Flash Fry - Chapter Two

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of Flash Fry

Witnessing true heroism can be a powerful and intoxicating experience. Pleasant as it may seem however, the infatuation which such feelings can produce isn't always entirely healthy...

This short story contains M/M sexual acts and romance!

Flash Fry - Chapter Two

Three days had passed by since Ian's crew had battled through fire and flame to rescue a young girl, and while the rabbit had by no means forgotten about that day's rather eventual escapades he hadn't let his thoughts linger on it either. Glad as he was to see everyone involved get out of a fire safely, and happy as he might have been to be able to reunite a child with her family, the rabbit's job kept him and his companions too busy to remain fixated on any one job for any particular length of time. It was for that reason the sandy furred rabbit didn't immediately recognise the fox standing just outside the station's main doors as he left at the end of his shift, yawning and squinting in the morning sunlight.

"Uh... e-excuse me, Ian?"

It was only when the vulpine male addressed Ian that he turned, stopped and actually looked more closely at the fox. His eyes widened slightly, and he grinned.

"Well hey... it's Curtis, isn't it? How are you, how's your sister and the rest of your family?"

The fox's cheeks reddened slightly, but Ian thought nothing of it as Curtis replied, albeit in a manner somewhat vague and distracted.

"Oh, they're fine, thanks. We're staying with my aunt on the other side of town. It's cramped, but it's not too bad. Uh, anyway, I... I was wondering..."

Tilting his head to one side, his ears twitching in eager curiosity, the rabbit watched as Curtis' face grew more and more red beneath his bright orange fur. A thought crossed his mind, particularly when considering their interaction on the day of the fire, but he suppressed it quickly. For one the chances of him being right were astronomically small, and even if he was... which he almost surely wasn't, he couldn't ever see himself going along with such a thing. Being hit on by a guy whose little sister you'd saved from a burning building... it was like a teacher dating a grateful student after they'd just given them an A+!

"...I've been thinking a lot about what I'd like to do after college, and seeing you guys doing what you did for us all the other day, I'm thinking about getting fit so that when I'm done with college I can train as a firefighter."

It was Ian who blushed now, mentally smacking himself for even considering that there was a romantic motive behind the fox's thoughts. He swiftly suppressed his embarrassment though, and gave a warm, eager nod towards Curtis.

"That's great. Really great! If you think it's something you'd like to do with your life, and so long as you understand the risks and the responsibilities, you should totally go for it."

A soft smile crossed the fox's face, and in that moment Ian was struck by how cute this guy was. Yeah he was a little young, Ian tended to prefer guys around his own age or a little older for maturity's sake, but... no! No, he wasn't going to think about that any more, not when it was so obviously irrelevant of him to do so.

"Yeah, that's kinda why I'm here. I think I know what I'm getting into, but... I really can't get the picture just from reading websites and watching documentaries. I've only been thinking about it for a couple of days, and yeah it really does sound like something I could do. Before I start going any further though, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your experience on the job. I don't know if now's good for you, or later, but if you wanna go somewhere and grab a coffee, that'd be amazing."

Ian stared at the fox, his cheeks flushing and the insides of his short, pointed ears glowing brightly.

"C-coffee? You want to go and get... coffee, with me?"

The fox blushed right back, twice as bright, stumbling over his words with a frantic shaking of his head.

"No! No no no! I mean... well, yes, but not like that. I mean, you're... but, no. No! God, no... I'm so sorry, I didn't think... I... I'll just go. I'm sorry."

He was already half way through turning on the spot, ready to bolt away down the street, when one of the rabbit's strong hands gripped him by the crook of the arm. Curtis gasped, and his head snapped round to see what the older male was doing. The fox's face was bright scarlet by now, glowing shamefully, and a split-second after he re-established eye contact with Ian his gaze dropped nervously to the floor.

"Look, Curtis, I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, and I certainly wasn't trying to imply that you were asking me out for coffee in that way. If you want to talk about joining the fire department, and ask me any questions to sort out any worries you might be having, that's totally cool. I'll be happy to have coffee with you and answer anything you want to know. Okay?"

Curtis said nothing, still staring at the ground, but he nodded.

Ian nodded too, and repeated himself warmly.

"Okay then. Let's get going. God knows I could use an Espresso or ten."

It was only a few blocks to the nearest coffee shop, and both males seemed to have the same idea of where they were going, so as they walked they did so without a word to one another. It wasn't that they were still that embarrassed about their apparent miscommunication, though admittedly they were both still a little hot in the face, but really neither one of them knew what to say. It seemed apparent that talking about the fire and its aftermath wasn't the top of Curtis' agenda, so Ian knew to leave that well enough alone unless prompted, and beyond that there wasn't really too much for them to talk about. Their friendship, if indeed that was what this was, had barely even entered its infancy yet. This coffee date... though not a date in that respect, would set the foundations for sure, whether for better or worse, but until they sat down with the social catalyst of beverages and comfy seats to stimulate conversation there was really nothing off of which either one of them could play.

