Realisation - Chapter 10

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I'm not gonna lie, I'm not so confident with this chapter. I think I had a bit of writer's block and I struggled to get across what I wanted to. So apologie if it's a bit clunky at points, it's quite a story mover-onner, lots of stuff happening.

Still, I hope you all enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author.




Jake saw an opening, quick as a flash he dribbled the ball down field, coming along the left flank. He dodged 1, 2 defenders, dipping and diving under their larger arms, he could see Robbie bringing up the right, in support.

'Jake! Pass!' He heard Robbie shout.

Jake ignored him. There were 2 more defenders in front of the goal, he looked up and down, plotting his path and keeping an eye on the ball. He could hear Robbie shouting at him to pass, but he could feel it, the adrenaline rushed through his body, his heart was pumping, eyes narrowing as he focussed. The goal was approaching fast.

'Jake! Pass for fuck sake!' Robbie screamed. 'Stop glory hogging!'

40, 30 yards. 20. Jake slowed a bit to allow his foot to come back in preparation for his goal. Coming in from the left flank he would have to curl it around the large bull defender and sneak it past the lizard goal keeper. Up. Down. Up. Down. He darted between the goal and his feet. Down. SMACK. Jake fell backwards and everything went Black.

Jake woke up about a minute later, lying on the grassy floor, having been pulled to the side of the pitch. There were about 7 people looking down on him, concerned, among them was Robbie and the team's coach, Mr Thie. 'Wh... What happened?' Jake croaked.

'Well. I dunno Jake. What did happen? You were glory hogging! You need to pass!' Robbie said, angrily.

'Shut up Robbie. Jake, you ran flat into that large Bull defender, you obviously looked down at the wrong time and he is basically like a brick wall. You've been unconscious for nearly a minute.' Mr Thie said. Jake tried to lift his head up but was met with a searing pain. He moaned in discomfort. 'No, boy, you have to just lie there for a while until the first aider takes a look at you. I have to say though, Robbie was right, we're a team, Jake, it's not all about you.' He walked off to the rest of the team, most of the people standing around Jake walked off, leaving Robbie and the first aider.

The first aider looked over him as Robbie sat down by the wolf. 'It was fucking stupid of you, mate. You need to look up, I was completely open and we could've won the game!.'

'Alright, Robbie, I'm sorry. Jesus, I don't know what came over me, I just felt a... rush and could see the goal... and obviously not that defender.' Jake said, a bit annoyed at the Puma for scolding him. 'We lost?'

'Yeah, the whistle blew just after you got knocked out. I have to say it was pretty funny. You literally ran into the bull, stopped, stunned, and fell backwards, like a cartoon or something.' Robbie laughed.

'Shut it you.' Jake gave Robbie a friendly punch and looked up at the puma who was staring down at him, smiling, a twinkle in his blue eyes. Robbie's paw was on Jake's shoulder. They held their gaze for just a little too long, their smiles fading as they just stared. Jake pulled away and looked at the cat's paw on his arm. Robbie slid it off.

'Sorry.' Robbie said, embarrassed as he looked away and his cheeks flushed.

'No... It's okay.' Jake said, also slightly embarrassed.

'Right, you're fine. A little concussed, but apart from that, no damage done. I recommend you don't play tomorrow, but you should be okay for Sunday.' The first aider informed him. Jake's ears drooped at this news.

'What? I have to play!' He whined, like the cub he was.

'Jake, it's fine, we've got substitutes, and besides, after the way you performed out there, I think you need some time off.'

Jake folded his arms and humphfed 'Fine.'

'Can he move?' Robbie asked the first aider.

'Yep, he should be fine, he may need a hand though.' The medic smiled and walked off.

'Right you, come on.' Robbie said as he got up. He placed his paws under Jake's armpits and pulled him up, with a grunt of pain from the wolf cub. Once he was up, Robbie pulled the wolf's arm around his shoulders, Jake put most of his weight on the puma, and couldn't help being reminded of the 2 times Sam had carried him home like this. The boys hobbled over to the rest of the team, who were about to go into the showers.

