Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 3 (Part 1)

Story by That Box in the Basement on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokemon: Further Evolutions

At the suggestion of a good friend of mine, I've decided to upload my chapters into two parts. So, because of this, I'll be uploading the first half of a chapter during the 15th of every month, then the second half at the end of the month. So, if you're like me and want to read the entirety of a chapter in one go, then you can wait till the end of the month and wait for both parts to be up. The whole point of this is to make this story easier to read, as I do realize that there IS a lot to read in a single chapter. I mostly do that because I don't tend to upload very frequently, so I want to leave my watchers with enough story to keep them satisfied for the amount of time I'm gone. At one point, I'll go back and split up the previous chapters as well.

Anyways, with that out of the way, here's Chapter 3. I had a lot of fun writing this one, as it was more dedicated to the more pure days of pokemon, when it wasn't about hatching perfect IVs or getting those EVs just right, or hatching the right nature, and when it wasn't a giant victim of rule 34, (for the record I am not against it, just trying to make a point), and when it was just about the adventure. Hopefully you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please don't forget to rate and comment, as it lets me know that I'm doing a good job.

Pokemon: Further Evolutions

CH 3

Leaving Again

"Here," Mia said to her son, handing him a medium-sized bag, "I've packed you some food. Try to...conserve it, okay?" She chocked a bit, and turned away briefly to recover herself. She turned to her husband. "John, did you give him everything he needs?" He nodded in response, turning to his son.

"I gave you some extra money," he pointed to the bag around Kyo's shoulders, "and I also packed you some of my clothes, since your old clothes don't seem to fit you anymore..." Kyo nodded, looking at his parents with sad eyes.

"Kyo..." Mia began, "please...be safe... I know we've done this before, but...to do this a second time..." She looked down at her feet, trying to resist the urge to start sobbing in front of everyone.

After the scare with the brick incident from the day before, Kyo had decided that, to ensure the safety of his family, he would leave the house again. His parents had opposed the idea when he proposed it to them, but they both knew that it was for the better, no matter how much it pained them.

It was around morning time, so not many people would be seeing him leave. Kyo's parents briefly considered having him leave during the afternoon so that everyone would see, but they didn't want to put Kyo through more stress than he already had.

"Remember to call us whenever you can," said John, "and if you ever run into any trouble, let us know. Alright?" Kyo answered him with a nod.

"And Kyo," Mia began, "I know...that we've already went over this...but I still thin-"

"Mom," Kyo cut her off, "I already told you, I'm leaving Totodile with you guys. I don't want anything to happen to you guys after I'm gone. I already risked that the first time I left, and while it was fine the first time, this time it's...different..." He looked to the side, avoiding his parents' eyes.

"I know..." said Mia, "I just...I just wish it didn't have to be this way..."

"Yeah..." Kyo smiled lightly, "but hey, it's not like I'll be completely defenseless. I mean, I am a pokemon now." The three of them chuckled, the mood lightening up slightly. "So...is Totes...still inside?" Mia nodded.

"It seems that he needs a bit more time before he's ready to say goodbye," she informed him, looking back inside the house. "I'm sure he won't take too long to-oh wait, here he comes."

The two males looked over to the door, seeing the small bipedal croc make his way over to the group. Kyo blinked, seeing him carry his poke-gear with him. He opened up his bag, confirming that it definitely wasn't there. He looked back up as his partner approached.

Once he was closer, Kyo knelt down to his height. Totodile handed him his device. He smiled at his trainer, looking him in the eyes. "'Charge it.'" The two of them laughed good-heartedly. "'The last time you didn't, things went pretty badly.'"

Kyo smiled. "Yeah...can't argue with you there." They chuckled lightly, sighing happily. Kyo tucked the device away in his bag, and turned back to his friend. "I'm gonna miss you."

"'Me too,'" he replied, "'but don't worry, I'll be alright. Just...be careful out there. I'd...kinda prefer it if you can come back...'" He looked to the side, rubbing his foot on the ground. Kyo gave him another smile, and patted him on the head.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine too." He chuckled. "Besides, I've got a little bit of you with me now." He patted a fist on his chest. "Or do you think that's not enough?"

Totodile chuffed. "'Heh, that should be more than enough, even if it _is_a fraction of me.'" They laughed once more, the sounds of their laughter carried on by the wind. They both sighed. "'Well...this is it then...'"

"Yeah..." Kyo gave him a sad smile. "I'll...try to call as often as I can..."

