Chapter Two: Jubilife

Story by LucarioZer0 on SoFurry

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Galen walked along Route 202, whistling a merry tune as the mid afternoon sun shone above. Based on what he could tell from his map, he likely wouldn't reach Jubilife City before nightfall, so he would have to camp out for at least one night. But that didn't put a damper on his spirits, and it didn't seem like there was anything that could. After all, he was adventuring out into the world as a Trainer, with his first Pokémon tucked away in its Pokéball, which was presently attached to his belt.

As he walked down the road he amused himself by wondering what kind of Pokémon he would meet, and more importantly which ones he would catch. He had long since decided that as a Trainer he would go around challenging Gym Leaders, but he would need more than just one little Chimchar if he wanted to make any progress at that endeavour.

Looking ahead he could see the path taking a turn, which he was something he was rapidly becoming used to. Although the path between Sandgem and Jubilife didn't branch off or lead anywhere but between the two places, it was still winding and curved, following the land through the forest, as opposed to cutting right through its center.

Coming around the bend, he spotted a flock of Starlies nesting and napping in a nearby tree. He smiled slightly. Now there would be a good first test, both for catching a Pokémon, and for testing Fireball's abilities. But then, he also knew that going after a whole flock would be a poor idea at best. He would need to get one alone, so that he could focus on just the one. Looking around, he spotted a possible candidate.

A tree or two away from the main flock, there was a single Starly, a bit smaller than the others, its head tucked under its wing. Reaching down to his belt, Galen plucked off Fireball's Pokéball, and grabbed an empty one from his bag. He clicked the button on the occupied capsule, causing its Chimchar tenant to appear in a flash of light. Fireball looked up at him curiously, offering an inquisitive 'Chim' as though asking what was going on.

Galen pointed up to the Starly. "We're gonna try to catch that little Starly there, so I'll need your help."

Fireball nodded, looking over at the somnolent Normal-Flying Type. Galen pulled out his Pokédex, scanning Fireball quickly to get an idea of what he had to work with. The little orange Pokémon could use the moves Scratch, Leer, and Ember. Not exactly a powerful set, but good for its level.

Galen stuffed the Pokédex back in his pocket, then said, "Alright Fireball, attack that Starly with Ember!"

As commanded, the Chimchar fired off a quick salvo of small fiery blobs at the Starly. The Starly awakened a split second before the attack hit, and shot off the branch, avoiding all but one of Fireball's shots, which still at least grazed it.

The Starly-who was now rather miffed-shot toward Fireball, presumably using Tackle. Fireball just avoided the attack, prompting Galen to call out, "Counter with Scratch!"

Fireball did just that, racking the little bird pokémon with his claws as it passed. The Starly, caught off guard by the attack, hit the ground, momentarily stunned. Taking that opportunity, Galen lobbed a Pokéball at it, tensing up as the ball made contact, then sucked the Starly into its interior. The ball closed, then twitched once, twice, three times, before locking.

A disbelieving smile spread across Galen's face. Had he...? Yes, he had actually caught a wild Pokémon. He quickly covered the distance to the spot in the grass where the red and white orb lay, picking it up and bringing it up to his eye level. It felt...heavier somehow. Fireball approached, looking up at him curiously.

Galen knelt down, patting the Fire-type on his head. "Great job Fireball. Now we have a new member for the team. What should we call this Starly?"

Fireball looked back and forth between the Pokéball and Galen, then gave his trainer a look that seemed to say, "How should I know?"

Galen chuckled. "Alright then. Well...I'm not too good at for now, I think I'll just call our new friend...Star."


A short while after sunset Galen could just barely see the lights of Jubilife on the horizon, beckoning him with their glow. But, Galen new it would be dangerous to travel at night, so instead he and his Pokémon began the process of setting up a camp for the night. For her part-for she was indeed a she-Star seemed quite eager and happy to help, flying off to fetch twigs and kindling for the camp fire, bringing them back to Fireball who would light them as Galen set up a small tent to one side. With their combined efforts they had a cozy little campsite within the hour.

