A shocking past

Story by Elvetie on SoFurry

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MtrainerXFAmpharos I made this one a long time ago, hope you enjoy! R&R

A shocking past

"Mom, please don't leave me!" a Mareep yelled as people were dragging a Ampharos. "It's okay, Garnette, make mommy proud and become a fine Ampharos one day" the Ampharos spoke with sadness, before fading into the mist. "No! Mom!!!" the Mareep yelled helplessly, "Mo-Mother!!" Garnette woke up gasping heavily, for she had experienced a nightmare from the past. Garnette sat there silently, looking around her small house, she had lost her parents due to humans. She always had a hatred for any human that she saw, and deemed them all unworthy of living. "They all deserve to die.." Garnette said silently while getting up from her stale bed.

The house she was living in, was small but strangely clean, she had removed any impurities such as cobwebs from spinaraks and dust. She had figured how to work with the house items, and used them to her advantage. The house was small and had a simple double bed and a bathroom which Garnette had closed off, she preffered to bathe in the nearby lake. She waddled her way towards the mirror and gazed upon her form, her skin color was pink unlike the regular yellow, indeed she was a shiny Ampharos. Garnette moved her hand towards mirror which suddenly cracked, "damnit! that was the only mirror.." Garnette said frowning as she could no longer look at her reflection. "Well I'll just head to the lake then my skin feels rather sticky" Garnette said as she cared a lot about cleanliness.

She opened the front door as wind rushed into her house, closing the door she made her way towards the lake. The body of water came into view, as she excitedly hopped into the water, "Ahh, much better" Garnette giggled as she washed herself. She decided to stay in the water for a little longer and stared at the blue sky, thinking about her nightmare. "Why did I have to be alone, why did you have to leave me mom?.." Garnette said to herself as she began getting teary-eyed, but she quickly regained her composure, shaking away her tears. "No, there's no point in crying like this" Garnette said as she got out of the lake and shook the drops of water off her body. She was beginning to get hungry, as she set off to find some berries to feast upon. It didn't take long to find a rather tall tree full of sitrus berries, Garnette accepted the challenge and tried using her electricity to cut off the berries from the tree.

Right as she was about to, a trainer had noticed her, "Huh? whoa a shiny Ampharos" the trainer said, but he didn't really look insanely happy like other trainers would have. Garnette quickly fled to her home, not caring about the berries or her stomach, she was not going to tolerate being captured by a human. "Wow, it ran away awfully fast, not that I care about that" the trainer said looking up at the tall tree with berries, he knew the Ampharos was in pain from something. "Swanna come on out!" the trainer said as he sent it to pick the berries from the tree.

Meanwhile, back at Garnette's home

"Guu.." the pink Ampharos was starving, "why did I run away, I should have zapped that stupid trainer!" Garnette said producing several electric sparks as she made her way to the door again. "Next time I see him he's toast!" Garnette said before opening the door, but to her surprise there were a bunch of berries on her doorstep. At first she thought it was a trap and shut the door. She waited for several minutes as her hunger overpowered her caution. She opened the door and took the sitrus berries inside her home. She gobbled the berries, savoring the sugary-sour taste, after a few minutes of eating she felt rejuvenated and she was wondering who put the berries there. "Whoever did it, must have known th-" Garnette gasped as she her curiosity told her it was the trainer she saw. "N-no way, ha what a joke" Garnette scoffed, as she got startled by a knock on the door, "Hey, uhm its me, trainer you saw in the woods? I'm not here to catch you if that's what you're thinking" the trainer said softly. Garnette remained quiet hoping he'd go away, "look don't be scared alright" the trainer said with a caring voice, no progress was made. "Well I'll leave, if you're really that scared, the name's Scol if we ever see each other again" with that said his footsteps faded into the distance. Garnette sighed in relief, she hated humans, and hated interacting with them as well, not only that, how did he know she resided in this house.

"Maybe I should give this guy a chance, he does seem a lot different than any other human" Garnette thought to herself. For moments she thought to herself about it, slowly she became more interested in the trainer. It was getting late, as the moon rose high in the sky, Garnette crawled into her bed and stared out the window to her left. "hmm good night" Garnette said while drifting off into sleep, thinking about the trainer.

"You sure that's the house where that shiny pokemon lives?" a voice whispered in the nearby bushes. "Are you doubting me? of course I'm sure!" another voice whispered. "Well we ambush it tomorrow morning, failure is not an option" the voice whispered and the two mysterious people vanished.

