Journey Through The Center of Troy

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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Journey Through The Center of Troy

By: Jizzal

For: Star Sage

After slapping his alarm clock clean across his room, Troy grumbled and reluctantly got out of bed. The horse stretched out with a groan and rubbed the back of his neck, easing a sore spot. He lazily licked his lips and flicked his tail while he looked where he had spent the last ten hours sleeping, and didn't see who he was looking for.

"Must be up already..." the equine said with a yawn and smacked his chops. Though shortly after he did so, his stomach gave an ominous gurgle. It was past breakfast time, and his belly was complaining.

Still only wearing the black tank top from the previous night, the horse didn't bother to put on any clothing, Troy's white furred frame was put on full display, but no one was around to see it. His light gray mane matched his tail and some of the crotch fur around his very heavy, black sheath, which sagged with dark colored nuts as well. He gave himself a little grope, feeling a little tingle down there, no doubt due to the fun he had with his boyfriend the previous night, but the fox was nowhere to be found. After his stomach interrupted him again he grumbled and gave it a little poke before he made his way to the kitchen.

Without wasting any time, the big stud promptly opened the fridge and pulled out several eggs, milk, bread, bacon, sausage, everything he'd need to make a great breakfast. There'd be more than enough left over for Nathan should he show up the horse mentally wagered to himself. He cracked his eggs, mixed his batter, sizzled meats, and made sure to fondle over his plump sheath, it felt odd for some reason, but in the good sense. Figuring he was too hungry to really be bothered with such trivial details, the equine grunted and continued the task of making breakfast. The fact he worked as a chef for a nearby restaurant ensured that he knew his way around the various skillets, pots, and pans the hungry hoss used at his leisure.

While preparing his French toast, Troy was too distracted to concentrate and almost risked overcooking the sausage in another pan. He sighed and turned off the stove, he had more pressing matters at hand, but he did manage to make two large, heavy pieces of toast for his meal plan. He plopped them down on a plate, listening to them sizzle while he sighed and started to reach down to play with himself. That sensation surprisingly didn't give him morning wood, but it was much more distracting so he had to get rid of it. Troy took in a deep breath before he ran the tip of his first finger along the fat, moist rim of his bulging protective flesh, grinning goofily as he did so.

Normally Nathan was around to help him with this sort of thing, but that fox was still missing in action, probably in the bathroom or still in the bed, or somewhere, he knew he hadn't left the apartment of course. He never left on his own, but it still meant the horse had to do all the work himself. It didn't take long for that long, thick equine shaft to slide free from the snug embrace of the musky flesh, making Troy moan out as the cool air hit along his dick from every direction. He closed his eyes and flicked his ears while his toes tapped on the kitchen floor and he began to properly play with himself as he leaned against the table. However, he felt something slip out from his groin, or at least that was what it felt like, he didn't bother to inspect it since his nostrils flared and his head turned back to check on the cooking bacon and sausage, as well as the other eggs too.

"Mmmpm, this is going to have to wait," he muttered under his breath and returned to his cooking. Even though he was rock hard, sporting quite a member that twitched and begged to be touched, or shoved someplace tight, he was able to work without any more distractions. Must have worked it out of his system.

What he worked out was Nathan. Flopped on a piece of French toast was the big horse's little boyfriend, who was still trying to enjoy his rest, but that wasn't possible anymore. He had spent the night inside of the horse's sheath; it was a perfect sleeping bag due to the fact that Nathan was only half a foot tall, if that. The horse's crotch was always so welcoming, and incredibly musky, though last night was such a daze he couldn't remember if Troy put him there for safe keeping or if he climbed in on his own. Whatever happened it didn't matter now, he was awake, and rather grumpy. He also smelled breakfast, and it smelled good, that was until he looked down and say that he was on said breakfast.

"The hell?" The fox blinked slowly, his eyes adjusted and his nose twitched while he felt the 'floor' under him. Yep, no doubt about it, he was laying on French toast, something his boyfriend was a pro at preparing.

