Chapter Six: Poingant and Playful (edit 4/21/2015)

Story by ScrambledCrackers on SoFurry

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#7 of Protecting Harmony Book 1: Pathfinding

Everything has a reason and not everything is what it seems, both in this chapter and the ones before.

Edit 4/21/2015: Major revision and editing pass. Extended by over 4200 words. Added some missing things, rewrote a couple moments, enhanced several others. A couple clues I forgot are now included. For the appropriate moments of them together, made things a lot naughtier, despite their still remaining innocent.

Though I will not put straight clop scenes into the main story, nothing says that intimate moments have to be PG only. There is a lot that can be done with suggestiveness and allusion, not to mention teasing. Besides, they're both mature adults. Well, mostly anyway, heh.

For those few that had read the former version, I'd love to hear opinions of the differences.

Beginning to return to the waking world, I noticed a warm, soft weight resting against me. After another moment longer, I noticed said weight was breathing in the slow rhythm of comfortable sleep. My mind next took notice of the substantial stiffness in my limbs, sore from healing as my aches began to make themselves known again and any interest in moving was quick to vacate my waking mind. Remembering the night before, I smiled at the sight that greeted me as I opened my eyes.

Twilight was snuggled against my side, a faint snore escaping as she breathed. Between her presence and needing time to recover, it was an easy choice to stay where I was and delay my usual workout for later in the morning. My current condition was going to be limiting as it was.

Instead, I placed a small kiss on the top of her head where I could reach, just behind her horn. While I was wide awake, I had no interest in moving for now. It seemed that we'd done little moving around in the night, with Twilight only further moulded against my side like she couldn't get close enough, even her wing across my middle was tucked in a little tighter.

I rested my nose against her mane, wondering to myself about my present situation and how strange it was to feel so close in such a short time. Questions that deserved consideration, to be sure, but for now I was content to just lay there with her as I waited for her to wake.

It was some time later that she began to stir with soft mumbles about her pillow being so warm before she nuzzled my side brought a smile to my face.

She then paused and stiffened, letting out a small gasp as her head sprang up to look at me with wide eyes full of surprise, a cute blush spreading across her features as she whispered in mild disbelief, "Oh my gosh...we really did fall asleep together..."

Grinning, I opted for a more non-verbal reply as I hummed, then a gentle hand pulled her head back down for a good morning kiss. She gave her own hum at that, her eyes closing for the kiss before she pulled back again. For perhaps a minute after, we just stared at each other with warm smiles, not quite sure what to do.

A question bubbled out of my mouth with little thought, almost a whisper, "Do you think every morning will be like this?"

Twilight laid herself back down and nuzzled into my neck as her eyes slipped closed, "I don't know. I've never really been in a serious romantic relationship before. This feels wonderful, but it's also so new to me. I can say that if it keeps going like this, I'll never want to get out of bed again... Hmm, I could always just levitate my books over to the bed..."

I gave a soft chuckle, dismissing the ache in my ribs, "If you did that, just how would you get any new books?"

She stiffened for a second, then relaxed again with a small annoyed groan, "I guess you have a point. I never anticipated how nice it would be to curl up in bed with my special somepony though. In a way, I can't be close enough to you."

As if in emphasis to her words, she shifted a little and tried to mould herself against my side even more than she was already. I gave her a small squeeze in return, thrilling in the feel of her fur as she cuddled with me. There really weren't many words that could be said in the moment.

Of course time kept moving and the sound of Spike yawning was heard not far away as he began to wake. Twilight and I shared a look, having forgotten he was there at all until right then. Sharing a sheepish grin together, we saw the mirrored thought we had, hoping he wouldn't be upset to find me cuddled up with her.

The little dragon gave another yawn as he stood and stretched before turning to look at the bed and Twilight, "I guess I'll go get breakfast started. You awake yet, Twil-- Vojin?"

He stopped himself mid-sentence with a confused look. Twilight gave a soft giggle at his expression.

"I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night, since you were already in bed when we got back. I know it's rather sudden and I hope you don't mind, but Vojin is my very special somepony now," Twilight said, her voice a touch giddy as she glanced at me.

"I, uh...are you happy, Twilight?" Spike asked, looking thoughtful.

She gave him a small nod and a smile, giving me a tiny squeeze I wasn't sure she even noticed herself doing, "I'm really happy, Spike. Sudden or not, it feels right in a way I can't really explain right now."

He gave a brief half-hearted shrug in response, "If he makes you happy, Twilight, I guess it's fine with me. Hard to dislike him after he saved you like he did yesterday. Should I make some more pancakes today or just scramble some eggs?"

Twilight flashed me a small grin, an obvious question in her eyes alongside some hidden relief. I just gave her a simple shrug, careful of what I moved. She got the message that I didn't mind either way and turned her eyes back to Spike.

"I think I'd like eggs and toast this morning, Spike. Thanks," she said with a smile.

"No problem, Twilight. Breakfast will be ready soon!" Spike replied before he hurried down to the kitchen.

Twilight laid her head back down against me with a content sigh, looking like she intended to stay put until breakfast was ready. Taking the opportunity, I traced my fingertips up her back, brushing them through her fur as I explored. When my fingers drifted to the base of one of her wings, I let my curiosity focus on it. We had to get up soon enough, but we could delay for a while longer.

After I'd been exploring the base of her wing for a minute or so, I noticed Twilight was breathing deeper than before, tiny gasps starting to escape her lips as her body seemed to melt and tense all at once.

Growing curious, I pressed my fingertips into the muscles in the crook of her wing joint as though I were massaging the spot. I couldn't stop the devious smirk that appeared on my face as she let out a soft moan and shuddered, revealing that I'd found one of her sensitive spots.

An almost teasing note in my voice, I stilled my hand and let it rest against her back, "Seems I found something interesting, haven't I?"

When Twilight raised her head, gulping as she looked at me, the smouldering heat in her gaze was all the answer I needed. I was a bit surprised when she pressed a hoof to my chest as her eyes narrowed, licking her lips before she leaned down until her muzzle was just a breath away from touching my nose.

Her gaze locked on me, a smoky tone in her voice that made me shiver, "You rub my wings like that any longer and I may just keep you in my bed for a full month before I'll even begin to consider the very vaguest concept of letting you get more than a foreleg's length away from me again..."

I responded with a soft hum, an faint and whimsical smile spreading on my face, "We're going to have a hard time restraining ourselves, aren't we?"

She moved in to nuzzle under my chin before starting to nibble at my throat for a few delicious seconds, then just moved closer and nodded, her eyes shut as she tried to calm herself down again. While quite tempted to start playing with her wing muscles again, I just held her close. The thought alone of where things might lead if we tempted fate any further was getting to me.

With a great amount of reluctance, I made myself nudge her back and moved to sit up at the edge of the bed while she eyed me with a half-lidded gaze. I really needed a moment in cooler morning air in the room, away from her warmth. Before I could bring myself to stand, I had to turn towards her, leaning in for a deep kiss, intending to stand up after a second.

That second seemed to last as she pressed into the kiss in an instant, her forelegs slipping around my back to pull me down to her. The angle forced me to turn and move closer, ending up with my chest against hers as she seemed urgent in the kiss we shared, leaving me feeling powerless to resist her as my mind began to go blank.

I was left feeling a curious mixture of disappointment and relief when she pushed me away, both of us gasping for breath with our mouths only an inch apart as we stared into each other's eyes.

Twilight swallowed before pushing me to the side before she rolled away, her hind hooves landing on the floor as she gave me a heated stare that spoke volumes, "Vojin, we better stop. I kiss you like that one more time and I'm going to teleport us to your former room and just lock the door. We've hardly done anything and I'm right on the edge with how much I'm craving you and I can't handle even one more touch like this. I almost regret sharing my bed with you last night, but it was far too comforting. I can't remember the last time I slept so well."

For an agonizing moment, just about everything in me was screaming to kiss her again and give in, unable to move for fear I would capture her with the ease of the willing if I moved towards her and we'd be lost to this mutual craving. A need to claim each other that felt almost outside of myself in a way. Then with slow, careful motions, I made myself move back and stood up on the opposite side of the bed, trying to slow my heart as I gave her a weak smile, "You're right about that, Twilight. About both things. I did wake up a number of times, but it was the feeling of you nuzzling me in your sleep and it was oddly soothing. Despite how I expected to sleep, I feel surprisingly rested."

"I'm actually a little surprised you didn't get up sooner. I was kind of expecting you would do your usual morning routine, with how dedicated to it you seemed yesterday. Mind if I ask what changed?" Twilight asked as she calmed herself back down, doing a little stretching a safe distance away.

"Short answer, I'm hurt and your comfy," I replied with a soft laugh, seeing her cheeks bloom in a rather cute way as she glanced away with a bashful look, "I did wake up at the usual time. Still, even though you healed the worst of it last night, I need another day or two at least in this condition before I'll be ready to do much. I can start thinking about exercises that use so much of my body and range of motion at once after that. At the very least, with my ribs and shoulder to deal with, I'd just hurt myself if I tried. I'll do some careful stretching and light stuff later so I have an idea what I can do safely."

Twilight nodded, looking almost relaxed again as she stepped up next to me with another smile, "That makes sense. You didn't have to stay in bed though, if you wanted to get up."

