Search For A Focus IV

Story by Arktisk Raev on SoFurry

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_Here we finally are! Chapter Four! _

Took me quite a while to work at this mainly because I've been on three straight weeks of intensive drill training for our tasking this summer here in Ottawa. Hasn't left much time to sit down, relax, and pump out a story that I hope is up to par!


I woke up to another chilly morning, though it was mitigated by the large black arms wrapped around me.

As my eyes slowly opened, I noticed that I was using Jack's arm as a pillow; his powerful muscles providing a solid, yet not wholly uncomfortable place to rest my head.

I shifted myself back against his nude frame, shuddering as I felt his impressive endowment press against my backside. Part of me wanted to just turn around and give the wolf an intimate wake-up call, but my morning excitement was quickly diminished as my memories of the previous day began catching up with my waking mind.

The image of skin hanging loosely from the demented frame of that slavering, panting grotesquery put a stop to all of my sexual thoughts in no time flat, and only served to make the chill of the morning that much more pronounced.

"Bad dreams?" Jack's voice banished the unsettling scene in my head.

"No dreams." I said with a sigh. Not having dreams was something I was used to at least. "Just memories from yesterday."

"It was your first mission." The wolf started as his grip around me tightened, leaving me a little breathless, but in a great way. "Even we haven't seen anything like that before. I was kind of expecting you to be thrashing around during the night."

"Considering where I am, I doubt I'd have been able to move much." I let out a chuckle, glad that I could at least pull that much off. I could always count on myself to act perfectly fine so long as I wasn't alone; getting left with just my own thoughts tended to lead me to bad places.

"Fair enough." Jack chuckled. "You sure you're doing alright?"

I had to think about that one for a moment.

Here I was adventuring with three experienced, sexy men. I was in a brand new province and seeing brand new things that I never would have imagined I'd ever see no matter how long I lived.

I had also almost died; killed by some hellish abomination in a dark cavern beneath an old manor out in the middle of nowhere. So, there was that.

"Silence isn't a good answer Kris." The wolf behind me squeezed me again, which sent yet another happy shiver down my spine.

"S-sorry." I blushed, hugging his arm tight. "This is all going to take some getting used to. I've never been out and about like this before since my job back home kept me inside a forge all day. It's a little overwhelming. If you guys decide to send me home when we get back to the city, I'd understand."

"Oh please." Jack said as he sat himself up, pulling me into his bare lap. "You're fitting in with us perfectly. You're smart, adaptable," His right hand slowly slid down my side to give my ass a firm squeeze. "Definitely sexy."

My ears perked up and my heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest.

I was about to say something, or at least attempt to say something, when Savrum's voice cut through the morning air.

"Nothing but rubble and a giant crater. The mercs cleared off long ago." The shark walked around the boulder, followed immediately by Miles. Upon seeing me sitting in Jack's lap, both of them got wicked smiles on their muzzles.

Well, Miles was far more sedate looking. Savrum looked like he wanted to drop his shorts and get things started right then and there.

"In that case, let's pull camp and head home." Jack said as he stood up, holding me in his arms. He set me down with a smile and began pulling on his pants while Savrum and Miles took down the tent and packed it away.

It was as I started to dress myself that I realized that I had just been standing in front of them all completely naked and fully aroused, which set my cheeks to burning as I adjusted myself in my pants.

I couldn't help but feel thankful that no one had commented on it, but it also made me feel like I was part of the group; being able to be nude in front of them without the risk of being ridiculed or shamed. Not that I had been expecting it in any case.

As we began heading away from the valley in the direction we had originally come from, Jack fell back to walk beside me while Miles and Savrum led the way.

"So, now that you'll be staying with our little group," He gave me a look as if he wasn't sure about what he said and wanted to ensure I was, in fact, going to stay. I gave him a bashful nod. "We'll start giving you some real training. I want you to head out with Miles; he'll start showing you how to navigate, how to judge a good camp site, all that good wilderness stuff."

The prospect of being on my own with Miles was exciting, but the knowledge that I'd be getting taught things that would make me more useful to the others made me feel far better.

"Sounds good to me." I said, my mind still flushed with the memory of the wolf's strong hand cupping my backside. I took a few longer strides to catch up to the coyote, who gave me a broad smile before veering us away from Savrum and Jack.

It was a feeling that made me panic slightly; I had always been taught never to split up when lost in a forest. Thankfully in this case, we weren't really lost, and I trusted that Miles would be able to track down the others without a problem.