"'I'd...like that...very much...'" Tears began to well up in the small croc's eyes. He looked away, trying to suppress his tears. He closed his eyes in an attempt to hide his emotions, before he felt Kyo wrap his arms around him. He opened his eyes, meeting the eyes of his trainer and dear friend. A lump formed in his throat as he tried to speak again. "'Don't...'" he choked, "'don't do anything stupid...'"

Kyo chuckled, a few shaky breaths coming out along with. "I...I won't..." He wiped a few tears from his eyes. "And...t-take care of mom and dad for me...alright?" Totodile nodded furiously.

"'I will...for you...for us...'" Unable to hold back the flood of tears threatening to burst from his eyes, the smaller water type moves in closer for the tightest hug he had ever given his partner, and allowed himself to break down completely, sobbing into his trainer. Kyo returned the hug, hugging him just as tightly as tears of his own began to escape from his eyes.

"Take care," Kyo sobbed, "I'll...never forgive you if you get hurt..."

"'S-same...g-goes for you,'" Totodile replied shakily, "'so...if you ever come back...w-when you come back...y-you better be...i-in one piece...o-okay?'"

Kyo sniffled. "Okay...I promise..." The two water types stayed there for a moment, both sniffling, sobbing messes. Eventually, Kyo released Totodile from his hug, sitting back on his haunches. They both wiped the leftover tears from their eyes, and smiled at each other.

Totodile nodded to his trainer. "'Well...I guess I'll be seein' ya...'"

Kyo nodded back. "Yeah...take care..."


Reluctantly, Kyo got back up to his feet. He turned to face his parents, and approached them. It was Mia that walked up to him first.

"You...call me...alright?" she began, her eyes already welling up with tears, "as much as you can, and as often as you can. I'll be sure to answer every call. Got it?"

Kyo smiled, and hugged her tightly. "I got it. I'll send you post cards this time too."

Mia chuckled, choking a bit as she replied. "I'll be waiting then." They broke the hug, and looked at each other. Mia wiped some tears away from her eyes and nodded. "I love you Kyo."

"I love you too mom..." he replied. He then looked to his father, and moved in closer to him.

"Remember to be careful out there," he told his son, "and remember to watch out for any trainers. You don't know what they might be planning..."

"I will," he replied, hugging his father as well, "I love you dad."

"I love you too son..." He patted him on the back, sighing as he realized that he was letting his son go for the second time. They let go of each other, and gave each other a smile. "Well...you best be going... The...neighbors will be...waking up soon..."

Kyo nodded in understanding, and looked to the rest of his family. "Alright...goodbye then..." He took several steps backwards, looking at his family one last time. Mia moved closer to her husband, hugging his arm and resting her head on his shoulder. John gently took hold of her hand, and looked to his son. Totodile moved up next to the two of them, looking to his trainer with sad but hopeful eyes. Kyo felt another lump form in his throat again. He gave them a wave, and they waved back. He really didn't want to leave them, especially at a time like this. But he knew he had to go, at least while he was like this, while society was like this. Even though he knew that this wasn't goodbye forever, it still hurt just as much.

With one final wave, he turned away, and faced the road again. He took several slow steps, each step bringing him farther and farther away from them.

"'KYO!!!'" Totodile suddenly called out, making him stop in his tracks. He turned around. He was already a fair distance away. Totodile cupped his small hands around the tip of his muzzle, and called out again. "'YOU BETTER NOT HOLD BACK, CUZ THE WORLD CERTAINLY WON'T!!!'"

Kyo choked, already feeling the tears fall from his eyes once more. He smiled, and thrust his arm up in the air, giving his family a thumbs up. He saw his mom put a hand over her mouth, her eyes watering. His dad's eyes were watering as well, lips quivering. Then, he saw all three of them give him a thumbs up as well. Seeing this, Kyo cried. But not out of grief, not out of sadness.

But for hope.

He turned back around, and broke into a run. He ran as fast as he could. Running past the trees, dashing up the hills, with the wind spurring him on. The tears flew from his eyes, clearing his vision. He smiled widely, baring his teeth.

"Get ready world!" he shouted proudly, "CUZ HERE I COME!!!"


In.............and out................. In...............and out.............. In................and out................. The Feraligatr-morph was propped up against a nearby tree, catching his breath.

Note...................to self... he thought to himself, the next time...................I go out................into the wilderness....................don't.......................break into................a run......................oh jeez..................... He rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly realizing that no sweat was coming out of his skin. He shook his head, remembering that he was a reptile now, so no sweat would be coming out of his body any time soon.