"Great..." He muttered, feeling more annoyed than anything else, but since he was already there, he decided to help himself to some breakfast. Troy wouldn't have minded of course, but he still wasn't aware that his little lover was on that plate he had labeled mentally as breakfast.

Nathan raised himself up onto his rump and settled into the warm toast, which thankfully wasn't burning him. His red fur was coated with a thin, slick moisture he accumulated from spending the night in his oversized 'sleeping bag' which also masked his scent. Not that many people noticed when he was in a crowded room, especially with Troy there, that charismatic stallion with a big smile, sweet ass, and horse dick. The fox smirked to himself, feeling grateful he was finally in a stable relationship, and best of all, his horse could cook!

He broke off some of the toast for himself, getting a nice big paw full and started to eat it without a care in the world. The perfectly balanced ingredients nearly melted on his tongue, adding so many flavors to his muzzle as he wagged his tail and idly groped at his crotch. Hello morning wood.

"Finally," the big horse spoke, getting the micro fox's attention.

Nathan turned around, expecting to see Troy addressing him, but instead the world suddenly went dark and he was smothered by something hot, moist, meaty, and sweet. He barely had time to swallow his French toast, but he grumbled and tried to push whatever had fallen onto him off, it wasn't budging though. He growled and squirmed as best he could, not succeeding in doing anything, though he felt something else get added on top of him, it wasn't as heavy, but the pile was slowly growing.

"H-Hey...Troy!" The fox called out, figuring it as time to throw in the towel and get plucked out from wherever he had gotten himself stuck. It wouldn't had been the first time his equine lover came to his rescue in a situation such as this. However, his voice didn't carry enough to be heard.

Irritated, the vulpine tried again, "TROY!" He shouted, being rather loud for a guy his size. That effort proved ineffective as well and suddenly he felt a great weight press down on him, forcing out a low groan and grumble from the little vulpine.

His world was still dark, still smooshed under something that smelled, and tasty delicious, and it felt like he was being carried somewhere. That was when the gears in his head finally rotated and the fox knew what happened. He was trapped underneath a thick sausage patty, which was also flavored with maple syrup much to his delight as he stole some licks here and there from the tasty patty. His back was still felt that French coast against it, so he tried to turn around, figuring he'd have a better chance of wiggling free on his stomach. He didn't want to stay trapped inside of Troy's perfectly constructed breakfast sandwich, and he figured if the horse hadn't stopped by now he was probably sitting at the couch getting ready to eat said sandwich. Nathan would have kicked himself if he could of. He hated when he was right and didn't want to be.

Without any warning, the world just before his nose was taken away and replaced by large walls of white. The sudden invasion sent a chill down his spine as the new walls were taken away, only to be sealed away by two large, moist lips. The fox felt heart skip a beat as his mind caught up with his eyes. Those were -teeth-! And they clearly belonged to Troy, so thinking fast the fox called out again.

"T-Troy! Hey! Troy!" Though unfortunately for Nathan he wasn't heard over those loud, wet chews or the television.

Troy snickered to himself, watching a DVD of a program the fox couldn't decipher. He really didn't care about that last part, but his boyfriend was going to -eat- him for breakfast. Desperate, he managed to wiggle himself forward quite a deal, succeeding in getting his head free from the meat and bread as well as his shoulders, but he was going to be too late. Those large lips spread, the mouth opened, and the maw was put on full display. Nathan's eyes widened while he looked his gifted horse in the mouth.

That long, broad, thick tongue was mostly dormant, housing some bits of chewed food that wasn't swallowed down. Heavy strands of clear saliva connected the tongue to the top of that ridged pallet, showing almost a spider web of slobber that obstructed the view of the dark throat that rippled and squeezed in anticipation for more food. Hot, musky breath hit the fox in the face, dazing him momentarily as he was pulled closer. Those flat, herbivore teeth were strong enough to grind him into nothing. Nathan opened his mouth to speak, but hardly anything than a whimper left him.

"Troy..." he whispered helplessly as the world around him went dark around him. Dark, hot, wet, all just before he was chomped.