"Thanks for doing this Miles." I said as I walked along behind the canine. "I'm useless at this stuff, so I can't guarantee I'll be able to pick it up quickly, but I'll try."

Miles looked back at me with that same comforting smile that made my heart flutter in my chest and gave me a nod.

The next few hours were spent walking through the dense forest, stopping every now and then so Miles could silently ask me which direction we were going. He had shown me how to judge direction simply from what side of a tree moss was growing on, which was simple enough to remember.

My first few attempts were failures, but the coyote was far beyond patient with me.

On our fifth stop, we climbed to the top of an old oak tree, breaking through the canopy so we could see where the sun was in the sky. Miles showed me how best to judge time and distance from that vantage point, and despite how disoriented I had become once we climbed back down to the ground, I was able to more or less get us moving again in the right direction.

It was an hour past noon by the time we found a small stream that wound its way around the numerous trees on its way downhill. The heat had risen substantially since morning, and I found myself panting and pulling off my sweat dampened shirt before kneeling by the edge of the water.

I leaned forward and submerged my head in the cool waters, reveling in the refreshing feeling. I was enjoying myself so much that when I finally pulled myself back for air, the lithe arms that wrapped around me took me completely by surprise.

I let out a yelp, but Miles pulled my head back and silenced me with a kiss before the sound fully left my throat.

The coyote's grip was firm, but not firm enough to cause me any discomfort, which was what allowed me to relax and melt into the kiss so quickly. A purr rose in my chest as my eyes closed, pins and needles running rampant over my entire body. My back was pressed firmly against his chest, and my backside was planted squarely in his bare lap where there was, as some swooning part of the back of my mind noted, a large swollen sheath.

The sensation only got better when I felt the canine's tongue slide across my lips, as if asking permission to enter my muzzle. I didn't need to think twice; I parted my lips, letting his long broad tongue slip into my maw to dance with my own.

I sat there in the coyote's lap for what felt like ages, my tail dancing happily between my legs while his fingers dug furrows through the fur on my chest and stomach. Miles eventually pulled away, much to my displeasure, still smiling at me as he pulled me back against him, giving me a tight hug.

Miles then pressed his muzzle into the nape of my neck, kissing, licking, and even playfully nibbling, sending me into a small fit of giggles and squirms.

The clever dog was trying to distract me! While I squirmed in his grasp, I felt his fingers slide further south, scritching their way past my bellybutton and past my belts to slide underneath the waistline of my pants.

At this stage I was far beyond caring however; I focused as best I could, reaching down the unclasp the belts that sat on my hips, then lifted my backside enough to slide them out from under me. Miles certainly appreciated the move as now he wasn't grinding against my back pouch anymore.

That's when I noticed his seven and-a-half inch shaft pressing into the small of my back. Now that they he had more room to maneuver, his hands wrapped around my own arousal, eliciting a moan from my throat.

Miles withdrew one of his hands and brought it up to his muzzle. I noticed with a blush that his index finger was matted with my precum just before the coyote licked it clean.

He turned his head with a smile and licked his lips before pulling me into another kiss and once again I found myself swimming in a sea of euphoria.

While our tongues resumed their previous dance, Miles slid me out of his lap and onto the ground next to him while he moved himself onto his knees. I felt particularly brave at that moment as I reached out a hand to feel his tough thighs, sliding my fingers up until I could cup his swollen sack.

That's when Miles began growling.

It was a low sound, but it sent shivers all over my body as I began kneading and massaging the large orbs. Something dripped onto my wrist, and I didn't need to look to know that the coyote's cock was producing quite a bit of pre.

I felt a surge of lust sweep over me, causing me to break the kiss myself in spite of the warning growls of Miles to do no such thing. I set myself onto all fours in front of the canine, leaning down to drag my tongue from the base of his wet shaft all the way to the tip, which seemed to make Miles decide that my little defiant action was well worth it.

A change began to affect my companion. At least, now I was actually noticing it. My mind replayed the past few minutes, and concluded that the canine's shift in demeanour started when I began playing with his package.

Miles reached down and took hold of the back of my head, pulling me away from his dripping shaft before angling it down to point straight at me. He rubbed the pointed tip across my lips, coating them in his precum before pressing his hips forward to gain entry to my muzzle.

