Realisation - Chapter 9

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Jake finally goes on a much deserved holiday (well, it is with school... but still), nervous about being alone for the first time in nearly 8 months. Sam does a bit of detective work whilst his boyfriend's away.

Any feedback is welcome, thank you

DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author.




Their tongues danced around each other's mouths, their breath mixing in a warm, moist cocktail of love. The wolf cub stared into the tiger's deep green eyes, he'd spent so much time studying those bright green orbs, he'd memorised every detail within them.

Sam loved it when Jake woke him up like this, straddling his stomach and kissing him passionately. He could feel his sheath start to thicken, not just from morning wood, but the cute wolf sitting on him naked and staring down at him, lust in his amber eyes. The boys never wore pyjamas in bed any more, there was no point when they had so much love for each other.

Jake gave Sam his cheeky grin and reached behind him, grabbing the thick member that was now poking him in the small of his back. He shuffled back and lifted himself up, still holding Sam's throbbing cock, aiming it between his crack, pulling his cheeks apart slightly with his other paw and lowered himself down until the tip of Sam's erection was resting on his hole.

Sam just lay back, his paws behind his head, his eyes closed, and let Jake get to work, they did this most mornings before school now, and the routine was a nice one.

Jake closed his eyes as he pushed down onto Sam's large cock, although he was used to it, it always hurt a little bit at the beginning. Huffing and puffing he felt his hole loose the battle and Sam's pre-slicked cock slide into the cub's tight passage, right to the base, so Jake was sitting on Sam's groin. Jake let out a slight whimper of pain at the sudden invasion, but he soon got used to it. When he felt ready he pulled himself back up to the top of Sam's cock and pushed back down, building up a steady rhythm. As he did this he grabbed his own throbbing member and began stroking it, making a pool of precum form on Sam's slender white and black stomach.

Sam sat up, feeling himself getting close, meaning Jake sat in his lap and Jake's cock pressed against his chest. He pulled Jake's head down into his in a breathy, wet kiss. Jake increased his pace, bouncing up and down in Sam's lap, his own cock rubbing against Sam's chest fur, the soft warmth and closeness of their bodies bringing Jake close to climax as well.

The audible noises of sex coming from Jake's hole was too much for Sam as he felt his cock harden and his balls draw up in their sack. He released his thick tiger seed deep into Jake's passage, with an audible 'squelch.' Sam panted loudly and held onto Jake to stop himself falling backwards.

The feeling of Sam shooting his loving cum inside his hole, and Sam grabbing onto him tightly, sent Jake over the edge as well, his cock throbbing and jumping against their connected bodies, his cum shooting in thick robes, but unable to fly far as their chests were pushed together, the cum acting like glue and sticking them together. Both of them boys stayed connected there for a few moments, panting in their combined afterglow.

When they had recovered Jake pressed his muzzle against Sam's lips and gave him a gentle kiss. He let Sam go and he fell backwards into their bed, his eyes closed in pleasure. Jake bent down and licked his cum from Sam's chest fur, eliciting giggles from the tiger at the tickling feeling from Jake's tongue. Jake lifted himself off Sam's softening cock and stood on their bed and his paws on his hips chest pushed forward, like a superhero, he could feel Sam's cum start to trickle out of his hole and onto his balls. 'If you do not get up now, I shall jump on you!' Jake said, being silly.

'Oh really?' Sam said, his voice sly. Quick as a flash Sam sat up and grabbed Jake, turning him round and bending him over, so his rear was presented to him. Jake laughed at his silly tiger. 'Right then. It looks like you've gotten yourself into a bit of a mess, young man, I suppose I should clean you up before school.' With that Sam lunged his head forward and began licking in and around Jake's hole, slurping up every last bit of his seed that had leaked out. He lifted Jake up slightly so he could clean that fleshy heaven between his balls and rear. Jake murred at the cleaning he was receiving, before pulling off slightly.

'Alright Sam, I think you got it off, you're gonna make me hard again!' Jake smiled, blushing.

'That wouldn't be a bad thing' Sam said as he lunged forwards, pulling Jake down onto the bed with him, so the wolf was cradled in his arms like a baby, and pushed his face into Jake's muzzle, engaging in a passionate kiss, like the one Jake had used to wake Sam up. Reluctantly Sam pulled away and looked deeply into his boyfriends eyes. 'Right, today's the big day, you need to take a shower because you stink, go on!' He said with a serious voice, but a smile on his face.

Jake sighed like a teenager (which he was rapidly becoming) and took his arms away from behind Sam's neck and got off the bed, heading to their small bathroom, before stopping at the door and turning around to look at Sam, still lying on the bed.