He rested his head against the tree, panting heavily. Gotta...................gotta rest for a bit....................houy................ He fanned at himself with his hand, feeling rather hot. I should....................go in the shade...............cool down for a bit....... Yeah.....I'll go do that..... With a bit of effort, he pushed himself off of the tree, and stood up. He walked past it and made his way over to the more shaded areas of the forest. He sat down, leaning against another tree.

He closed his eyes, and let out a slow breath. Once he got his heart rate down, he opened up his bag and looked through the supplies that had been packed for him. He quickly found his water canteen, and grabbed it out of the bag. He drew the nozzle into his muzzle, and drank. He let out soft, satisfied sighs through his nostrils as he gulped down the cool, refreshing water.

When he felt that he had enough, he set the canteen down next to him and sighed. He looked up, staring up at the sky, his view only slightly impaired by the tree branches. He fanned himself with his hand lightly.

Boy,_he thought to himself, _barely a few minutes into the day...and already starting to get hot... He slouched back a bit, trying to relax. So this is what it's like being a reptile huh? Not...too much of a fan...of this part of it... He groaned. Ughhhh, now I want a fan... He flopped his hand on the ground. Maybe...maybe I just need some more water. Considering that I'm a water type now, I probably need to keep myself more hydrated than others. Or was that fire types... Bah, either way, I should find more water.

Nodding to himself, he got back up on his feet. He swiped up his water canteen, and dropped it back into his bag. After, he looked around himself to check if he dropped anything. Once he confirmed that he hadn't, he began to trek through the forest grounds. He made sure to go slow as not to exert himself too much, as he had found out from his last experience that his body still heated up slightly with any strenuous activity.

It took a while, but his patience paid off in the end, coming across a small pond. He approached the pond and knelt down. He cupped some of the water in his hands and took a sip. Thankfully, the water was clean, unlike his experience from drinking from a "pond" nearby one of the cities in his earlier travels. Shaking off the memory, he pulled his canteen out of his bag, unscrewed the cap, and refilled it to the brim.

Drawing the canteen up into his muzzle, he greedily gulped down his new fresh supply of water. He quickly finished it up, and refilled again. It wasn't until he was completely satisfied did he stop drinking. He refilled his canteen one last time, and screwed the cap back on. He let out a satisfied sigh, and sat down. Looking around, he could see that he was pretty much alone, other than a few stray fish swimming around.

Well,_he thought to himself, _I guess I can go for a quick dip. He got back up on his feet, and approached the shore side. He dipped his toe in, getting a feel for the temperature of the water. Hmph, not too bad. A little on the chilly side but I could still use the cool down. He began to enter the water, getting up to his knees before stopping.

Should...probably take my shorts off. Don't really want to get them soaked... He walked back onto shore, looking around himself to make sure that he really was alone. Once he felt he was safe, he slid his shorts down his legs, and flicked them off of his tail. He set them down next to his bag, and entered the water again.

He shivered a bit as the cool water enveloped his form, but he soon settled in comfortably. He sat down so that only his head remained above water. It was awkward, sitting there without a trace of clothing on. Even though he was fairly sure that he was alone, he still felt oddly exposed.

He closed his eyes. Easy there Kyo, just relax... Just...de-stress... He remained silent, listening to the sounds of the forest. He sat back a bit, leaning on the shore side. This is nice. It's been a while since I've been able to do something like this; just relaxing for once... He smiled, letting his arms hang slack at his sides.

The breeze sure feels nice. I could just sit here a-


Kyo clutched the back of his head, cringing. What the heck was that? He opened his eyes. He blinked. There was a pokeball floating in the water in front of him. Curious, Kyo sat up a bit and picked it up. He brought it up closer to his face, examining it.

What's this doing here? He looked around. Did it fall out of my bag? He looked over to his bag, and saw that it was still closed. Confused, he looked around, trying to see if anyone else was around. Finding nothing, he shook his head and settled back down, tossing the pokeball aside.

Sheesh,_he thought to himself, _someone must've thrown it too hard... Heh, I remember when I used to do that in baseball. The thing would go flying past the umpire an-


Kyo fell over to the side, splashing the water as he was knocked over. After a few seconds of being stunned, he burst back up to the surface, absolutely livid now.

