A Different Kind of Training - part 7

Story by Erebus86 on SoFurry

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#8 of A different kind of training

YAYZ! Another completed story. And I finished it in about half the time it usually takes me. It is a little shorter than I usually have them, but not by too much. I got the idea for this story from a series that I had begun reading a while ago but never finished (which can be found here --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5891418/1/The-Club) and I absolutely love the idea of it.

I'm not entirely satisfied with this one, but that might just be because I'm not a fan of Machoke. Ballbusterpro from FA won the guessing game on which series I was going to use for this story which was on my last journal. Yes, he got two stories in a row.

Now, I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that I'm getting a new computer. It's supposed to be a pretty good gaming desktop and it cost me under $700. The bad news is, the gaming computer will be really fun and will take up a lot of my time for a while. Don't worry, I'll still be writing, but there will be a small break. And for all the people who were hoping for another ADKoT story, I have some more bad news. My next story will not be a pokemon one. I'm going to try my hand at some actual furry writing with my fursona. I'll probably begin alternating between my fursona and pokemon from then on if I get good responses.

I hope you enjoy this installment of Ronan's adventure. Happy reading! ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon.

It was midday. We were heading East towards Celadon City. The sun shone brightly overhead. It's blaring heat was torture. It was long since Buizel and Kecleon requested to return to the balls to escape the heat. Charmander, on the other hand, had let himself out in order to enjoy the heat. He seemed completely unaffected if not energized by the heat. How I envied his tolerance for heat! It had become so hot that I had to remove my hoodie. I hate taking off my hoodie.

The trees were becoming sparser. This signaled that we were nearing the end of the forest, and Celadon would not be far after that. But it also meant less shade. I was debating weather or not to just stay in the forest so I wouldn't have to leave the cool shade. But the thought of air conditioned restaurants with delicious food won me over. It's not that my food wasn't good, but soups and sandwiches can become old quickly. A professional meal sounded so good right now. And the fact that my parents would pick up the check was just the icing on the cake.

My mind began to wander and it landed on the subject of naming pokemon. I thought back to how Ricky's stand on it. "I feel like I'm being rude by calling them by their species name." It was a thought provoking opinion. Had I been being rude to my friends? They didn't seem to mind it. That bugged me. Why didn't they care that I was calling them like that? They must have had names. Did they really not mind? Or did they think that I wouldn't care to learn their names?

"Ronan?" I flinched from the unexpected calling of my name. "Are you okay?"

There was a short pause before I responded, "Yeah, I was just thinking about something."

"It seems like whatever it was was buggin' you," he observed. "Care to share?"

I looked down at the small critter. He would be so sweet sometimes. "It was about what Ricky said about naming pokemon." I paused. "I'm wondering if it is a little rude to call you by your species name. I mean, you must've had a name that other pokemon called you."

"Me personally," he replied, "no. I was hatched in Professor Oak's lab. I was always just called Charmander."

"You never met your parents?" I asked a little shocked.

He put his hands behind his head. "Nah, but I don't mind. I've got you and that's all that matters." My heart melted. I knelt down and gave him a hug.

"How did you become such a sweet little lizard?" I asked rhetorically.

He hugged me back and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. "I dunno. I just am... I wouldn't mind a name, though. Just nothing cutesy. I don't want to be a Charizard and be called 'Fluffy' or something like that." We began our walking again.

"I would be my pleasure to name you. Give me a minute to think." My immediate thought was something that had to do with fire, but immediately scratched that from my mind. I didn't want to have some cliche name for my wonderful Char. It had to have meaning. I racked my brain, but no regular name would do. It wasn't until I thought back to my lessons on dead languages (because those will totally help me in everyday life) that I thought of a fitting name for him. "Nengan." I said it softly

He stared at me quizzically. "Nengan? I've never heard of that name."

"It's Japanese, a language that is no longer spoken. It means 'heart's desire.'"

Suddenly I found a Charmander's arms wrapped around my neck in a tight squeeze. I hadn't even seen him jump. He quietly whispered, "You're mine!"

"I take it you like the name." It was a half-question.

"I love it! Now give me your lips!" The Charmander, now known as Nengan, quickly locked lips with me. There was no lust this time. It was a kiss of passion and affection. He ended the kiss and looked into my eyes. "Thank you, Ronan. Thank you so much."

