Pet's Punishment 7/10: Cleaning

Story by Reason on SoFurry

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#7 of Pet's Punishment

"Stand up now, Pet. How does a shower sound?" I'd been working with wipes and brushes, and gotten him fairly clean. He was ready for powder and a fresh diaper, but we hadn't showered before brunch, which meant he hadn't showered since he got on the plane the day before.

"Thank you, Master." He seemed genuinely grateful as I helped him up.

"Will you be accompanying your Pet?" He already knew the answer. His paws were already working at my shirt. I got the water started and the curtain drawn before helping him expose the rest of my thick, shaggy, chocolate fur. He dug his fingers through my dry pelt one last time before we stepped in together, still holding each other.

"I missed cleaning you," I told him as I scrubbed the last of the mess out of his fur, working until no scent remained. I could barely resist the urge lick the rest of him clean. I love the feel of his fur. I love every inch of his skin. I love his long ears and his slender limbs. It had been so lonely showering without him, knowing he was doing the same in a hotel somewhere, with no one to work up a lather through every inch of his pelt, no one to enjoy the way his fur looked when it was full of frothy shampoo, no one who knew just how to work his favorite conditioner into every last follicle, running strong hands over each muscle, and tender fingertips over the fine fur of his face. I'll admit it's nice too, to have someone to scrub the fur on my back.

When we were both thoroughly clean, I toweled us both off, and finished with blow dryer and brush. I wanted him dry and fluffy before I wrapped him back up. Otherwise, he'd never get to be dry. I picked up the changing supplies, and moved to the bed to finish. It's more comfortable than lying him down on the tile bathroom floor.

Sherman lay before me, legs spread, fur clean and dry and poofy, diaper prepared under his rump, awaiting powder, taping, and locking plastic underwear.

"Did my Pet miss being all clean and dry?" I teased, running one paw over his belly.

"Mmmhh, yes, Master. But . . . I think you missed a spot." His voice was playful. He motioned to the bottom of his stomach, where his caged cock had dribbled into his dry fur, leaving a tiny puddle. All this attention had really turned him on. I couldn't imagine how much pressure that trapped, angry flesh felt, desperate for a touch so long denied to him.

I was wrong. The urge to lick him clean was irresistible. With my broad, wet tongue I lapped at his belly, tasting the salty desperation of his pre, the musk intensified by over a week's denial with no end to his rising lust in sight. Setting paws and knees on either side of him, I worked my way up his body, tasting the soft plushness of his pure white fur over every inch of him, licking his chest and sides, his armpits and arms, his long ears, and eventually, gently, his face, culminating in a passionate kiss, sharing tongues and exchanging heated breaths.

"RRrrrrr," I let out a low growl, breaking away from his face: "maybe I missed a few spots."

I began to work my way down his chest and belly, moving my feet to the floor, until I was just kissing the tip of his stainless-steel tube. He was letting out the cutest squeaks and faint squeals of appreciation with each lick.

His imprisoned bunny-hood was drooling by this point. I suckled at the slit of his tube. He couldn't feel anything but the warmth of my breath and maybe the faint suction of my lips drawing more and more of his salty musk into my maw, but his squeals of desperation grew louder. In his writhing muscles below me, I could feel his fight to keep control of himself, to resist thrusting uselessly and helplessly into my maw as lust boiled up from within him.

I decided to grant him a break. I moved further down his body, lapping at each inner thigh in turn.

"Oooh," he cried out as my tongue reached his puffy, pink tail-star: "M-Master, please, I appreciate your . . . mmmh . . . cleaning . . . but you don't have to . . . oooh . . ."

"Nonsense. I'll clean my Pet any way . . . and anywhere I like," I growled back between breaths as I gave the bunny's entrance a furious tongue-lashing.

Between swipes, bit by bit, I began pushing, probing licks, forcing the tip of my broad tongue into him, just a little further each time, stretching him out, getting him wider, lapping at his insides. I always make a point of cleaning him thoroughly back there, but there remained a thick, musky, sweaty flavor. The way he wriggled, though, the way his muscles clenched and pulled at me, it was like he needed my cold nose forcing hot breaths even deeper into the fur of his taint, my tongue flooding and licking ever further inside him. His needy moans, his rocking hips were slipping beyond his control.