The following morning, Garnette woke up to the sound of chirping fletchling, "this time I'll try talking to him.. Yea" Garnette said as she built up the courage to talk to the trainer. "Wait, why would he still be in these woods, ugh I'm stupid there's why would he stay in the woods waiting for me?" Garnette said losing hope, she sighed deeply as she began walking to the lake for her morning bath. But suddenly a net shot towards her and tied her up, "there we go easy peasy" a voice came from a man dressed in a black suit, as an assistant also dressed in black followed him.

"Grr, let me GO!" Garnette said as she struggled to get the net off of her.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, Syre shut her up" the man said. "Yes sir" Syre said as he pushed a button, which caused the net to electrocute Garnette.

She screamed in agony as electricity ran through her body, she was left barely breathing. "h..how did that hurt?.." Garnette whimpered, "Haha! that's not normal electricity, it absorbs power and bounces it back, like mirror coat" The man laughed proudly.

(if this really is the end, then I hate humans! every single one of them!) Garnette thought while her consciousness faded away. "Metagross, bullet punch now!" a voice cried out as a Metagross punched the goons away from Garnette.

"gah! who dares interfere with our plans!" the man said while getting up.

"I won't allow you to torture the Ampharos any longer!" Scol said, as he removed the net from Garnette.

"Are you alright?" Scol said with a worried voice as he held the pink Ampharos in his arms, Garnette fainted in his embrace but she wasn't wounded badly in any way. Scol noticed who the villains were, they were Team Purge, all they did is illegally steal any rare pokemon whether it belonged to a trainer or not. He put Garnette on the sides as he stood across the team purge.

"Get up Syre and help me end this person's life" the man said as his assistant got up.

"Go, Klinklang!" Syre said as he threw a pokeball which sent out the cache of gears.

"Alright, go Weezing!" the man said as he threw his pokeball which sent out the poison gas pokemon

"It's two on one you can't possibly win like this" the man said giving an evil smile.

Scol grinned, "all I need is one anyways, Metagross return" Scole said as he pulled out another pokeball "Come on out Golurk!". A light shone out of the Pokeball as the giant landed on the ground, "Shadow punch now!".

"Klinklang, Gear grind!" Syre said.

"Weezing will-o-wisp" the man said.

The battle went on fiercely, and so far Scol was victorious, Garnette woke up again and noticed that Scol was fighting for her. Syre noticed they were losing and fast, "Archon sir, we're losing, we need to retreat"

"Grr damn you, wretched trainer" Archon said as he noticed Garnette had awoken and he hatched an evil plan.

"Hehehe, Weezing shadow ball at the Ampharos" Archon exclaimed.

"No!" Scol said quickly running to Garnette and jumped as the shadow ball hit him, as it exploded, leaving behind trails of smoke. Golurk made his way to the cloud of smoke as a Will-O-Wisp hit him as he fell backwards.

"Good job weezing, return!" Archon said grinning with an evil look.

The smoke faded as Garnette stared at Scol wounded self,"N-No Scol don't leave me as well!" Garnette panicked as she tried waking up Scol, "I'm alright, uhm... what's... your name?" Scol managed to say between slow gasps. "Its Garnette! don't die on me!" Garnette began shaking his body with her flipper-like arms. Whilst doing this a gem fell out of Scol's pocket, immediately the bracelet on Scol's hand shone brightly along with the gem.

Garnette also was embraced in light, "No... she's mega evolving! quickly Syre stop her!" Archon said as Syre sent his Klinklang to use gear grind. The klinklang approached the light as it was blown away with a powerful dragon pulse, and crashed into Syre.

The light faded as Garnette had beautiful hair and a fluffy tail. "Whoa.." Scol said holding his shoulder as the pain slowly dissipated. "This time I'll protect you Scol" Garnette said smiling towards him, as she summoned a thunder from the heavens and zapped Archon and his weezing. "GAAAAAH" Archon yelled as he quickly ran away with his assistant. A sphere formed around Garnette as she turned back to her normal form. "Scol, come to my house, you can rest there" Garnette said as Scol happily obliged and was carried on her back.

Back at Garnette's home

"Owwowow that shadow ball really hurt.." Scol said laying on the stale double bed. Garnette had so many things she wanted to say, but she didn't even know where to start. She made her way towards Scol and sat beside him on the bed, "here" Garnette handed him a sitrus berry, to which he ate quickly. "Uhm, Scol.. I wanted to say that.. I uhm..." Garnette stuttered as she couldn't find tried thanking him. Scol simply stared at Garnette as a vivid blush appeared on her face, he couln't help but laugh a little. "I'm.. I'm very thankful that you saved me!" Garnette said timidly, quickly turning the other way, trying to avoid eye contact with Scol. "Haha no problem" Scol said with a smile on his face he was happy to help the Ampharos. "Garnette? if you don't mind me asking could you tell me about your past?" Scol asked curious to see if it had any influence with her behavior towards humans. "Well, I'll only tell you cause you saved me" Garnette said closing her eyes trying to remember her nightmarish past.

