After Party 10 - A Shot at Happiness

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#12 of After Party

After Party 10 - A Shot at Happiness

Warning - This story contains porn. Filthy, hot, wonderful, wet, sloppy, erotic, sticky, and

all around dirty porn. So if you are underage, you can't read it. Sorry. Also, my story and

my characters, no stealing! Sorry for any terrible errors, I had to write this at home (which

means I don't have a whole lot of time to write or edit stuff like this without fear of being found

out), just enjoy the story. :3

Also, just incase this got confusing, this chapter does not follow the Christmas special, but chapter 9.

John opened his eyes. The light from outside had started to fill his bedroom. He gave a

yawn and tried to stretch until he noticed the cheetah wrapped tightly around him. Allen's

face was still buried deep into the fur of his chest, and as he shifted, the cool air chilled a

large wet spot from his tears. He gave the resting cheetah a kiss on the top of his head only

to discover that he was already awake.

"Morning sweetie," John said softly. Allen looked up and gave a little smile. "Do you feel

better?" John asked.

Allen's smile quickly faded and he buried his face in the wolf's chest again.

"Oh sweetie. It's going to be ok. I'm here to protect you. Nothing can break the love that

we share."

Allen squeezed the wolf tightly as he nodded his head softly against the gray fuzzy chest.

John gave Allen another kiss on his head.

"Are you ready to get up?" John asked. Allen nodded, but his grip on the wolf didn't

lighten. "Uh, sweetie... you need to let me go if we are going to get up."

Allen reluctantly took his arms away from around John's chest and John rolled over and

stood up from the bed. The coldness of the room hit the large wet patch on his chest again

and he shivered. He looked over at Allen who was still under the sheets showing no signs of

moving. He frowned.

"Do you want me to go get some breakfast and bring it back?"

He saw the cheetahs head nod as it disappeared under the sheets.

'Poor guy,' John thought to himself as he open the bedroom door and walked into the living


Both of his parents were sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. He could see the failed

attempt to remove the stains in the carpet. From the look of it, they had just tried to scrape

the grease up and they just left the blood stains alone.

"Morning. How's Allen?" Lucy asked looking up from her paper.

"Not too good. He hasn't said a word since last night, and he is still really depressed."

Adam burst out laughing. They both looked at him as he looked up from the

comics. "Woops. Sorry... poor Allen..." he said shaking his head.

"Is there something we can do?" Lucy asked as she finished glaring at Adam.

"I think he just needs to rest."

"Probably, but letting him be too depressed for too long is not good. Maybe if you take him

to the park or something, it will cheer him up."

"It's a beautiful day, and some fresh air is better than a stuffy room," Adam said.

"I'll see how he feels about it," John said as he started to walk into the kitchen. He looked

down at the giant patch of greasy carpet as he passed it.

"You're mother and I are just going to replace the carpet, there is no way we can get rid of

the stains." Adam said as John disappeared from view.

John looked at the carpet, and saw the pan sitting in the sink. The horrors from the day

before started replaying in his mind. He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and stared

at the grill range remembering that he had no idea how to cook anything.

He attempted to make fried eggs, but ended up just burning them to a crisp. Lucy ran into

the kitchen when she saw the smoke and offered to cook the breakfast herself. John sat at

the table and watched her make eggs and toast for the two of them. She loaded two plates

up with the food and handed them over to John. He walked up to the bedroom door, and with

nothing short of an acrobatic miracle, he managed to open it and walk inside without spilling

anything on the full plates. He closed the door with his butt and made his way over to the


The pile of curled up sheets that was Allen started to shift again and the cheetah's head

immerged from the many folds. He looked up at John, and John could instantly tell that he

had still been crying because the fur around his eyes was wet and matted.

"My mom made eggs and toast. Why don't you come out and have some," John said

smiling and sitting on the edge of bed holding out one of the plates.