"ALRIGHT! WHO HAS THE BALLS?!" He saw a bush rustle from the side of his wide vision. He turned to the direction of the bush, and watched carefully. After a while, he saw a small head poke up from the bush, only to quickly retreat, a small squeak sounding out as it did. Seeing this, Kyo softened, and spoke a bit more softly.

"H...hey," he said gently, "is...is someone there?" A moment of silence passed, and the small head began to poke out again. "It's alright," he said, "I...I won't hurt you..." By now, Kyo could tell that it was a small child that was hiding from him, judging from how small the movements of the bush were. He could tell that whoever it was, was hesitating to come out.

"I'm...I'm sorry if I scared you," said Kyo, "but I won't do that anymore. I promise." Another moment passed, and the head slowly began to emerge, revealing to Kyo a pair of wide and curious eyes. Kyo smiled. "There ya go," he says to the child, "see? I'm not so bad." Still a bit hesitant, the child rises up a bit more, revealing to Kyo that it was a small girl, probably no older than seven years of age. She had long black hair and big blue eyes beaming with curiosity.

Oh, I get it now, Kyo thought to himself, she must be a new trainer. But...why would she throw a pokeball at me if I... He looked down, seeing that his head was still the only visible part of him.

Well, that, and he was a...

Shaking off his minor brain flatulence, Kyo refocused on the small girl. She still didn't seem ready to fully approach him. Deciding to try and put her at ease, he spoke to her again. "Hey there," he greets her, "my name's Kyo... What's your name?"

Again, the girl hesitated. "My...m-my mom says to not speak to strangers..." Kyo chuckled.

"Well, she's right," Kyo replied, "but did she tell you to never throw your pokeballs at strangers too?" The girl looked up for a moment, seeming to be thinking over what he had said.

"I don't...think so..."

Kyo let out a light hearted chuckle. "Well she should have." He gently swished his tail in the water. "I mean, how would you like it if someone were to throw a pokeball at your head?"

Again, the girl looked up to the sky in thought. "I don't think I would like that," she replied, "I think it would hurt..."

Kyo laughed. "Hahaha, yeah, it would. It did." He laughed a little bit more, sitting back slightly.

The girl looked down at her feet. "I'm sorry mister Feragator..."

Feragator?_Kyo thought to himself, _what does she... Oh, she meant Feraligatr. He smiled, and spoke again. "It's alright, it didn't hurt too much. And...by the way, I'm actually a Fer_ali_gatr."

"Fer.....ferali...gator..." the girl said slowly, putting a finger to her lip, "fer_a_li...feraligator...feraligater..."

Kyo chuckled again. "You can just call me Kyo if it's easier for you."

"Okay," she replied, looking up to him. Kyo smiled at her.

She...really doesn't know how strange this is...does she... He rested his muzzle on his hand, bracing his elbow against the knee of his crossed leg. "Hey...kid..." he began, "don't you...find this...weird? Talking to a pokemon I mean?" Her head tilted.

"Are they...not supposed to?" she asked curiously. Kyo laughed.

"Generally, no," he told her, "but there are a few special ones out there that can," he smirked, "like me."

The girl's eyes lighted up. "Are you like a super special pokemon then?" she asked excitedly, making Kyo chuckle again.

"Well...I guess you could say that."

"Whoaaaaa," she breathed out, causing Kyo to smile, "but...if you're a pokemon...then how come my pokeball didn't work?"

"Well that's because..." he paused, thinking for a moment. Huh...why didn't_it work?_ He put his hand to his muzzle. He looked over to the pokeball floating next to him. He picked it up, examining it. He turned it so that the button was facing him. Hesitantly, he pressed the button, closing his eyes as he did.

He waited for a moment before finally opening his eyes, finding that all he had done was activate the size reduction function. Huh...well what do ya know? He looked back to the girl.

"I suppose it's cuz I'm special," he said. "The pokeball doesn't seem to think I'm a pokemon."

"Oooooohhhhhhh, okay," she replied, nodding in understanding. Giving her a heads up, Kyo gently tossed the ball back to her, and she put it in her pocket. "So...mister Kyo, is there anything else you can do?" Kyo's head tilted. "Like, I know you can talk, but is there anything else you can do?" He smiled, and shook his head.

"No, there's really not much else I can do."

"Oh..." she replied, looking down. He chuckled.

"What? Is a talking pokemon not cool enough for you?" Her head snapped back up.

"N-no it's just," she stammered, "I-I thought that you could do more." Kyo laughed.

"It's alright, I get it." She settled down. "But...I'm certainly not like any of the other pokemon out there." The girl stared at him, waiting for an explanation. "Thing is, I'm not...exactly...a pokemon."