This warm, fluffy bunny rump had waited so long for a good fucking. He'd had nothing inside of him since he'd left. There was just one more place to tease him before I'd give him what he wanted.

In one smooth motion I ran my broad tongue from inside him, over his taint, and cupped his swollen, almost lemon-sized fuzzy balls, pulling them into my big bear muzzle as far as I could, sucking eagerly.

"M-Master, Please!" my Pet shouted as I pulled one bunny ball fully into my maw, caressing it with my tongue, feeling the desperate frustration built up inside, heating and squeezing it gently in my mouth.

"Please what, my Pet?" I replied with forced calm, just as I pulled myself off of one orb, and switched to the other, caring for it with the same treatment.

"Please mount me, Master! I want to please you, I want to feel your pleasure inside me!"

That wasn't the whole truth. Part of him, at least, wanted to be stuffed full of thick bear cock, to feel his prostate pummeled and his tail-hole stretched wide. Part of him had yearned for it while he was gone, as his muscles relaxed and his hole tightened. Still, it was always good to hear my Pet's desire to please his Master.

"Is that really what you want, my Pet?" I teased again, alternately lapping at his sac as a whole, bouncing it up and down, and nibbling oh-so-gently at each ball with large bear teeth, tasting the fine, delicate fur. His caged cock was leaking like a faucet, spilling slippery, musky bunny pre all over my muzzle. His right leg spasmed uncontrollably: bouncing, digging his heel into the mattress.

"Mmmmm yes, Master! P-Pet always wants to p-please his Master!" He cried out in desperation, unable to keep his hips from bucking, his thighs from clenching into the shaggy brown fur of my shoulders.

A wave of pride overtook me. I have such a devoted Pet.

Abruptly I stood up, granting the panting rabbit a momentary reprieve as I took a step, and reached for the lube in a drawer under the bedside table.

I drizzled a healthy portion of lube onto my own, rampantly erect black cock, before giving its ample length and girth a quick polish with my right paw. With the same paw I reached for my Pet's entrance, pressing the tip of my index finger to his well-cleaned tail-star, before squirting a few droplets of lube onto it as well.

I slid inside him, one knuckle at a time, reaching and wriggling as I went, stretching him out slowly, letting him feel Master taking hold of his Pet. He moaned and writhed, pressing his feet into the bed, lifting his rump for me, pulling his tail back, barely able to contain himself from slamming down onto my paw. He wanted more, so much more.

I plunged two fingers into him, stretching and spreading him, reaching deep inside, sure to coat every inch of his hot, smooth, clenching tail-hole with slick lube. He was beyond ready. Slowly, teasingly, I withdrew my paw, and knelt between his legs on the bed, my knees just on either side of the diaper spread out beneath him, rustling with every writhing motion he made. He nearly froze as he felt the tip of my black, pulsing cock press against his entrance.

I leaned over him, taking hold of his upper arms in broad, confident paws. I looked down into his soft, begging blue eyes with an almost predatory grin.

"Are you ready, Pet?"

"Please . . ." The faint whimper was all he could manage, but his need did not go unnoticed.

With a low, appreciative growl I rocked my hips forward, pushing into him with almost excruciating slowness. I could feel him shiver and clench with every inch I forced past that hot, pink ring of muscle, sending familiar waves of pride and pleasure rushing through my length and along my spine. He was so tight, so eager, his heart beat so fast, it was like I could feel his lust pouring into me.

In an almost agonizingly slow series of short, brief thrusts, I inched into him, welcomed at each stage with appreciative squeaks and moans, his thighs wrapped around my hips, pressing his plush fur into my shaggy coat.

"Mhh . . . Master . . . Oh . . . Please . . . breed your Pet!" He cried, his eyes rolling with unsatisfiable, frustrating need.

With one loud, hard grunt I forced myself all the way into him, eight inches of thick black bear cock buried in his rabbit hole, sending a jolt of arousal through my body, forcing every muscle to twitch. He cried out in the same moment, as if wracked by the same feeling:

"Oh! So . . . full. Thank you, Master . . . Mmmhh . . . "

I gave him a moment to adjust to the way my cock split him open, to relax, prepare. His eyes were closed, a subtle smile on his face. He fought to control his breathing.

