Life Of A Martyr Chapter 3 Rise And Fall

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Life Of A Martyr Chapter 3: Rise and Fall

All characters and views of this story are © Michael .B

Disclaimer is as it is, this contains mature content and is not suitable for those under 17 or 21 depending where you live in this world. I mean hell you cant join the KOOL club less your 21. -jaw drops and face palms- SHIT! Now on to the story. The song intro is Copyrighted to there owners and I just like to put it down to add to the story thank you.

( This time you're really dead once fallowed, but always led.

you thought you'd rise above it all.

It's all inside your head all ripping it up in shreds.

I know someday you're gonna fall.

And I don't wanna say I told you so.

But I told you so.

Now you've lost control and I don't wanna be the rise and fall.

So gimme more or nothing at all.

You're in an awful way sucked in by what you crave.

They just can't wait to see you crawl.

And you can only laugh.

Give in to there half they're only tearing down your walls.

And I don't wanna say I told you so.

But I told you so.

Now you've lost control and I don't wanna be the rise and fall.

So gimme more or nothing at all.

They've come to see you rise and fall.

They're only tearing down you're walls.

They've come to see you rise and fall.

And I don't wanna say you've lost control.

And I don't wanna say I told you so.

But I told you so.

Now you've lost control and I don't wanna be the rise and fall.

So gimme more or nothing at all.

Rise and fall is good and evil, Appearance and reality.

It is triumph and despair, wish and realization, and we are BOTH.

Rise and Fall © The Offspring )

Chapter 3 : Rise and Fall

Wolf stood silently in the main chamber looking at some of the Lycans sitting along the table looking at the blue-prints of the Orders main building before he walked up slowly leaning over the map slowly and placed down his dagger looking at them before he spoke "The Order wants me first.....more than they want you...I am able to stall there forces so you can come in with the C4 you have packed away and place it on all the vital points here." he pointed out the places on the map all of them in the underground area.

Valor looked at him slowly "And you are the bait and sacrifice?" he asked before he laid back his ears as Wolf just gave a nod. "I know this is all your fight...its our fight....but I can stop it...I can put a end to it. More or less the Elder would want to kill me himself....just do me a favor Valor......Don't tell Miaya.." he looked to Valor waiting silently before he gave a nod "Very well young one. I will not speak of it to her.".

Wolf slowly checked over his ammo and a few home made plastic bombs then gave a nod "At midnight we strike." he slammed his fist against the table on the blueprints fallowed by all around the table "May Whaya guide us." he said softly before he looked at his watch and gathered up the group and headed out through the darkness of the night bypassing all the foot soldier's till they got to the building standing at the back side looking up at the top floor..

Slowly they moved through the underground lines while Wolf made his stroll up to the front entrance looking at the guards there with a grin. "Hey guys....anyone order a pizza?" he snickered slightly as the guards aimed at him. He gave a mock look of surprise "What? You guys never heard of Michelangelo's Big Bang Pizza Surprise?!" he spoke with a Italian voice and with that he tossed a primed pack of C4 into the group of Soldier's as he jumped behind a parked car while a explosion erupted behind a wall of fire and smoke.

He peaked his head up slowly over the cars hood with a grin "My My...I'll have to tell Bob to not use so much Garlic and Yeast next time." he hopped over the hood jogging to the front doors tapping in a code before he pushed open the doors walking inside the large lobby hall lined with biblical figures. "I thought I told them I wanted that statue of those twin babies and the she-wolf. Damn they never care what I said." he sighed walking along the halls.

Down along the underground area the steam coated the air like a big hot blanket as if the devil himself breathed deep inside the area, the Lycans moved about the area quickly placing the packs of C4 along the walls and pillars that supported the whole building knowing that a blast in all three areas at the same time would cause the whole place to collapse upon its self quickly.

As they finished there task they made there way out and safely out of the danger zone waiting for the right time to set off the charges, watching the building intently some scared and some wondering about there friend inside as gunshots echoed through the air.

Wolf was crouched down behind a wall as machine gun fire filled the narrow hall as bullets ripped the plants that were above him into shreds, he rested there silently as he checked his arm noticing that a round nicked him he pulled out a small ball from his pocket and pressed a button watching the light flash green.

He counted silently to before adjusting him self tossing the ball down the hall "Surprise!" soon the hall was filled with flames and smoke that was from mixed gases and a spark.

He slowly got up checking the area then moved down the hall picking up a assault rifle that was still in good shape after the flames then pushed on to the elevators pressing the button slightly before the doors opened.