'You smell.' Jake joked, scrunching up his nose. Not that the smell was all that unpleasant to the cub.

'So do you.' Robbie jabbed the boy in his ribs, making him squirm around in Robbie's grip, a feeling that Robbie liked quite a lot, and it was quite difficult to hide that fact. 'Are you going to come and have a shower?' Robbie asked hopefully, anything to see the boy naked. He wasn't holding out much hope though, ever since being raped in the communal showers back at their school Jake hadn't showered with the team, he always went home to shower.

Jake's face darkened 'I... I don't think I can. I'll wait until we get back the youth hostel.'

'Okay, no worries. I think I will actually, I don't feel like getting naked in front of the team that thrashed us so badly.' Robbie smiled, trying to lighten the mood, but really not wanting to reveal the fact that his boxers were soaked with his precum, and that he was still semi hard, purely from the contact with his crush.


Sam had no idea what he was going to do. Australia? Were they serious? Why hadn't social services contacted them? Useless fucking government... The tiger sat in Jake's spot at the end of their bed, his legs folded, holding his head in his hands. This was huge! Jake's parents had moved to the other side of the world and had not told them? He could understand it from Jake's dad, but his mother? Well, something must have happened for her to agree to leave. Jake! What was he going to tell Jake? Was he going to tell Jake? Would he be angry that Sam had gone behind his back and gone to see his parents? 'Owww' Sam's head was hurting. What a fucking mess...


'Oh my god this is soooo good. Oi! Pass the Palli... Pallini... the dough balls, pass the dough balls.' John stuffed his face with bountiful amounts of Italian food, as provided by the Pizzeria the team had gone to for their dinner. The rest of the boys just watched him in amazement, having finished their meal a few minutes before.

'John. Jesus Christ. If you eat like that all the time you won't make it to the end of the season.' One of the team's defenders said.

John shot him a confused look. 'I do eat like this all the time.'

'That's why you're the goal keeper.' Robbie said, dryly.

'Fuck off! I'm the peak of physical fitness! Look at me, the ladies are crawling all over me.'

'Yeah, because there's so much of you to crawl over, and those aren't ladies, those are flies.' Jake joined in, wearing his cheeky grin.

John didn't take it as a joke and gave Jake an evil look 'How the fuck would you know about ladies? Faggot...'

Jake shot up from his seat, directly opposite John, making the glasses wobble and silencing everyone round the long table. He paws curled into fists, a low growl coming from his chest as he stared at the rabbit, who sat, dumbstruck, his paw half way up to his mouth with a forkful of food.

Robbie had also got up from his position, sitting next to John, staring down at the rabbit, claws exposed.

Jake grabbed his jacket and threw it over his shoulder, before kicking his chair over behind him and heading for the front door.

'Jake! Wait I'm-'

'Shut the fuck up John.' Robbie hissed as he too left the table and went after Jake, who by now was outside the restaurant and walking towards their hostel, just up the road.

The rest of the team just sat in silence, stunned. John looked like he was about to say something, but thought against it, as many piercing eyes were on him.

The coach drained his beer and cleared his throat 'Well then Morgan, congratulations, you've successfully pissed off 2 of our best players, and I would imagine, the rest of the team.' Mumbles and nods of approval sounded around the table 'I suggest you apologise to Jake as soon as you can.'

'Yes coach, I will.' John said, defeated, and angry at himself for saying it, he wasn't homophobic or anything, it just sort of... slipped out.

'Oh, and Morgan? If you think you'll be playing for the next 2 days then you've got another thing coming. Unless Jake can convince me otherwise.' John thought that was a bit harsh, but he didn't dare argue, he really didn't want to be kicked off the team.

'Yes coach...'


'Jake, wait! Just ignore him, I'm sure he didn't mean it! He's an idiot!' Robbie ran after Jake, who was practically running himself. He caught up and kept the pace Jake had set as they walked into their hostel. Jake's face was that of thunder, deep, dark and dangerous. Robbie just followed, not sure what to say.

The wolf cub angrily thrust his key into the turn, brutally turning it and bursting into the room. He paced around for a few seconds before slamming his fist into the wall.

