifted a bit and the burning sensation seemed to stay with me. As I managed to get to my feet, I felt blood rush to my mouth and exit in a violent fashion. I was coughing out blood as I felt that most of my ribs have been split in two. My power has greatly been diminished as I hang on to my last bits of energy.

"Is that all Eurasia? I thought you would put up a better challenge..."

As I got up, I readied my last attack. "Hes too powerful... If this last attack fails, I fall here. I'll never see her again or anyone..." My spirit began to shine brightly as my body began to glow. Fire exploded from the ground and covered the area around me. "The final attack... BLAZING...INFERNO!", I yelled as my power increased dramatically. The land quaked at the amazing power emitting from Falcon and myself.

"I'm not out yet Falcon!"

I moved in and slashed him in the chest, leaving a trail of blood as he moved in a bolt of lightning.

"What?! How did he get me... His speed went up dramatically...", he mumbled.

I went on the offensive as we were now equals in speed and strength. But unfortunately, I couldn't keep this up for too long, for the Blazing Inferno puts a large amount of strain on the body. Prolonged use of this attack may destroy my body so I must quickly end it. As the battle raged, I was overpowering Falcon, getting more hits on him and taking his attacks. I was panting quite hard as I felt the strain on my body. Falcon was also getting tired but still had alto more.

"Damn it! You should've not been able to continue! I'm going to end this in one shot!", he yelled.

I prepared myself for the oncoming attack as he lunged right for me. I lunged back and stabbed him in his chest again, but he did not seem to attack back. As we separated from each other, the blood coated the ground his wound violently split.

"Ha Ha, well played Eurasia! That was just the last bit I needed for your demise."

He charged up his hand with lightning and his own energy. It did not seem like much a threat so I ignored it. I jumped up in the air for my last attack that will end it. I pointed my sword downward, and headed right for him

"You're finished Falcon! METOR DIVE!", I yelled as I my body become engulfed in flames. I looked like a meteor headed towards the earth. Falcon placed his hand out. Just before my attack made it to the ground, he stopped my sword in midair.

"Take this Eurasia, feel the pain you gave me! DOUBLE PULSE!!!"

An explosion of unmeasurable magnitude rocked the area as the plateau was shattered into rubble. The local forest was blown away and debris flew everywhere as the near atomic explosion destroyed everything within a 4 mile radius and sending a shockwave almost 100 miles away. After the dust cleared away, my body laid there, twitching and out of energy.

"W-what...w-was...that...", I thought was the pain still remained within my body. I heard Falcon walking towards me.

"I didn't expect to use that on you. That attack takes the pain you give me, and I deal it back double. Its an explosion that sends a shockwave which attacks your body from the inside. My own technique developed after years of training. Now, time to die Eurasia..."

He lifted his sword and pointed it towards my head. There was nothing I could do, I had no energy nor call for help. The image of Rizan's lovely face appeared strong in my mind. "I'm sorry Rizan, I afraid that I cannot keep the promise I made to you... thats my only regret...", I thought as the end was near. I looked up at him, seeing my inevitable death. Suddenly a huge flash blinded the area behind me. I couldn't see who it was, but Falcon seemed intimated by whatever was behind me.

"HAWK WAVE!", said a voice from behind me. I saw a huge tornado fly over me and carry Falcon to the other side of the ruins. I felt someone pull me and bring me to my feet. "Eurasia, you're a mess! I told you that I keep saving your ass!.", he joked.

"Don't you me "we" Zero? You can't do anything by yourself without messing up. Eurasia, well handle this from here.", said DarkStar Standing behind Zero.

I laughed, but not too hard since my body was messed up. "Lucky, you guys owe me anyway. Falcon's really strong... but I might have worn him down a lot. But watch out anyway, ok?"

Zero walked me over to a rock and sat me down. "Yea yea, we know how to handle him. Lets take care of him DarkStar!"

He grabbed his katana, and powered up. "Just don't get in my way...", he calmly said. They both ran up to Falcon and both attempted a first strike. He zoomed pasted Zero, but DarkStar hit him with his special attack.

"You won't escape from me you damn traitor! SHURIKEN BLIZZARD STORM!"

Falcon was too weakened to dodge due to the battle against me. He got hit and the shurikens sliced through his body. He was left with holes on his chest and blood spilling everywhere. "Damn, this was not part of the plan...", he said. Zero threw his tengu sword at him, but he ran away in a bolt of lightning. They both started to go after him, but his trail disappeared. I wanted to thank them but then I suddenly passed out, due to the fatigue of battle and huge blood loss. I felt being consumed into the darkness as everything went black.

As I awoke, it felt like I've been out for a while. The clothes I wore were brand new, not blood covered and ruined like they were at the battle. I looked around for a second to see that I was in a bed, a very big bed within a cave. The bed I did not recognized but the cave felt familiar. I stepped off and walked around, hearing sounds deeper within the cave. I heard someone talking in the kitchen but couldn't understand what was being said since it was so low. As I peered into the kitchen, there was no one there. I wondered if I imagined the whole thing and started to search around, but something brushed against me. I looked but nothing was there. I was starting to think I was going crazy, but then suddenly, something wrapped around me and pulled me up towards the ceiling.

"Once again, you fail to sneak up on me Eurasia!", said a voice above me.

I looked up and it turns out that Shyranrya was playing tricks on me. "Darn it! How do you always know?"

She put me down while she also fell back down to earth. "Are you feeling better now? You have been out for three days. Your friends dropped you off in town and asked one of us to take care of you. I volunteered of course and awaited for you to wake up. I hope you feel better now. Your body was in such bad condition."

I walked over to the table and offered a seat. "Man, do I have a battle for you. Take a seat and listen to what happened after you left.", I said with confidence. She sat beside me and listened to what I had to say.

During the retelling, she got surprised, scared, confused, happy and angry at all the events that occurred. When I finished, she seemed a bit frazzled by the experience I went through. "That was frightening Eurasia! You were almost killed!", she sobbed. I looked up at the ceiling, "Well, this is the sort of thing dragoons handle all the time. You get used to it after a while. Its our duty to save dragons like you as a repayment from the war."

My P.I.C. suddenly rang, alerting me of a new message. It was from Stanislavsky about what to do next. It just said to monitor the peace talks since Firon made a full recovery. Now it should run smoothly since now Falcon has been taken care of.

"Great... oh well. Sorry Shyranrya, but duty calls. After this, we might never see each other again...", I said while a tear fell down. I took out the tracer that has the mark of D.O.O.P. on it and handed it to her. "Take this, in case something else happens. I'll be here to help you as fast as I can, I promise."

She bursted into tears as she ran from her seat to mine, hugging me. "Eurasia, just be careful. I'll never forget you..." Our faces then met as I kissed her goodbye and headed towards the meeting.