When they finally arrived at the shop in question, purchasing their relevant drinks and grabbing two of the armchair like leather seats at the back of the room, it fell to Ian to break the silence. He smiled at Curtis, and uttered the sinfully vague opener of all conversations.


The fox blushed, but picked up on Ian's thread admirably.

"So yeah, I wanted to ask you some questions. Basically I get that being a part of any emergency public service, military, police, a paramedic or doctor, a firefighter, is a big responsibility. I guess my first question is... is it worth it? The fear, the responsibility and the risk, does it level out, or pay off at the end of the day?"

Ian thought about this for a few moments, seriously considering his answer before giving it, staring pensively down at his large mug of black coffee.

"I... I think it honestly depends on the person. If you feel scared or anxious about doing your job, that's fine. That's why we get trained before we get to go anywhere near a real fire or any other kind of accident scene; so even if we're scared, we have a whole bunch of knowledge to fall back on to reassure us. If you don't feel any fear when you walk into a burning building, you have no business being there at all. Fear keeps you safe. Fear keeps you sharp, and it keeps you alive. Responsibility ties into that quite easily. If you're more worried about yourself, about singeing your fur or scratching your arm on a nail or a warped piece of metal than the person who might be trapped in that house, I don't think you'd even consider a job where there's a small but real possibility you could end up seriously hurt."

The rabbit paused for a moment, taking a sip of his coffee and wincing as it burned his tongue. He sighed.

"I'm lucky. I've been on the job four years, since I was twenty one, and I've never seen a colleague get worse than small surface area second degree burns on the arm. Even then, that was due to some faulty gear rather than any accident or real danger. I've known guys in the department for longer though, a decade or more, and every one of them has attended a fire at some point where one of our own hasn't come out alive. I know one day that day might come for me too, where I'll be waiting for someone to come out of a building even though I know they're not, but all I can do till then is try my hardest to keep everyone of my colleagues safe, and make sure I don't do anything to put myself in the situation where they have to show up at my funeral. You need to be responsible for others, yeah, but you need to be responsible for yourself too."

Curtis was staring at Ian solemnly as the rabbit spoke, drinking in every word that the older male had to say with the deepest respect and sobriety. His own coffee lay untouched, forgotten on the table in front of him, and all he could do to respond was nod whenever Ian paused for breath or to reflect on what he'd already said.

"Basically... it's not a question I can answer for you. If I have to answer for myself though, and I really do mean this just speaking as one guy voicing his own opinion. Hell yes, it's worth it. This is the job I've dreamed of having since I was ten years old, and even though its nothing like I imagined back when I was a kid, it's still the perfect career for me."

For a few seconds longer Curtis just continued to stare at the rabbit, transfixed by his presence and the elegance of his answer. It was only when the older male's cheeks began to flush and Ian cleared his throat gently that Curtis realised what he was doing, and looked away once more with that same look of stung, mortified embarrassment. Before he could try to turn tail and run again though, Ian drew his back in with the best reaction possible; ignoring the situation entirely.

"So was there anything else in particular? I mean, I know you've said you've just been thinking about it for a couple of days, but have you looked up any of the training academies or figured out whether you'd like to work anywhere in particular. Cities like this obviously need a lot of guys to cover all the shifts and stations we've got, but if you're looking for something a little more laid back a small town posting could be just what you need. Same number of hours and a pretty similar pay-scale unless you go out of state, but you'll be living somewhere that'll have a much lower cost of living most of the time."

At first the fox didn't say anything, and Ian didn't know whether he was just thinking or still felt paralysed by shyness. By now it was impossible to deny the spark of chemistry that was present between them, even more impossible than it had seemed on the day of their meeting. Regardless of that fact however Ian felt it vital that he continue as though nothing was wrong, feeling that it would be somehow improper or illicit of him as the older guy to bring it up without a clear sign that Curtis wanted him to.

It took almost thirty seconds before Curtis managed to summon up the apparent courage necessary to even attempt coherent speech. When he finally did so though it was blatantly clear that the veil of simple platonic, job related interest in Curtis which the fox was fighting so desperately to maintain was wearing perilously thin. His voice was strained and a little higher pitched than usual, and his eyes drifted between the ground and being fixated hungrily, longingly upon Ian's own hues with every word to escape his lips.