I was in no position to deny him. I don't think I'd have been able to even if I wanted to. The canine's musk flooded into my nose, overwhelming every insecurity I had ever felt and left me whimpering and mentally begging Miles to make me his. I found myself fighting against his grip, trying to swallow more of the delicious shaft before me, but his firm grip kept me from taking things into my own hands.

Miles pushed forward with agonizing slowness, but I took the time to slide my tongue over every throbbing inch of his dog-hood, trying to memorize every vein and every curve. I opened my eyes and saw that I was a mere two or three inches from being able to bury my nose in Miles' pubic fur, but that's when my gag reflex decided to kick in.

The canine was either unaware of my watering eyes and attempts to withdraw, or he knew, but was completely unwilling to stop in spite of my discomfort. I didn't know. There was no way for me to find out or even attempt to think about it as my vision blurred through my tears.

I was loving it.

The discomfort of having a fat shaft pressing into my throat was far outweighed by the sensation of being used in such a way by such a sexy canine. I barely even noticed the two strands of saliva and precum that were dripping from the corners of my muzzle as Miles pulled himself back, letting me suckle on just the tip of his cock.

I took that opportunity to gasp for air just in time for his shaft to drive forward again, quicker than last time. As Miles built up a steady rhythm of thrusts, he let go of my head, knowing that I wouldn't move from where I was placed.

He dragged his fingers down my back, stopping at the base of my tail in order to unclip the back of my pants and force them down to my knees before returning to give my hand-filling ass a few firm squeezes.

Perhaps it was his earthy scent, or the flavor of his cock, or his suddenly dominating attitude, but I wanted nothing more at that point than for Miles to mount me.

Evidently that was exactly what he was planning.

I let out a muffled whimper as I felt one of his saliva soaked fingers press against my tailhole, slowly working its way past my tight ring to slide along my inner walls. I eagerly pressed myself back, trying to tell him that I wanted him inside me, but the coyote continued on at his own pace.

The sect I had been trained in had no shortage of experimental youths, and I had happened to be one of them, so the feeling of being penetrated wasn't new to me. However, none of the students I had ever 'played' with had been nearly as large as Miles, and I couldn't even begin to picture myself being able to take on Savrum or Jack anytime soon.

I relaxed as best I could considering the thick rod of flesh sliding back and forth within my muzzle, allowing Miles to sink his finger as far into my backside as he could. I didn't have to wait long for him to add a second finger, maintaining his slow pace in order to keep me from feeling too much pain.

When his third digit rested firmly inside me and and my tail wrapped tightly around his arm, Miles pulled his cock free from my muzzle, trailing strands of saliva and precum as I drew in a deep gasping breath.

As my vision cleared and my heart rate slowed enough, I felt Miles withdraw his fingers and watched him stand up, his glistening package hanging down between his legs. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to dive forward and swallow it back up.

I couldn't enjoy the view of the coyote standing over me like a conqueror for long as he stepped behind me and out of my sight. I knew what was coming next, and my shaft flexed and dripped in eager anticipation.

Two knees hit the ground behind me and pried my legs farther apart while two hands gripped my ass cheeks firmly and pulled them apart.

I was a whimpering mess even before I felt the pointed tip of Miles's shaft press against my tailhole, but when that happened, I thought I would cum right then.

The canine pushed forward, keeping my hips held firmly in place to keep me from squirming too much. My mind was awash with pleasure and pain as his girth began stretching me beyond what I had ever experienced before.

I heard a growl from behind me, and the grip Miles had on my hips tightened as he continued to force his way into my tailhole, which only aroused me further as I gasped and moaned.

Before I knew it, Miles began pulling back until his shaft slipped free, but before I could begin to properly worry if I had done something wrong, the coyote shifted his position behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and chest, forcing me to take his weight and hold him up as he began humping me like a feral.

The tip of his cock pressed against me with each thrust, spreading precum all over my backside before finally finding its mark. I couldn't hold back a loud yelp as his shaft drove deeper into me than it had been before, but I couldn't focus on the pain for more than a couple of seconds before it was sliding out of me again.

I whimpered and gasped with each forward thrust Miles made, only withdrawing to the halfway point before humping forward again. His growling was louder now, and the gentleness that he had shown before was completely absent; now the canine was simply breeding a willing bitch.