Sam watched the cub as he walked towards the bathroom, admiring his slender adolescent frame, his slightly feminine hips jutting from side to side as he walked, his firm buttocks a beautiful sight in the morning. Sam smiled at his very attractive boyfriend, whose coat still had his puppy fluff, making him adorable as well as attractive. Sam smiled at him.

'Well? Are coming for a shower or not?' Jake asked, his eyebrows raised at the lazy tiger.

'Nah, I smell beautiful all the time.' He joked. 'Come on, hurry up or you'll be late, we don't want you missing the bus!' Jake turned and went into the bathroom.

It had been 3 months since the football team had invited Jake to their annual tour; 3 nights away in another part of the country playing against other schools. Jake was really looking forward to it, it was the first time he'd been away since... well, since he went on holiday with his family, it would be nice to get away from the city for a while. Truthfully, he was a bit nervous because since he'd moved in with him, he'd not spent a single night away from Sam and he was worried if he'd cope, Sam had been such a rock to him during all the tough times and he had no idea what he'd do without him. Still, he could not wait to go away the team who had accepted him for him and become his best friends.


The minibus pulled up into the bus stop at school. 13 eager boys stood with their bags at their feet and their parents just behind, many ears perking up at the sight of their transport. It wasn't huge, but they only had to fit a football team with 2 substitutes and their coach, so it would be okay. Many of the team members turned to say goodbye to their parents, many of the parents bent down and embarrassed them by giving them wet kisses on their cheeks.

Jake looked at all the families and felt a pang of sadness. It had been 7 months since he'd last seen his mum, he'd tried to contact her, but Jake's homophobic father had stopped allowing any communications with them. Jake looked at the floor at the memory of his once happy family, but he felt the soft, warm paws of his tiger slip around his waist and bring him in for a hug. Jake turned his head backwards, allowing Sam access to his muzzle, engaging in a passionate kiss, the last one they would share until Jake got home on Monday. Jake murred at the love Sam showed him.

'I love you Sam, I'm really going to miss you.' Jake said, his head still turned slightly to face his boyfriend.

'I'll miss you too baby.' He said sincerely, but a cheeky grin spread across his face 'I'm especially going to miss that sweet behind of yours' He squeezed Jake's rear and gave him a loving bite on his ear, making Jake giggle.

'Stop it you! People are watching.'

'Alright, alright. I love you so much, play well and don't get too many injuries, I want you as soon as you get back.' Sam said, before giving him another loving kiss.

'Oh you, you're impossible. Don't paw-off too much while I'm away, I'm looking forward to Monday night.' Jake turned around so he was facing Sam and lifted one foot paw off the ground as he leaned in for another kiss.

'Come on Jake, drop the tiger, we need to go!' Robbie shouted from the mini bus.

Jake blushed as he noticed everyone was already on the bus. 'Oh, s-sorry! Coming! By Sam, I love you!' He jumped on the bus and Sat by a window near the front, Robbie sat down next to him.

The bus started to pull out and Jake kept his eyes on Sam until he was out of sight, waving all the time, blowing kisses. Sam laughed at his silly wolf as he stared at the bus until it turned the corner and was out of sight. He sighed, partly out of love for his boyfriend, but partly out of sadness that he would not see him until Monday. It would be a long weekend.


Robbie sat in his not particularly comfortable seat, 3 hours into the journey on the rust bucket that was the school's minibus, being shook from side to side when driving over any bit of uneven ground. Most of the team members were asleep, it being 9am and the coach having left school at 6am, the adolescents had lost valuable sleep. It was going to be a long day, after this 9 hour coach journey that would take them to the other side of the country, they had to get out and play against a team that was notoriously violent, after nursing their very probable injuries they were to go out for a team meal at a local restaurant before heading back to their youth hostel where there would be minimal sleeping happening, as is common with a group of excitable young furs. Robbie sighed at the prospect of what lay ahead, he enjoy it when it happened, but thinking about it made it seem tiring and no fun. He closed eyes and rested his head on the back of the seat, trying to get to sleep, to no avail.

He sighed again, annoyed at his body clock that knew it was 9am, normally a time to be awake. He gave up and rubbed his eyes, yawning. He looked around the rest of the bus and saw most of the team either sleeping, listening to music or playing on portable games consoles. He turned his head to the left and smiled at what he saw.

Jake was fast asleep, his face pressed up against the window, muzzle slightly open and breathing heavily. A set of white earphones snaked from his ears down into his pocket, where his iPod softly played one of Jake's favourite tunes, the faint beat could be heard out of the earphone buds. Jake's right arm, the one nearest to Robbie, was draped across his body, hugging in to a small shape only just taking up half the bus seat.