"You are very welcome," I replied lovingly. "Now let's continue onward. Celadon City won't come to us." He quickly maneuvered himself onto my shoulder and crouched to keep balanced. I rolled my eyes. "Are you planning on staying up here from now on?"

"For as long as I'm still a Charmander," he answered cheerily. "Onwards!"

I chuckled, but didn't argue. I found it cute that he wanted to be closer to me, even if it meant more work for me. "Okay, be careful though. I don't want you to fall off."

Later that day

We had just finished a large meal at one of Celadon's finer eating establishments. The food was delicious and the service was excellent. Free food always tasted better though. It took a hefty tip to convince them to allow my pokemon to dine too, but tips are included with food for the card luckily. During the meal, I had told the others about what Ricky had said about pokemon names and that I had given Charmander the name Nengan. I had asked about their names. Kecleon gladly gave me his name, Yari. Buizel, on the other hand, said that he had rejected the name his parents had given him for some reason, and instead chose a name for himself, Masu. I was surprised to hear how similar they sounded to Japanese. If they were actually Japanese names or words, I couldn't know for sure. But they sure sounded familiar.

We left the restaurant. "Do you guys mind staying in your balls for a while?" I asked. "I want to check something out."

"Why can't we stay out while you check it out?" Masu demanded looking at me suspiciously.

"Yeah, why can't we?" Nengan whined. "I like staying out with you."

"Do you think you could just do me this favor?" I pleaded. "I'll owe you one."

A devious smirk crossed the Buizel's face and his eyes seemed to gleam. "I suppose so. We could do him this favor, right guys?"

I could tell that Masu was planning something, but I decided to let it slide for now. "Thanks." I took out their balls and recalled them. I had to find out what the note that Ricky gave me was about. "Go to the Pokemon Center and ask to go to the basement. Tell them that I sent you." The note's words echoed in my head over and over again. What In the world was it about? I had to find out.

I headed over to the Pokemon Center without delay. The Nurse Joy who ran this center greeted me as soon as I walked in. "Hello, how may I assist you?" Her tone was just as cheerful as her relative back in Jonquil City.

"My pokemon could use a check-up," I replied somewhat nervously.

"Certainly." I handed her my protoballs over to her.

Almost in a whisper I added. "I would also like to head down to the basement."

She gave a knowing smile. "Of course! Take the elevator at the end of that hallway down." She pointed to a narrow hallway to my left. "I'll keep your pokemon safe until you return."

"Thanks," I said absentmindedly. My curiosity would soon be satiated. I needed to know what that note was talking about. I immediately began walking over to the hallway. It was a short hallway with no other doors besides the elevator's. I quickly moved closer and hit the call button. The doors immediately opened. I stepped inside and examined the buttons. There were only two. One was labeled "lobby" and the other "Basement." I pushed the latter. A sharp jolt indicated that I was going downward... fast. It took several minutes before the elevator stopped with a quiet "ding." The doors opened and I immediately stepped out. I was in a small room. It looked to be some sort of greeting area because the only thing here was a long desk with a computer on it and a few chairs.

A man who looked to be in his thirties was sitting in a chair behind the desk. He had short black hair with well-trimmed beard and was wearing a dark blue suit. He looked somewhat bored, but his face brightened when he saw me. "Welcome!" he said. "My name is Rex. How may I assist you?"

"I was actually told to come here by a friend," I explained. "Mind telling me what this place is?"

"This place is known as 'the Basement.'" Rex explained. "I suppose you could consider it a club. There is a club like this under each and every Pokemon Center. So who was it that referred you?"

"His name is Ricky," I said. Rex immediately typed something into the computer. "I still don't understand why he would send me here."

"Perhaps a better explanation is in order. Ricky is one of our scouts. He looks for people who would be interested in our services and sends them here. To the nearest Pokemon Center, that is."

I raised an eyebrow. "What exactly are these services?" I asked cautiously.

"Something that I doubt you would find anywhere else," he said with a chuckle. "We allow people to live out their fantasies with our pokemon."

It took me a few seconds to understand what he was getting at. This was a brothel! "Isn't this illegal?"

He became a little alarmed. "You misunderstand! First of all, we don't charge for you to have sex with our pokemon. The pokemon are never mistreated and we never force them to do anything. And honestly, they enjoy it."