I was struggling to keep my trembling arms locked in order to hold us both up, but the lewd smacking noises of our coupling were sending my mind into overdrive. My fingers and toes clenched as I was rocked by an overwhelming orgasm; my shaft shooting out several thick ropes of cum to paint the forest floor beneath us.

I couldn't hold us up any longer. My arms gave out and my upper half fell to the ground, but Miles didn't even slow down. If anything, his pace seemed to have increased as he found himself at a better angle to breed me.

He continued thrusting into me for what felt like hours, but I knew that he was getting close as each time he pushed forward, I could feel myself get stretched a little more. His knot was inflating, and I idly wondered if I would be able to take it all in without taking too much damage in the process.

Then I wondered if I would even have a choice in the matter. Miles had gone absolutely feral as he fucked me, grunting and growling above me while my own cock began to go stiff again. Precum dripped down from my backside, covering my inner thighs and coating our constantly colliding sacks. My second orgasm wouldn't be far off at the rate we were going.

Once more I felt pain flit about around the clouds of pleasure filling my head as the coyote's rapidly growing knot forced me open wider and wider with each thrust, until eventually, it simply couldn't slide into my tailhole despite how well lubed it was.

That was when I had to brace myself. With the state Miles was in, I was certain he wouldn't hesitate to tie me, and when that time came, I doubted he would give me much warning.

Miles proved my theory correct.

I suddenly felt the coyote's jaws close down tightly onto my neck as he made one final hard thrust. His growl almost drowned out my scream of ecstacy and pain as his massive knot slammed into me, locking the two of us together as we both released our loads.

My seed shot down among the other strands of my first orgasm, while Miles pumped my backside so full that even with the massive knot implanted inside me, his cum still shot back out, soaking his already damp groin with his own seed.

I couldn't see straight. The world around me seemed to spin like the first time I had subjected myself to too much alcohol, and black spots danced across my vision. Miles still had a firm hold of my neck which, along with my backside, was throbbing and aching. He continued to grind against me, but these movements were gentle and slow, as if meant to comfort and soothe me.

I didn't notice when Miles opened his muzzle to release my neck, but the soreness that radiated across my body began to dampen as I felt his tongue lap across the area he had bitten down on. I didn't even notice when the coyote picked me up off of the ground and walked us over to sit against a tree.

I had seemed to have forgotten where we were or what we had been doing before we had sex, but I didn't care. Miles's strong arms were squeezing me tightly as I rested in his lap, still impaled on his throbbing shaft, and his tongue continued to soothe my neck with gentle licks.

"Th-thank you." I had only just begun to get my panting under control as I leaned my head back onto his shoulder.

Miles responded by squeezing me again and planting a kiss on the side of my muzzle. It felt incredible the way he had used me, the way he had become so feral, so dominant... I loved Miles the way he was normally, his gentle demeanor, his calm attitude, but I also found myself loving the way he had bred me like I was his bitch.

I knew I enjoyed servicing other males thanks to my encounters in my sect in the past, but I didn't realize just how much I enjoyed getting pinned to the ground like that...

The next short while passed with us listening to the birds, a sound I was incredibly grateful to hear once again, and basking in the light that filtered down from the leaves. I caught myself a dozen times dozing off, but I wanted to be fully conscious to enjoy the feeling of Miles embracing me the way he was for as long as I could.

I moaned weakly as I felt his knot deflate enough to allow his entire shaft to slip free from my abused tailhole, letting loose a flood of cum into the canine's lap, which he didn't seem to mind in the least. I felt empty now that Miles wasn't tied to me, and I couldn't silence the voice in the back of my head that demanded I get him back where he was.

After a few more minutes of resting, Miles gave me a gentle nudge and leaned forward, indicating that he wanted to stand up. Of course I didn't want him to; I was far too comfortable nestled as I was in his lap, but with a theatrical sigh that made the canine smile, I stood.

When I say 'stood', I really meant that I dug my claws into the bark of the tree we were against to help pull myself upwards.

My legs were tingling and trembling as I put my weight on them, but thankfully Miles was standing and holding me against him in seconds. I pressed my face to his chest and he held me, not caring about the cum we were smearing against each other.

He helped me walk over to my discarded clothes and belts before I thought of something.

"I can barely stand right now," I started as I picked up my things, being careful to keep them away from my groin so they wouldn't get covered in our combined juices. "And that stream's too small to clean up in. I don't suppose you know a place we can wash that's nearby?"

I didn't know how much longer our journey would be, but I wasn't exactly looking forward to having to spend it with dried cum in my fur.