"Didn't I just say you're comfy?" I teased, earning another bashful look as she looked down and rubbed one foreleg against the other, a shy giggle escaping her.

"I'm not the only one that's...comfy. It's really, really nice, waking up to the sound of your heartbeat and breathing. And you felt so warm next to me," Twilight said as she looked up into my eyes, blushing a little brighter as she smiled.

"Yeah...," I added as I returned her smile.

She stretched her wings before refolding them against her sides, letting out a content sigh, "Well, we've probably been up here long enough for Spike to have finished breakfast or be almost done. Shall we go eat?"

"I just need to get my last good shirt first and I'll meet you downstairs, ok?" I replied, wondering to myself once again about the state of my wardrobe. As I was about to turn away, Twilight rose up on her hind legs and gave me a tender embrace, pressing her face into my right shoulder. My right arm found it's way around her a moment later.

Curious as to what she had on her mind, "Twilight? Something wrong?"

Twilight didn't respond right away, silent as she stayed close for a while before whispering in a nervous, but hopeful tone, " this what it feels like? To be falling in love? I know so little about you but you've already shown that you're smart, have a good sense of humor, know lots of interesting things, can make beautiful music, that you'll risk your life for me and never ask for anything in return. I've never read any books on relationships that cover a situation like ours. How are you making me feel like this so fast? It's like I don't feel right unless I'm holding you or you're holding me..."

Her words brought a new warmth to my heart, smiling one of those special smiles that is somehow small and immense at once, replying in a tender voice, "It really looks like that's what's happening, Twilight. You're brilliant, know a lot of your own interesting things, fascinate me when you start chasing a train of thought, passionate about magic, and would trade everything to be there for those you care about when they needed you. You welcomed me into your home without a second thought, Twilight. I have next to nothing in this world and you gave me a place to call stay, of all things, just hours after we first spoke to each other. If the choice were suddenly presented to me, the daughter I left behind aside, I think I would already choose to stay here and let my life on Earth go so I could be here with you. You feel like my balance point. The one aspect of my life that I don't think I could lose and really be whole again. Sappy and sudden as this all might be, I wouldn't have it any other way."

The two of us just held each other close, enjoying the feeling of the moment. With the swiftness that we were being drawn towards one another, I could not help but wonder if the emotional aspect of our link was letting us open up easier than would be typical for meeting someone new. Regardless of what the reasons were, the feeling was an undeniable kind of joy.

We were lost in the comfort of our embrace until Twilight's stomach made a loud growl and caused us both to laugh. Releasing each other while wearing wide smiles, she headed down the stairs while I went to grab my shirt before I would follow.

Pausing, I gave my training shirt a bemused look. It wasn't that I minded wearing the same black with yellow trim clothes, but rather the rate of attrition I was experiencing. With only two sets after yesterday's fall left my third in tatters, I hoped Rarity would be willing to make me a few things in exchange for running errands for her or something. I'd be doing laundry daily until then, if I wanted fresh clothes in the morning. Here's hoping she'd have time in the next day or two.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I took care as I slipped the shirt on. My left arm enjoyed being difficult, going back in the sling once the shirt was in place, before I headed downstairs barefoot.

The smells of breakfast got stronger as I found Spike finishing up to my surprise, having expected to find him wondering why we were still upstairs or something. Twilight was busy getting some plates and utensils, flashing me a bright smile. She then blushed as I walked past her and let my fingers trail down her back, giving a small tug at the base of her tail while flashing her a teasing smirk.

It felt right for us to wait, even if it was going to be difficult, considering how the morning had left us one errant touch away from giving in already. At least it was clear the wait would be worth it, once the time came.


A few hours later, it was getting close to lunchtime when the girls dropped by as they had planned yesterday. Twilight had a number of things she had to take care of after her time in the hospital, leaving me to my own devices. Much of my time was spent on careful physical checks and quiet meditation until company arrived.

Between the various apple-centric foods courtesy of Applejack, and the stash of desserts that Pinkie seemed to pull from nowhere, everyone was happy and full.

"Ahh...always have loved them fitters Granny makes. So, how are ya feelin' today, Vojin? Able ta get much sleep last night?" Applejack said with a teasing wink and a smirk.

Just quirking a brow at her, her lack of subtlety made it obvious what she was trying. To an extent, I almost wished it was Rarity trying to pry. At least she should know how to be sneaky about it, though I suppose that was just the effect of Honesty. Choosing not to respond to her implication, "Well, after Twilight found she could use her magic on me without any unintended effects, she was gracious enough to attempt a healing spell on me. Although I had to stop her before she could do very much due to the strain she was putting herself through, it did ease the worst of it. Managed to sleep pretty well, all things considered."

"That's great ta hear. Ah know ya both got mighty worried when Twi got ya off the cart. The two of ya stay up long?" Applejack asked, trying to look innocent despite a smirk and drawing a raised brow from the resident fashionista, who was now paying close attention.

I knew what she was going for and wasn't going to let her have this one. Instead, I gave her a knowing look and smile before leaning close to Twilight, seated to my right, and whispering in her ear, "I suppose we should tell them. Would you like to do it or shall I?"

Twilight's cheeks bloomed, staying silent for a moment, then she cleared her throat as she put her hoof on my hand, which I took in a gentle grasp, and turned to look at her friends, "Girls, I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you. I know it's really sudden and everything, but last night, Vojin and I... Well, he's my special somepony now."

The reactions around the table were all positive, much to our relief. Various congratulations were expressed, along with some comments. Rainbow Dash joked about dragging me along on their adventures in the future too, since I was proving to be useful if anyone needed something to break their fall. I was nonplussed, but a retort about her having the most frequent need of such assistance got her to quiet down with a smirk directed my way.

I couldn't help noticing Rarity's expression though, looking a little put out despite offering her support in turn. As she was sitting on my left, I leaned a touch closer to her to ask, "Is something wrong, Rarity? You have this air of disappointment around you."

Rarity wore a relaxed smile and waved a dismissive hoof, "Not to worry, I was just thinking. To be quite honest darling, I found myself quite intrigued by our previous meeting. A rather fascinating individual you are, coming from another world and playing such beautiful music. Then you went rushing straight into danger for the sake of dear Twilight with no regard for your own safety. I must say, I was rather charmed by you. Twilight, I certainly never expected you might catch a stallion's attention before myself. I am quite happy for you."

Twilight let out a shy giggle and leaned against me as she wrapped her forelegs around my arm, "I guess we're both surprised, Rarity. While I was never really avoiding stallions, I never met one that drew me in like Vojin has, and they certainly never made me feel like I do now. We even slept together last night..." Twilight gave a content sigh and nuzzled my shoulder.

There was a pause as eyebrows began to raise and smirks began to grow. Rainbow Dash had a devious grin as she leaned closer, "So tell me, Twi...was he any good?"

Twilight's own words caught up to her after Rainbow's comment, "I just meant sleep! All we did was sleep!"

While she turned as red as a tomato, most of the girls burst out laughing, though Rarity tittered and Fluttershy gave a soft giggle. Unable to resist, I gave a light chuckle myself as I slipped my arm out of her grasp so I could wrap it around her and pull her closer before giving her a nuzzle.

Their laughter ran it's course and as it died back down, I kissed Twilight on the temple and looked around wearing a content smile, glancing back at her now and then, "Yeah, just sleep. I'm still surprised by how restful it was, despite my injuries. I was really expecting to have a terrible time all night, but being snuggled up together like that somehow kept me quite relaxed and content."

Twilight and I both shared a small laugh at the collective 'aww' they gave. It was nice to find Equestria so accepting. I didn't want to spend any thought on how our new relationship would have been received on Earth. The thought alone gave me a mental shudder.

Turning to happier things, I looked at Pinkie Pie. It was strange how quiet she'd been so far and had been eyeing Twilight and I as soon as she heard we were in a relationship. Working with what I knew, the probable thoughts in her head caused a lopsided smirk to grow on my face.

"Hey, Pinkie, you're thinking about a party, right?" Pinkie looked surprised at the question, continuing before she could answer, "Like I already said, I knew a few things about you girls and you, Pinkie, will plan a party for just about everything. I know it's your thing."

"Wow! How'd you know I was thinking of throwing a party? Are you a mind reader too? Oh! What am I thinking of now?" Pinkie said as she stared at me with a strange look.

"Uh...tacos?" I replied at random with a blink, not sure what to think when her eyes widened as she got one of those Pinkie grins going, "I'm really not a mind reader at all. You just have some consistencies mixed in with your randomness. It's endearing, to be honest. I was just wondering what you're going to do, now that you have so many reasons at once I know you'd normally throw a party for individually. I mean, I'm new to Ponyville. Party. Twilight and I got out of the hospital after a coma. Party. I caught Twilight so she wouldn't be seriously hurt. Party. We discovered I have the ability to do magic in the process. Party. We just got out of the hospital, again, yesterday evening. Party. And last but not least, Twilight and I just announced we've started into a romantic relationship. Party."

We all watched in confusion as Pinkie Pie stared at me with a stunned, blank, almost glassy look. Her ears were folded back and her eye was twitching. She had us worrying as she began to let out a faint whine before she tipped backwards off her chair, hitting the floor with a thump as one leg twitched in syncopated rhythm with her eye.