When he was ready, he wriggled his hips, our signal it was time to move forward.

"RRrrrrr . . ." I breathed, taking in the scent of our arousals, the lube and sweat and musk that filled the room. Slowly, with as much control as I could muster, I drew myself barely an inch out of the quivering bunny, before rolling back in with equal care. Every vein in my length was alight with the pleasure of sliding against my Pet's tight, needy walls.

It was so good to have my bunny back. With a week of absence to make up for, I wasted no time in breaking into a regular rhythm, rolling my hips, pulling in and out of him, just a little further each time before pushing all the way back in. My grunts turned to growls with each thrust, his squeaks to whimpering moans.

With each thrust my cock ground into his prostate, pushing still more slick, musky pre from his tormented, confined, cock, leaving his fur wet. Each time I hilted him, my belly pressed against his frustrated balls, fueling the boiling need within them. Each time I thrust, my own plum-sized orbs bounced against his firm bunny buns, clenching and squeezing with his desperate desire for his Master's cock.

Faster and faster, deeper and deeper I fucked him, until I was bent over his body, holding down my Pet, drawing my cock out until it just kissed his entrance before slamming it back inside with each feral thrust. Our eyes were clenched closed, our bodies lost in rut. He howled in joy to feel his Master's pleasure inside him, to feel his own body so appreciated, so well-used. I growled my own enthusiasm for such a dedicated, submissive, sexy Pet.

I could feel it drawing closer. My Pet's sac became firmer, drawing his balls closer to his cage, preparing for an orgasm that would not come without my permission, pulling him higher and higher in his never-ending build-up of arousal. My own sac was drawing equally close, slamming harder and harder into his rump with each frantic thrust. Our nerves were on fire, our fur standing on end. His right leg spasmed against my side, desperate to draw me yet further inside of him. I could smell it in the sharpness of our musk, pouring freely into the air. I could hear it in our frantic voices, and the way we moved against the bed, his ears thrashing against the sheets, my thrusts forcing him into the mattress, crinkling the diaper still laid out beneath him. I could feel it in my own muscles clenching and spasming with each push, my balls drawing close, the pressure welling up deep inside me, building and building until I could resist it no longer.

With one last pull, I forced myself nearly all the way out of him, before I leaned forward, tightening my grip on my Pet, and hauled him into me with one final thrust of my hips. He knew what this meant. Even in the throws of mindless rut, my Pet knows how to please his Master. He tightened for me, he clenched for one last push into his depths, ramming his Prostate one final time. The feeling was incredible. Stars burst before my eyes as the warm, eager need from my Pet's rear washed over my skin, and tingling, electric pleasure raced from my tip through my hot, pumping blood. Deep inside me, my muscles gave way, and a wave, a torrent, an eruption of thick, hot, creamy bear seed coursed through me, forcing its way through inch after inch of tightly squeezed cock at incredible speed until it shot into my Pet, forcing gasp after gasp from him as he felt the heat, the force of it.

I roared.

I held him firmly to my hips as I pumped wave after wave of seething bear cum into his rump, growling my pleasure as I lapped at his moaning face, unable to thank him, to articulate through orgasmic bliss how lucky, how proud I was to be Master to such a Pet.

When at last the convulsive torrents of seed had slowed to but a trickle, I relaxed my grip. Sherman was still shaking, his own lust unsated, his eyes closed in concentration as he fought to regain control. I stroked his ears and smoothed his fur as I softened inside him. In time, he calmed, and his eyes opened.

"Thank you, Master."

Gently, slowly, I kissed him, tongue caressing the soft, warm walls of his maw. I drew my lips from his, beaming down into his wide, blue eyes.

"Good bunny." I stroked his head lovingly, smiling. "Now, what do you say we get you wrapped back up?"

"I'd like that, Master."

Slowly, carefully, I drew out of him, letting loose some excess seed, which drizzled into the padding of the diaper still under his rump. I wiped him up, cleaning some of the cum and pre out of his fur, applied powder, taped and locked him up, just as we had done before. Our little ritual was starting to feel natural.

"Well," I looked down at him, all sealed up in a fresh clean diaper. I smiled, knowing that under that fluffy bunny tail, he was likely already dribbling my seed into his padding.

"What would you like to do with the rest of the afternoon?"