"You aren't?" she asked, thoroughly confused by his statement. "Well...what are you then?"

Kyo took a moment to think about how he could explain to her what he was. "I'm...I'm what's called a pokemorph. They're like...human versions of pokemon." She stared at him, still confused. He sighed. "I guess the best way to explain is to show you." He started to get up, but quickly stopped, suddenly remembering that he had no clothes on. He sat back down. "Um...c-could you do me a favor and hand me my shorts over there?"

She looked over to where he had indicated. She made her way through the bushes, and picked his shorts up. She looked over to him. "This one?"

"Uh huh," he nodded, "just hand em over to me." She walked a bit closer, just shy of the shore line. Kyo leaned in as she gave him his shorts. "Thanks. Now...could you...close your eyes? I don't wanna...ahem...j-just close your eyes please."

"Okay." She nodded obediently, and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Now don't look until I say so alright?" he instructed the girl as he got up.

"I know," she replied. Reluctantly, Kyo stepped out onto the shore. He quickly slipped his shorts on, sliding his tail through the opening in the back.

"Alright, it's safe to look now." The girl slowly uncovered her eyes. She looked to him, and her eyes widened.

"Whoaaaaa," she said, "you really are like a human pokemon..." She walked a bit closer to him, walking around him and looking at him at various angles. She began to reach out before hesitating. She looked up at him. "Can I...pet you?"

Kyo blinked. The question had caught him off guard. "Uhhh...um...o-okay," he finally said, "just...don't pet me too hard alright?"

"Okay," she replied.

"And...and don't rub up my arm," he continued, "it hurts if someone pets me the wrong way."

"Okay mister Kyo." With that out of the way, she got close enough to reach out to him. He knelt down, extending his arm out to her, and she gently clasped her small hands around his wrist. He watched her carefully as she began to poke at him. She took a hold of one of his fingers, and she toyed with them curiously. She squeezed them a bit, prodding a bit of his claw to come out. Her eyes widened in astonishment, and she moved her face in closer. When she was done with that, she moved back to his wrist. She rubbed at the side of it gently with her thumb, circling the end of his ulna.

"It feels all...smooth," she pointed out, moving up his arm, "do you use lotion mister Kyo?" Kyo laughed again.

"No," he replied, "it's just how my scales are."

"But you're not dry like a lizard," she told him, "my friend, she has a pet lizard, and she let me hold it one time, and it was really really dry."

He smiled at her. "Well, scales like mine are different. They're meant for swimming through water smoothly."

"Oooooh," she nodded in understanding, "that makes sense. You're a...a water...lizard, right?"

He chuckled. "Technically I'm an alligator," he replied, "and yes, I'm a water type pokemon."

"Water type," she said to herself, "and water's...strong against fire?"

"Uh huh," he nodded, "and it's also strong against ground and rock types."

"Ground and rock," she told herself, "gee mister, you really know a lot about types."

"Well," he began, "I do know my stuff. I'm not only a special poke-ACK!" He cringed, drawing back slightly. The girl let go of his arm, looking at him worriedly.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I forgot to not pet you up."

"It's alright," he replied, brushing his arm down to try and ease the sting of his scales, "it only hurt a little bit."

"H-here! I'll help," she stammered, gently petting his arm in the same direction. He smiled, brightened up from the gesture. It was still odd though, watching her pet him. He supposed that it was close to how Totodile felt when he was petted.

And I guess...dogs too, he thought to himself, and cats...and hamsters...and any other sort of pe-

"Are you still hurting mister?" the girl suddenly said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Uhhh, n-no, I feel better now." She let go of his arm, and sat down next to him. "So...I'm curious...what brings you here? Are you a pokemon trainer?"

"Mmhm," she nodded, "I started a week ago. I picked Cyndaquil. I named him Flamy. Wanna see him?"

Kyo smiled. "Sure, I'd love to meet him. Is he nice?"

"He's super nice," she says excitedly, "he likes to snuggle up against me, and he's super warm when you hug him." She pulled out a pokeball from her pocket, and tossed it up in the air. It popped open, and red energy spilled out from it. It closed in mid-air, and fell into the hands of the girl. The red energy solidified, and formed a small, echidna-like creature.

"Cynda?" it said, looking up at the pair.

"Hi Flamy!" the girl said cheerily, "this is Kyo. He's a Feraligatr." She motioned to him with her hand, and the Cyndaquil looked to him. He tilted his head slightly.