Just as we all started to get concerned for her, she coughed, complete with a squeaky sound no less, as an unsettling, a large blast of confetti escaped her before she popped up. She was hopping in wild excitement and spoke faster than I'd ever seen her do, and judging by the looks I saw on the girls, I wasn't the only one.





She stopped to inhale with a loud gasp, the whole dang thing coming out in one breath. Now grinning wide as ever, she looked around at everyone present. Most of us seemed to have gotten lost somewhere in the middle of her high-speed spiel.

Pinkie twitched a little again, looking around at everyone as she kept grinning, shouting every time she said the word 'party,' "Ok, everypony! Now I just gotta do a HUGE amount of PARTY preparation! Twilight, you might even wanna invite the Princesses down for this PARTY! There's so much I need to do that it's going to take me all day and tomorrow morning just to get ready for this PARTY! So much PARTY!! Oh gosh! I have so much to plan for the PARTY! I'll have to talk to you girls later! PARTY!!!"

Without a moment's hesitation or any sort of reply, she dashed out the door. We all just blinked for a few seconds before sharing a light laugh at her antics. Whatever Pinkie was going to come up with this time would be interesting and maybe even spectacular.

"Well Vojin, it looks like you gave Pinkie Pie some sort of Pinky party aneurysm with that," Twilight joked, poking my stomach with a hoof as she grinned.

"Oh my yes. I must say, for all the times I have seen her get excited, this was certainly one of the strangest outbursts I have seen our Pinkie Pie display," Rarity added, glancing a few times between the confetti debris and the door as though she had to check again that she just saw what she thought she did.

"I know she's excitable and often random, but I didn't quite expect that reaction. Although, now that I think of it, I'm not sure what I was expecting. I just laid out the multiple things that have happened in in the past two days that she'd normally throw a party for..." I said, doing much the same as Rarity in glancing between the door and the confetti detritus on the floor before I decided to give up making sense of Pinkie. I should know better already.

The rest of us enjoyed some casual conversation for a while longer, giving me a chance to really start getting to know the mares that were Twilight's closest friends. I surmised Pinkie was going to be easy in comparison, considering she makes it a point of pride to be a friend to everyone in town. I need to remember to do something nice for her at some point in the future to thank Pinkie Pie for the party that was looking to take place tomorrow afternoon.

While to my mind it was a little miraculous in a way, nothing else crazy happened during the visit after Pinkie's newly-minted reaction which earned the name 'Pinkie Party Twitch' and the girls all headed off.

As I helped clean up best I could with one useable arm, a question came to mind and I looked to Twilight, "When were you thinking of trying some magic practice? I know, power control first. I can't imagine my present skills will be very useful unless we get Photo Finish dropping by and her camera flash breaks."

Twilight gave a merry laugh, leaving me to think I was getting addicted to the sound, before she replied, "Well, however unlikely that is, it would be interesting. And already found a use for what you do know, hmm? Let's finish cleaning up from lunch and see what we can start with, ok?"

It was a few minutes later that found us in the main room of the library while Twilight was selecting a couple magic books. Recalling what I'd noticed yesterday about about books here, I was about to speak up when she plopped a tome in my hands, already open to what I guessed was basic magic control. Looking at it again, I found that same feeling was still there. As though I were right on the edge of understanding the strange script in front of me even as any meaning continued to elude me. No getting around it.

"Um, Twilight...I haven't had a chance to bring it up until now, but I noticed that first afternoon while you were getting that veggie platter that I couldn't read any book titles that I could see. I don't know why Equestrian script is a mystery to me when spoken language has been so easy like it has," I told her, feeling a bit frustrated by this large barrier in front of me after reading so much on Earth.

She looked at me in surprise, "You can't read in Equestrian? With how little difference, if any, we've had in conversation, I never even considered our writing might be different from what you knew on Earth. I guess it's understandable that would be differences. Let me think..."

"Strangely enough, it still gives me this odd impression of feeling like I should be able to read it without any trouble. Which is very weird, considering I've never seen Equestrian script before. It's like knowing the answer to a question and it's on the tip of your tongue, but you keep being stumped on why exactly," I said as I set the book down, making no progress in understanding.

Her brow furrowed more at my telling her it felt familiar when I was looking at it, a hoof touching her chin before she brightened, "Vojin, I have an idea. Could you show me one of your Earth books that were in your pack when you appeared and fell out of the sky?"

"Huh, not sure I'm ever going to get used to having done that... Just give me a moment," I replied as I made my way up the stairs to grab one of my books from my pack. Needed to make sure I dropped my pack in her--our bedroom later.

I made my way back down with a thick paperback that was dog-eared from use and held it out to her, "One of my books on Earth-originated magic. As good a choice as any, I figure, since we're working on magic anyway."

Twilight's horn lit up as she took the book from me and began flipping through the pages, studying it for a minute as her face took on a look of frustrated curiosity, "It seems you're not the only one feeling like the written language from another world should be easy to read, despite not quite being able understand why it isn't. The images and symbols in the book are fascinating though. The runic markings remind me of some very ancient Equestrian magic methods not in use anymore. Give me a minute..."

Upon her mentioning having the same feeling when looking at my book, something seemed to nudge me in the back of my mind as a vague concept began to coalesce before condensing into a clear idea, "Twilight, as you have the same sense looking at Earth writing as I do with Equestrian, it gives me an idea."

She looked up from studying the pages with an intrigued expression, "Well, considering I seem stuck without translation work, what did you have in mind?"

"You remember how I said I channel my magic through my hands and we tried that energy sensing technique with my hand against your hoof?" When she nodded, I continued, "Well, there's a lot more to work with than just sensing. We can give it a try on the couch, like last time. With the available energy here being so much stronger, I wanted to see if I could attempt something that would otherwise be impossible back on Earth. Should be risk free, too."

She raised a brow at me with a small grin and headed towards the couch, "Should be, hmm? Well, I'm interested. Based on what I understand so far and what you've said, you're thinking we could do something through our link that is more than just sharing emotions?"

That made me chuckle as she got herself settled, taking a seat next to her, "Well I said you were brilliant. That's pretty close to the mark so I guess I'll skip trying to explain and we can just give it a shot, ok?"

I held up my hand with palm towards her, seeing her grin a little wider as she pressed her hoof to my palm with no hesitation and closed her eyes, leaving me to smirk and do the same.

Letting myself sink into the feel of it again, I felt much as I had before. I could feel the touch of her magic tracing against mine, that external sense of curiosity separate from my own appeared again. Once the feeling settled in, I let myself sink deeper as my energy reached out to hers.

At first, little changed, then in a slow and gradual transition I caught the feeling of where energy was flowing. I followed the lines, beginning to see clearer distinction between her energy and mine. Drifting closer to her with a gentle presence, I let my energy take on a sense of asking permission to enter, pleased when her own responded by pulling my awareness further within her being. I noticed a meditative trance settle over my body as I did and my conscious mind separated.

With a smile within, I let myself be pulled along with her magic, feeling surrounded by her sense of self a bit more as my own sense of self faded further into the background. Expressing an intangible desire to trade and share learning, I felt an eagerness in her magic responding while a sense of flowing thoughts swirled around and past my awareness before her magic began to nudge me away again. I just let her need for my departure push me back towards my own energy again.

When it all felt done, not knowing how long it had been, I opened my eyes and looked at Twilight. Her eyes opened a moment later and stared at me in wonder before rising up to embrace me in a slow, yet undeniable way. My good arm moved around her back as she nuzzled into my neck with a happy sigh.

After holding each other in silence for a time, I spoke up, "What did you feel this time?"

"It was...strange, this time. It was like I had this feeling of you seeking permission, then I felt like a very real part of your inner self or your magic was resting within me. You traded something with me, I think," Twilight returned in a quiet tone, staying close and after a second she added, "And somehow, it all felt so very...intimate. I just felt so close to you when you were doing that whatever-it-is kind of magic you do."

"Hmm, yeah, I wasn't even expecting it to work anywhere near that well, to be honest. I just wanted to see if it was possible first and meant to work from there. Anyway, since neither of us is interested in moving at the moment, could you please levitate the book I showed you over here?" I said, my hand moving up her back to sink my fingers into her mane, massaging the back of her neck a little in the process.

Twilight only moved enough to ensure she had the right book when she levitated it over, nuzzling back into me. I had to stretch a little around her, giving her an purposeful squeeze as I got hold of it, kissing her on the head as I did.

"Alright, you're welcome to stay put if you like, but you'll need to move a little if we're going to continue this," her momentary complaints made me laugh as she slid herself back enough to accommodate setting the book on my lap and opening it up for her to see, "I want you to try reading it again. Don't try to force anything or go very fast at first. Assuming it worked like I think it did, we should have shared some learning."

She looked a little dubious at that, but began to make a careful study of the book again. At first, she mumbled to herself wondering what she was supposed to look for. Her voice began to grow louder after a minute as she began to get excited, her wings raising a little as her ears perked forward. Taking enough time that she could have finished the page, she turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"Vojin, I can read your book! How did you know we could do that, and by Celestia, how did you DO that?!" Twilight exclaimed, disbelief and excitement written on her face as her eyes shifted between me and the book.