Miles simply smiled and swept me up into his arms. I wasn't about to protest or question him simply because I trusted him. I also happened to very much enjoy being in his arms once again.

We walked upstream for about a mile before the ground took a sharp upwards turn, which made me fidget in the coyote's arms until he put me down.

"I don't want to make you carry me up a mountain." I chuckled. My legs were still weak, but I'd be able to make the climb up the hill myself.

Miles nodded, but stayed right next to me the entire time as we made our way up. As I looked up to see how much farther we had to go, I noticed a tall outcropping of rock that almost seemed familiar, though for the life of me I couldn't imagine why.

The ground leveled out as we reached the top of the embankment, and in spite of the soreness I still felt in my backside, I actually felt re-energized. Miles took my hand and began walking us over to the tall rocks, where I began to hear faint bubbling. I cast a quizzical look towards Miles, but he kept his focus forward as we reached the rocks, where the bubbling intensified.

He pulled me along to the left, taking us farther from the edge of the embankment, and as we rounded the corner, my memory caught up with me while I did a double-take.

We were back at the hot spring!

Not only had Miles spent an almost full day teaching me the ins and outs of navigating in the forest, he had managed to do it while getting us back to our first campsite before Savrum and Jack!

"You're incredible!" I exclaimed as Miles let go of my hand to step into the bubbling pond. "How did you manage to get us back here before the others?"

The coyote simply smiled and shrugged, then beckoned me to join him in the hot water. At this stage I was far beyond blushing at our nudity and the invitation to bathe together, so I stepped into the water eagerly, sighing as the heat soaked into every sore joint and muscle in my body.

I winced and gasped as the hot water made contact with my abused tail hole, but the discomfort was soon drowned out and numbed by the heat causing me to begin purring loudly. I closed my eyes and let myself melt in the hot embrace of the water, and as I leaned up against one of the smooth stone sides of the spring, I felt a now familiar pair of hands press against me.

Miles began scrubbing his fingers through my fur, starting with my shoulders and working his way down to my backside. There wasn't anything overtly sexual about his touch as he cleaned between my legs and cheeks, but I couldn't stop myself from moaning out loud regardless.

He spent a good ten minutes scrubbing me down with his fingers, and by that time I was nearly asleep from feeling so relaxed. Miles noticed, and I found myself getting pulled over to the shallow end of the spring to rest in his lap. I idly realized that the sun was setting, and I began wondering where Jack and Savrum were.

I knew there wouldn't be anything to worry about, especially considering Miles didn't seem to be worried, so rather than spoil a good intimate moment, I leaned my head back so it rested on his shoulder and gave his muzzle a lick.

Miles responded by squeezing his arms around me, a move I had quickly grown very fond of. I felt myself drifting off to another nap, but as my eyes fluttered halfway between open and closed, a familiar voice drifted to my ears from the small clearing behind us.

"Gods Jack, you'd think you hadn't gotten any in weeks!" Savrum's voice was a welcome sound to hear, and from what he had just said, our little separation suddenly struck me as a ploy to give us all some intimate time with each other.

"Oh please, like you'd complain about getting too much." Jack crested the edge of the escarpment moments before the shark, both completely naked aside from their belts, backpacks, and weapons.

I blushed as I noticed their sizeable packages swinging back and forth between their legs, almost hypnotizing me. Miles snapped me out of it by nibbling on one of my ears, causing me to giggle.

"S-sorry." I said, but he simply smiled and winked at me.

"You two have fun on your little outing?" Savrum asked as they approached the pond. The shark quickly dropped all of his kit unceremoniously before stepping into the shallow end right next to myself and Miles.

Considering the moan that escaped him once the hot water passed over his backside, I knew he must have gotten the same kind of treatment I had gotten. I mentally shook my head, almost unable to believe that anyone would have been able to take Jack's impressive endowment.

"Y-yeah. It was definitely... enlightening." I said as I tried to ignore the fantasy playing out in my head. "How about you?"

"I'm sore as hell now!" Savrum laughed before submerging himself entirely in the deep end, surfacing a few moments later on his back. "Three times.Three times I had that lug of a wolf on me. Didn't even have the courtesy to carry me after that last one."

Jack stepped into the pond next, taking a seat next to myself and Miles, giving me a broad smile and a wink.