Sitting down beside the fire-which thanks to his Pokémon burned quite brightly-Galen began rummaging about in his bag, finally pulling out a container of generic Pokémon food he had purchased in Sandgem. While it wouldn't suit their individual type needs, it would was edible by virtually any Pokémon. Neither seemed to have any complaint while they scarfed down their meal, so Galen assumed that they could at least tolerate what they had been given.

Once all their stomachs were full, Galen laid down, starring up at the starry night sky. He was used to being able to see a lot of stars in the sky, but out there in the wild, it seemed as though every spare inch of sky was filled with a sparkling diamonds, which sometimes formed into shapes, or huge clouds that sparkled with a light greater than the sum of their parts as they sat so serenely against the deepest blues and darkest blacks of the canvas that was the sky itself. It was, in a word, beautiful.

Fireball seemed likewise enthralled by it, and Star-though being used to such things-starred up with them, all three looking upon the vastness of the universe together. Time seemed to blur and blend, until Galen finally tore his eyes away from the view above, looking at his watch to check the time. It was nearly ten o'clock. Though far from being the latest he had ever stayed up, it had been a long day, and the next one promised to be much the same.

Looking over to his Pokémon, he could see Star was already asleep, her head tucked beneath one of her wings. Fireball on the other hand was very awake, still starring wide eyes at the view above. Galen smiled. He and Fireball really were both new to the world, but this would be far from the last new experience that awaited them on their adventure. Galen cleared his throat lightly to gain the Fire-types attention, then said, "It's getting late, so we should probably-"

He stopped as the sound of growling issued from the nearby grass. Both Galen and Fireball focused in on that, their eyes raking the foliage, looking for the source. There were two flashes in the darkness, and from the cover of the grass emerged a Shinx, its eyes glowing. Galen had to stifle a laugh at the sight. It was simply too cute to be intimidating, and yet there it was, growling at them.

Galen looked over to Fireball, who seemed poised for a fight. "Stay there Fireball, I think it's just a bit scared. It probably isn't used to seeing things like us in this area."

Reaching for his bag, Galen once again produced the container of Pokémon food, pulling out a few pieces of the kibble like substance. Moving slowly so as not to frighten it, Galen lightly tossed one of the pieces over to the Shinx. The Electric-type recoiled slightly, then took a cautious step forward, dipping its nose to sniff at the food. Realising what it was, the Shinx stopped growling and snapped up the piece in one swift motion. The wild Pokémon then returned its gaze to Galen, or more precisely to the rest of the food in his hand.

Galen held out his hand, offering it and the food to the Shinx. It eyed him warily, taking a cautious step forward, then another. Deciding that Galen didn't seem to be a threat, the Shinx rushed forward, quickly devouring the Pokémon food. The Shinx then sat back, looking up at Galen, in a way that both seemed to ask for more, and also seemed to question Galen's motives.

Galen smirked. The little feline was almost intolerably cute, though he knew that with time it could be trained into a fierce and strong Luxray. Leaning down so that he was at the Shinx's eyes level he said, "I'll be honest with you, little one. I'm a Pokémon Trainer, and part of that involves catching Pokémon, and adventuring with them by my side. And, I think I'd like to bring you along with me. What do you think?"

To Galen's mild surprise, the Shinx seemed to understand, and appeared to take a moment to weigh its options. The Shinx looked back up to him after a moment, and opened its mouth wide, exposing its sharp little teeth. Galen quirked a brow, and-assuming he understood the meaning of that gesture-said, "As long as you're traveling with me, I'll make sure you're fed."

The Shinx closed its mouth and gave a nod, signalling its approval. Galen pulled a Pokéball from his bag and lightly tapped it on the Electric-type's head, converting the Pokémon into energy as it was pulled into the capsule. The ball twitched three times, then locked, signalling a successful capture. Galen smiled, then sighed. "Guess I have to think up another name now. Damn."

Galen released the Shinx from its new Pokéball-causing it to shake itself, as though trying to dry off-and gave it a quick scan with his Pokédex. It was male, and it currently knew the moves Tackle, Leer, Charge, and Spark. Galen smiled. In need of a name or not, the Shinx was definitely a worthwhile capture to have made.