Feeling hopeful it was the same for myself, "Well if you get me that book you tried to show me before, I'll see if it went both ways. I'm hopeful it worked for me too. I just got this feeling that it might work before giving it a try and it proved true."

Her eyes shot to the book she tried to show me earlier, pretty much yanking it through the air and flipping it open to the same page as before, then all but slammed it into my lap. I was thankful she had the presence of mind and control to be gentle at the last second.

Taking a look at the book, I held to my own suggestion and didn't try to force anything. At first, it felt like nothing had changed. Familiar, yet incomprehensible. A gradual change began to become apparent as I scanned around the page at different words. I started to recognize a word here, then another one there, moving around the text before me in a process not so unlike remembering something all but forgotten. A smile found it's way to my face as my own excitement built until I read the chapter heading and section title aloud for Twilight.

"Introduction to the primary power control methods for the young unicorn. Basic tenets of regulating your magic."

Twilight gave a loud squeal. Her sudden excitement was a touch overwhelming, though it was hard to focus on that when she threw her forelegs around my shoulders and hugged me tight, pressing her lips to mine while knocking me over on the couch. The wild embrace left her pressing into my shoulder rather close to the wound, though not right atop it. If it wasn't for that, I'd have quite enjoyed her enthusiasm.

Instead, a small grunt of discomfort slipped out as I fell back, doing my best to keep it to myself both for her anticipated feelings of guilt that she might have hurt me and because it was still a rather intimate tackle, which I found quite fun in it's own way. Timing could be better though. Returning the burst of affection the best I could, I only had to deal with my conflicting senses for a short while before she jumped back off of me in a hurry.

"Oh my gosh! Vojin, I'm so sorry! Are you ok? I got so excited that I forgot I could hurt you even more by jumping on you! I'm so sorry! Please tell me I didn't hurt you or cause a wound to open or something! I'm sorry!" she rushed out in a panic, her eyes tearing up as she looked at me with no small amount of fearful worry, hooves covering her mouth.

After a second to breathe, I gave her a gentle smile, "It's alright, Twilight. I'm fine. You just got a little close to the obvious problem in my shoulder. You're also not too heavy, so my ribs didn't have much to worry about. There's nothing to forgive and I'm ok. No worries."

She kept looking at me with the fear she may have hurt me in her eyes, seeming like she was one wrong word away from bursting into tears. It was a difficult sight for anyone to deal with in the features of someone they care about. I was no different now, shifting myself on the couch to lay on my back in a more comfortable manner.

Once settled with my right side towards the back of the couch and just enough space for her to snuggle in, I held up my arm and beckoned her closer with a smile, "Alright you, I want you to come snuggle with me for a bit. I can't stand to see you looking like you're about to cry. I'm really ok, Twilight. You didn't hurt me any. Now you come over here so I won't have to try and drag you over next to me, because that might be rather uncomfortable. If you really feel you did something wrong, I'll take cuddles in compensation."

It was hard not to laugh at how silly it sounded out loud, seeing Twilight give me a small nervous smile before making careful motions over me and settling in against my side with her back pressed against the back of the couch. She let out a faint sniffle as I laid my arm over her, my hand landing on the side of her ribs as I began stroking my fingers against her soft fur.

"That's better. I'm fine, Twilight. You don't need to worry. I'm made of tougher stuff and have to admit you tackling me was kind of fun in it's own way, even if my present condition gave it a case of bad timing."

She wiped at her eyes with a fetlock before her hoof traced little circles over my abdomen, speaking almost in a whisper, "I'm sorry, Vojin. I shouldn't have gotten so carried away. I'll make sure I don't jmmmph..."

Her position making it easy enough to do, I pressed the fingertips of my left hand against her lips to shush her. When she looked up into my eyes, I just smiled and shook my head before nudging her head closer. She understood my intention and moved in for a brief tender kiss, then began to settle herself back into her previous position.

"What? That's all the kiss I get now?" I teased, smirking at her surprised expression.

Twilight opened and closed her mouth a few times, then sighed with a simple relaxed smile. She moved closer again and brought her lips to mine, sinking into the kiss with ease this time.

We just enjoyed each other's touch for a while, lazy strokes of her fur countered by her hoof doing the same over my stomach. Somewhere along the way, our tongues began to roam. Sometimes relaxing, sometimes pressing for more as we went back and forth in the kiss. We felt no urgency in the moment, feeling content together.

It felt like several minutes before we separated again, a light blush on both of us. Twilight looked into my eyes without saying a word, then shifted herself down a little to lay her head on my shoulder like last night as her eyes fell closed. Her hoof returned to tracing lazy designs over my stomach with a serene smile.

Something in the moment felt so calm. Neither of us felt in any desire to speak. After the experiment succeeded so well and we were able to share the knowledge of one another's written language, our sense of closeness was running deep. How fast it took place was mattering less.


Feeling the touch of soft lips against my own, I made the slow return from a peaceful slumber. I had to smile into the kiss when I saw Twilight over me, her touch so light and delicate it left me wondering if she was trying not to wake me at first. The feel of her tongue slipping into my mouth soon suggested otherwise, encouraging me to respond as I pressed back into the kiss with a faint growl. She seemed to find it an invitation to grow more passionate.

Time was an afterthought as we found ourselves ever more engaged in our kiss, thrilling in the feel of each other. My fingers sank into her mane as I pulled her tighter into it, feeling her respond with energy. Both of us breathing harder as the kiss grew fevered, starting to press her into the back of the couch as she pulled me in.

Just as a subtle crescendo seemed to rise like a wave about to crest, we parted our lips as we panted, though staying close enough our noses were touching. Our eyes locked, the same question hanging in the scant distance between us. Just one more touch or motion out of need and it was clear we'd both surrender.

The pause ended as time seemed to restart, sharing a heated smile before our eyes closed for a nose rub that moved into a nuzzle. No less tempting, but we both felt it was too soon and we were more comfortable in that recognition now than we had been earlier in the morning. The craving was no less than it was earlier, but the certainty of choosing to focus on growing our relationship together first was stronger.

Twilight was slow to climb off me, her eyes locked on mine as she slipped over me and onto the floor. She made a deliberate movement with her tail that let it drag across my waist, throwing me a mischievous look and a toss of her mane as she levitated the books we'd left on the floor and moved them to the table nearby.

Sitting up after a moment longer, I had to chuckle at her cheeky, teasing behavior. I was already starting to expect there would be a lot of these little moments where we'd try and get each other worked up. While it would be new to me to be playing this game of teasing on a regular basis, I looked forward to it. It also suggested Twilight would be a passionate lover when we reached that point together. Although until then, I was expecting a teasing minx that delighted in seeing me flustered. However, it worked both ways, so she better be careful in her sensual efforts.

Once we both had a minute to cool off, we went back to working on magic again. Deciding the was no reason not to both read at the same time until one of us had a question, we opted to sit together on the couch, turned a little away from each other so we could lean back against one another as we read.

That little nap had lasted around an hour, maybe less. Our study session lasted much longer as we lost ourselves in our books. I found some basic unicorn techniques to have similar hallmarks to some of my Earth-originated knowledge and practices. From time to time, I would focus some magic over my left palm and work through an exercise I understood in the book.

At first, the most of the exercises were adaptable to my little 'marble of light' trick. Even had a couple things I could add from Earth methods here and there. At one point, I was even able to play with the shape, making the little orb of light shift around through some basic geometric forms.

Like I had been expecting after the first few minutes of reading, I reached a point where it was obvious that the exercises were based around use of levitation and I knew I needed more information, as well as how to cast that basic but versatile spell. The book had been straightforward in presenting information, but it still expected the reader to have an established foundation of simple spells first, so it didn't tell me anything on the spells themselves.

Feeling a smirk on my face as I did, I leaned a little closer to Twilight and nuzzled the side of her neck. She didn't react at first, but as I kept at it she let out a happy coo from my touch before lowering the book she was reading, the one on druidic magic I'd shown her earlier. With how engaged she had been, I figured she was enjoying it.

She turned and she nuzzled my head with a smile before looking at me, "Did you have a question?"

Giving her a nod, "This book seems pretty good, but from what I can tell, it is expecting a reader to know some basics first and I think I'm not going to be learning very effectively without that foundation. I think you'll need to teach me basic levitation and such before I go further with it."

Twilight's eyes danced and her smile grew wider, looking delighted at getting to teach me a spell. She nudged me off the couch and hopped to the floor, moving one of the shelves to look over the books there. She danced in place for a second with a faint giggle as she pulled a smaller gray tome from the shelf, bringing it over to me.

She placed the book of basic spells in my hands, excitement in her voice even as a sly smile started to appear on her face, "I learned all I can from this book years ago, but I've always kept it for the memories and as a reminder of where I started. I've probably read it over a hundred times! I think you'll be able to learn a lot from it, Vojin...," she paused, that sly smile growing, "Of course, learning from just books can...sometimes make you miss certain aspects or functions of a spell. Or at least, that's my vague excuse for not letting you use that book for today..."

Before I knew what happened, her horn was glowing and I was no longer touching the floor. I quirked a brow at her with a bemused look that melted into a grin. It was obvious she wanted to play a game of some kind, even as she taught me levitation. I found myself hoping this playing around would be a frequent thing for us.

