New Years Party

Story by Bloudin-Ruo on SoFurry

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All characters belong to me and me only unless without my explicit permission. This story may not be redistributed in any way for commercial use, but with my permission can be redistributed for non commercial use.

Well, it was finally new year! Happy 2009 everyone! And I decided to throw a party at my house, which was able to accommodate, comfortably, about 15 people.

It was 5:30pm, and I had sent the invitations to six of my friends, and I had said that the time for the party was 6:00pm, for us to sit around, enjoy the night, watch movies, and celebrate the new year.

I had set this up as best as I could. I had bought chips, soda, dip, rented some movies, set up some games, and of course, bought some beer and wine for the occasion.

The first guest came in around 5:55pm, a little ahead of schedule, but better being early than late. The guests name is Kate, a polar husky that worked at my office on the same level as I.

The next few came in a group, it was Riggs, Barklay, and Perele.

Riggs, Barklay and Perele had known each other since they were born, went to the same school, and had gotten into the same business corporation for their jobs.

Four had come, and two were left to be accounted for.

The next to come was Ans (We all called him Ants, because it was hard to pronounce the n-s sound without a t in it.). Ants had been a friend of mine for nearly a decade, ever since we were in high school together.

The last one I knew was Rentendo. We called him Ren for short.

Ren was one of my friends that I have known my entire life, and we have always been close. I have always felt a little self-conscious about the way I look around him for some reason, but I never knew why. He was a nice, funny little tiger. Maybe it was because of his Spanish background.

It took Ren a while to get there, nearly 25 minutes off schedule. But nothing to worry about, we had 6 hours anyways. 25 minutes won't do much to that. I went outside to greet him out of his car and show him inside.

"Hey Ren! How's it going? anything new yet?"

"Ehh, nothing knew really in my life. Same old same old." "Ehat about you?"

"Well to start with, lets get inside so we can talk to everyone and have some been and watch some movies and maybe play a bit of poker."

"Sure thing."

We walked off to my house, and you could barely hear the noise from just outside the door. But when I breached that barrier, man was it loud.

With the TV blaring, five people laughing their asses of with their friends, and just the movement of people was loud.

"Hey guys! Guys!!! Could we turn it down a bit, just the volume in general. Save it for when the new year begins." I said with a sweet smile on my face, and everyone just seemed to quiet down from their screeching, the TV was turned down to a volume only those in the front could hear, and people seemed to get less crazy.

I was extremely satisfied.

About 8:00 though, people started to get bored, so I decided now would be a good time to start one of the movies.

"Hey! Hey! I got some movies if anyone is interested in watching some!"

Five people almost tackled me trying to get the movies and see what they were.

One was Men+Money=Madness, the other was Undersea Escape, and the last one was Death from Life.

All were action/ horror, so I knew they would like them. The first one they chose o watch was Death from Life.

I noticed though, that Ren wasn't in any of this group activity, just sulking in the corner drinking his beer. I decided to see what was the matter.

"Hey, Ren, what's then matter? Is everything alright? We got a movie running if you want to watch something."

All he did was sigh and look up towards the ceiling, then at me.

"Come, I have to tell you something. Where is the most private place in the house that nobody other than you would go in without your permission?"

"Well, I think my bedroom---" He started to walk off in the direction of my bedroom. Puzzled and curious, I followed him.

He led me into the room, and shut and locked the door behind us.

I motioned for him to come sit on the edge of the bed beside me. He did so with his head bent forward and his hands in the classic nervous grip on each other.

"What did you need to tell me?"

"You promise that you won't tell anyone? You swear?"

"Yes, I promise you, I won't tell anyone, you can trust me." He took a deep breath in and sighed, mentally preparing himself for what he needed to say.

"I...I think..." *Pause* "I think I love you. Ok, there I said it, it's all over goodbye!"

"Ah, ah ahh, come back here." I grabbed his shoulder as he started to get up, and brought him back down to me. "So, you think you love me?"

"Uh, I think...I don't know...."

"You want a way to find out?" I smiled at him as I said this, and I think he got what I was talking about, For his pants started to tent. "Yeah, I'm talking about that."


I pulled off his shirt, revealing his striped, muscled chest, and he pulled off mine, revealing the white and blue underfur I had plenty of.

We each pulled off each others pants, and eventually underwear.