Looking over the little lightning cat, Galen struggled as he tried to come up with a good name. He didn't want to give him a name that would only sound good while he was a Shinx, so he was trying to think what would be a good name for a Luxio or Luxray. "Let's see...Luxio...Luxray...Luxray...Lux..."

A little idea occurred to Galen, and he played around with how it sounded in his head. It wouldn't be the most inventive name, but at the very least it would fit. Looking at his new Shinx, Galen asked, "How would you feel about me naming you Luxor?"

The Shinx-as Galen had done-seemed to roll the name around in his head for a minute before finally he smiled, and gave an affirmative nod in response. Galen smiled back. "Luxor it is then."


When the sun rose the next morning Galen and his trio of Pokémon quickly disassembled their camp, making the preparations for the rest of the trip to Jubilife. Once they were all packed up, Galen pulled out his Pokéballs, turning to his growing team. "Alright guys, time to move out. Everybody, return!"

Three beams of red light shot forward, one for each Pokémon. Fireball and Star both returned to the capsules with no complaint, but Luxor deftly dodged the beam of light, apparently not pleased with the idea of the Pokéball. Galen clipped the two occupied Pokeballs to his belt, and knelt down in front of the Shinx. "What's the matter Lux? Do you not like being in the Pokéball?"

The blue feline nodded in reply, causing Galen to sigh. "Well...I guess if you don't want to, you don't have to go in the Pokéball, but you'll have to keep up with my pace, okay?"

The Shinx nodded once more, and the two of them set off down the road, Luxor happily padding along beside Galen. As they walked Galen couldn't help but notice the almost smug look on Luxor's face, which amused him for some reason. The little Electric-type even had a little bit of a spring in his step, causing Galen to say, "Maybe I should've called you 'Springy' instead."

Luxor was less than pleased by the idea, to say the least, which again amused Galen. He was quickly coming to realise just how different each Pokémon was, and that traveling with them-getting to know each one-was going to be an adventure by itself.

They made good time along the forested dirt road, and by midday they arrived at the outskirts of Jubilife City. As they made the transition from woods and nature to the sprawl of urban life, both Galen and Luxor looked around in awe. Everywhere they looked the buildings soared so high they seemed to stretch on forever. It was like nothing either of them was familiar with. The city was massive, yet from what Galen knew, it wasn't even the largest city the world had to offer, which if anything made it all the more impressive.

Galen and Luxor continued on a northward path, with Galen's plan being to turn to the east when he could and head out of Jubilife to Oreburgh City where he would challenge the Pokémon Gym. He found his ability to go east impeded though, for when he reached the proper crossroads to get to Route 203-and by extension Oreburgh-he found it blocked by a throng of people. Picking up Luxor and placing the protesting Shinx on his shoulder so as not to lose him in the chaos of the crowd, Galen began nudging his was past people one by one, trying to get a look at what was causing the road block.

Reaching the opposite shore of the sea of people, Galen found his way forward was still blocked, but this time by police tape and a blockade of emergency vehicles that kept anything beyond them from being seen. Galen quirked a brow and asked, of no one in particular, "What's going on here?"

A woman to his left answered. "It's awful. Some poor people got into a car accident. They've got the whole road blocked off, and they won't let anyone through, which makes me think it's really bad."

Galen immediately felt a twinge of irritation. "So what then, people are just standing around gawking like it's some kind of show?"

The woman had no response to that, but a man to his right said, "Perhaps it is not merely gawking, but concern for the fates of those involved, yes?"

Galen looked over to the man. He was a bit taller than Galen, and had black hair. He wore a long brown coat and a serious expression. Galen-begrudgingly-said, "I suppose you do have a point, but it's not as though these people can help, so one way or another it's just starring. If they could help, then fine. In fact, if you can do something to help, you should, but there's not much point in standing around like this when it's too late to help."

The man quirked a brow. "So your argument, it would be that people should help if able, yes? That is your view of the world?"

Galen nodded. "It's how I've always seen things."

The man chuckled quietly. "Well then, if that is how you see things, then I feel we may meet again at some point. Until then though, I will say farewell."