Allen's eyes moved to the plate and then back to John. His head disappeared once again

into the folds, but soon reemerged as Allen broke free from his cocoon.

He crawled over to the side of the bed and sat close next to John.

John handed over the plate and they sat there eating silently.

" smell like smoke..." Allen said feebly.

"Yeah. I burnt the eggs when I tried to cook them... so mom made them instead."

Allen giggled quietly and went back to eating.

"I was thinking we could go to the park today. It is a really nice day out, and we can sit and

watch the clouds or something. What do ya say?" John said.

Allen signed. "...I don't know... I don't really feel like it..."

"Oh come on. It will be fun, and it will cheer you up. I know that what happened is terrible,

but you need to let the past go. He is gone and no longer our problem. So let's go sit in the

sunshine and celebrate us being free and happy."

Allen's head shook 'no' as he watched his fork poke at his eggs.

"Allen," John said putting his plate down and turning to face the cheetah. He lifted Allen's

chin so he could look into his eyes. "You need to get out of this funk. It's not healthy for

you, or me, or anybody. I know you don't want to do it right now because you are still feeling

bad, but you need to remember what it feels like to be happy again. Do you remember that


Allen stared deep into the wolf's eyes. He saw all the time they had been happy together.

He saw them laughing and kissing and cuddling under the sheets. He saw his love; he saw

his happiness. Allen's eyes started to water as he nodded.

"Well that is what you need to feel again. Please come to the park with me. I don't want

you being sad and depressed anymore. We should be happy," John grabbed both of Allen's

paws. "We are free to be together forever." He leaned forward and gave the cheetah a kiss.

John tried to pull away, but Allen' wouldn't let him. He held the wolf's head against his with

his paw and started to push him over on the bed. Allen rolled on top of John without breaking

the kiss. He started slowly grinding his hips against the wolf's, as his breath got heavier.

Allen moved the kiss lower down to John's chest as his paws worked to unzip and pull down

the wolf's shorts. He could feel the still growing member poking underneath him as he

moved the kiss lower still. He pulled down John's boxers and grabbed the throbbing cock he

found underneath. He pressed John's member against his soft stomach and rubbed against

it. Allen purred as the hot thick rod brushed through his fur. Soon, a drop of pre fell from

John's engorged tip, and Allen pulled back and wrapped his paw around it and started


John moaned as he felt the cheetah's soft delicate paw move up and down his length. More

pre started to drip from his tip, and Allen rubbed the sleek liquid around the large cock. His

paw moved up and down the slippery dick as John's breath started to quicken. Allen brought

the tip to his lips where he gave it a gentle kiss. John let out a quick sign of pleasure at the

sensation of the cheetah's warm lips on his sensitive cock. Allen smiled as he looked at the

panting wolf.

He gave the tip another long kiss as he slipped the large head through his lips and into his

muzzle. Allen could taste the pre that covered John's cock. He massaged the tip with his

tongue, making John moan loudly. He could taste more pre flowing from his head as he

made his way down the length.

He bobbed up and down as he covered the stiff member in his warm muzzle. Soon he took

John's entire length into his throat. He listened to his lover's sighs of pleasure as the rigid

cock went deep inside of him. Allen could feel the knot forming and he knew that John was

getting close to climaxing. He continued sucking and bobbing until he felt the thick rod

pump hot jiz deep into his throat.

Allen sucked the cock dry and pulled off. He gave the softening head another gentle kiss as

it returned to John's sheath. This made John shiver in pleasure as he rode though his

orgasm. Allen stood up and laid back down on top of the panting wolf.

When the last of John's climax faded, he opened his eyes and looked at the cheetah lying

on him. Allen had an enormous smile on his face.

"What was that for?" John asked the grinning cheetah.

"I figured out what makes me happy."


Allen scooted forward and gave him a deep kiss. "You," he said as it ended.

John wrapped his arms around Allen and they kissed deeply again. "I'm glad to see you

happy again. I was a little afraid I had lost you."