'Jake! Clam down already!' Robbie shouted, exasperated and confused at what had made him THIS angry. 'What's gotten in to you?'

Jake's words fell over themselves, his thoughts confusing as he released his anger 'What's gotten in to me? Are you fucking serious? That shit goes and... fucking... he... what a fucking cu-'

'Jake, STOP!' Robbie interrupted, grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to look up into the puma's eyes. 'Yes, what John said was horrible, and I don't know why he said it, I'm sure he didn't mean it, but don't you think you're over reacting just a little?' Robbie felt his arms start to shake and he felt a low rumble through Jake's body as the wolf cub began to growl, his amber eyes cold. Robbie nearly drew away, scared at what he was seeing from the usually gentle and loving wolf. Instead he drew the boy closer, not fully thinking himself, and kissed him, pressing his muzzle gently against Jake's.

Jake's eyes widened suddenly and he pulled away, the anger and resentment he had been feeling a few seconds before was gone. He just stared at the blushing puma in front of him. His mind was frazzled from his recent outburst and he wasn't thinking straight, which would probably explain him walking forwards, placing his hands on the puma's waist and forcing him backwards onto the bed behind him, kissing him passionately, forcing his tongue into the shocked puma's warm, moist muzzle. As he pretty much sucked the air out of the cat Jake forcefully pulled his and Robbie's shorts down, their boxers coming down with them, revealing both their raging hard and dripping erections.

For fear of him changing his mind, Robbie just let Jake do what he was doing. He never thought Jake could be so... forceful. Submitting completely he let the wolf feel ever crevice of his mouth with his tongue, their erections pressing into each other, slickening them up with their combined precum.

Jake released Robbie from his mouth briefly, looking down their bodies. He looked into the puma's eyes, still not entirely sure what he was doing. 'I want you.' Robbie said, encouraging the wolf. It was all Jake needed. Sam had not even come into his head.

Jake reached his paw down to his cock, gripping it tightly. With his other paw he spread the puma's legs apart, Robbie helped by lifting his waist up slightly, and pulling his crack apart, allowing the cub more access to his untouched tail hole. Jake lined up his erection to the tight hole, not bothering to loosen the virgin boy up, he wasn't thinking clearly enough to care. He didn't even realise that he was about to be a top, when he was with Sam he was always the bottom, they had experimented, but Jake preferred the feeling of being taken by his love, and Sam preferred giving. In Jake's current state he didn't really have any concept of what he was doing.

With one swift pump he shoved his cock fully into Robbie, the cat letting out a cry of pain, but Jake really didn't care. He stayed in that position for a few moments, panting and staring down at the boys eyes. He leaned forward and embraced him in another passionate kiss. Feeling the boy's anal muscles relax around him he slowly pulled out, leaving Robbie feeling painfully empty, but was fulfilled immensely when the cub thrust back inside, building a steady rhythm. The sensation Robbie was getting was like none other he had ever felt, every time Jake pushed down it sent a shock of pain through his body, but that pain was soon counteracted with a wonderful pleasurable pang, the motion of the attractive wolf slamming into his body made the bed shook and sent sticky clear string of precum into Jake's fur, dripping down onto Robbie. Every time Jake thrust his 5'' member into the tight passage the puma gave out little breathy gasps, transferred into moans when he felt the wolf's paw grab his erection and furiously pump it in time to his inward thrusts. Jake really was making this cat his bitch, and it felt so right.

Jake was becoming more ferocious, more feral, Robbie noticed a wildness in his eyes, mixed with lust and... sadness. Robbie let out louder cries of pain as he felt the boy's inflated knot ever so slightly pushing apart the virgin's hole.

The puma's eyes began to water at feeling, at there was more pain than pleasure, but that turned him on even more, with Jake pawing him off, he was extremely close to climaxing.