"I r-really... I really haven't thought that far. I think I'd like to stay in the city though, t-to be near my family, and... and because I want to give something back. To the city. To the fire department here. T-to the... the guy who saved my sister's life."

The two male's eyes widened as Curtis accidentally let his true intentions slip out, the fox in stunned horror, and the rabbit in nervous shock. The younger of the pair tried to take it back, stammering and stuttering a nonsensical garble of syllables, but it was too late for that, and before long the two furs found themselves locked into a deep, soulful staring match, helpless and unable, or perhaps just unwilling to escape.


It was a short walk back to the fire department, and an even shorter walk round to the rear of the building where Ian's car was parked. The two men sat in silence as Ian drove them back towards his apartment, cheeks flaring brightly and ears twitching with more or less every breath to escape Curtis' lips, but only because they didn't need to speak any further words to indicate what was about to happen. The hand upon Ian's thigh as he drove, rubbing, stroking, its fingertips just about brushing the tip of the tent within his jeans, did more than a good enough job of that.

By the time Ian pulled rather shakily into a parking spot within his building's underground garage, there was a wet patch on the front of his jeans. He hadn't cum, he wasn't that horny, but his liberal outpouring of pre-cum and the heated moans he'd been letting loose for the second half of the journey had done more than enough to rid Curtis of his shyness. Now it was all the rabbit could do to keep the fox from dragging his trousers down right there in the dimly lit concrete garage, forcing Curtis to stop plucking and teasing at his crotch by grabbing the younger male around the waist, pulling him close and savaging him with a deep, lingering kiss. Their lips met, tongues entwining and smacking wetly. The vulpine snarled in lust, and Ian, rabbit or not, growled back.

The trip up the two flights of stairs to Ian's apartment was short, but punctuated by little detours as one or both of the males dragged their partner up against the nearest wall, pinning them, kissing them heatedly and groping at whatever they could lay their paws upon, ass, crotch or any portion of their clothing that seemed able to be tugged loose. By the time they reached Ian's front door the fox's shirt was half-way undone, revealing a fluffy, delightfully soft white furred chest, and Ian's t-shirt was lifted up so much that his entire midriff and lean stomach was visible and being deliciously teased and tickled by Curtis as the rabbit fumbled with his keys.

Once within the apartment though, all pretence of foreplay and gentle teasing was lost. Curtis pinned the taller, older rabbit up against the wall of his hallway and growled at him in a deep, sultry voice.

"Bedroom. Where?"

In a giddy daze Curtis led Ian to his room, and what seemed like mere seconds later he could feel his t-shirt being torn away over his head and his trousers being unbuttoned and lowered, underwear following suit moments later. He barely had time to stumble backwards, landing flat on his back upon the bed before scrambling upright into a seated position, before Curtis was on his knees in front of him. The fox licked his lips, staring hungrily at the firefighter's stiff pink pole, a hefty seven inches and quite thick for his species, and after only a moment longer spent gently prising the rabbit's legs apart he dived forward with a frankly savage, predatory ferocity and sank his muzzle around Ian's swollen, already dripping cock.

The fox took to oral with such enthusiasm and skill that Ian dared not believe that this was his first time, though the coherency of that thought only lasted a few seconds before pleasure began to override all but his most base senses. Tossing his head back and letting slip a soft grunt, the rabbit did his best not to start immediately humping at his new lover's muzzle. He gripped the bedding tightly in his fingers, biting down hard on his bottom lip as Curtis' hot, wet tongue dragged itself over the sensitive underside of his shaft, slurping noisily, slipping and sliding back and forth. The head of his cock was already bumping against the back of the fox's muzzle, but as Curtis began to work Ian's shaft harder and harder with his lips the elder of the pair suspected it was only a matter of time before he felt himself slip beyond the fox's tonsils.

Sure enough, with a heated cry Curtis felt his swollen cock-head slide deeper, shivering and gasping breathlessly as the fox's cool nose bumped up against his crotch. The vulpine male moaned, muffled and gurgling, but did not gag as he deep throated the substantial member. Ian was by no means a virgin, but he had never been pleasured quite this way before and it stunned him how different a sensation it was from regular oral sex. Gone was the vacuum pressure of having his head suckled and licked by the fox's maw, replaced instead by the constant near rubbing of his member against the back of Curtis' throat. He could feel ribbons and droplets of the male's saliva drooling down the base of his cock and dripping between them, but all the pre-cum he was producing made its way right down the path it was being so easily directed, swallowed up by Curtis hungrily, forcing Ian to shudder and moan as his balls happily produced more of the rich, slightly sweet goo.

"Oh fuck, Curtis... oh fuck..."