The man then turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd. Galen canted his head confused. "Well he was rather...odd."

Luxor-who was still perched on Galen's shoulder-nodded in agreement. Galen shook his head. "Oh well, it doesn't really matter. Let's get outta here Lux, it looks like we won't be able to go this way for a while yet."

Once they were clear of the crowd Galen plucked Luxor off his shoulder, the Electric-type falling into step at his heels. Heading back into the heart of the city, the two of them wandered aimlessly for a while, seeing what there was to see in Jubilife. After a while, Galen decided that their best course of action for the moment would be to simply stay in the city until the following day, when they could get a fresh start.

Galen quickly found the nearest Pokémon Center and booked a room for the night, hoping that he wouldn't have to spend longer than that in the city. Much as he was fascinated by the urban world he already found himself missing the wide open spaces and natural settings he was more familiar with.

So, after a shower and a meal that was more substantial than the meagre rations Galen carried in his bag, he settled into his room and-with Luxor curled up at the foot of the bed-spent his second night since leaving home sleeping in the largest city in Sinnoh.

Leaving the Pokémon Center the next morning, Galen was surprised and slightly irritated to see a large crowd of people gathered outside the building. However, when he noticed that this crowd seemed eager-as opposed to sombre as the one the previous day had been-he decided to run the risk of seeing what the commotion was about. With Luxor again perched on his shoulder Galen waded through the crowd, reaching the epicentre of the swarm of people. In the middle of it all was a table under a white tent and a man in a purple suit speaking to the crowd. "That's it my friends, get 'em while you can! Just come up here to the table and one of my associates will give you your questionnaire!"

Stepping a bit away from the other people, Galen said, "I just got here. Could you tell me what's going on?"

The man smiled widely. "Why of course! I'm with the Pokétch company, and we're running a special promotion for the trainers of Jubilife. We've been handing out surveys for people to fill out. Answer all the question correctly, and you'll win a special limited run Pokétch!"

Galen canted his head, "But...why give them away?"

"Simple! The more people who have them, the more who will want them, and the more who will buy them. Which of course brings me to the question of: Would you like to join in young man?"

Galen mulled it over for a second before saying, "Sure, why not. May as well give it a go."

The man handed him a piece of paper, and Galen immediately smirked. They indeed did seem to be giving the devices away, as at least from what he could see, the questions were rather simplistic. Looking around he noticed that some seemed to be struggling with it, and it was then that it occurred to Galen that most of the people in the crowd were younger trainers. Galen didn't have much real world training experience, but he knew more than enough to answer the questions before him.

Getting his hands on a pen, Galen quickly filled out the questionnaire, and returned it to one of the two people seated at the table. She quickly read through his answers, then read through them once more to double check before looking at him in mild surprise. "Well done. All correct."

Galen smiled as she reached beneath the table and produced a clear plastic box. Contained within was his prize. Handing it to him she said, "Normally we give these out in either pink or blue, but these promotional models have a metallic silver finish and come preloaded with all currently existing Pokétch apps. Congratulations!"

"Thanks." Galen accepted the box and quickly made his way out of the crowd, suddenly very aware of some jealous and unhappy stares directed at him as he left. Once a good distance away, he set Luxor back on the ground and sat on a nearby bench. After a few minutes he was able to free the Pokétch from its casing, slipping it on to his left wrist. He held it up to the sun, admiring the light glinting off the metal. He then took a few minutes to take a look through the various applications that the device held.

There were digital and analogue clocks, a map, a timer, a calculator, a dowsing app, an app to change the screen's colour and many others besides. Once satisfied that he at least understood the basics of each function, Galen stood from the bench, discarding the Pokétch package in a nearby trash can. Smiling down at his expectantly waiting Shinx he said, "Alright Lux, no more distractions. We've wasted enough time already."

"Why stop now? You've always been so good at wasting your time."

Galen turned to face the direction the unexpected voice had come from. His brow furrowed as he recognised the young man with short blonde hair who now approached him. "Nolan."

Galen had known Nolan since they were children, and they had in fact been part of the same group of friends in Twinleaf. That changed when their other two friends had left, leading Galen and Nolan-who had never gotten along very well to begin with-to drift apart. It had now been at least a year since they had last spoken to each other.