Robbie looked over Jake's slender, slightly feminine physique, admiring what he saw, his exposed fur still had the puppyish fluff he would lose in about 3 or so years. As he looked over the sleeping cub he could feel a tightening in his boxer shorts. Making sure no one was looking Robbie lowered his paw to his groin and gently massaged the ever growing bulge. Without really realising what he was doing he slowly slid his other paw over Jake's slender thigh, gently rubbing and squeezing. Robbie's breathing quickened as he kept one eye on Jake's leg and the other on his face, making sure not to wake him up. He moved his paw further up his thigh and pushed forward slightly, so it was resting on Jake's groin. Robbie started purring slightly as a wet patch formed on the front of his shorts, the precum he was creating having soaked through his boxers and now onto his knee length baggy shorts, he rubbed his bulge a bit harder. He added more pressure to Jake's groin, feeling a bulge begin to form in the cub's own boxers.

'S...Sam...' Jake whispered, making Robbie freeze and look at the wolf's face. 'Phew, still asleep' he thought to himself 'He must be having some pretty yiffy dreams right now.' Robbie continued to massage both their bulges through their clothing. Robbie didn't really know why he was doing it, it just felt... right. He had no idea where he was going.

Robbie suddenly felt Jake squirm under him and buck his hips, the bulge twitching slightly, creating a wet patch on his dark jeans. Jake, still sleeping, let out a sigh and a slight murr. Robbie was slightly shocked, as he hadn't meant to bring the boy to orgasm, but feeling Jake's cum soak through his clothes and onto his paw sent Robbie over the edge. Robbie grabbed his bulge, trying to suppress the orgasm, but it just made it squirt out faster, he purred and breathed deeply as he felt his cum shoot from his cock, soaking into his boxer shorts as his erection jumped against the silky cage. Robbie panted as his orgasm subsided. Looking down he noticed that a dark patch had formed on his shorts, he just hoped to god the cum would dry before they arrived at their destination, or just that they stopped for a toilet break so he could clean himself up, not really wanting to spend 9 hours in a coach having soiled himself. He smiled slightly as he wondered what Jake would think when he woke up and he too realised that he had blown his load inside his underwear.

After the ecstasy had passed, Robbie realised what he had done. He'd pawed off another boy, while pawing himself off. A boy. Robbie's eyes widened, was he gay? He always saw himself as a ladies' man... but, well, it did kinda make sense, when he watched porn he did tend to focus on the man more... god, he was gay! He contemplated this for a few minutes. Well, it wasn't all that bad, everyone knew Jake and Sam were gay, and they didn't care... Jake... he realised that he had been drawn to Jake since the first time he met him, he often watched him running, stood next to him in the showers so he could admire his body, not that he realised what he was doing. He had a crush on Jake?! And he had just pawed him off... He'd have to be careful around him, not to betray himself to the cub, he knew he was deeply in love with the tiger, Sam. Robbie's eyes narrowed as he thought about Sam. He sat back and closed his eyes. He was gay and he was about to spend 3 nights sharing a room with the boy he had a crush on, but that boy was with someone else. Life's a bitch.


Sam sat on his bed, having decided not to go to school today, and contemplated whether to do what he had convinced himself was the right thing to do. Since the boys had moved in together they had overcome many difficulties, which was made easier from the fact that they had each other, but something still clearly bothered Jake, and Sam knew the wolf would not want to confront it, for fear of the outcome. Sam sighed. 'I suppose I'm going to have to do it. If he's to move on and we're to live a happier, more fuller life as a couple, then I have to do it.' He said aloud, Jake was away for a few nights so it was the perfect opportunity. He grabbed his coat and left the bedsit, heading towards the street where Jake used to live. He had to speak to his boyfriend's parents.


'Jake... Jake, we're nearly there, you need to wake up now.' Robbie gently spoke to Jake, a paw on his arm shaking him slightly. Jake's face scrunched up and he unconsciously brought his paw to his face and rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He let out a low grumble, he'd really been in a deep sleep.

He yelped in surprise as he felt something whack him in the back of the head. 'Wake up you lazy cub! We gotta play in half an hour.' John, the goal keeper had leaned over his seat and was looking down at Jake, grinning.

