Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Fifteen.

Story by Andalite on SoFurry

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No more! No more OCDing on it! I'll sit here for another three days if I don't post this, so here it is. I spent a lot of time tweaking this one to make it feel right, so hopefully it actually does. Also, the "L" word. It makes me cringe at its mushiness. I wonder how many of you will say you "called it", hmm? Other than that, well, favorite and vote!... and comment, I suppose I want to see what you think... ;}

If you're new to the series, do not read into this chapter, as it has a fairly decently sized plot point.

Oh yes, and here's Naleen: https://www.sofurry.com/view/716052 I'm sure most of you have probably seen it by now, but there could be new people!

Chapter Fifteen

The loud reverberation of yet more thunder jarred her from her sleep, making her crack her eyes open to peer out the nearby window. The rain poured down still, drumming against the roof and turning the view into a gray field of falling droplets. It looked like the darkness had lifted outside, as little that actually meant with the rain fall and cloud cover obscuring everything. Still... it couldn't have been that late.

She sat up with a huff, swinging her legs over her respective side of the bed. Falren was still asleep as she peered over her shoulder at him, apparently able to sleep through storms better than her. They didn't particularly bother her, but she had a habit of waking up to loud noises. She gave a stretch and a wide yawn, blinking the sleep from her eyes as she decided she might as well get up. Before standing she lent over the bed, pressing her snout against Falren's face gently as she breathed lightly.

She smiled to herself, standing from the bed and replacing her sword belt around her waist quickly. She'd come wake him later; first she was going to see if a morning meal was possible, as well as get herself a bit cleaned up. That would be one small thing she didn't mind about storms. Velanis walked over to the door, opening it carefully as she stepped out into the hall. It was quiet, and she briefly considered checking to see if Naleen was awake, but opted to not wake her prematurely. The storm was still going strong, and for her part she didn't see any gain in setting off during it.

Velanis made her way to the staircase, descending down it to the dining room of the inn. To her surprised there actually wasn't anyone sitting amongst the tables, all the benches devoid of people. She gave a hum, moving over to the low counter, which she knew someone usually attended. She had to wait a few moments before someone showed; whom she guessed was the inn owner stepping through a door in the back.

"What can I do you for, ah..." He started, wiping his hands on his apron as he thought for the right word. "Ma'am?"

She stared down at him, cocking her head at his question. "When do you serve your 'breakfast'?" She asked.

"Oh, right, about an hour." He told her. "Around the same time our patrons wake if they want food. I can get you something to drink in the meantime if you want."

"Ah, alright." She said. "Tea?"

"Aye; that we can do." He stated with a nod, returning to the backroom.

Seeing as she had a little wait ahead of her, she walked over to one of the tables and placed her sword on it. She grudgingly removed her sashes as well, folding them on the table as she was left with just her fur. With that she strode to the front door of the inn, pulling it open with a slight creak of its hinges. The heavy sound and the smell of rain greeted her, the water pouring down in miniature waterfalls off the roof. There were a couple feet of overhang that sheltered the entrance, leaving a bit of cover from the rain.

She didn't need the cover though, for getting wet was her intent as she stepped under one of the pouring funnels of water running from the roof. The water that hit her was a bit cold at first, but nothing she couldn't handle as she closed her eyes and let it fall onto her head. No doubt it was a strange sight to anyone who may have been able to see her, but she didn't really care. Short of maybe those hot baths she'd taken in Amara, this was about as good a cleaning as she could get. She let the water fall on her for a little longer, rubbing her fur down with it as she groomed herself.

Eventually she decided that she'd had enough, stepping out from under the water and back to the coverage of the awning. Velanis shook herself out, loosing as much of the water as she could before making her way back into the inn. Her fur was still dripping when she entered, but she would dry soon enough. She glanced over at the table she'd chosen as she started towards it, quirking her ear when she saw it wasn't as empty as she'd left it.

Naleen was sitting on one of the runners, arms propped over one of two cups of tea. The female was watching her amusedly as she walked over, leaving droplets of water on the floorboards.

"Hello, Naleen." She greeted as the female took a drink from her tea.