He stepped inside the lift pressing the top flood suite that was the Elders commanding office...he glanced to the side as the soft music was getting on his case he busted open the control panel jerking out the speaker wires then plugged up his MP3 player as the speaker started blasting out some heavy metal ( Blood Line by Slayer to be honest ) and he pointed the rifle up at the ceiling of the lift and opened fire through the side before the sound of bodies hitting the metal was heard on top.

He bobbed his head slightly to the music as the lift stopped at the top floor, slowly the doors opened then the air was filled with machine gun fire while bullets ripped into the walls and metal of the lift till the guards reloaded watching the open doors seeing a empty area...slowly they moved closer before a small silver ball rolled around the corner then gave a evil jokers laugh and exploded in a wall of fire taking out half the guards.

Soon the maintenance door near the lift flew open as Wolf jumped out with the revolver aimed then fired off a round hitting one of the guards in the chest sending him flying back and into the wall due to the power of a high Velocity hallow-point magnum round, soon the other remaining guards fell from machine gun fire...

He moved into a crouch just as a bullet passed by his head hitting the wall behind him, he looked up to see the Elder with a .38 short colt revolver aimed at him "Hey now that nearly hit me you fuck head." he snarled ducking around a corner "You won't get out of here alive know that." the Elder smirked slightly moving to stand behind the corner at the far end of the room just as a magnum round ripped into the wall.

"Ah maybe so...but even if I have to die...I will die taking you to hell with me you arrogant Bastard!" Wolf yelled out firing once more before he reloaded noticing he only had seven rounds left 'shit...I'm about out...and the assault rifle is empty...what am I going to do now?'.

Miaya looked around the cave searching all over for Wolf with a whimper, her eyes darting this way and that in a frantic search for her mate till she moved up to Valor "Where is he father. I know you had something to do with him being gone!"...

Valor looked back to her slowly keeping his silence before he spoke "he's out. I can't tell you where.".

Miaya blinked before her eyes widened in horror "He is at the Order isn't he.?" she watched as Valor gave a soft nod "Yes he is...he's with a few others to take down the building...he insisted to take on the Elder himself.".

She gave a deeper whine moving to pass by Valor before she was held back by his paw on her arm "He is a warrior he knows what it might cost him to end this battle. He Didn't tell you because he loves you Miaya."

Valor spoke softly before she jerked her arm away "I won't let him die!" she yelled running out before he could do anything running down the streets to the center of town coming upon the building before she slid to a stop looking up as the top floor flashed fallowed by the echo of a Explosion. "Wolf!" she said softly before hearing the gunshots.

Wolf crouched down slightly holstering his magnum charging the Elder that stepped from around the corner sending a punch to his face knocking him backwards in surprise also making him drop the small revolver, he was then sent stumbling back from a cheap punch to the jaw then dropped to the floor when the Elder swept out with a kick to his legs.

Wolf hit the floor hard, rolling backwards to his feet taking a stance with a grin lunging once more watching as the Elder stepped backwards and to the side dropping him once more to the floor with a punch to the back of his head.

"Why don't you just stop this little game and beg for forgiveness and maybe you can live long enough to watch me kill that bitch of yours." he smirked watching Wolf struggle to get up, watching the blood pour from his mouth...

Wolf clinched his fist with a growl, standing up spitting out a stream of blood that streaked across the white tiled floor "You will never touch her you sadistic fuck! As I said...I am no longer yours to control...I am too proud to beg...and I am too stubborn to die!".

He spun around sending a left hook into the side of the Elders head knocking him back while he kept up his assault making him only able to block and try to defend himself... his fist coming in contact with his stomach making the Elder double over slightly before he sent a roundhouse kick into his exposed head knocking him over the desk rolling to a stop near the large windows looking out at the street below.

Slowly the Elder got up holding up his hand slowly "Wait... Your right...I am in the wrong...". Wolf blinked slightly standing there and what happened next was something he didn't expect at all, the Elder twitched his hand slightly as a small hideaway derringer moved into his hand...

Wolf then hit a small button on his watch, a small red light flashing as the C4 below the building went off destroying the structure causing the building to shake staring to collapse just as the Elder fired, the bullet ripping into Wolfs chest causing him to drop to one knee holding his chest slightly looking up at the Elder.

"Seams you may have won this round but...I still have the final say in your judgment and your are to be put to death." the Elder spoke with a twisted grin that soon faded away into shock as Wolf slowly stood up pulling out his magnum "I am the Warrior of Light...the defender of the Lycans...And I will die in a blaze of glory for I will rise and fall in this world but I will have fulfilled my purpose!" he spoke as blood rolled down his mouth and from the wound in his chest.