Jake slowed down his thrusting hips, but made more powerful lunges, he could see that Robbie was in pain, but enjoying it. Each powerful buck of the hips brought Jake closer to tying his feline bitch. With one last, almighty thrust he tied Robbie and buried his seed deep inside the puma's innards, his knot rubbing against the cat's prostate as his cock jumped and twitched inside the passage. Jake could feel Robbie's anal muscles convulsing and felt the cat's cock throb in his hand as it sprayed long and thick ropes of cum all the way up to the puma's face, which was scrunched up in pain and bliss. His orgasm lasted at least a minute, and Jake clasped his mouth around the erection to catch the rest of the seed. Both boys panted furiously, satisfied at their immense orgasms.

Jake, holding himself up with his paws either side of Robbie's head , his knot still buried deep inside the anus not yet starting to deflate, stared down into the puma's eyes, that sparkled in satisfaction in his afterglow. Robbie's face was adorable, smiling up at Jake, but the wolf cub looked utterly shocked, his eyes had returned to their usual sweet and caring amber, and his mouth was wide open, a little bit of the cat's cum dripping down one side - Robbie resisted leaning up and licking it off - his ears were pushed back as he realised what he had done.

A tear started to form in Jake's eye as he continued to look down at Robbie, whose smile faded at seeing this. He tried to reassure him 'Jake... That was a-amazing.'

'No. No it wasn't. It was wrong.' Jake's voice was a whimper. He quickly pulled his hips back, his knot being released from Robbie's tail hole with an audible 'pop' and a wince of pain from the puma. 'Wh... What have I done?!' Jake cried as he backed into the wall opposite the bed, sinking to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest and placing his head on them, softly sobbing.

Robbie got up and knelt by the upset cub. 'Hey Jake, it's fine, I really enjoyed it, thank you so much, it was wonderful.' He tried to comfort him, placing a paw on his shoulder.

Jake looked up, his fur matted from his tears. He said, through sobs 'N... No it isn't... I... I cheated o...on my l... love. I... I love S...Sam S...So much a...and I cheated on him!'

Robbie leant forward and tried to hug the quivering ball on the floor. 'Hey, it's okay hun, he doesn't have to find out, we won't tell anyone, we'll keep it a secret, just between you and me. We can be together in secret, I don't mind.'

Jake snapped his head up and pushed Robbie away. 'T...Together? You think I want be with you?!' He stood up, the sobs stopping and his eyes turning angry again. 'Are you fucking kidding? You seduced me! Why would I want to be with you? I... I HATE YOU! GET OUT OF MY LIFE.' Jake screamed more steadily the tears rolling down his cheeks in an almost continuous flow.

'WHAT?! I didn't seduce you! You practically forced yourself on me!' Robbie was angry too, but he know that was not strictly true.

'N... No I... Didn't' Jake had gone from angry to worried, he did not want Jake finding out about this. 'J...Just please, Robbie, don't tell anyone about this.'

Robbie considered his options. He could agree and not tell anyone and let Jake live happily with Sam, or he could milk the situation and black mail Jake for sex. A vicious smile spread across his face at this prospect. No. He's not that sort of person. 'Fine Jake, I will not tell anyone, but know this. I will not forget about what happened and I'm sure you won't either, you tied me like a bitch and you loved it, well fuck, so did I.'

Jake was quite worried by this, knowing how much Robbie had on him now. 'Oh god, I just want to go home.' Jake collapsed on the floor, just wanting to be held by his boyfriend. The boyfriend he had just cheated on.

'You're pathetic.' Robbie spat, angry at Jake for reacting like this, he no longer fancied him, he fucking hated him. 'Get up and clean yourself off before the rest of the guys get back.' Robbie ordered before cleaning himself up.

The way Robbie talked to him was like the large rottweiler did in the showers, making him scared and submissive. Against his better judgement he did as he was told. He then crawled into his bed and faced the wall on his left, pulling the covers over him and curling up into a ball, trying to get to sleep as best he could, just thinking about Sam, but thinking about Sam led him to think about how he had betrayed him. It was a vicious circle he couldn't get away from.


Robbie was seething, he couldn't believe that Jake would react like that. If he was that committed to his fucking tiger, why would he have his way with the puma? And then turn it on him and blame everything on Robbie? If he couldn't have Jake, then he wanted nothing to do with him, he could easily get him kicked off the team, and whilst he wouldn't tell Sam directly about his boyfriend cheating on him, if it happened to come into conversation, well... what a shame. Robbie smiled evilly to himself, revealing his true colours as the vindictive cat he really was.