"'Why is trainer with other pokemon?'" he said curiously, "'is other pokemon a new pokemon for trainer?'"

Kyo smiled, and shook his head. "No, I'm just a friend of hers."

"'Pokemon no talk in pokemon tongue?!'" Flamy exclaimed. "'Is pokemon friend even pokemon at all?!"

The girl looked to Kyo worriedly. "Is something wrong?"

"It's fine," he assured her, "he's just surprised that I can speak English."

"'B-but pokemon no speak,'" said Flamy, "'Flamy only talk in poke-speak. It why Flamy no talk to trainer.'"

"Well, I'm just special that way I guess," he replied, "I'm not exactly what you would call a 'normal' pokemon."

"'What pokemon is you then?'" the fire type asked, tilting his head.

Kyo blinked. "You don't...recognize anything...strange about me?"

Flamy shook his head. "'Only that pokemon talk in trainer-speak.'"

Kyo shrugged. "Well, I suppose it's because you're still young."

"'Flamy no young!'" he exclaimed, "'Flamy has two cycles! Flamy big pokemon.'" He stood up on his hind legs, and puffed out his chest proudly.

Kyo chuckled. "I guess you are. But I'll still tell you anyways." Flamy chuffed, and settled back down. "So I already explained to your trainer, so I'll just keep it simple. I'm a Feraligatr pokemorph, a more human like version of a normal Feraligatr."

"'So...you pokemon...and trainer?'"

"Well...not exactly..." he paused, contemplating whether or not to tell the pair about his previous identity. Maybe not just yet, he decided, besides, I just met these two. No point in telling them about my...dilemma... "I'm not a trainer, just...pokemorph."

Flamy shrugged. "'If poke-trainer says so...'" He sat down, and looked to his trainer. "'So what does trainer say we do next?'"

Kyo turned to the girl. "He's asking what you're planning to do next."

"Oh," she replied, putting a finger to her lip, "ummm, maybe we can try and get to the next town?"

"Which town?" Kyo asked curiously.

"Ummm, hold on," she said, pulling out a poke-gear from her pocket, "I think we were planning to go to...Ecruteak City."

"All the way there?" said Kyo, "it's such a long way from here though."

"It's okay," the girl replied, "I have Flamy to keep me safe if anything happens."

"'Yes yes yes,'" Flamy agreed, nodding his head, "'Flamy strong pokemon. Flamy protect trainer.'"

Kyo frowned. "I still don't think it's safe. There's a lot of unpredictable wild pokemon out there, and they're not exactly afraid of attacking trainers."

The girl put her hands on her hips. "Well excuse me mister Kyo, but I thought I was the pokemon trainer here."

"S-sorry," he apologized, putting his hands up, "it's just...it seems like a bad idea. Do you even have any supplies with you?"

"Sure I do," she nodded, pointing a thumb behind her, "I brought all of my stuff in a bag."

"Well," he continued, "...do you...know the way there?"

"I have a map," she replied, pointing to her poke-gear.

"W...w-well," he paused, "w...what if someone attacks you?"

"'Helloooo,'" Flamy spoke up, tossing up his little arms, "'is poke-trainer forgetting why Flamy here? Flamy just said he strong. Is poke-trainer empty in head?'"

Kyo scratched the back of his head. "No need to be so hostile..."

"We'll be fine mister Kyo," the girl assured him, "why else would you think my parents let me go on a journey?"

"I suppose that's true," he replied, "but it still doesn't seem right to me though..."

The girl folded her arms. "You know, if you're so worried, you can just come along with us."

Kyo's head shot up. "Go with you?"

"Not for like...my entire journey," she explained, "just until we reach Ecruteak City. Since you're so worried about us making it there safely, then you should just come along and watch us."

"'Or is poke-trainer scary scared?'" Flamy chuckled, smiling coyly.

"Hey," Kyo said, pointing a finger at him, "rude. And anyways, are you sure you want me to tag along? I mean, we just met after all."

"True," said the girl, "but you seem like a nice pokemon. Oh wait, you said you were a...p...p-pokemorph?" Kyo nodded. "So what do ya say, wanna come with us? You don't have to worry about trainers trying to catch you, since pokeballs don't seem to work on you."

Kyo pondered for a moment, putting a hand to his chin. Well, word hasn't really spread about me beyond Olivine... But...should I threaten that? Even if it'll be just a few trainers? He looked back to the girl, and she smiled at him. He smiled back. You know what? It doesn't matter. What's a few more people learning about me gonna do? If an entire city couldn't spread news about me, then what's two or three more?

