Foxy and Kitty-Episode 9

Story by Sanura Mosi on SoFurry

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#10 of Foxy and Kitty

Kitten awoke to the sound of a comforting voice humming, and a paw gently running a few fingers through her hair. Her head was snuggled into the Furr's lap, her body curled towards them, like a flower curled towards the sun's warm rays. She was purring softly, contentment running through her, and she didn't want to open her eyes. She was half afraid she was still dreaming.

The voice chuckled and when she spoke she found it was a female's lap she was in, and their voice was a bit raspy. Somehow Kitten found it soothing though. "Can't fake being asleep, sweety, I can tell

you're awake. Your tail gives you away."

Kitten blushed a bit and opened her eyes, reluctantly sitting up to see whom her visitor was. She blinked in surprise. Sitting cross-legged in front of her was a deep red vixen with stocking that faded to pink. She looked to be about ten years older than Kitten, and she reminded her of Foxy vaguely.

She looked at the vixen in silent confusion and the fox answered her silent question. "My name's Rosey. I'm Adrian's cousin, I'm the one who gave him the beach house." She winked at Kitten. "Was dropping by to see how he was doing, but I spotted you laying out here, and you looked so lonely." She frowned in worry. "So I decided I'd keep you company."

Kitten felt surprisingly comfortable with Rosey and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, I just laid down on the rock and dozed off. The sunshine and the warm rock felt so good."

Rosey laughed heartily- a good belly laugh that made Kitten feel good inside. "Well, I can believe that, it's a beautiful day outside. You seemed a bit troubled by the frown on your face though."

Kitten softly replied, "Oh" looking down at her paws.

Rosey asked her what was wrong with kind concern in her eyes.

"I slept with a Furr before I knew how I felt about him. Now I'm blaming myself for acting so impulsively."

Rosey chuckled, causing Kitten to frown at her, thinking she was being laughed at. "You're a cat. It comes with the territory, besides- we've all made mistakes like that. Several times in fact. You just have to settle with it and let it remain in the past where it belongs."

Kitten tilted her head. "That sounds like good enough advice, but how am I supposed to figure out how I feel about him."

Rosey looked on with an amused look. "The same way you would have before."

Kitten blinked. "Good point."

Rosey stood and hopped off the rock waving a hand to follow. "C'mon, I'm dying to see Adrian. It's been a long time."

Kitten smiled happily and hopped off, padding with her back to the beach house, smirking as she informed Rosey he might still be with his guest. Rosey threw back her head and laughed, thus starting off the mood of the afternoon.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Later that night Foxy and Kitten waved off Rosey. They'd talked for a long while, Foxy catching her up on what had happened lately. Kitten simply enjoyed hearing stories about Foxy. Soon it was time for her to go though, and now they turned and padded off to bed after a long day. Foxy drifted off to sleep- tired after his active day- but Kitten stayed awake thinking, only drifting off after a short while Kain's face before her closed eyes.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

The sound of rapid typing filled the air and the words rapidly filled up the screen, she was on a writing spree on one of her stories and she was determined to write while she had the inspiration to do it, so she had ignored her IMs for the a long while now. She'd even ignored the email alerts that popped up in the corner of her screen. She was writing in one of her more dramatic stories and she was fully into it, writing a scene where two of her characters got into a violent argument with each other over their morals. Each didn't seem to understand the other and her heart was with one of the characters.

So she sat, her eyes glued to the screen as she typed up a storm, the ideas and words flowing out of her fingertips and onto the page. She felt a paw stroke her leg, but she swatted at it quickly, not moving. "Not now!" She told Foxy, frowning, still caught up in her story. "I'm on a roll."

She was kind of irritated, as Foxy always left her alone while she was writing; he knew she valued that time to herself. Just her, her ideas and the blank page. So she kept writing, not thinking of him again until a minute or so later when she felt a paw brush the strap of her tank top off her shoulder. She called over her shoulder, again not looking but keeping her eyes on the screen as she typed still. "I said leave. You know that I prefer to be by myself when I'm like this."

That seemed to put him off for a while, so she continued to type in peace, leaning forward, her tail twitching with her excitement as the argument came close to its climax. As she wrote she could see it happening in her mind, as she wrote she felt as if she a reporter, reporting what she saw. She felt a paw stroke her shoulder and she said in irritation. "Kain's looking better and better, the more you do that." She pursed her lips, not able to figure out why he was irritating her so much on purpose.

She only typed a few words before a set of paws grabbed her roughly by the arms and a face swooped in too fast for her to recognize and crushed their muzzle to hers, kissing her hard. She was alarmed, and excited at the same time. This obviously wasn't Foxy, but with her heart already riled from her story, her passion was fighting its way through the fear.