He sounded honest enough, and I doubt that Ricky would send me here otherwise. "Okay. But if you don't charge for that, then how do you pay for the pokemon's food?"

He looked a lot calmer now that I didn't seem like a threat. "Mainly through patrons. We charge for room rentals, there's a cafeteria where you can buy snacks and meals, and we rent these out." He opened a drawer from behind the desk and pulled out an earpiece. It was a pokemon translator. The same kind that Silph Co. makes.

I immediately assumed they were stolen. What other explanation was there for unannounced Silph Co. tech to be here. "Where did you get those!" I exclaimed.

"I believe that they were donated by one of our more generous benefactors," he answered. "What's the problem?"

I was stunned. There must have been some mistake. This is Silph Co. tech, my parent's tech. How would they know about an organization like this? "Silph Co. is one of your patrons?" I demanded.

He gave a few keystrokes on the computer. "Yes. Silph Co. is our top patron actually. How did you know that they were the creators of the translators?"

"My name is Ronan Oshiro. I am the son of the owners of Silph Co." I pulled out my pokedex and brought up my trainer's license.

He gave a bemused chuckle. "I bet this is a bit of a surprise for you. You obviously had no idea that your parents were pokephiliacs. I suppose they don't know that you're one either." He gave another little chuckle. "Well, at least you know that they won't mind you being one." He began to laugh softly. I found his amusement at my situation irritating. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized just how comical it was. I couldn't help but add in my own laughs.

The laughter was short lived. He opened a drawer and pulled out what looked like a credit card. He typed something in his computer then held out the card. "Here, patrons have unlimited access to the facilities and can request for a specific pokemon to be teleported in at any time." I took the card gladly and examined it. It had a simple azure background with a standard pokeball on it. "We do a have a few rules, though. The main rule is to always respect the pokemon. They are not here for you to abuse. If you ever abuse one of them, then you will be banned from here for life. Rule two: we allow public nudity and sex, so don't get angry if you see that going on. And trust me, it's pretty common. Even if it isn't one of their kinks they'll do it just so they don't have to pay for a room. No insulting other customers, no fighting, and no stealing. Basically don't do anything stupid and you'll be fine. Would you like a tour?"

"Sure," I replied. He clicked the mouse and an imperceptible door opened to the right of me. He stood up and motioned for me to follow. He led me into a cavernous room filled with both humans and various types of pokemon alike. There was a large TV which was playing a rerun of one of the pokemon grand prix. It was a pretty old one considering how there were kids participating which meant it was before the increased age restriction of pokemon trainers. Another TV at the opposite end of the room was set up with the newest video game console. A couple of guys around my age were squaring off in one of those fantasy competitive combat games where humans fought without pokemon. Scattered around the room, there were tables set up where some of the nerdier people were playing tabletop games. At one table they were playing shogi, another had a game of go, and there was even a group that had a large-scale game of dungeons and dragons in progress. A few tables even had some card games being played. There was also a billiards and air hockey table that were in use and a couple of computers that were occupied. There were double doors to the left and right and some bathrooms just to the left of where we had entered from. There was also a long hallway on the opposite wall.

"This," he said, "is our rec room. This is where our pokemon go to relax and have fun. Humans are free to use it too, though. A lot of trainers come here with their pokemon to hang out with the aid of the translators. We have a lot o regulars due to this fact alone. Of course most of them also tend to end up with some of our pokemon before they leave, too."

"You allow us to bring outside pokemon in here?" I asked.

"Of course!" he exclaimed. "They are as welcome as you are and have the same privileges, too."

"They'll sure be happy to hear that," I mused.

"What types do you have, if you don't mind my asking?" he inquired curiously.

"I have a charmander named Nengan, a kecleon named Yari, and a buizel named Masu," I replied.

"I'm sure that they'll have a great time here," he said. "Where are they now?"

"I left them up in the Pokemon Center," I answered.

We were interrupted by one of the pokemon. "Rex!" the male called out. I looked over and saw a gray skinned pokemon, humanoid pokemon that stood about five feet high heading towards us. "I see that we got ourselves some fresh meat."

"Ronan," Rex said, "this is Titan. He's a bisexual top and has a thing for newbies."

"Why'd you go and ruin my intro like that?" Titan complained. "You're supposed to talk me up, not act like the catalogue readout."