'Alright, alright, jeez! I'm awake.' He looked at his watch and noticed it was nearly 3pm, he'd slept the whole way! No wonder he felt groggy and sluggish. He stretched out in his seat as the minibus pulled into the long drive of the school they were to play this afternoon. As he stretched he felt something a bit disconcerting in his groin. He looked down and noticed a fairly large wet patch, luckily disguised by his already dark jeans. He looked over at Robbie, who was facing the other way and talking to someone behind him. Jake quickly shoved his hand down his boxer shorts and felt what was going on, bringing his hand up it was soaked in a sticky, glue like substance. Jake smelled his fingers and gasped. Had he blown his load on the bus? Had he had a wet dream? He did vaguely remember dreaming about Sam... but not so much to make him jizz in his pants. Oh shit! What if he had talked in his sleep? Or Robbie had seen his bulge?... What if he had seen him cum?! Jake calmed himself, as he was sure Robbie would have mentioned something, or woke him up had he noticed he'd soiled himself. He licked up what was on his paws and quickly swallowed his strangely sweet and salty seed, well, there really was no other place to put it, after all. He shifted his boxers around so they were more comfortable, but it just resulted in him spreading his cum all over his sheath and package, presumably the cum was kept in the glue like state and had not dried up due to the warmth created in Jake's groin. He was so embarrassed, he had to get to a toilet and clean himself off before getting changed with the rest of the guys.

The minibus pulled to a stop at the front of the large school, the building to the right and the sports field to the left. The boys climbed off and stretched their legs, glad to finally be out of that cramped rust bucket. Jake was one of the last off and noticed the team they were about to play had stopped practicing at the other end of the pitch and ran over to greet them. 'Fuck' Jake thought, 'they're huge.'


Sam strolled through the leafy suburbia, the cool breeze lightly blowing through his head fur, the slight warmth of the sunny May day combined perfectly with the shade the tall trees that lined the residential streets provided. Had Sam not been about to confront his boyfriend's parents after neither of them had seen them for nearly 8 months he would have enjoyed his walk. It took 20 minutes to get from Sam's flat to Jake's old house, he had timed it when he practically used to live there. He smiled at the memory of Jake's mum being so comforting and kind towards him, and when the boys had come out to her, she's been so loving, until Jake's father had stepped in. Sam really had no interest in talking to that bigoted old fool, what kind of a man throws his 12 year old son out on the street because he loves a boy? It was fucking ridiculous and made him shake with anger just at the thought of it. He mainly wanted to see Jake's mother, Jake clearly missed her and on some days he would barely speak, as he would be too sad about not being with her.

Sam having been through a similar situation with his father, although he had wound up with a broken leg and his father in Jail, Sam understood the rejection. In particular he understood the longing for a mother. Sam's mum had died in a car crash when he was only 7 years old, it had changed him and he had not been the same ever since. He noticed a similar change had occurred in Jake after being kicked out, and it saddened the tiger deeply to see his love distressed. He felt, seeing as he knew the way Jake was feeling, and knowing he would not want to talk about it, that he had to matters into his own hands, Jake's mother was not dead, she only lived 30 minute's walk away for christ sake! Sam thought that talking to Jake's mum and getting her to at least give Jake a phone call would help his love a great deal.

He turned a corner and walked about 100 metres up the road before he stopped at the foot of some stairs leading up to Jake's old front door. That door held so many memories for Sam, the way the cubs would kiss before entering the house, or when Sam had to go back to his bedsit, of course making sure no one could see. Unfortunately though it was clouded the memory of practically carrying his love away from the house, hearing the door slam and Jake's parents arguing behind it. He shook away the thought as he built up the courage to step forward and knock on the large brass knocker. He knocked three times. God he hoped Jake's father did not answer.

He didn't. Instead, a tall horse answered, Sam had never seen her before. She looked nice though, as she smiled down at the nervous tiger cub. 'Hello darling, can I help you?' She asked, sweetly.

'Uh... I... I'm l-looking for Patricia. I-Is she in?' Sam stammered.

The lady's smile faded slightly 'Oh... No I'm sorry darling, she doesn't live here any more.'

'What?!' Jake said, dumbstruck.

'They moved out about a month and a half ago, he moved in 3 weeks ago. I'm so sorry darling.' She sounded genuinely sorry when she saw his little face fall in disappointment and his ears fall back, his eyes widening.

Sam was shocked, he had not planned for this at all. What would he say to Jake? 'Oh, by the way, when you were away I went back to your house and your parents had moved out, soz bbz, what d'you want for dinner?'

Sam had no idea what to say to the equine lady and just stared, his mouth wide open. Eventually he pulled himself together enough to ask what he thought was important. 'W... Where did they move to?'

'Well, I don't know the exact address or city.' She scratched her head, and then said, more confidently: 'But I think it's somewhere in Australia.'


To Be Continued...