It was a nice bright day, on the farm everything was fine, my dad would always go on trips with the farmer. My mother would take care and comfort me, I was very precious to my dad, mother and the farmer because of my color. I loved my life and I loved humans along with it, but then everything went downhill on a rainy night. Lightning struck and made loud noises that echoed in the farm house, I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. Then the door swung open as two men came inside and began stealing the farm Pokemon. Right outside the door, my dad lay there motionless, i became fearful and cried as my mother moved in to protect both me and every pokemon in it. But it was hopeless the two took my mom with her along with other pokemon, I cried out to my mother but there was nothing I could do. After they shut the door, I heard my mother scream and all was silent.

Scol listened to her past and was saddened by how alone she must have felt, to have lost everything important. "I-I'm sorry Garnette I shouldn't have asked about your past" Scol said being sympathetic.

"No.. it's fine" Garnette said looking at Scol's ruby eyes, just then did she notice she had feelings for Scol; he was so kind and brave. Scol also began falling for Garnette's stunning beauty, he moved his hand towards her face, "You're very beautiful" Scol said smiling at Garnette. She was surprised at the sudden compliment, but now she wanted to show him her true feelings more than ever. "Scol.. I..uhm" Garnette stuttered while looking down at the bed, Scol found it was very cute and pulled her in for a kiss. Garnette who was a bit surprised at first, happily returned the kiss as she moved her tongue into Scol's mouth, the two kissed for several minutes exchanging saliva. Garnette finally pulled away, with a deep red blush "I love you Scol" Garnette said moving her hand toward his shoulders. "I love you too Garnette" Scol said as the two began to kiss again. Garnette's heart leaped for joy, as she moved her hands towards Scol's shirt, tempting him to take his clothes off. Scol got the message and took his shirt and pants off, as he was doing this, the same gem fell out of his pocket and shone brightly. Garnette had mega evolved again, Scol saw her as even more beautiful than ever.

Garnette had noticed his member becoming hard and knew, that he liked what he was seeing. "Oh? do you like this form more?" Garnette teased him as she moved closer to his throbbing member. She gave it a few licks which quickly escalated to a blowjob, "Haaa.. so good" Scol moaned loudly as he placed his hands on the Ampharos's beautiful mane. She continued to suck on his dick, every drop of pre was instantly swallowed, her treatment was going to make Scol cum in no time. "Aahh i'm cumming Garnette!" Scol said as he shot strings of white cum in Garnette's waiting mouth. Garnette swallowed all of his thick seed, "Hmm, delicious" Garnette said smiling as she licked the sperm off her lips. Scol laid on the bed enjoying the afterglow from his climax, "Scol, I didn't do that for free you know?" Garnette said with a a seductive voice, she laid on the bed presenting her pussy which was dripping with her juices. Scol moved his face closer, he lifted the fluffy tail and hesitated, "Don't keep me waiting Scol" Garnette whined. Scol did what she wanted and gave her cunt a long lick and sucked on the outer lips, her juices tasted like the Sitrus berry she was so fond of. "Ah, yes Scol more!" Garnette demanded, Scol happily obeyed and stuffed his tongue in her cunt. Scol thrusted his tongue, as fluids leaked out of her pussy, Garnette's back arched as her tongue stuck out. Scol wanted to pleasure her even more, he stuck two more fingers along with his tongue in her pussy. Being rushed to her climax, she came onto Scol's face, blinding him in her love juices. Scol licked up the remaining cum, the act of cunninlingus made him hard, as he flipped Garnette on her belly. "Gah, Scol..please be gentle" Garnette moaned as she felt the tip slowly move in, Scol began feeling up her thighs; and thrusted his member inside. As he went deeper inside he took her virginity, as he continued pumping his dick. Both of them were enjoying themselves, "So.. beautiful" Scol said speaking his mind, he moved his hands toward her stomach and lifted Garnette on his dick. "Oh, Scol it's so deep.." Garnette panted while his dick was stabbing her womb, Scol began licking her neck while pushing his member inside Garnette. This treatment was way too much for Garnette to handle as she came on top of Scol's dick, the sudden tightening sent Scol to his height as he planted his seed inside Garnette. After their climax, they lay on the bed with Scol's penis still inside Garnette.

"Please don't leave me Scol.." Garnette whispered staring at Scol's eyes

"I would never even think about it Garnette" Scol said with a trusty smile.

The two kissed and drifted off into sleep, finally Garnette would not be alone in the world and she moved on. "I'm so happy for you Garnette, my wonderful daughter has grown" a feminine voice from the heavens said.

On the Other Side the Grass is Greener

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