"Hello Vel." Naleen replied, looking across at her damp fur. "Taking advantage of the weather, yes?"

"A little." She shrugged, picking up the cup of tea that was intended for her and giving it a sniff. "I didn't know you were awake."

"Ah, well, I wasn't." She said. "I don't care to sleep more than I have to though, so I woke."

"I see." Velanis mumbled, taking a drink from the tea. It wasn't bad, though obviously a local leaf and not that one she liked in particular.

She gave her cup a blank stare as she set it on the table, turning it around while she waited. It wouldn't be too much longer before the morning meal was served, and then she'd go wake Falren if he wasn't already awake by then. The storm still went on outside as she mulled, mind wandering from place to place, question to question.

"Naleen?" She spoke up, deciding she'd try her patience. "Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead." Naleen answered, resting her chin in her hands.

"The... mate you spoke of, what was he like?" She questioned carefully.

"Ah..." The female breathed, fingers drumming against her jaw as her ear twitched. "I don't think it would be such a simple thing to say what he was like."

"I'm sorry if it's too personal." She stated. "I'm just... curious."

"You haven't offended me by asking, you are allowed to have your questions, yes?" Naleen said, green eyes looking thoughtfully. "There is just... a bigger story behind him and I."

"I understand if you don't wish to talk about it." Velanis offered, not wanting to pry where she wasn't welcome.

"It is not that. If I didn't want you to know about my life, I wouldn't have come along with you youngling." Naleen waved, waiting a few moments before she let out an exhale much like Falren did when he discussed certain topics. "I will give you a simplified version of that particular story. However, I will be honest in telling you that I have not been completely open. Nothing I have told you is lies, just not the whole truth."

"I've... gleaned that you haven't been saying everything." Velanis said, giving a frown. "But I understand if there's things you don't want to talk about; Falren has his own too."

"Yes... not so different in that, he and I." Naleen muttered. "But I will tell you the shortened story of how I met my... mate."

"I grew up in Nel'Vrak, as I told you, and was part of a small clan there that lived in the great forests of my home." She began, looking distant. "That time of my life was very quiet and simple, my parents raising me through my early years. The peace... didn't last. My childhood clan fell victim to one of the larger ones in that area, and we had little hope of fighting back. Some of us were able to flee into the surrounding forests and evade the attackers, but..."

The older female paused, blinking her eyes. "I had to watch my parents be butchered that day. They'd told me to run with the others of course, and with how young I was I could only obey. I do not like to feel helpless Velanis, and that was a time I felt so very much."

Naleen took a swallow from her tea before continuing.

"I obviously managed to escape with some others from my clan, and we ran as long and far as we could." She resumed. "There wasn't any point in going back, so we just waited to see if any others would find us. None did, and we eventually just set off on our own, friends of my parents looking after me until I was old enough to fend for myself. After that... I felt lost, and angry. This was around the time I met him, though he clearly wasn't my mate at the time."

Her somber visage was finally broken by a smile.

"I was alone at that time, having decided to go off on my own. I was just looking for food when a group of armored Sergals approached me, some patrol from a clan in the region." Naleen chuckled. "Being surrounded by them brought back memories of when my clan was attacked, and when one moved towards me I lashed out at him. I don't think he was expecting it from me, and I caught him in the face. In hindsight it was very foolish of me, as it made him angry enough to knock me to the ground and level his spear at me."

Naleen gestured over to her spear, propped against the wall. "That is the same spear. My future mate showed then, and commanded them to stop. I felt very intimidated by him when he came up to me, dressed in full armor with his... weapon across his back. He just stared down at me as I was on the ground, me looking up at him with a dreadful feeling. He gestured to the male I'd hit, demanding his spear. At first I thought he was going to kill me with it then and there, but instead he... handed it down to me."

"When the male tried to question him, he simply stated that 'If you have to draw your weapon on an unarmed and unarmored female, you don't deserve to use it'." Naleen appeared quite happy then, as she recalled that. "He offered to let me join his clan, or I could walk away unhindered. I quickly accepted his offer to join. After that he brought me back to the clan and got me situated. I grew into my maturity with that clan, proving myself in my own way. Over time I... grew close to him, accompanying and talking with him. He'd seen a number of years more than me, but he made me feel safe and... happy."