The kiss lasted longer than she'd thought it would, and after the initial hard kiss, it softened a bit and became passionate, teasing a response out of her as the Furr held her where she was. She was also a bit alarmed at being held in place and soon she moved her arms to try and get out of the hard grip.

The paws moved and buried themselves in her hair as the kiss became tenderly passionate, making her quiver a little, and she even mewed as she mentally pleaded for whoever it was to stop stretching her emotions. She turned her head finally. She couldn't let herself do this- let herself go with a stranger.

The Furr stayed close to her head and roughly spoke. "Better than Kain's any day." She kept her eyes closed. She wasn't sure she wanted to know whom it was who had been kissing her; who had drawn those many emotions out of her. It was dangerous to be around him, whoever he was. She sat there, not looking at him, but feeling his eyes looking at her, she could almost feel their hot gaze as she tried to escape it.

He cupped her chin and turned her face to him, and squeezed it briefly. She knew he wanted her to open her eyes and she obeyed. Her muzzle fell open. Total shock spread through her chest and into her heart. "Teffy?"

Her mind rung with a million things, the main thought was that this wasn't the Teffy she knew. He wasn't demanding, and he never forced anything. She opened her mouth to ask what he was doing here, only to have him take advantage of the moment and kiss her again, framing her face with his paws and tipping his head so their mouths fit together better. Kitten heard herself mew and felt herself melt into that kiss, but she was trying so hard to fight making the same mistake she'd made before and soon she found the will power to turn her head, breaking the kiss.

She somehow managed to slip away and she backed away a few steps, caught, in spite of herself, by the heat of his gaze, the utter intense need radiating from them as he slowly straightened and padded over. She backed away as he came within arms reach, half afraid of anything that intense, half afraid of what it might bring out in her if she let him near her again. She was quickly realizing that he wasn't a threat because of his need; he was a threat to her because she knew he was slowly awakening something inside her.

He was awakening that side of her that had seduced so many men in that strip club, the side that had played a part in her interlude with Kain, but this time was different, this time she knew she couldn't hold it back and that the rabbit in front of her would bring out every hot fiber of it. So she backed away, she was a coward, and she knew it.

She found herself suddenly stopped by the wall next to the stairs and her breathing was very unsteady as she watched Teffy pad closer. Her heart was beating hard and she had nowhere to run as he placed a paw on the wall to either side of her chest and leaned down to kiss her.

She shook slightly as she waited for the passionate kiss, but he unknowingly did the thing that was her undoing, he kissed her softly, tenderly. She shook as she tried to hold on to her self-control, her hands staking visibly as they rose to try pushing him away. She held on to that last bit of self-control tenaciously only to find it slipping through her fingers like water when he brushed the other strap of her tank top down. She knew what he was going to do and against her will she wanted his hand on her breast more than anything in the world. So that's how the last bit of self control went, and she gave up fighting. It hurt now to hold it back, and the quiet, tender passion in his kiss called out to her.

She answered subtly at first, her paws rising to rest on his shoulders, and she was glad of the wall behind her for the first time as her knees threatened to give out. Her response soon grew and she felt more than heard a rumbling down coming from deep within Teffy as he deepened the kiss and she responded full force, aroused by that small sound more any amount of groaning.

He soon drew her close to him as he continued to ravage her mouth and spar with her tongue. Their bodies melted into each other and they looked for all the world like two old lovers reunited as stood intertwined, Kitten's arms behind his head and back and Teffy's arms encircling her waist.

Kitten's tail was high and barely waving as she became aroused beyond her control, pushed beyond herself by his arousal against her and the utter passionate need behind everything he was doing. She was water to an unquenchable thirst. He needed her but he couldn't get enough of her and soon his paws drifted down to cup her butt in his paws, letting out that small rumbling sound once more as he massaged it and played at the base of her tail, slipping a finger into the slit for her tail.

Kitten gasped, breaking the kiss slightly as he did so, she opened her dark blue green eyes that were full of her need and let out a short growl of pleasure as she felt his muzzle nuzzle her neck, breathing in her scent before he kissed his way down to her chest.

Her knees finally gave out and she was glad that he was holding onto her because she would have fallen to the floor, but he held her there easily, grinding the apex of her legs into his arousal as his muzzle finally ended his journey at one of her breasts. She let her head loll back and her eyes drift mostly shut as his he first licked at her nipple, making its peak into a tiny mound, but as he closed his mouth around it she mewed and her other nipple peaked, demanding like attention.