Rex laughed. "Sorry, but I felt that I had to give him the heads up. He only has minis and you're not exactly small."

I was a bit confused. "Mini's?" I inquired.

"That's what we call pokemon that are generally under 3 feet tall," explained Rex.

"So now that you know my game," Titan said abruptly, "I'll cut straight to the point. You wanna grab a room and have a little fun?"

I gave him a closer look. His large muscles made him seem a bit intimidating despite his relatively small stature. It crossed my mind that with that much muscle he could hurt me even by accident, but his cyan eyes displayed a kind and gentle soul behind that bravado. "I'm in," I decided with a grin.

"Great," Titan said with a delighted smile. "Follow me, then." He turned around and headed for the hallway. I followed. I couldn't help but stare at his muscular ass while he showed me the way. It looked so firm.

I quickened my pace to get beside him. "So what was that about the catalogue thing?" I inquired curiously.

"The catalogue is the database that can be accessed on the computers here," he explained without breaking pace. "It contains all the profiles of the pokemon that live here. Their name, species, and kinks are all able to be accessed. It even has a search and filter system to allow you to find an ideal partner."

"How efficient," I responded.

The machoke stopped suddenly. He pointed to the door to the right of us. "This is my room. You got money?"

I pulled out my patron card. "I've got this," I replied.

He pointed to a card scanner. "Swipe it there." I did as instructed. There were a few beeps and then the door slid open. It was a pretty simple room. There was a bed, a nightstand, and a few books stacked up next to his nightstand.

"Of Mice and Men," I said referring to the top book of the pile. "I didn't take you for the reading type."

"Nobody ever does," he replied. "You ever read it?"

"Yeah," I answered as I recalled the story. "It was assignment from my tutor. It was a good read."

"I found it enthralling. It was very well written. But we didn't come here to talk literature." I glanced down at his groin and saw a huge bulge in his tight speedo. I wasn't sure if I would be able to take it all. He walked over to his nightstand and opened one of it's drawers to rifle through it. "Would you like to know why I like newbies so much?"

"Sure," I replied somewhat apprehensive about going through with this.

He turned towards me. "I like to help them get used to how large pokemon can be," he explained in a soothing tone. "Some of us can become huge, especially the naturally bigger pokemon. We have a tyranitar here who is eighteen inches. I'm only half that, but I'm a good start if you plan to take on larger pokemon."

His sentiment was touching. It would almost seem noble if it weren't for the sexual aspect. "That's a very kind thing for you to do, Titan." I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks," he said, "I try. This-" he showed me a red band which he must have retrieved from the drawer "will reduce my strength, so you don't have to worry about me injuring you." He slid the band onto his right ankle. "Now let's see what we can do about those obstructive clothes of yours." He reached over and unzipped my jeans while I took off my shirt. He quickly pulled down my pants and boxers at the same time to reveal my semi-hard penis.

I blushed slightly. "I guess I'm just a little nervous," I admitted.

He smiled sweetly and caressed my face. "There's no need," he replied. "Is this you first time taking anal?"

I shook my head. "No, but they weren't as big as you." I shifted nervously. He had said he was nine inches long, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to take that.

"Don't worry," he replied softly, "I'll be very gentle, and I have plenty of lube in the drawer."

'Thank Arceus!,' I thought. 'Perhaps this won't be an impossible feat.' I dove for the drawer and fished out the bottle. It was extra-long lasting. Perfect. I turned back around and caught quite the eyeful. Titan had removed his speedo to reveal nearly a full ten inches of meaty cock. It was the same gray as his body and had red stripes similar to his arms. It was surprisingly human-like. My mouth began to salivate just. He looked so attractive. My nervousness immediately washed away and was replaced with lust. My cock sprang up now rock solid.

"See something you like?" he teased. I nodded eagerly. He got up on the bed on his knees. "Let's begin by loosening you up, shall we?" He grabbed the lube and put some on his fingers. "Now show me that ass of yours." I moved in front of him on my hand and knees and presented myself to him. He growled approvingly. "That is one fine ass you got there."

I blushed slightly and replied, "Thanks. I couldn't help but notice yours was pretty ho-ahh." My compliment was interrupted by a large finger suddenly intruding into my anus. Damn, his finger was large. Luckily it was well-lubed, so it was more surprising than painful.