As I moved his undergarments off from his thighs, I could not but help but to play with him some. He had enormous balls, each one about the side of a walnut. And his cock was even better. At full length it was probably around 13 inches long and about 1 1/2 inches thick, plenty enough to fit inside me firmly.

I started to move closer in to lick that sweet, succulent pink lovestick, but he stopped me close to him, and I looked up in surprise.

"No, all I want to do is fuck you." I understood completely. Sometimes blow-jobs could be a bit dull.

I finished undressing myself, and organized the pillows in such a way as to support me while being fucked. Once I was finished arranging the pillows, i positioned myself on them and raised my rump provocatively, and gave a few small wags of my tail. That seemed to throw Ren to his instincts, and he immediately pinned my under him, pushing his fur against mine in deep compassion. Positioning each hind leg in front of my knees to allow for a lot of leverage, he positioned his forelegs to the sides of my shoulders, keeping me from running away like he would do naturally.

He scooted a bit closer to me, rubbing his fur against my body, causing me even more pleasure knowing that I was being handled so naturally. He pushed up so close his tip was touching my little tail-hole.

His cock was completely soaked in pre, allowing for an easy and pleasurable first thrust, sinking in just enough to stretch me, but not enough to cause me pain. He let his instincts over come his reasoning with pain for his mater, and soon he was giving quick, heavy thrusts into my rectum, causing me to squirm in pain and increased pleasure every time he sunk in a but more on his cock. Each thrust put him in about half an inch each time into by body, and soon after a few thrusts more, Ren was completely hilted inside of my anus, his 13 inch cock deep inside me, squirming and pulsing within my body. The thickness of his cock was so great though, that every time I tried to move my legs, my pelvis wouldn't let me for his cock was using all of the free space inside my hips, thoroughly securing himself inside me. He just sat there, inside and on top of me, for about twenty seconds. Until in a matter of a second, he pulled his entire thirteen inches out and quickly but powerfully thrust himself back in to his sheath, causing the bed to creak and me to go sinking into the pillows as the sheets under me were soaked with pre from my black dribbling cock. Again he pulled out and thrust his entire length back in up to the sheath, and with each thrust he grew quicker. On the fifth thrust, I though that if he went any faster, I would just die, but I didn't say anything, I wanted to see what would happen. His fifth thrust was about as fast as a normal heart rate, and he stayed at this tempo for a while, but I knew that his climax was building for his thrusts became faster, and his breather heaver and quicker and more uneven. His tempo of a heart rate steadily rose to about that of a jogging pace, and that is with thrusting a 13 inch long, 1.5 inch thick piece of cock in and out of someone's anus. I thought that even this pace was impossible for him to keep up, but he did, thoroughly ramming my insides with his powerful thrusts, shoving his meat back and forth inside of me faster than I could imagine. I looked down to my stomach, as I felt something strange there. To my udder bewilderment, since I was so well toned and thin, I could see where is cock was inside me by a bulging bump moving in and out with his thrusts. I put my hand there to feel it, and the feeling was so insane. Felling someone fuck you from the outside, and then feeling it from the inside were completely different feelings, and when they were mixed, it produced such sexual pleasure to feel someone's cock slide in and out of you with your hand as well as with your ass was just amazing, so amazing that I came without being touched. My first untouched orgasm of my life.

It was so powerful, that I clenched down on Rev so much that his pace slowed back down to a heart rate, and he started to grunt with the force of penetrating me, but that was soon over as he shoved himself as far up as he could go inside my body, about 2 inches past the rim of his sheath, pressing into my bowels with a 15 inch long cock. At the tip of that huge shaft, I could feel hot fluids running out of it and filling me up, surrounding his cock and traveling up my anal track alongside his cock pressed against my walls and erupting out of my ass and running down my balls and thighs, dripping onto the bed where it joined my cum in the puddle on the bed.

When we were both done erupting, we collapsed onto the bed, Ren still inside me. He pulled out his long think meat, which was now floppy and made a wet squishing sound as he pulled it out of me.

We both collapsed onto the bed, panting and gasping for air.

"Well---It looks like we know now." I said, wheezing in between each word.

"I think we do."

And that was basically the conversation. We stayed in my room for about 1 1/2 more hours, and nobody missed us when we came back out and nobody had asked us where we had been.

We watched the ball drop from Times Square in New York, and 2009 had begun. A new year, and a new life to secure with someone else.

Happpy New yeeearr!!!!!