Her breathing was unsteady and she mewed every now and then as he paid close, sensual attention to each nipple, making her need rise to new heights. He picked his head up all too soon, earning her deeply aroused attention and he stood for a few moments, enjoying the sight of her flushed face and liquid, dark eyes. He bent his head and gave her a short tender kiss before he bent and picked her up in his arms, she felt him hesitate at the top of the stairs before he turned and padded over to the soft rug in front of the couch and laid her down on it. He made to stand back up, about to look for a blanket, but she pulled him back down, kissing him into momentarily forgetting his mission.

She found herself purring heavily as she finally stopped the kiss, watching him with a passionate gaze as he padded over to an armchair and retrieved a blanket for them to lie on. She stood as he came back to her and slipped her paws under shirt, watching as his eyes changed to a deeper, darker blue. He dropped the blanket as she urged the shirt off of him, eyes half lidded as she admired him. Her head soon dipped to lick one nipple with a rough tongue and Teffy's intake of breath told her he enjoyed the sensation, she paid like attention to the other nipple, careful not to pay too close attention with her rough cat's tongue.

He pulled her head up to his to kiss her deeply, and she let her paws rest on his waistband, but soon they were moving once more. She needed to see him, all of him, and she undid his pants and carefully slipped them off and onto the floor along with his briefs. He felt this with a slight start, but he didn't stop her when she kneeled in front of him to inspect the reaction she'd caused.

His erection was standing proudly out of its sheath and she let one paw encircle it, enjoying the feeling of it in her paw. She let out a small growl as she realized she needed him inside her, and she ducked her head making Teffy lean his head back this time to enjoy her pushing his own arousal to new heights as she took him into her mouth, making love to it for a short time before he roughly brought her up to kiss her passionately, whispering to her. "I need you."

She couldn't get close enough to him, but he wasn't done yet, he had a need to taste her on his

tongue and he laid her down on the rug, slipping her small tank top and shorts off. He left her string bikini underwear alone for a few moments as he earned a small moan from her when he bent his head to nuzzle her through her underwear, he found that her underwear was wet already and he growled softly, swiftly removing the underwear to taste her.

He wasted no time doing so and she cried out, lifting her hips into his muzzle as he unerringly

nuzzled between her folds, licking at her wet lips, driving her almost crazy with need as she mewed, not able to keep her hips still. He moved away only to slip a finger inside her, letting out that same rumbling sound as he found her wet and hot. He ducked his head and replaced his finger with his tongue, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the taste of her in his mouth, it took only a few seconds for her high-strung pussy to cum in a short flood. He drank in most of it and licked her clean, but she was still aroused, even more so now, if that was possible and she cried out loudly.

"I need you inside me, Teffy. Please!" She was quivering from head to toe and he was shaking slightly from his own need to be inside her. He nuzzled her muzzle and kissed his softly before he guided her onto her knees, facing the couch. She braced her paws on the low couch and spread her knees obligingly for him. She cried out when she felt him insert two fingers, ensuring she was loose enough to handle him. When she was ready for him, she was panting and mewing "please". He obeyed readily, slipping inside her and crying out in surprise.

They stayed that way for a few moments, each marveling at how well they fit together, like they were made for each other. Soon they both started moving, slowly at first, each enjoying the exquisite torture of prolonging the friction. Soon their passion and need urged them on and they moved faster and faster, each soon crying out, eyes closed with the sheer ferocity of the storm building inside them. They came and the world seemed to shatter around them, falling in delicate pieces around them and flooding their limbs with sensual pleasure and the ultimate fulfillment. They stayed that way before Teffy slipped out of her and turned her around, gathering her limp, tired body to his. He buried his head in her neck, feeling her purr slightly.

He felt her body quivering slightly and leaned back to find her crying and he frowned in concern, delicately brushing the tears away and kissing her eyes. She soon opened her eyes to look at him and he found it wasn't regret that was making her cry it was something else entirely. She kissed him sweetly and his heart settled there, buried deep in her paws, and happy to stay there.

And suddenly... she woke up. Kitten laid in bed next to Foxy and whispered "no" into the night. She tried to hold back the tears of discovering such a wonderful event was just in her dreams. She slipped out of bed, not wanting to disturb Foxy and padded out of the house, soon sitting on the beach and watching the waves.

She was crying quietly and she didn't bother to wipe the tears. She was the most disturbed to find that she hadn't even had her date with Kain yet, and she cried harder as she realized Teffy would never know it happened. She couldn't tell either of them, she'd only confuse things further, she didn't even want to face it herself, not wanting to realize she'd cheated on Kain in her mind.

The worst part was... she still wanted him here with her. Even though she knew it was a dream, she wanted that Teffy here with his arms around her.

She spent the next few hours sitting on the beach attempting to banish the dream from her mind. She didn't want to remember it. It hurt too much to realize it was only a dream never to come true.