Nolan smiled. "Well, nice to see you still recognise me after all this time. And it would seem you've managed to get your hands on some Pokémon too. We finally got to accomplish our dream, huh?"

He referred of course to the fact that-in spite of the general differences in their personalities-they had both long desired to travel the world as Trainers. It was then that a bell went off in Galen's head, causing him to remember his trip to Professor Rowan's lab. "It was you, wasn't it? You were the one who had already taken the Piplup by the time I got there."

Nolan nodded. "Yep. Looks like you got there after me, but then you always were just a bit too slow to keep up with me, weren't you?"

"Yeah, I suppose so," Galen replied, thinly veiling his mild irritation.

"So then which one did you take? No wait, don't tell me, you did the smart thing and took the Turtwig right? I mean, knowing somebody else got the Piplup, and seeing as the closest gym to here is specialised toward Rock-types, only a fool would pick the Chimchar."

Galen's lip twitched slightly as he found himself becoming more irritated. "Actually, I did pick the Chimchar. I though he would be a better fit for me. Besides, type matchups aren't everything. Important yes, but not everything."

Nolan snickered. "You would say that. Always have to do things your own way, don't you? It can't ever be the way that actually works."

"How do you know my way doesn't work? Besides, it's better than just playing it safe like you. Where's the challenge in doing what hundreds of others have done before?"

Nolan rolled his eyes. "If hundreds have done it the way I do, then it's 'cause it works."

Feeling his nerves coming to a breaking point Galen asked, "If you think I'm doomed to failure, then what do you think about having a little test? We're both Trainers now, so why not have a battle?"

Nolan smirked. "A battle huh? Are you sure you wanna risk that? I've already beaten two other trainers since leaving Sandgem."

Galen nodded. "That doesn't scare me. We're both inexperienced at this point."

Nolan shrugged. "Alright then. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Nolan turned and walked until he and Galen stood on opposite sides of the street, facing each other. "Alright, this'll be simple. We'll just battle until one of us runs out of Pokémon. And no switching, okay?"

Galen nodded. "Fine by me. Feel free to go first."

Nolan reached to his belt and pulled off a Pokéball, smiling confidently. "Alright then. Starly, I choose you!"

At Nolan's command there came a brief flash of light, and the Normal-Flying type appeared in the air, hover a few feet above the ground. Galen smiled slightly as he grabbed one of his won Pokéballs. "Okay, if you're starting with your Starly, then I'll start with mine as well. Star, you're on!"

With another flash Star took to their chosen field of battle, awaiting Galen's next command. "Okay Star, Quick Attack!"

Just like that the battle began, Star taking off like a shot toward the opposing Starly. There was a whoosh of air as Star made her move, and Nolan's Starly-as well as Nolan himself-was so caught off guard by the unexpectedly fast and fierce attack that it did nothing but stare in surprise as Star collided with it, nearly knocking it right out of the air before it recovered, rapidly flapping its wings to stay aloft.

Galen snapped his fingers, pointing to Nolan's Starly as he said, "Now hit it with Wing Attack!"

Nolan, now more ready for what was to come cried out, "Use Tackle!"

His Starly did as ordered, meeting Star head on, their attacks colliding. On more powerful Pokémon such a collision might have cause some wind of a burst of light, but for the two Starlies it merely knocked them away from one another, winding up facing each other as they fought to remain in the air.

Galen slashed one hand through the air in front of him, saying, "Go after it with Quick Attack again! Don't let up!"

Nolan-not to be out done-commanded his Starly to use Growl before retaliating with a Quick Attack of its own. When the two bird Pokémon collided this time there was an ever so slight gust of air, ruffling Galen's hair a bit. The two fighting Flying-types pushed at each other for a moment, the Nolan's Starly seemed to lose whatever willpower it had, allowing Star to summarily knock it out of the air and out of the fight.

Nolan scowled as he returned his Starly to its ball. "Alright, so you've got a decent Starly. But it won't last long against my Piplup!"