The Elder growled "This can not be!" he fired off his last round into Wolfs chest only causing him to stumble slightly but he still moved on the Elder before he looked up with bloodshot eyes "And now its time for you to die!"

He charged at him full force just as the Elder moved to the side watching as he went past but was soon pulled with him as they both crashed through the window in a rain of glass. Wolf forced himself to aim the magnum at the Elder that fell above him closing his eyes ' me.', he then opened his eyes wide and fired, the last round he had made of pure silver ripped through the Elders skull before he closed his eyes.

"I'm coming home." he whispered to himself as he freefell to the streets below.

All the Lycans moved to see what was happening, looking up in horror at the sight they saw, there only hero falling...

Miaya watched and screamed "WOLF!!" she crouched down with a unknown strength lunging up into the air hopping off the crumbling buildings wall then with all her force she jumped up the rest of the way in a angle aiming for him, soon catching her in his arms adjusting her fall drifting to the building across the street hitting the wall with her back reaching up with one paw digging her claws into the side of the building along with her foot claws sliding down the wall leaving deep long cuts in the rock.

Soon she landed upon the ground holding her lovers lifeless body in her arms crying softly holding him close as her tears rained down upon his face...slowly all the others gathered around looking in sorrow and pain.

' I?' slowly his eyes opened finding him in a void of white, the air around him warm and pleasant before he slowly sat up holding his head looking around as a voice pulled him to look back "Hello my son." there stood a beautiful woman in white, her fair skin radiant with beauty as her brunet hair cascaded down over her shoulders with slight curls at the ends, her brown eyes full of youth and passion.

"Mother...wha..."he blinked and looked at his chest, the two bullet holes clean yet still open, he then looked up to his mother "I take it I died? is this heaven?" he sat there for a while then got up slowly as his mother shook her head "No...this is a path...a void between heaven and hell...".

He blinked and moved up to her "So are you here to take me to hell or heaven?" he spoke softly before he looked up and down some as if looking for the gates.

"Don't worry about looking for them...there not here... because it is not your time my son...I am so sorry I never been there for you...all I wish is to see you happy and I didn't know if I could protect you like a mother could." she took him into her arms holding him close...

Wolf just held her close closing his eyes "I know... but I will miss you mother...I feel so alone..." he said softly a single tear rolling down his cheek.

His mother softly stroked along his back "I know...I know you are...I wish things were different but we can't change the past...only the time to come and our path we will take." she then leaned back some lifting his head up with her finger under his chin smiling a smile that only a mother could "Its time for you to go your your new family...Protect them...and don't make the mistake like I leave you and never try to love you...but I always did love you no matter what. You will always be my son...Michael..." she said softly as she kissed him softly upon the lips before everything turned white then black.

Wolf opened his eyes with a groan looking around, he was laying inside one of the rooms in the cave with a few medical things around him and a IV in his arm, and one hell of a pain in his chest... "Mother?....." he closed his eyes resting silently before he opened one eye as Miaya walked in looking at him with a smile

"Welcome back just rest and recover. Everything is okay.." she kneeled down next to him running her paw over his cheek as he gave a nod closing his eyes once more resting.

( 1 Month later )

Wolf moved from the room pulling on his shirt walking into the main room before he was greeted with cheers and applause as the whole pack looked at him while Miaya and Valor stood along the front line clapping before Valor spoke after it all died down "Welcome Wolf...the Hero and Savior...a true Martyr and forever welcome to the Lycans. We thank you for all you have done.".

Wolf smiled softly looking at the pack as a single lone tear rolled down his cheek, feeling his mothers presence in the area and in his heart that was once clouded and now clear... soon Valor and Miaya moved to stand at his sides and soon a new breed and family was born, and after time humans, Vampires, and Lycans came together in the outside world free of the bars of hostility and hate, the road to peace was paved by Wolf and Miaya.

And now standing in the middle of town was a monument built upon the ruins of the Orders building was a statue of Wolf and Miaya... Valor had aged some and was walking with his great-grandson up to the statue.

"Is that Grandpa and Grandma?" the little wolf asked looking up to Valor as he gave a nod "Yes...they are... the ones who made it able for us all to live in peace and freedom.". Slowly the young wolf recited the statement on the stone in gold and silver.

"Two the world...sacrificing...there own...lives to bring....together all that....was around them.."... The sky became clear as the sun shown down with its loving rays of hope upon the city and the world, and in every book, and mind was the memory and hope that Wolf and Miaya placed in them and in there hearts.

The End (......Maybe)

(CHECK IT. Another up and done. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I did enjoy this and there might be more...with there sons and daughters. I have to think now...enjoy! )