"I think he started to take a liking to me after awhile as well, favoring me with a place as his second in the clan, tending and helping him with... matters. He wasn't open with how much he may have cared about me though, at least... until one night he kept me company when I needed it."

Naleen gave a meek smile. "That was the night I made him my mate. In those years I'd grown to want someone more permanent, and after how attached I'd become to him I decided he was the one I wanted. It hadn't been his intent for the night to turn into that I imagine, but I wasn't in an arguing mood. It was a bit of a struggle at first to get him to let me have him like that, but he gave in eventually. He'd started to care about me in that way too, I think, and when he gave in he was very willing to let me mate him."

The red-furred female looked down at the tea in her hands, a sad look coming across her face as she blinked slowly.

"The night was one of the best times in my life. I was still a child when my parents and clan were taken from me, and I never really felt alive. He was always a hard person, but with me... he was kind and gentle, usually telling me how my fur was an appealing shade or whatnot. I'd finally felt something more than just anger or sadness." She said, licking her lips as she flicked her gaze up to hers. "Perhaps that story doesn't tell you the most about him, but it was how we met. My only wish is that I could have had his young, although... perhaps it was better that way in the end. I got to raise a hatchling for him at least, just not of our blood."

Velanis looked across the table at the female as she finished her tale, ear twitching as she processed what she'd just learned about Naleen. It may have been the "short" version, but it was still a very personal telling of her past. The story had worked up a glimmer in her eyes, Naleen blinking them away as she swallowed down the last of her tea.

"I'm sorry I made you talk about it." She said across to her. "I didn't know it was so... sad."

"Perhaps it is..." Naleen uttered. "But, it had its moments of happiness, yes?"

"I suppose." She replied, unsure if those moments outweighed the pain. "What was your mates name?"

"His name?" The female mused with a hum. "His name was Vrelik. Though, most didn't use or know that name, save for a few, I think."

"Vrelik..." Velanis muttered aloud, getting a feel for the name. "Thank you for telling me, Naleen. I know it was hard."

"Well, I had to tell you some time, no?" She replied with a smile. "Just... I ask that you not tell Falren what I told you, at least right away."

"Oh, of... course." She stated with a frown. "I'll not tell any if I can help it."

"My thanks for that." Naleen said, meeting her eyes. "It is not that I don't wish him to know, simply I'd like him to hear it from me when the time comes."

"I understand." She nodded, looking around at the room as people started to trickle in.

"You should go get Falren, I think." Naleen stated to her. "But I doubt he'll be asleep much longer anyway."

"I will." She agreed, standing to her feet.

Her fur was mostly dry now, and she quickly re-donned her sashes, before making her way across to the stairs. She could just smell the traces of food beginning to waft from the kitchen, and she supposed Naleen's tale had been quite well timed. Despite how much it had made clear about her past, much of it was still very vague. She hadn't spoken the names of those clans for instance, and despite how little they would have meant to her, she would have liked to know regardless.

She ascended the steps, walking down the hall to the door of their room. The gray light of the storm filtering into the room greeted her, giving the space a gloomy cast as she entered. Falren still seemed to be sleeping, and she gave a grin as she stepped over to the bed. She nudged his shoulder, before climbing onto the bed and sitting over his waist lightly. He gave a hum, opening his eyes up to her as she peered down at him with her tooth filled smile.

"Good morning?" He said up to her, turning his head to glance out the window. "Ah. Still storming I see."

"Yes." She agreed, lowering her upper body down onto him and licking at his face.

"So... going to let me up, Vel?" He asked her a bit jokingly, bringing his hands up to rub her sides.

"I don't want to." She replied, looking down at his silver eyes hungrily. "Breakfast is being served soon though, so I wouldn't want us both to miss it."

"Aye..." He said up to her.

"But..." She started, nuzzling into his neck. "Maybe we can spend some time together later, mate."