Much to his surprise, Nathan was still in one piece. He felt those large teeth against the tips of his toes while his boyfriend pulled his head back from the sandwich. Troy wasted little time in starting to chew, which thankfully brought the vulpine from his daze. The small fox squirmed as those powerful walls of ivory crushed the remainder of the sandwich. Bread, eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese...Troy sure had a healthy appetite, and he was sure to stack plenty of everything on those large slices of bread. Nathan managed to avoid being masticated, though once he was separated from most of the soggy mush that was once held him his muzzled was buried into the wiggling, fleshy tongue.

Nathan was soaked in saliva and chewed bits of food while he tried to squirm with what strength he had left, hoping that Troy wouldn't be so reckless as to swallow if he had something moving around in his jaws. His musk soaked fur felt even heavier with those hot, thick globs of saliva covering and smothering him as the wet sounds of food being masticated only a few inches away sent chills down his spine. He gripped his paws into the fleshy maw muscle, clinging onto it as best he could while he hugged himself to it, gasping softly as he made a startling discovery. He was rock hard.

The fox's ordeal was just beginning, though now he had a raging erection poking into his boyfriend's mouth, who obviously didn't notice that his micro lover was lurking in his breakfast sandwich. Nathan whined weakly and gave a firm grind against that fat tongue under him, it felt like a squishy mattress. It felt good. He started to hump his canid member a little harder, groaning as he was lost in the moment of lust, not stopping to care that he was about to slide further into Troy's maw. The helpless micro was spared for a second longer while that massive tongue slurped him into one of the horse's cheeks, bulging it more firmly while the vulpine was squished into the collection of chewed food.

Nathan was pinned and trapped inside of what felt like a hot, rather breakfasty tasting blob. He kept his head free from it for the most part and tried to wiggle free, remembering that he was inside of his boyfriend's muzzle. His cock could wait, but the horse's appetite couldn't apparently. There was a thick glucking sound as something was swallowed down, though after only a moment of rest, Troy pulled the collection of food from his cheek and tilted his head back to let it slide down his tongue. Nathan could smell that heavy breath lined with a sort of roasted nut flavor, coffee no doubt, he knew the hoss needed at least two cups a day. His eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, but once he was swept to the gullet he let them close and sighed in defeat.

All he heard was a loud, lewd, GULP!

The fox was led face first down into the horse's rippling throat, completely helpless and soon to be devoured. The chewed bread and various meats he was once surrounded in vanished first, leaving the sticky, slimy fox to disappear alone into the waiting abyss. Those tight muscles squeezed him down into the long, fleshy tube as if he was nothing, even less than that sandwich. Nathan's foot paws rubbed along the back of Troy's tongue before he became nothing but a very small lump in the horse's neck. His cock was still hard, but somewhere in between the chest and the stomach he wagered that the organic corridor that smelled so heavily of horse breath was just what he needed to get off. A little smirk crept along his muzzle; at least being eaten wasn't a -total- loss to him.

Once the trip came to an end, Nathan landed in a bed of former food and coffee in the pit of his boyfriend's stomach. The fox panted at the heat, it was so intense, and the air felt so thin. His ears splayed while the wet sounds of the churning belly worked over breakfast, treating him the same way. Thankfully what digestive enzymes that were in Troy's stomach did hardly anymore than cause the vulpine to tingle all over, though his sticky form had certainly seen better days. The darkness was overwhelming and after that sexual high left him it finally struck the fox in the back of the head as to what happened.

Troy swallowed him alive. That damn hungry, hunky, non-observant horse slurped him down like he was nothing. He didn't even realize it happened, and probably wouldn't.

That wasn't the end of his ordeal however, since the remainder of the equine's sandwich still had to pass those lips and slip down the throat. The rain of chunky, soggy food was thankfully avoided in the hot chamber while Nathan just tried to keep from being crushed, though with how well Troy chewed he doubt that would have been a problem. Unless of course another fox was hiding in his food, and thankfully there wasn't anymore. However the horse didn't stop with one cup of coffee, so the hot fluids rained down on the canid, but he was long passed caring. Something else traveled down the lengthy esophagus and on top of the fox, though he was able to deduce that it was a banana, and possibly some other fruits. There was a thick belch that caused some of the air to rush up from around him so it could be expelled through the satisfied maw. At least his man had a balanced appetite.