"Actually, the last two times he was the one that started it." He chuckled as he stretched his arms to rest along the lip of the spring and around Miles' shoulders. "Obviously I was happy to oblige. You just can't say 'no' to Sav when he's in that kind of mood."

"And how about Miles, eh Kris?" The question got me blushing quite badly again.

"He's incredible." I smiled as I nuzzled into the coyote's neck, earning myself a tight hug from him.

I started to feel my eyes water slightly at the alien sensation of truly belonging. This group was definitely doing me a world of good.

"Hey Kris," Jack caught my attention as he stood up in the pond. "Come help me set up the camp."

Even Miles whimpered as I forced myself out of his lap to join the wolf a dozen feet away from the edge of the water. I felt chilly now that it was later in the evening and I was dripping wet, my mind didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was also completely naked save for my fur.

Jack handed me his backpack, and I began rummaging around inside to pull out one of our tent sheets and several small ropes.

The wolf pointed me towards a small clearing that would serve as our sleeping area, and I got to work while he started preparing our fire pit. I had just started when Jack spoke to me from the small pile of kindling and branches.

"You feeling alright, Kris?" He asked. There was a note of actual concern in his voice that threw me off.

"O-of course, why wouldn't I be?" I replied, honestly unsure what he was talking about and unable to think about what he could have possibly noticed.

"You tensed up a bit when Sav asked what you thought about Miles, then you got this far away sad-happy look." Jack replied. "I only ask because committing to a group like ours is a big decision. I want to make sure you really want to go out on potentially dangerous adventures with us."

"This beats being in a forge all day." I chuckled before letting out a soft sigh. "To be honest, I'm not used to feeling like... Well... Like I belong."

Jack paused just before he struck the flint and looked at me; I tried to keep busying myself with tying down the canvas, but from my peripheries I could see the wolf's movement.

'Damn.'_I thought to myself. _'That crap wasn't supposed to come out.'

"Look, I truly appreciate what you guys have done for me," I rounded on the wolf before he could speak the question I figured was coming. "But I'd rather keep my past locked away where it belongs. I've done a lot of work to put it that way, and I'd like to keep it that way."

When I looked up to meet his eyes, I was surprised to find him mimicking my current expression.

Jack looked like he had no clue about what I was talking about.

"I- I... Uh..." I stammered, worried that I had just let myself slip even more, and that I had now guaranteed an inquisition from the wolf.


I hadn't expected that response.

"We all have our demons, Kris." Jack said with a gentle smile as he turned back to the fire and sparked it to life. "Whether or not we choose to share them is all up to us and no one else."

"None of us will pry because we understand what it's like to have that kind of thing in your head." The wolf stared into the spreading fire for a few moments, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

With a quick shake of his head, he stood up and walked over to me, embracing me in his strong arms. I flinched, but quickly melted into the hug as his paws rubbed my and down my back. My problems suddenly seemed miles away.

"That having been said," Jack pulled back enough to bump his head gently against mine. "If ever you need to talk, any of us would be alright with lending you an ear."

I'll admit it; I choked up a little bit, which only got me a tighter hug from Jack. My tail twitched happily as I buried my muzzle into his broad chest, grinning like an idiot at my own good fortune.

Perhaps one day I would be able to finally put those memories to rest for good, as it seemed that Jack, Miles, and Savrum were the perfect individuals to share them with, but for now, just knowing that they'd be willing to listen would be enough.

After a few moments I pulled back from the wolf and turned to see both Miles and Savrum standing next to the tent. The gentle smiles they wore on their faces told me that they had at least heard part of what Jack had said to me, and it moved me to actual tears.

What had it been? Three days travelling with this group?

Already I felt like I had a family and a home with these adventurers. I felt as comfortable here as I did when I was working on enchantments back at my sect's forge, only this time, it was the people, not the job, that made me content.

Sleep came easily to us as we settled down into a comfortable mass of fur and, in Savrum's case, smooth hide. I was sandwiched nicely with my muzzle buried in jack's chest, while Miles pressed up against my back with both his hands and Savrum's resting on my side, fingers laced together.

The harrowing near-rape, the monsters, even my own past fell far away from my conscious thoughts as I was hugged from both sides.

I was thankful at least that with my muzzle where it was, the others couldn't see the tears that rolled from my eyes.

At least this time they were happy ones.


And there we go! Hope you enjoyed!

As always, constructive comments and criticisms, or straight up praise if you feel it's warranted, are always welcome!