The rabbit's eyes widened as he realised before too long how close he was to cumming, having not reached this point so fast, almost embarrassingly so, since his first time. He couldn't stop the fox from working his shaft though, nor did he have the mental resolve to try, and thus Ian's hands lifted themselves free of the bedsheets and settled upon the back of Curtis' head. He stroked the male's dark headfur, and rubbed his ears tenderly. Curtis let slip a happy whine, and looked up from around the cock he was gorging himself on, eyes sparkling with lust and admiration as they stared deep into Ian's own.

Combining Ian's own state of frantic arousal with the fox's seemingly unending need to pleasure and please the man who had saved his sister's life, it didn't take much more time at all for Ian to no longer be able to resist what he had fought so hard not to do just a few short minutes ago. He felt his grip upon Curtis' head growing ever more tight, fingers digging into the fox's soft headfur, and his hips began to rock slowly back and forth, pushing his shaft ever so slightly harder against the male vulpine's eager lips. Far from complaining though Curtis seemed to relish both Ian's enthusiasm and the slight roughness of his touch, one hand squeezing encouragingly at the rabbit's sandy furred and swollen balls while the other was hanging around somewhere between his own legs, no doubt furiously rubbing at the fabric of his own trousers and wishing that they weren't there right now.


Curtis groaned loudly around Ian's cock, and the vibrations made the rabbit squeak in unexpected ecstasy. His cock throbbed violently, and he grabbed ever more roughly, entirely unintentionally, at thick clumps of the fox's headfur. This only spurred the fox on, and with a gurgling yelp of pain and pleasure combined his clutching, quivering throat muscles sent Ian tumbling suddenly and shamelessly over the edge.

"Ahh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh!"

Three frantic, breathless groans escaped the rabbit as he came, pouring his molten load down Curtis' throat even as the fox gulped it down and continued to slurp hungrily at his cock. Ian saw stars, huffing and grunting with mindless glee, and even when Curtis pulled back, a final drooling spurt of cum running down from the tip of the rabbit's cock and over the bridge of the fox's muzzle, there was nothing the older male could do about it but moan in wild approval of the blatant eroticism of that sight.

Done as Ian might have been though, he stayed coherent at least long enough to see Curtis join him. With a desperate burst of speed the fox fought to unbutton his painfully tented cream slacks and pull them down, revealing a swollen red, knotted cock without any underwear to hide it. He didn't so much as step out of his fallen trousers, still bundled round his ankles, or pull off his shirt, still attached by several buttons, before grabbing his cock and beginning to pump furiously at it with one hand, applying liberal and firm squeezes to his already swollen knot. He leaned his torso and midriff forward, throwing back his own head and yelping in pleasure as the first spurt of his own orgasm erupted less than fifteen seconds later, lashing Ian's torso from his own still stiff, twitching cock to about half way up his chest. Four more thick, powerful bursts of cum followed in its wake, and Curtis milked his sensitive knot for all it was worth until some fifteen seconds later he let go, gasping and shivering at the over-stimulation of that now too sensitive organ.

Blushing, panting and laughing, Curtis looked down at the cum-stained rabbit, and yipped happily when Ian gave a deep mock frown and jerked forward with the last of his strength, grabbing the younger male by the arm and dragging him forward, sending the fox tumbling onto the bed atop him.

There they lay, all arms, legs, tails and fur, laughing, shivering and before too long embracing tenderly. Their lips found one another and they kissed, Ian blushing as he tasted a certain richness which could only have been his own seed. It was Curtis who beamed brightest though, both in terms of blush and indeed smile. He shone like a second sun, dazzling Ian with his shining eyes as they smooched long and deep. Eventually, after an innumerable length of time, the fox spoke, breathless but sincere in every word.

"I... I wanted to show you just how much what you did for me... I mean, for my family, my little sister, meant to me."

Ian said nothing. He didn't know what to say. He smiled though, and nothing short of a fire breaking out right there in the room with them could have made him stop as Curtis continued to speak.

"Look, I know I'm young... and I'm not asking you for anything serious or exclusive, but... if I want to keep on sucking your cock, m-maybe more, as a way to say thank you, and to show you how amazing... how cool... how hot I think you are... w-would that be okay?"

The rabbit blushed, brighter than he had even as he came, and nodded shakily. Maybe he wasn't thinking straight. Maybe he was crazy, but he liked this fox, and god, that had been one hell of an orgasm. At that moment there were two fires burning within him, one in his loins and another in his heart. He didn't know if either one was sensible to be feeling, or if the deeper, more meaningful one was just a temporary bi-product of the dopamine produced by the first. But right then and there, as he lay with Curtis in his arms and looked deep into the fox's eyes, seeing the gleeful embers that burned there, he couldn't dare say anything but...

"God yes."

By Jeeves