"You can't lose me, silly. You even said yourself, 'we are together forever.'"

"Good. So what do you say we go take a shower and go to the park?"

"As long as I'm with you, I will do anything."

They both smiled and stood up. Allen pulled John in for a hug and they made their way to

the bathroom.

John started the rush of warm water and they both got undressed and stepped into flow.

John globbed shampoo into his paw and passed the bottle to Allen, who did the same. They

lathered up, and John was the first to rinse off. When he was finished, he moved out of the

way and let Allen get under the water.

Allen let the warm water run over his body. He started scrubbing at his chest when he felt

another pair of paws work at his stomach. He tuned to see John's face as he felt his wet

body meet his. He gave the wolf another kiss when he felt one of the paws on his stomach

make its way down to his sheath. He murred into the kiss as he felt his cock start to harden

and emerge.

John wrapped his paw around Allen's cock and started pumping at it. John's other paw

gently pet Allen's stomach. Allen purred as his lover caressed him. He leaned back into

John's strong chest as he felt his orgasm near. John continued to pump at the cheetah's


Allen's breath started quickening and his back arched as his climax took him over. The tip

of his cock exploded and shot string after string of cum across the shower. Allen's body

went limp as he fell into John's arms. He quickly regained himself and stood back up. He

turned around and gave the wolf a kiss.

"Showers are always funner when they are with you," Allen said licking John's nose.

John smiled. "I'm so glad you are back."

"Me too."

"Ready to go back into the outside world?"

Allen licked John's nose again.

The both got out of the shower and dried off. They returned to their bedroom, got dressed,

and emerged into the living room.

This time, it was just Adam who was sitting on the couch.

"Well hello there Allen. I hope you are feeling better," he said as he noticed the couple

walking into the room.

"Yeah. John helped me get over it."

"That's good. You're mother went out to the grocery store, and she said something about a

special dinner to help cheer Allen up."

"Yay, well we will have something to look forward to tonight. Me and Allen are going to go

over to the park, we'll be back in a few hours."

"Ok, just don't miss your mother's dinner."

"We won't!" John said as he and Allen walked outside.

It really was a lovely day. The sun was shining high in the sky. There were big fluffy white

clouds everywhere you looked. A gentle breeze lightly rustled their fur as the listened to the

sounds of outside.

Allen took a deep breath and sighed. John's paw found his and they walked off to the park.

It wasn't a very long walk, but it gave time for him and John to enjoy each other's company.

When they reached the park, they walked over to the large oak tree and sat down in the

shade. John laid down on the ground, and Allen put his head on his stomach. They looked

up at the braches covered in big green leaves. The breeze made the branches sway and the

little specks of sun would poke through the foliage and cover the ground and them in blinking

light. There were the sounds of children playing off in the distance, but it was calm and quiet

where they were.

Allen closed his eyes and his attention turned to John's breathing. He could hear John's

heart beat as his head would gently move up and down on his stomach. The warmth of his

mate's stomach in contrast with the cold ground comforted him in some way. Allen's mind

was finally clear of all the stress and emotions from everything that had been happening. He

didn't have to think about anything.

John petted Allen's head fur lovingly as he too allowed his mind to clear. It was peaceful

under the tree. The two of them stayed under the large oak tree listing to the world around them for what seemed like hours.

Allen started feeling himself nod off. He turned onto his side and placed a paw on John's

chest, and nuzzled his face into his lovable pillow. He found a comfortable spot and began

to relax again and closed his eyes.

All of a sudden he heard John's heart start to pound.

"What's wrong sweetie?" he said opening his eyes and looking at the wolf.

There was a look of absolute terror on his face. Allen turned around and jumped off of John

when he saw what it was.

Allen's dad was storming across the park and was nearly to the tree.