"Feeling a little playful, I take it?" I said as I floated there, confident in her abilities and waiting for her next move as I noticed her lick her lips, beginning to suspect some directions over others.

"Mmhmm... Now then...with levitation, while it is one of the simplest, easiest spells to learn for practically any unicorn, or human in your case, there is a great deal of subtlety to discover with it and in many ways, nopony can truly master it because there is always more you can do with it...," Twilight instructed as she moved me around in the air, turning me this way and that, "While I have had years to practice, you will be new to it's use and should know poor focus or misunderstanding your attempted application can sometimes induce unusual effects. These can, of course, also be done at will, with proper training and practice..."

As she said 'unusual effects' with extra emphasis, I blinked, feeling a blatant squeeze on my backside. When I felt a light touch starting to drift down my chest, my eyes widened. I felt it run across my stomach, sweating a little as she moved it down near my waist with teasing movements, letting it vanish just before reaching my more sensitive anatomy. All this while held in the air by her magic, quite at her mercy to do with me as she wished.

Her sly smirk and mischievous eyes told me she wasn't done yet either, her voice coming out a little heavier as she kept going, "With appropriate practice and training, mixed with some creative application...of additional spell components, you can accomplish some remarkable things while still remaining in full control..."

The entire time she spoke, different sensations and touches played across my body here and there. When she paused at 'creative application,' it felt like her tongue the night before when she licked at my neck, although this time around she seemed to be feeling extra mischievous when it passed over my neck once, then jumped over to the middle of my inner thigh, drawing a shiver out of me. Even that was nothing compared to the same phantom tongue licking a slow path across my stomach in a wide pattern, coming within an inch of making things really exciting, then vanishing again as she said 'full control' and set me back on my feet in front of the couch.

The state she had left me in forced me to sit down so I wouldn't risk falling over, feeling overheated as I worked to stop panting. Raising a wary brow at her smug expression, it was a little challenging to get words out right away with a fried brain, "You...that did..."

Twilight sauntered over and stopped, her nose just shy of brushing against mine, her half-lidded gaze and smug smirk fit right in with her air of satisfaction over her efforts, "While it was a little spur of the moment, I decided I wanted a little payback for this morning, my dear handsome Vojin. I don't think you know just how aroused you rubbing my wings like that really got me, nor how hard it was to resist pinning you to the bed and having my way with you. To keep you there for hours..."

Feeling the need to gulp as I took in the way she was looking at me, almost forgetting to breathe and at a loss for how to respond. Her hoof came up under my chin, lifting my head as she moved closer as her head tilted, her lips threatening a kiss without touching as she blew a soft, warm exhale against my mouth. I could see it in her eyes that she knew she had me at her mercy.

Then she slipped back without warning, withdrawing her hoof from under my chin as she did and left my head to drop before I caught myself. She tossed her mane as she sauntered away a few feet, turning her head to look back over her shoulder with a teasing smirk, taking in the state she'd left me in.

Turning her eyes forward again, she made a casual stride over to the book she'd set on the floor before raising it in her magic again, turning just enough to watch me out of the corner of her eye as she went back to reading. I saw a wisp of a giddy grin threatening to break free even as she tried to maintain her aloof appearance.

I had to take a minute to recover my mental faculties, a wide smile spreading over my face as small chuckles escaped unbidden.

Once I felt my legs were under proper control, I got up and headed towards her as I watched her grin starting to widen the closer I got. Still chuckling, I knelt beside her and wrapped my good arm around her, hugging her close as I nuzzled into her mane before I spoke, "Twilight! Have mercy on this poor male! I can't believe you just did that! someone teach you how to do that to a guy?"

She gave a soft giggle at that, leaning into the hug even as she began to blush, hiding her face against my chest, "Would you, um, believe it was...romance novels?"

That gave me a hearty laugh, enough that it even annoyed my ribs as I squeezed her against me, unable to respond at first. She giggled some more as one of her wings moved to hug me closer in kind.

Getting myself under control again, I grinned as I kissed her fur next to her ear before I found my voice, "Yes, I would believe it. Certainly never expected to have an experience like that though. Seriously, you amaze me when you come out of the blue like that. How you were still single when I got here, I will never understand."

She chose not to reply to that, scooting a little closer as she breathed a contented sigh. I began to think the two of us were doomed to endless excuses to cuddle, or at least it felt that way. The idea did have a certain appeal.

A thought crossed my mind, "And while I'm thinking of it, when the time comes for us, if ever you wanted to try acting out one of those scenes, I'd probably be willing to try it, so you know."

Twilight turned her head to look me in the eyes, a little surprised, with something else buried in her expression that I could only read as some level of hopeful interest as her ears perked up, an certain eager quality finding it's way into her smile, "Would that, um, be a promise?"

I hummed, giving her a sly grin, "It is now."

With another blush and a giggle, she gave me a kiss in return.

"Well, as fun, and maddening, as that experience was, I still didn't learn anything about actually using the levitation spell myself. If I promise to be good, will you not use that trick on me a second time? Please?" I said in a pleading tone and still not done calming myself down.

A giggle escaped her as she leaned back a little and looked at me, "Only so long as you behave yourself in the morning from now on. I wake up like that too many times and I'll...I'll set fire to all your pants and lock you in my room...or maybe the dunge-- er, basement...for those extra special ideas in some of my novels," she said with a small poke to my chest with her hoof, her eyes showing her own excitement.

"Uh...yes, Mistress!" I replied with a wry grin, causing her to burst out laughing.


It had been an hour or two, but I was now lifting books and turning their pages with ease. I tested myself with a few other objects, finding it simple and straightforward. I was quite thankful for the mental focus I'd developed through meditation and kung fu.

"You've done really well. I'm surprised you're learning this so fast. It took Sweetie Belle many lessons and several weeks before getting this far, but you've done it in almost no time at all!" Twilight exclaimed in a pleased tone.

"Well, aside from being an adult with some applicable prior experience I could draw upon, you're also a pretty good teacher when you're not teasing me out of my mind," I returned with a brief laugh.

Twilight smiled, a small blush showing on her cheeks for more than one reason, "I'm not that good a teacher, Vojin. Besides, with you already knowing a number of related or similar techniques, you came into this with a great starting point to work from. Just remember not to get too eager and try lifting too much with levitation just yet. If it starts to feel strenuous, stop. I don't want you to accidentally overexert your magic at this stage. You'll have plenty of time to explore limits when you have more knowledge to work with."

As I stroked her mane, I did one more spell exercise without moving my right hand from her mane or gesturing with my left as a billowing white aura appeared over both. A book several feet away rose into the air, floating it close before I set it down on a stack of books I'd moved earlier, taking the time to ensure the corners were aligned for extra finesse."

Once I finished with that, Twilight gave me another tender nuzzle and let out a happy sigh, "Mmm, if you keep learning this fast, I just might be able to teach you some more intermediate and advanced spells pretty soon. Some of the things I've been reading in your book and what we've talked about have me thinking you might even have some foundations in place for things like teleportation, which would normally require a year or two of study first. Not to mention all the mental focus you developed through meditation being really helpful."

Returning the nuzzle, I made a quiet reply, "I'm actually looking forward to gravity spells. There's something I always wished I could do with something like that."

"Well you're a little far from that level. There is a lot of foundation you need to establish before you can, or should, try manipulating gravity. I would be more than a little upset with you if you accidentally launched yourself straight up into the sky and couldn't undo the spell," Twilight teased as she made a casual display of her skill with levitation, reshelving the books far faster than I could ever hope to right now.

After cleaning up our mild magic lesson mess out of courtesy to Spike, we decided to go out for a walk. My earlier stretching and physical testing earlier informed me I was a few days away from doing much and needed to get out for a little exercise so I wouldn't get a case of cabin fever or something. It was also a great time for Twilight to show me around Ponyville for the first time.

We just wandered around with no real destination in mind. Twilight telling me a few things about this building or that, adding a few bits of the town's history on occasion. We shared a small laugh about the oddity of Quills & Sofas, but for all the strangeness of the place, it did well.

Both of us were also a bit surprised during all this as several of the local ponies watched us with interest, or even trotted up to us so they could thank me for saving their resident princess. It left me a bit at a loss for words really, just giving polite responses when it happened. It looked like the whole town was aware of yesterday's events already.

At some point, we decided to take another short break on a bench, more for to let me rest as my injuries were causing me to tire faster than usual. Twilight rested her head on my right shoulder again with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked.

Her head raised as she gave me a curious look, "What is a 'penny' and why would you give one for thoughts?"

Giving her a curious look of my own, it took me a second before I realized what happened, blinking before giving a reply, "Huh. It's just an Earth saying. Need to remember you won't recognize those most of the time. As for a penny, it's a type of copper coin. Smallest denomination of currency from my home nation on Earth. I was just asking what you're thinking about, since it looked like you had something on your mind."

Leaning her head on my shoulder again, she nodded, "I was just wondering how our relationship would be taken in your world. Here in Equestria, it's not unheard of to see interspecies couples, even if it's almost non-existent here in Ponyville with the lack of other species living here outside of one zebra and two donkeys. I know you've only mentioned a few things about your world and I was just feeling curious."