Time passed, and Nathan felt tired and more light headed. Occasionally he felt and heard gas being expelled over him and sometimes those large hands would caress over the walls of flesh that kept him contained. He whimpered quietly and tried to push back, hoping to feel those fingers one last time over his small form. Even if Troy didn't pay attention eating, he always made sure to be careful with those smaller than him, which included most people in town. The only thing that kept the vulpine from going completely mad, or becoming depressed was that the gentle lug's heartbeat was loud and strong. That was what lulled him to sleep, atop a bed of chewed food that was being slowly digested.

Nathan curled up with a sigh, hugging himself while the air continued to grow thin and his body began to crave rest.

"Mmm...wonder where that fox is, hope he didn't leave by himself," Troy said with a pang of worry in his voice.

The fox in question couldn't help but chuckle weakly and shook his head. "You big idiot..." And with that, he fell asleep.

Troy continued to watch television for most of the morning, though once lunch rolled around he grew more concern with the well being of his missing mate. He checked in the couch cushions, the bed, the closet, the kitchen, everywhere, but he couldn't find him. Defeated, he figured that maybe he was overreacting. For a small guy Nathan knew how to take care of himself, after all he was probably more dominant than the big horse could have ever hoped to be. Once a familiar growl left his stomach, Troy gave an annoyed grumble and poked at his belly. It was time for lunch, but breakfast was requesting to be released.

After plopping his rear on the toilet, since he hadn't bothered to put on pants, the big horse started to do his business. All he could think about was Nathan however, but that soon changed once he finished up and sighed happily. It was time for lunch, but he felt as though something unusual just happened. And feeling curious, he peeked down into the bowl and spotted something out of the ordinary.

"N-Nathan? Oh crap!"

It took a little bit of time, but the fox was cleaned off and regained consciousness slowly. His fur was intact for the most part, but the moment his eyes adjusted to the big, worried look on Troy's face, he thought he had died and gone to micro fox heaven.

"Hey you're ok?" The horse asked as gently as he could.

"Gruh...ok?" Nathan sat up, sitting in his boyfriend's large hand while he had a rather large (to him) washcloth draped around his shoulders. "I guess..."

", you had me so worried, what happened?"

"What happened?" The fox rubbed his forehead, trying to remember even though he was still adjusting to the light of the outside world. "I...oh wait, you freakin' -ate- me. That's what happened." And with that, Nathan was back to normal.

"Huh?" Troy blinked.

"You big dope! I swear you would lose your head if it wasn't on your shoulders. I fell out of your sheath this morning, at least I think it was this morning...and I landed on some toast or something before you started to stack crap on top of me."

Once that was said, the little fox was given a look as if he had just pulled out the much larger male's heartstrings and cut them.

"'re kidding, I..." Troy paused and tried to think back. He recalled something interesting about breakfast earlier being much more satisfying. There was a special taste to it, which made a normally good meal -fantastic-. Now he knew why that was. And now he looked about ready to cry just about.

"Oh boy..." Nathan grumbled and figured he could have broken the news more gently, after all the horse did look guilty. "'s all right though, I mean I got out somehow, must have passed right through you," the fox paused and stretched out an arm. "And nothing feels broken, so I guess I got lucky."

"Yeah..." The horse muttered under his breath. "Listen...I'm really, really so-"

"Apology accepted," Nathan interrupted. "Now then...I could use something to eat, being breakfast took a lot out of me," he joked, hoping it wasn't too soon.

Troy managed a smile, but he pressed his large lips to the top of the fox's head as gently as he could. "I'll make you some lunch then."

"Heheh, thanks handsome," Nathan replied while he was carried off to the kitchen.

He was going to make sure to be careful next time that horse prepared food. He wondered if he could replicate his internal journey through Troy's insides as well...he had to admit, it was like nothing else he ever imagined.

Plus it made him feel like a pervert for thinking that way, which of course wasn't a bad thing in his mind.