Jake sat out the next 2 days of football, he really did not want to play on a team with Robbie, and could use his injury as an excuse. He felt truly awful for having sex with Robbie, he had no idea why he'd done it, after John had spouted that shit in the restaurant - which he now admitted he had over reacted, storming out of the restaurant was not called for - he just needed to blow off some steam. Not only the simple act of having sex, but he'd been so dominant in doing so, he'd tied the puma, for god's sake! He shook it off and tried to forget the whole experience, hoping beyond hopes Sam would not find out, Jake needed him more than he knew. Hating the fact that his relationship was potentially in the hands of a puma that hated and resented him.

He sat alone on the bus journey home, the team had pretty much isolated themselves from him, he was not entirely sure why, but he guessed Robbie had something to do with it. John had apologised for what he had said to Jake in the restaurant, Jake was glad he'd apologised, but barely talked to him for the rest of the trip. The wolf cub sighed at the prospect of going back to having no friends, but at least he still had Sam. For now, anyway...


Sam's heart pounded in his chest as he saw the minibus pull around the corner, carrying his love back to him after 3 days apart. 3 days that had been stressful as he tried to work out how best to approach the issue of Jake's parents moving to Australia. He resolved not to tell him straight away, as it would likely cause major stress and upset for the cub.

Jake climbed off the bus and saw Sam beaming across the road, he ran right across and embraced him in a passionate hug and kiss, spinning all over the road. 'I missed you so much, I'm never going to leave again. EVER. I can't cope without you. Oh god I love you so much!' Jake said after pulling away from their embrace.

'Alright pup, I missed you too! Especially that sweet tail of yours!' Sam said, smiling at his cub. 'What's wrong?' Sam noticed that there was a sort of need in Jake, he look liked he'd been crying and a pang of worry hit Sam.

'I...I'm alright, just missed you loads. Can we please go home?' Jake Said, looking down.

'Yeah sure honey, let me just say hi to the guys first.' Sam started walking over to the rest of the team. Jake tried to stop him, but it was too late. 'Hey Robbie! John! How was the weekend? Win any games?'

The group of boys fell silent and just looked at Sam, slightly awkwardly. Robbie looked him up and down, smirked and walked off with the rest of the team.

Sam turned to Jake, confused. 'What was that about?'

'I... I don't want to talk about it now.' Jake said, failing to make up any kind of excuse, so he just stared at the ground. 'Can we please just go home?'

Now Sam was really worried, he'd not expected that from Robbie, or the rest of the team, why were they behaving like that? He knew it had something to do with Jake, probably why he was acting so strangely. He resolved to talk to Jake about it later, but for now he just wanted to comfort his boyfriend and 'cook' him a special dinner. By 'cook' he means 'buy' and by 'special' he means get Chinese takeout, Sam didn't really care for it, but Jake loved it. 'Yeah, sure pup, come on, let's go. I got us a taxi, I figured you'd be tired after 3 days of football.'

Jake smiled weakly and nodded 'Thank you.' He lay across the back seat of the taxi, his head in Sam's lap the whole way home, gently stroking his head fur. Jake was loving the contact with his love, but felt torn up inside for betraying him. He had to talk to Sam, one way or another.


'Alright, if everyone's okay with it, I'll go over to his place and break the news.' Robbie looked around to mumbles of agreement from the team, many had their faces to the ground, shamed about going behind Jake's back. 'Look guys, it's for the best, his attitude stank this weekend, he doesn't pass and he's a weak link.'

'Alright, fine, just do it Robbie.' John said.

'I'll see you all tomorrow.' Robbie said as he left the café, heading towards Jake and Sam's flat. A sly smile grew across his face at the prospect of what he was about to do. He was going to tell Jake face to face that he was off the team, and, oh! wouldn't it be a shame if the fact that they had fucked 3 nights ago came up in conversation?

To Be Continued...