While I knew what she was hoping to hear, the reality of things was far from that hopeful perspective and I already decided not to try to hide anything from her about Earth that I didn't really want to tell her. The thought had crossed my mind as well, but I was very glad it would never be an issue here. Still, I did expect her to be disappointed and let out a small sigh as I gathered my thoughts.

"I know you're hoping to hear something happy, but the fact of the matter is not so pleasant and somewhat complicated. On Earth, humans are the only known intelligent, sapient species to be found. There are some intelligent animals present, but last I heard there was no way to have an actual conversation and the full depth of their intelligence is difficult to gauge, left mostly to speculation from observations.

"From there, since humans are the only available species to talk to or interact with, there is a kind of arrogant hubris present where humans feel more than a little self-important for lack of any other species to challenge established human dominance on Earth. If we were somehow on Earth, while there would be a few people that would be accepting and happy that the two of us were together, most people wouldn't know how to deal with it.

"To be bluntly honest, the majority opinion would be disgust and condemnation. I'd be looked at as a horrible deviant and you would have a hard enough time just being recognized as intelligent, let alone anything else. The kind of honest open-mindedness it would require is, sadly, very rare...," I told her, sinking into myself a little as I held back from the full range of things my mind was conjuring up, she didn't need to know that much of it and I just nosed against the top of her head as my eyes closed.

Twilight didn't reply. She might have caught the fact I didn't quite tell her the whole story, even if I wasn't hiding anything, and that she might not really want to know the rest. We were quiet for a while longer, taking comfort in one another and grateful for Equestria's accepting culture.

After a few minutes, she spoke again, "All that matters is you're happy with me and I am happy with you. That's what's important."

She pulled my chin to a better angle and gave me a gentle kiss. What negative feelings still lingered were melted away to nothing by the time she drew back with a warm smile. She was right. The important part was in a good place.

"There is something else I wanted to ask about the subject, while we're here," she added after a moment, "You said it would be rare to find that kind of open-mindedness and I'm a little curious how you feel. You've shown no hesitation towards a relationship with me. Can I ask why?"

Letting out a faint laugh, I nuzzled her again as I felt a small bit of relief, "Thankfully, that much is actually easy to explain. It was the way I was raised. My parents tried really hard to drive home the point of seeing someone, be it a friend or otherwise, for what lies in their mind first. It doesn't matter what someone looks like until you consider who they are first. Then and only then should you let yourself consider looks. In your case, you have a very attractive mind and personality. The fact you're so cute, cuddly and adorable is a big ol' bonus."

I chuckled as she now wore a bright blush, a hoof covering her lips as a faint giggle slipped out, a shy smile on her face as she looked away. Her wing slipped around my back after a moment, matching me as we pulled each other close.

We enjoyed a few more quiet minutes before we went back to walking. Locals still came up to me from time to time to thank me for saving Twilight. Along the way, we found ourselves walking near Rarity's shop. Twilight seemed to have the same thought I did and suggested we drop by the Carousel Boutique for a visit.

The bell over the door gave a pleasant chime as we stepped inside. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at the sheer level of fancy, feminine decor present in the main room, smirking to myself. I'd never been much for anything whatsoever in fashion or interior decorating. I was too practical and too pragmatic.

"Just a moment please! I'm getting some material out of the back and will be right with you!" Rarity called out in a pleasant voice from another room.

When she entered the main room, she was studying a fancy looking rich blue fabric with enough intensity that she didn't even realize who we were at first, still speaking in a business-focused manner, "Now how can I help you today? Are you here to schedule an appointment or would you like to browse some of my...oh! Twilight, Vojin! Darlings, I am terribly sorry. I was studying this special silk I need to add to a commission. Lovely material really, although you would not believe how expensive it is. Still, it's capacity for unusual positioning while still retaining both softness and shape is worth the expense. Now then, what brings you into my lovely little boutique this afternoon?"

Twilight and I glanced at each other at the same time, each of us flashing a grin before sharing a small laugh. Rarity appeared rather delighted all of of a sudden as she let out a squeal.

"Oh! You two are simply darling together! It's like you both know what the other is thinking already! And the way you just looked at each other with the same expression and laugh? Marvelous!" Rarity gushed, trotting over after she'd set down the bundle of silk for later.

Both of us blushed a little when we looked at each other again without meaning to and blushing more. I decided not to question it for now.

"Well, Rarity, we noticed we were passing near the boutique, so I thought it might be nice to stop in for a short visit. We were just out for a walk after some magic studies. Have any famous clients this week?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"Famous clients, hm? Well, I did have Sapphire Shores pick up a delightful new gown for an upcoming award ceremony she's to attend, but aside from having the pleasure of turning down a commission from Prince Blueblood of all stallions, it was quite satisfying, I must say, it has been a rather uneventful week so far," Rarity replied, then looked up at me, "And Vojin, darling, are you feeling well? With how terribly injured you were, I must ask why you are not simply resting in bed as you recover? Surely you are not overworking yourself walking around, are you?"

Smirking a bit, I knew I'd start going out of my mind from boredom if I wasn't keeping active, "Like I mentioned at lunch earlier, Twilight was able to do a healing spell that got some of the worst parts of it. I just really needed to go out for a walk and stretch my legs for a while after we finished up a magic lesson. I do need to stop and rest from time to time so I don't overwork myself of course, but it's good to get a chance to look around Ponyville, too. It was a little strange having so many locals watching me, or how many ponies came up to thank me for saving Twilight yesterday."

"Well, I am glad you feel healthy enough for a walk. Please take care not to overwork yourself though. I'm sure Twilight doesn't want you utterly exhausted come bedtime...," Rarity added with a sly grin as she gave Twilight a look, who proceeded to blush as her eyes widened, her mouth falling open a little even as she failed to form words.

That gave me a small laugh, my hand giving a reassuring stroke along Twilight's mane, "Well that particular matter is just going to stay a mystery to you. While I'm here though, mind if I inquire about getting some new clothes? Considering the fall yesterday shredded a full third of my wardrobe, there is a rather obvious discrepancy between my needs and my available options."

Rarity's face lit up in excitement as she started circling me, looking my form up and down, "Oh my, I would most certainly be thrilled to create you a new ensemble. Perhaps several even! Truly, the unique challenge of crafting for your particular form will be a lovely project for me. And let us not forget that you came to my dear friend Twilight's rescue yesterday! I simply must create you something in gratitude for saving her! Oh, and you must certainly also look your best for your new beloved! I am simply delighted to accept the challenge, darling. I also refuse even one bit for doing you this service. I won't accept a thing for these first ensembles."

Even if you have a reasonable expectation someone will show you such generosity, there is still a big difference in anticipating it versus having it presented before you. It was also so very familiar as a memory flashed through my mind of someone I once knew that did this kind of thing all the time, too. A lifelong friend, lost a bit more than a year ago to alcohol and depression. I shook myself out of it before slipping into that end of things.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I gazed at the floor as guilt filled me, even if her offer was unsolicited. After things worked through my mind, I knelt as I looked at her so I might better meet her eyes.

Before she could react very much, I caught her hoof in my right hand and leaned down as I brought it up, placing a light kiss there in gratitude before meeting her eyes again, "I really don't know what to say, Lady of Generosity. I am very grateful, but rather than attempting to make a friendly argument born from the guilt of giving you nothing in return, how about this? I would consider it a favor to me if you would accept a standing offer to ask a favor of me. I simply cannot give you nothing in return, but someone I knew would often do things in a similar fashion and this proved the best way of returning favors given, so here we are."

Rarity let out a shy titter, her cheeks pink as she replied, "By Celestia, you are certainly charming. The more I learn about you, the more I find myself jealous of Twilight. What I would give to find a stallion like yourself that I might call my own... And I suppose I can accept the offer of a favor. At present, I know of nothing I could ask of you, however. Perhaps some time where we might discuss the art of fashion from your world would be an option. I can only imagine what things you have seen."

That gave me a brief laugh, scratching the back of my neck, "I'm not that special, Rarity. Just someone caught by crazy circumstances and trying to make sense of everything going on around me. Also don't know what I could tell you about fashion from Earth as I don't know the first thing about it, but I'd be happy to let you pick my brain another day. To be honest, as far as finding someone for yourself, I wonder if you've tried going after a stallion like Fancy Pants or something. From what I know, he seems to have that rare balance between great wealth and great character. If he's single, I'm sure you could catch his eye."

Upon mentioning Fancy Pants, I had to arch a brow at Rarity's expression. She had begun to blush a fair bit, averting her eyes off to the side with a faint sigh, "I fear that while I am acquainted with him and happen to know he is single at present, I do not believe I have much chance of catching his eye romantically. I am just a simple mare frommmph..."

I wasn't going to let her start that, placing a finger over her mouth to silence her. When her eyes turned back to me, I gave her a smirk, "Don't even go there, Lady of Generosity. I am sure Twilight will agree with me that you are more than worthy of a, stallion, of his calibre. I did not argue with you agreeing to make me some clothes without much in return, so you are not allowed to argue with me on this. From what I know of you thus far, I believe it is a safe assumption that he would be the luckier of the two, should you enter into a relationship with him."