John's paw franticly found Allen's. Allen's mind raced as he tried to think of what he could

do. There was no way they could run; he was too close and too fast. He squeezed John's

paw as hard as he could as speechless horror took him over.

The huge cheetah continued to make his way closer to them, his eyes telling of the hatred

that had built up from a clearly rough night. His shirt was ripped and his fur was all out of

whack some grease and blood still remained stuck in grotesque blobs. The way he was

walking made it obvious that he had been drinking.

John and Allen were frozen. They had no idea what to do. With each stomp of the enraged

cheetah's foot, they squeezed each other's paw tighter.

He stopped a few feet in front of them and stood there breathing heavily and glaring. His

eyes had a glazed look and he wobbled as he tried to keep his balance. John and Allen

could smell the alcohol on his breath all the way from where they were.

"Yooooou...." Allen's dad said in a gruff voice as he pointed a finger at Allen. "Yourdead..."

he slurred.

Allen's paw tightened again around John's and he started to shake as Allen's dad made

another step towards them.

"Yourmother leffme. Shesaid I was tooooo VIOLENT anthat I was tooooo DANGEROUS ta

be around," he said still pointing at Allen and nearly falling over. "Cuz of youanyour buttfuck

friend, she leffme! Now I aingot nothing."

An empty bottle of gin fell out of his pocket as he stumbled forward another step. Allen and

John were terrified out of their whit.

"Whydya have to be GAY huh? Whycouldn't ya just've been normal? HUH? Sonuvabitch

queer! Ya ruined mylife, and I ain;t got nothing anymore cuz of you. Why shouldn't I just

killya right here annow?"

Both John and Allen had started to shake, and Allen's dad took notice.

"Whasthis? You two fags scared? Afraid I'm goina killya?" he said taking another step

forward. "BOO!" he said jumping forward. John and Allen flinched. Allen's dad laughed. "I

ain't goin ta killya. Not herein public..."

John took a gulp and finally worked up enough nerve to talk. "W... we... we didn't do

anything. W... why don't you just go home and we can all just forget about this?"

"HOME? I AIN'T GOT A HOME! Cuza you queers!"

"Then, we'll just go and..." John was interrupted.

"Yaknow what the one good thing is about losing everything?" Allen's dad said softly, as he

reached behind him. "You ain't got nothing ta loose!" He pulled his paw out from behind him

and waved a gun infront of them. "It don't matter wha I do, cuz I ain't got a home or a family


"Whoa... let's not do anything rash here..." John said, his mind racing trying to figure out

how he and Allen could get out of this situation. "You don't want to shoot us... we are in the

middle of a park..."

"Yeah? So whaif we are?"

John started to stand up very slowly, and Allen joined him. "Give me the gun..." John was

absolutely terrified, and when he stuck out his paw, it was trembling.

"HA! Is da big puppy bein brave? I ain't givin my gun to nobody, sepcialy the fag who tuned

my son gay!" he said pointing the gun at John, his finger on the trigger.

"DAD!" Allen yelled to get his attention.

Allen's dad turned and pointed the gun at him.

" I'm not gay. I'm sorry I lied to you, I like women. I was just pretending to make

John happy. I'm straight, so you can tell mom, and we can be a family again. Now put

down the gun."

"Howdo I know you're not juslying to me?"

"I'm not dad. I like women. Now put down the gun, and we can go find me a girlfriend," Allen

said, his heart racing inside of his chest.

Allen's dad looked at him, and his eyes narrowed. "You are just lying to me. You're a fuckin

queer, and ya ruined my life! Now I'm going ta kill ya!"

"No!" John yelled and Allen's dad pointed the gun back to him.

"Don't worry fag, you're next!"

Allen ran into John's arms more afraid then he had ever been. He looked into the wolf's eyes

and saw the everlasting love and safety he had with him. His eyes started to water as his

dad pointed the wobbling gun at them.

"Ya can both fuck in HELL!" the cheetah yelled as his finger pulled down on the trigger.