He nodded to her. "I'm up for it. I'll make sure you can get to Ecruteak City safely."

"'Hey, that Flamy's job,'" Flamy pointed out.

Kyo chuckled. "Alright fine, I'll supervise you then."

"Really?" the girl said, eyes lighting up, "you'll come with us?"

"Mmhm," Kyo replied, nodding, "it could be fun. I've never went on a journey with another person before."

"You've been on a journey?" the girl asked, tilting her head slightly. Kyo mentally kicked himself for his carelessness.

"Uhhh, yeah," he looked to the side, "I mean, of course I can. Can't just stick to one place. Eheheh..." He cleared his throat. "Anyways, we should get moving. It's a long way to Ecruteak from here." Before the girl could object, Kyo got to his feet, and went over to pick up his bag. He looked over to her. "So do you have everything you need?"

"Uhhh...I think so," she replied, "I've got some potions and sandwiches."

Kyo nodded in approval. "Good, then we're ready to go."

"'Hold on hold on hold on,'" Flamy began, putting his arms up, "'first Flamy discuss rule rules." The small fire type looked to Kyo. "'First, poke-trainer stay in Flamy's line of vision.'"

Kyo chuckled. "Alright, go on."

"'Next, poke-trainer only watch. Poke-trainer no try to battle.'"

"What's he saying?" the girl asked curiously.

"He's telling me the rules," he answered her.

"'Also,'" Flamy continued, "'from now on, poke-trainer call me, 'sensei.' Poke-trainer understands, yes?'" He smirked, and nodded in response. "'Good, then we ready to travel go.'" With a satisfied nod, Flamy moved closer to his trainer, gently nudging her leg.

"He says that we're ready to go," he explained, "so you should probably get your bag, and then we'll get going."

"Okay," she replied, and disappeared behind the bushes to fetch her bag.

"'Oh, and poke-trainer?'" said Flamy.

"Yes...sensei?" He chuckled slightly.

"'Flamy need to tell you something. Get close closer.'" Shrugging, Kyo did what he was told. He leaned in so that they were as close to face level as they could. "'Flamy want to say, if poke-trainer tries anything funny with Flamy's trainer, if poke-trainer even so much as THINKS of hurting trainer,'" he grabbed Kyo's snout, pulling him in even closer as he glared into his eyes, "'then Flamy make you regret it.'"

Kyo gulped.

"Got it!" the girl suddenly said as she burst through the bushes, startling Kyo and making him jump slightly.

"Oh," he stammered, "a-all ready to go then?"

"Yeah," she replied, "you ready to go Flamy?"

"'Yes yes,'" Flamy answered, nodding his head furiously. The girl giggled.

"Alright then, let's go!" At that, she skipped out through the bushes and onto the dirt road, with the two pokemon following soon after. "Aren't you guys excited?"

"Uhhh, y-yeah," Kyo replied, feeling rather uneasy as the fire type kept his eyes on him like a hawk. "S...say, kid?"

"Yes mister Kyo?" she asked, looking back at him.

"I...I've been meaning to ask," he scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "since we're going to be with each other for a while, I don't exactly feel right just calling you 'kid.' So...is it alright if I learn your name?"

The girl smiled at him. "Of course mister Kyo. You already told me yours anyways." She stopped walking for a moment, and turned to face him properly. "My name's Asako Suzuki. It's nice to meet you mister Kyo."


Most of the day's trip was relatively easy. They were fortunate enough to not run into any trainers, and the wild pokemon weren't very challenging. They covered a lot of distance too, and stopped at around one third of the way.

Satisfied, but tired, the three of them began setting up camp, with Asako setting up the sleeping bags, Kyo gathering the firewood, and Flamy lighting the campfire.

"Thanks for helping out with the camp mister Kyo," Asako thanked him, "and the fire feels nice and cozy."

"Any time Asako," he replied, "besides, it's only right that I help out whenever I can. And thanks for setting up the sleeping bags while I was busy getting the wood."

"'What, Flamy no get thanks?'" Flamy spoke up, "'even though Flamy the one who made fire?'"

Kyo chuckled. "Thank you for making the fire sensei."

"Oh, thanks for making the fire Flamy," said Asako.

"'Hmph, Flamy no get enough respect around here,'" Flamy grumbled.