Twilight looked on with a soft smile as I withdrew my hand, letting Rarity have the freedom to respond, an appreciative look directed my way, "I am not quite sure how to respond to that, darling. Lord Fancy Pants is in so many ways just a dream, a stallion of such worth I am almost unable to imagine. You have no idea how thrilled I get when he comes to commission something from me or how much effort I...truly, Twilight is fortunate to have you, Vojin. I fear I just have no manner in which to catch his eye."

"Have you tried just asking him on a date?" I knew, on some level, she wouldn't go for the blunt approach but it was worth a shot, "I'm getting the sense you've got a pretty big crush on him, you know. Does he commission you often?"

Rarity gave a polite sigh, "He does stop in almost regularly to place a new commission every few weeks to once a month. And I certainly could not just ask him! I would die of embarrassment were I to do such a thing! Not to mention that it is hardly the most ladylike approach."

Giving another small chuckle, I grinned, "Well, let me try a different way of putting it. Are there not times when a lady must make a bold move to achieve her desires? You might try something like offering a trade. Say, you could forego your usual fee in exchange for him taking you to dinner. I am sure you can come up with a suitably elegant way in which to approach it."

She had another shy smile as she grew a bit redder with a faraway look in her eyes before making a quiet reply, "My word, Vojin, the way you say it, it sounds like such a simple matter. I must take some time to seriously consider your suggestion, but you have given me some hope."

I grinned as I stood back up, "Just remember not to think about it too long. Since I figure he will have a number of mares interested in getting his attention, you won't know how long you have until it's too late. Heck, you catching him first could even be a way of preventing him from being stuck with an unpleasant, selfish lady. Just a thought."

The flash in her eyes at that was interesting, starting to mumble something to herself about not letting such a stallion suffer so terrible a fate, turning to look at a table and levitating over her measuring tape and turning back to me, "I will take your words to heart. The very idea that a stallion of his quality might be bound by the yoke of a self-centered mare is unthinkable. I simply won't have it, if it is within my power to prevent. For now, please shed your clothes, if you will be so kind. I need to take the appropriate measurements without their hinderance."

"Alright, but only to my undergarments. I don't want to have anything on display," I returned, starting to undo the buttons of my shirt. A glance a Twilight was a little surprising though, seeing her wearing a faint blush as she bit her lip with a twinkle in her eyes, to which I flashed her a grin that made her blush even more.

"On...display? Are you, ah, medically unable to, shall we say, put things away?" Rarity asked as I started to slip off my shirt and the sling, her eyes widening a bit as she had her own faint blush.

"...Medically unable? I don't quite know what that even means, but it's just the way the human body is. No sheath or other means of hiding things, so things pretty much just...hang there. My undergarments are form-fitting anyway, so they will not interfere with any of your measurements. Oh, and you'll have to levitate my left arm where you need it. Be gentle and it will be fine," I said, trying to be a little sly as I used the levitation spell I just learned to loosen my shoes and slipping out of them before my pants were sent to the floor, leaving me in just my dark gray boxer briefs.

"I see...," was all Rarity said as she looked me over with a new look of interest for an almost uncomfortable length of time, "Goodness, you are rather fit, aren't you?"

That made me laugh, grinning as I looked between her and Twilight ogling the result of regular workouts and kung fu training that was a source of pride for me. I answered her in a playful tone, "Don't you have measurements to take, Rarity?"

Rarity's faint blush bloomed into something much brighter as she snapped out of it, looking embarrassed as she started to get her measurements done, "While I admit I was aware you were far from slothful, you are rather more fit than I expected. With the addition of being the first human stallion I have ever seen, you are quite an interesting sight. Similar to a minotaur in your upper body, but with less bulk and slimmer, though I have nothing to compare your lower half to. Your injuries also add a certain rough and rugged complement to your level of fitness."

As Rarity made very careful movements of my left arm to get the necessary measurements, I turned my eyes to Twilight. Shooting a sly grin in her direction as my arm was held out for Rarity, I caught her eye and winked, earning an even brighter blush.

"This is hardly the first time you've seen me without a shirt on, Twilight. I hope you don't mind all the stitches."

"I...," Twilight started and stopped, a bashful bite of her lip as she met my eyes, "You're all mine, aren't you..."

My grin softened, becoming a warm smile, "If you don't mind the beat up alien that's living with you, and just started dating you, yeah. I'm all yours if you stay all mine..."

I almost didn't hear Rarity's soft squeal and comment on how cute we were acting, but with my eyes on Twilight, part of the world disappeared for a time.

Before I knew it, Rarity tapped me with her measuring tape to get my attention, drawing my eyes away from Twilight, "I have all the measurements I need from you, Vojin. As much as I appreciate the view, you may get dressed. I think I will make a test garment or two first, so as to familiarize myself with your particular form."

Nodding, I did just that, though as I got my pants back on, I had to contain a laugh at the small pout on Twilight's face. Once I'd put my shoes on, gotten my shirt buttoned and my arm back in the sling, I gave Twilight a smile.

After I was done, Rarity spoke again as she levitated a sketch pad to herself, "Would you like any particular style as a preference?"

"Styles, geh...well, casual and practical are my primary preference. Most everything I own and actually wore were durable items that I could get dirty in. It's just how I am. I'd really like it if you could just replicate what I'm wearing right now if you're going to do a test run. If I ever need something formal, I'll be happy to sit down with you and you can let your imagination run wild. When it comes to everyday though, I am very much about function first, with form as an afterthought," I told her in a dry tone. My general opinion of fashion was rather low, but I would never let myself discourage those that did enjoy it as it is just a matter of opinion and something important to Rarity.

As she started sketching something that came to her mind, she glanced at me with a bemused but knowing smile and look, "You are horribly lost when it comes to fashion, aren't you Vojin?"

"It's not that I have anything against it so much as... Well, I suppose my perspective wouldn't be too far from the way Applejack looks at it, if that helps. I just don't see myself needing to worry about it. So yes, I suppose I am pretty lost when it comes to fashion," I replied.

Rarity gave me a small, amused smile in return, "Well, even if you are lacking a good sense of fashion, I will do my very best to ensure you look positively dashing in your new attire. For now, I will be happy to create something similar to what you are presently wearing. Having something against which I can compare my results, it will give me a good way to measure my effort. After that, perhaps we can see what kinds of fabulous styles I can..."

She paused at the look on my face, somewhere between worry and dread that I didn't hide in time when she looked my way. Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes before giving me a smirk, "Oh darling, you needn't worry. I will come to consult you with some sketches before I begin to create anything. While I do hope you will allow me a little flair in a few places, I know the design must fit the wearer's personality or it simply will not look right."

Feeling relieved, I nodded to her, "I do appreciate it, Rarity. One somewhat less obvious reason for my preferences is having enough flexibility to move freely. If I were to practice my fighting techniques in something you made, I'd had to wind up tearing something or my movement being restricted. And yes, a little flair isn't the end of the world."

"I will see what I can come up with. Will you at least let me run free in my sketching? I am quite curious what you will think of the designs I might envision for you," she said with a hopeful look, earning a smile from me in turn.

"I can look at as many designs as you want to share, Rarity. Not saying I'd want to wear anything in particular, but I would be happy to discuss the concepts and designs you create now and then. I figure it might even lead to some inspiration for other projects. And that, I can happily tell you, is something I wouldn't dream of denying you, Lady of Generosity. Again, thank you for being willing to help me. And don't even think about forgetting the favors I'll owe you."

Rarity beamed, "Excellent! I certainly look forward to hearing your perspectives then. I am very interested in how you might see things. Being from another world, I can only imagine what sorts of styles and ideas you have seen in garments, even if it isn't something you focus on."

"Heh, well you'll probably get a real kick out of seeing some photos then. I haven't even had a chance to show Twilight yet," I noted, looking at Twilight and seeing her fascinated expression. I wondered how they'd react to seeing the pictures on my smartphone.

Rarity did a doubletake and stared at me with wide eyes, "You brought photographs from your world? I must say, that would be a grand opportunity! I can hardly wait for when I can stop by in a few days!"

After a few more minutes of conversation, Rarity needed to get back to work and we said our goodbyes.

Twilight and I walked in comfortable silence as we began to make our way back to the library. I found myself smiling when I realized perhaps I should start thinking of it as home. Just days since I arrived, and it felt so natural here somehow. Maybe I was stressed out of my mind to the point it transcended what I could process or something.

When we'd been walking for several minutes, Twilight looked up at me, her voice had a vague tension for some reason, "Vojin...I, um, want to ask you something. What do you see for yourself in the future here if you're stuck for life? I mean, with us, and this link and...well, everything?"

Her question surprised me a bit, starting to think it over, though I had a question of my own to ask first, "You sound a little nervous, Twilight. What's really on your mind?"

"I...I was just thinking. W-Would it be wrong for us to be...getting involved if the link was the only reason we feel so connected? I don't mean I'm not happy with everything so far, because it's been really nice feeling so close to somepony, but once I thought about that, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Do you think you would have...have felt the same about me? W-Without the link...?" Twilight said with obvious hesitation and sounding depressed.

It took me a bit, but once I had processed her words, I touched her mane and stopped her.

Turning and kneeling down beside her, I cupped her cheek with my good hand, "Twilight, I understand why you would feel nervous about a question like that. I won't lie and say I really have a complete answer, but I can tell you I wasn't kidding when I told you my favorite character of what I thought was fiction...I really liked your style, Twilight. And I've always been drawn to brainy girls. It's not often I meet someone that can keep pace with me, or even shows herself to be smarter than I am like you do.