"Sorry" he said, "but I figured that getting you off-guard would be better than having you tense up." He began to slowly move his finger in and out making sure that I was comfortable. It wasn't long before he began prodding a second finger at me. "Ready for another?"

I took a deep breath and relaxed my muscles. "Go ahead." I grimaced as I felt my my hole stretch more than it was used to. I groaned in slight discomfort.

He slowly stroked my back. "Relax, the pain will ease soon." He was right. My backside slowly adjusted to the stretching thanks to his gentle fingering. "Better?"

"Yeah," I moaned softly. It was starting to feel really good, too. I had never been stretched this much before, and it felt great.

"Good," he cooed soothingly. "One more finger ought to do it." I gave a sharp gasp as he forced another finger in. "You okay? Should I pull out?" He sounded worried.

"No," I grunted. "I'm fine. Just give me a minute." Wow, he had actually fit three of those meaty fingers in me. One alone was about as thick as Masu's cock. I didn't think I would actually be able to stretch this much. After I adjusted to the new thickness, I gave Titan the okay to continue. He resumed his fingering but quickly began increasing his pace. The pain was no longer there. It had given way to a much more desirable pleasure. I gave a soft moan as I was being stretched.

"Sounds like you're ready for the real thing," he observed. He removed his fingers with a lewd shlick sound. I waited in anticipation as Titan prepared himself. I felt his hands grasp my hips firmly. He began to prod my hole slowly with his monstrous member. "I'll go slowly at first. Now, relax." I took a deep breath and relaxed my muscles. With surprising ease, I felt his member slide into me. I gave a low moan of pleasure. It suddenly dawned on my why Yari loved being a bottom so much.

"That feels great, Titan," I said happily. "C'mon, give me a little more."

"If you think you can take it," he replied. He slowly began to push farther in. It was excruciatingly slow. It seemed like an eternity before I felt resistance. He must have felt it too, because he suddenly stopped. "Impressive. You nearly took all of it. Just a little more and I would've hilted you."

"Really?" I asked surprised. I gave a hungry growl. "Well, let's see if we can't get it all in by the time we're done here. Now let's really start."

"I like you're thinking," he replied with an eager tone. He started up a slow rhythmic thrusting. I'm really glad that he started slow because even at this speed there was a little discomfort. It was minor compared to the pleasure of having a large cock rubbing against my prostate. He groaned. "You're still a bit tight even after all that stretching. How are you doing?"

"Ohhh," I replied lustfully, "I'm doing great! You can start going a bit faster if you would like." He gave a low grunt and began to increase his pace. I had to brace myself to keep my balance. I was so glad that he was wearing that item. I didn't even want to think about how bad it would've been if he didn't have it. His pace and strength had begun to continually increase. I couldn't help but make cute little noises during each thrust.

He stroked my side. "How does it feel?" he asked in a very caring voice.

"It feels fantastic!" I exclaimed. I flexed my sphincter to accentuate my delight.

"Great," he replied. "Ready to try and fit it all in?" I thrust my hips back into him as my answer. "I'll take that as a 'yes.'" He leaned over my back and wrapped his arms around my belly. The power of his thrusting increased ten-fold. I grunted in pain at the sudden change in pace, but it didn't last long before the immeasurable pleasure took hold of me. It especially helped when Titan grasped my cock in his meaty hand and began jacking me off feverishly. My cock drooled precum from the sudden additional sensation. I suddenly realized that I could feel our hips and balls slapping into each other at the height of every thrust.

It didn't take long for me to reach my orgasm after that. "Titan!" I exclaimed as I reached the edge. "I can't hold back any longer!" With a squeal of pleasure, I came ropes of sticky cum onto his previously lean bed.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed as I came. My involuntary clenching must have been too much for him, because I soon felt stream after stream of warm seed flooding my stretched rectum. He slowly withdrew himself from me which released a small flow of cum down my thigh. He fell onto his back and began to pant heavily. "Damn, that was good!"

I fell onto my belly and replied. "I couldn't have said it better myself." I was completely out of breath. After a few minutes of just resting and enjoying the afterglow, I sat up. "Hey, thanks for being so nice to me."

He gave a light chuckle. "No problem," he replied. "Besides, it was beneficial for both of us. I'm gonna go take a shower. Want me to show you where they are?"

I saw a suggestive smile cross his face. "Sure," I replied with a smirk.