"He says you're welcome," Kyo told Asako. She nodded happily, and let out a yawn.

"Boy, I sure am tired," she said, rubbing her eyes with a fist, "I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. G'night you two."

"G'night," the two of them replied. Giving them a small wave, Asako slipped into her sleeping bag, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I think I'm gonna turn in too," Kyo said to Flamy, "is that alright with you sensei?"

"'Poke-trainer can stop calling Flamy 'sensei' now. Flamy bore bored of it now.'"

He chuckled. "Well if you say so." He walked over to his bag, and Flamy followed closely behind. "Oh, you're not gonna stay with Asako?"

He shook his head. "'Flamy knows trainer will be fine. Flamy not very far from trainer. Besides, Flamy want to cuddle with colder body. Water types make good chill for fire types.'"

Kyo simply shrugged. "Fine by me." He lifted the flap up, and Flamy climbed up atop him, curling up into a ball on his chest.

"'Mmmmm,'" Flamy murred, "'cozy cozy.'" He looked to Kyo. "'So poke-trainer, what your story?'"

Kyo's head tilted. "What do you mean?"

"'You know,'" Flamy replied, "'how poke-trainer get here? Flamy smart. Flamy know Totodiles no come from wild.'"

"Well," Kyo began, "that's not...necessarily true. They can be found in the wild."

"'Was you?'" Flamy asked curiously.

"Well...no, but-"

"'Ha! See? Flamy smart. Flamy knows things.'" The fire type rested his muzzle on his paws. "'So? What happened? Did trainers no like weird poke-trainer for pokemon?'"

"Weird's a little harsh," he said, scratching the back of his head, "and...yeah...I guess you can say that."

"'Was poke-trainer's trainer mean?'"

"Well..." he paused, thinking of what to say, "I never really...had a trainer to begin with."

"'Eh?'" Flamy's head rose up in a double take, "'But poke-trainer no from wild right? Pokemon that no come from wild always have trainer, right?'"

"N...not always," he replied, "there can be orphaned pokemon as well."

"'But...but they had trainers too, no?'"

"I..." he stopped, thinking for a moment, "I don't think that counts."

Flamy sighed. "'Okay, so poke-trainer not from wild.'"

"Uh huh."

"'But poke-trainer no have trainer.'"


Flamy's brow furrowed. "'So...who took care of poke-trainer then?'"

"Oh those were my-" He stopped himself, pursing his lips. Flamy's head tilted. He stared at Kyo, patiently waiting for his answer. "MyyyyyyGOSH look at the time!" He faked a yawn, stretching his neck as he did so. "Well I'm goin to sleep so g'night Flamy." He pretended to knock out, slumping and closing his eyes. Flamy chuffed.

"'Okay, okay, Flamy can read signs. Poke-trainer no want to share stories.'" Kyo cracked an eye open. "'Flamy know how to respect privacy. If poke-trainer no want to share stories, then poke-trainer no have to share stories.'" Kyo stopped faking his sleep, and opened both of his eyes. "'But Flamy do want to know, what did make poke-trainer leave on journey?'"

Kyo let out a long sigh. He looked up at the sky, staring up at the stars. "Responsibility."

"'Responsibility?'" Flamy said curiously. Kyo didn't reply for a moment.

"There were...people I needed to protect."

"'Protect?'" Flamy said, confused, "'But doesn't poke-trainer need to be with people for protecting?'" Again, Kyo didn't say anything for a moment.

"Not...if you're the reason for them being in danger..." He didn't say anything else after that.

Flamy's gaze fell down to his paws. "'Well, if poke-trainer says so, then Flamy no question for it.'" He curled into a ball again, and closed his eyes. "'Nighty-night poke-trainer.'"

"G'night," he replied as the small fire type drifted off to sleep. He continued to stare at the stars for a while. I...I did the right thing...didn't I? He thought about what Flamy had said to him. Should...should I have stayed? Would...would that have been better? He looked over to where Asako was sleeping.

What am I doing? I shouldn't be overthinking this. Of course I had to leave. If I stayed there, mom 'n dad would be in danger because of me. Besides, they'll be safe. Totodile's takin' care of em after all. He smirked at the thought. He's probably takin' charge right now. He closed his eyes, imagining what his partner would be doing while he was away.

Heh, he's probably standing outside at the front, acting as a watchdog. The second he hears so much as a snap of a twig, his focus is gonna go up ten fold. He continued to imagine the different things that Totodile would do, and before he knew it, he too slipped into his dreams.