"It's the combination of your personality, your engaging mind, the rather adorkable way you react to things a lot of the time... That's what makes me feel drawn to you. I might not know how this link of ours works exactly, but everything I've experienced and felt so far tells me it isn't making us feel something we wouldn't have otherwise had on our own without it. Granted, it is a little weird how easily we seem to connect and how quick we've come to trust each other as much as we have, but those sorts of things have happened now and again between humans back on Earth, too. Without the slightest bit of magic or strange links to speak of."

Twilight remained silent, leaning into my touch as her expression displayed worry and sadness, even as relief was growing while they shrank back. When it seemed she didn't want to say anything, I chose to continue.

"What exactly the link is doing for us is something I suppose we'll have to learn more about when we eventually go up to Canterlot. I can at least say with a fair bit of confidence though, you are very much my type. A sharp mind, fascinating thought processes, a great sense of humor, compassion to spare... And let's not forget you've already shown some signs of being a delightful little tease," I said with a soft chuckle, seeing her gain a furious blush even as she couldn't look away, my thumb brushing across the soft fur of her cheek as a lopsided, yet tender smile came to me, "As far as I'm concerned, even without this link between us, I'd still have fallen for you."

Twilight's eyes widened after I finished speaking, beaming as she smiled, a soft gasp escaped as she stared at me, her mouth half open. She brought a hoof up to touch my cheek in kind.

I felt a little confused, however. I wasn't sure what caused her swift change in demeanor in such a sharp way. It wasn't until a long moment passed and she spoke that she gave me clarity to this moment that something important was taking place.

"," Twilight's expression seemed to grow more joyous, "You've...really fallen in love with me?"

I blinked, my own words catching up with me as I registered what I had said, now feeling a bit stunned myself as a smile to match her own grew upon my face, "I...I guess I have. I don't have the slightest idea how it's happened so fast, but I can feel it inside me, warming me from within when I'm right next to you. That curious electric tingle I get when we touch wasn't my mind playing tricks, it seems... I suppose I'll just say it directly then. I love you, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Her eyes began to fill with happy tears, leaning in close as she managed a giddy whisper, "I love you too, Vojin Barloc Drayce."

As she moved in the rest of the way to kiss me, happy tears began to roll down her cheeks. Matching her movement with my own, I met her in equal measure, pulling her closer with my right arm as her wings wrapped themselves around me to do the same. The world falling away as we shared that singular kiss, no hurry or concern at all while we relished the feeling we had between us in that moment of first admittance. Minutes passed unnoticed as we were lost in each other's embrace.

The passage of time brought the eventual completion of the moment, happy sighs escaping as he remained close, lips brushing but not kissing. Then drawing back, our eyes opened and we just stared at each other for another long minute, our foreheads touching as a few random bits of faint, joy-filled laughter made it's way out from smiles that couldn't be denied.

Twilight managed to find her voice first, rubbing her nose against mine, "I...I guess we should finish walking home now. Wouldn't want Spike to think he could get away with eating all the ice cream or anything."

I gave a brief laugh, nodding as I drew away to stand back up, taking a moment to run my fingers through her mane, needing to keep connected through touch with her, "Heh, yeah. Let's head...home... I hope you know I'm going to want to cuddle you the rest of the time before we go to bed."

Twilight gave a soft giggle in reply as we started walking, the two of us somewhere between sharing moments of conversation and not needing to say a thing in the quiet joy we were feeling.


Spike had prepared a nice pasta dish for dinner. Twilight and I were all but overflowing in happy feelings all through dinner, almost pressed right up against each other as we ate. The rest of the evening passed in much the same fashion, just enjoying each other's company.

After Spike said his goodnights and went to bed, Twilight nuzzled my neck before she asked me a question, "Um, Vojin...would you, uh...join me this time?"

The vagueness of her question left me at a loss for what she meant, "Join you for what?"

She pulled back and touched my cheek with a delicate hoof, staring into my eyes with a bright blush as she pressed on, "I'd...I'd really like it if you...y-you'd join me. F-For a shower."

"Oh," was all I could manage, feeling my face heat up as I caught her hoof and gave it a soft kiss, just nodding in reply before we got up from the couch where we'd been looking over a few magic books together.

We entered the bathroom and I shut the door, nerves getting to me as I noticed a faint tremble in my hand. At first, we could only stare at each other for a long moment, then I was kneeling and we were sharing another embrace. We drew back at the same thought, both of us trying to talk at the same time before stopping again.

"Ladies first, Twilight."

She smiled with another blush, shy as she avoided my eyes, speaking in a rather soft, delicate voice, "I...I should tell you I've...never been with a stallion before. We're still waiting, aren't we? That it still doesn't feel like it's quite the right time? I-I...if you really want to though... I...I wouldn't mind sharing that with you..."

That caused me to smile, taking in all the implications of what she just said as I leaned forward and pulled her against my chest, feeling her come with no hesitation and realizing she really was mine if I said the word, nuzzling next to her ear as I spoke in a quiet voice, "Still waiting, Twilight. We have all the time in the world for it to feel perfect. Although you, uh, are about to see everything about my body, including my...reaction to you, but something does tell me we should wait a little longer."

Letting out a relieved sigh at my words, Twilight's blush deepened as we pulled back, her eyes glancing down at my waist as she chewed on her bottom lip with a nervous, yet eager look before forcing herself to turn her attention to the shower as she got the water running, leaving me to undress.

She was still facing the shower even after the water was ready, a visible tremble in her wings. I hesitated a moment, then slipped out of my boxer briefs, swallowing a lump in my throat as I moved to kneel on her left, noticing her wings trembling a little more when she knew I was close. With my left arm held against my chest to keep it from moving much, I made a gentle touch on her shoulder with my right, causing her to jump when I made contact.

Moving with deliberate slowness, she turned to face me and ran her eyes over me up close. I watched her eyes travel across my form, pausing at my waist the longest and seeing her gulp as her breathing picked up, not sure if I really saw her tail raise a little or not, before her eyes found mine again and she leaned in to kiss me with a delicate touch.

Neither of us seemed to have any words by that point. She smiled and kept her eyes on mine as she stepped into the shower. I stood just enough to step in next to her, the shower having just enough room for both of us to be comfortable if we stayed close, the warm water cascading over us as I embraced her. We nuzzled each other's cheeks as her trembling wings came up to wrap around me, pulling us that much closer together.

For most of our shower, I was sitting to make it easier for Twilight to deal with me, although also to feel a little less awkward considering her head level when I stood up was enough to keep things interesting if I did. We washed each other with tender touches in between waterlogged kisses. At several points, we shared a tense questioning look, checking with each other that we were still wanting to wait, two such looks in particular were full of uncertainty and no shortage of desire when she cleaned my more sensitive places and when I cleaned hers under her tail.

We took our time through it all, reveling in the closeness we now felt. Time was inconsequential, but after enough time the water was turned off and we moved to dry off. Twilight levitated a towel around me first, rubbing me dry as my lack of fur made it a fast process for me. Watching me move beside her, she smiled with a half-lidded gaze as I began to rub the towel over her fur. I took the opportunity to massage her back and shoulders a little, one-handed as I was, earning a pleased groan from her.

Then she surprised me when she used a spell to finish drying us the rest of the way, not wanting to crawl into bed with a damp mane. She also watched with a bit of intensity as I slipped into a pair of kung fu pants again, her eyes betraying just where she was staring and blushing as she looked away when I smiled at her for it. I was glad Spike had been thoughtful enough to give my clothes a wash earlier in the day.

We settled into bed together soon after, moving to the same position as the previous night. There was a very tense moment at one point. Twilight had frozen in place when she realized she had straddled me, her face an inch from mine, when she had realized she couldn't lay her head on my left shoulder, having both climbed into bed before we had realized the situation.

Staring into my eyes as she began to pant, she'd lost strength in her hind legs and found herself pressed to me, her body almost taking over as she had started to push herself down harder with growing urgency. Her eyes had all but glazed over and I had almost given in before I asked her to stop.

I saw her respond in an instant as she froze in place. After a second to gather herself, she forced herself to half roll, half fall to the side where she would sleep, panting and asking why the need for each other was so intense even though we still had the deeper sense of needing to wait. I had no answer to that, as I felt the same. We would wait until we could figure a few things out together.

It occurred to me we'd have lost the battle with that last surge of desire, had I climbed into bed with my usual nude preference. That last contact would have overwhelmed us both. I was only wearing pants to bed in recognition of choosing to wait.

Once we'd calmed our racing hearts down enough, Twilight rolled back over and snuggled in against me. She pulled the covers over us and I planted a kiss on the top of her head one last time for the night. A contented sigh slipped out from both of us when we felt ourselves at last settle, sleep starting to creep up over our minds as we listened to each other breathe.

Twilight nuzzled my chest just before we made it to slumber, her voice sleepy, yet at peace, "Goodnight, Vojin. I love you."

The comforting warmth of her words seemed rivaled only by the warmth of her body curled up against me, nosing into her mane a little more as I made my sleepy reply, "Goodnight, Twilight. I love you too."