A flash of light, and the aforementioned Water-type joined the fray, prompting Nolan to immediately call out, "Attack with Bubble!"

The Piplup wasted no time in completing that task, puffing out its chest as though inhaling, then-with a movement similar to that of breathing out-fired a volley of bubbles at Star, who made the attempt to dodge, but was unable to avoid the wide area covered by the stream of sunlight reflecting orbs. Star recoiled several times as she took multiple hits from the attack until she-like Nolan's Starly before her-was knocked into unconsciousness.

"Aww...I was kinda hoping she would be able to beat both of your Pokémon. Oh well, return Star." Galen pointed Star's Pokéball at her, causing the red beam of light to return her to the capsule. He paused for a moment, considering his options. He didn't want to use Fireball, because he would be no match, but using Luxor would mean going with the type advantage, and though it was the smarter move, it would also mean Nolan would probably give him crap about doing so.

Finally, after a few quiet moments, just when Nolan was becoming rather impatient, Galen said, "What the hell, Luxor, get in there!"

The Shinx nodded, doing as commanded and stepping up to face Nolan's Piplup. Galen wasn't about to risk losing just to satisfy his pride, so Luxor was really his only choice. "Alright Lux, use Charge!"

Luxor's whole body tensed up as it began to crackle with electricity that he was storing to use for his next attack. Taking advantage of Luxor's momentary immobility, Nolan ordered his Piplup to attack again with Bubble, and once again a wave of the energized little water pockets flew through the air. Luxor was hit with the full force of the attack, causing him to flinch and growl as he could do little more than take the assault.

When the stream of bubbles finally cut off, Nolan seemed little more than shocked that Luxor was still standing. Galen smirked at the look on his opponent's face as he said, "Lux, use Spark!"

Using the energy he had stored to fuel the attack, Luxor's whole body became surrounded by a nimbus of electricity just before he rushed toward a rather stunned looking Piplup, crashing into the Water-type with his right shoulder, transferring all of the power of the charged Spark to the penguin Pokémon. Nolan's Piplup was knocked off its feet and on to its back, knocked out by the sheer brute force of Luxor's strike.

Nolan simply stared, dumbfounded. "But how...just how?"

Galen smiled a bit wider. "I may not beat you in a race, but patience has its benefits. For instance, having Luxor start by using Charge. When a Pokémon uses Charge, not only is the power of its next electrical attack intensified, but its defensive capabilities are also augmented, specifically against indirect attacks like, Bubble for example. Using Charge let Luxor survive your attack, then hit your Pokémon with all his power at once."

Nolan scowled as Galen finished explaining. As he returned his Piplup to its Pokéball he scoffed and said, "Whatever. You did well this time, but I'm gonna get stronger, and catch more Pokémon, and the next time we meet, you'll be the one to lose."

Without another word Nolan walked off into the city, quite clearly not pleased with how things had turned out. Once he was gone, Galen let out a sigh of relief, and knelt down beside Luxor, scratching the feline Pokémon behind the ear. "Great job Lux, especially for your first battle. What do you say we get you and star checked out at the Center, then we'll get going?"

Luxor nodded wearily, then fell into step at Galen's heel as they made their was back to the nearest Pokémon Center. An hour later, when all of Galen's Pokémon had received a clean bill of health, they resumed their original course and-now finding their way forward was unobstructed-left Jubilife behind, setting off down the road to Oreburgh City.

Galen's Story Part One: Sinnoh ; Chapter One: Small Beginnings

Galen lay in bed, starring up at the ceiling. It was around eight in the morning, and-though he had yet to get out of bed-he had been awake for almost an hour at that point. He had spent the better part of that hour with his thoughts focused on the...

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Galen's Story: Prologue

"Ah! What the hell Tamash??" Galen scowled as he looked up at Valor and Tamash?, the latter of whom had just roughly pushed him down onto the bench he now found himself seated upon. "What was that for?" Valor crossed his arms. "It's really quite...

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**First Epilogue: Out of the Shadows** Tahnokk sat alone in the semi-darkness of what had become his cell, waiting for his judgement to come. It had been one week since his efforts had met with such disastrous results. He had spent every waking hour...

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