"Ah, yeah, maybe." Falren coughed. "Let me clean up a bit and then we can go eat."

She hummed, shifting reluctantly off of the bed so that he could sit up and get ready.

"I'll meet you down there, alright?" She declared to him.

He gave her a nod, to which she departed the room and left him to prepare himself. Some of the overnight inn patron's were in the hallway as she left, looking to just be waking and making their way downstairs. She followed them in part by making her own way down, stepping out onto the first floor. There were more people here now; compared to how deserted it had been, as she walked over to their table Naleen had been saving. She sat across from the female, Naleen having collected herself into her usual smiling self as she drank from fresh tea.

"Falren will be down shortly." Velanis told her.

"Ah, good." She replied, looking around the room as food was beginning to be ferried about. "Wouldn't want him to miss out, yes?"

She gave a hum, resting her arms in her lap as she sat.

It actually wasn't long until one of the servers bore down on their table, carrying food in hand. Velanis nearly told her to bring another for Falren, but she stopped herself when she saw three plates set down on the table. She looked up, realizing it was the same woman from the night prior serving them, apparently having remember there was three to their party.

"Thank you." She said to her, the female's gaze lingering on them both before she quickly bowed and scurried off to attend the rest of the patrons.

"A timid one, yes?" Naleen chuckled, picking a piece of meat off her plate. "But... more considerate than most would be to one of us, I think."

"Yes..." She agreed, nibbling on some of the meat herself.

The other part of their meal was a bowl of brownish colored, lumpy mash that she'd had what seemed a month ago at Aemon's. She distinctly remembered it had been bland tasting, though on that occasion it had a couple other ingredients mixed into it. She'd eat it, grudgingly, either way. The portion of meat certainly wasn't enough to be considered a whole meal. She took the wooden spoon from the bowl, flicking her tongue out to wipe some of the substance free. Bland as she'd remembered, but it did at least have some things added for taste.

Her mate eventually appeared as they slowly ate, casting a look around briefly before spotting them and making his way over. He sat next to her, and she promptly wrapped her tail around his waist in the usual fashion as he joined them in eating.

"Morning, Naleen." He said over the table.

"Hello." She replied with a smile, swallowing down some of her food.

Velanis let him eat in peace for a little, keeping close to him as he ate. He certainly didn't seem to mind the mashed oats, setting into the brown soup uncaringly. Another echo of thunder brought the apparent question to mind though, and she turned her head to him.

"Do you think we'll be setting off today?" She asked skeptically, glancing out at the rain.

"I think..." He started with a hum, gaze joining hers. "That we'll wait here a day or two at most, and see if the storm breaks. I'd like to be going, but under the circumstances I don't see any sense in continuing under this if we can help it."

"Fair enough." Naleen stated. "I don't think this storm will last very long. Although... this may be a dull wait."

"I'm sure we'll find something to pass the time." She said with a smile, nuzzling down into Falren's neck.

"Perhaps, youngling." She chuckled. "But keep in mind we don't all have mates to keep them company, yes?"

Velanis frowned to herself at that, ears drooping in remembrance of what she'd heard from Naleen shortly prior.

"Just a joke child, just a joke." The female said with a small smile, noticing her change in expression. "Pay it no mind."

She glanced at Naleen a moment, before twitching her ear and returning to her food.

She hoped that they wouldn't be delayed here for more than a day, for she didn't look forward to that if they were. She greatly enjoyed Falren's company, but even so, staying in one confined space too long would make her restless in time. She could try hunting perhaps, or looking around the grounds more, though she was sure both of those would end her up very wet if the rain continued. Velanis huffed to herself quietly, chewing down her food.

Honestly she could have gone on rain or no, but maybe that was just her being impatient. When she thought about it she supposed there wasn't any harm in waiting a day to see if the storm cleared. Regardless of their equipment, journeying in the pouring rain and wind would be a less than pleasant experience, and one that wasn't strictly necessary given the circumstances of their trip. She didn't doubt that if it was of more haste or urgency they'd plough on, but she couldn't consider them to have enough of either of those to justify doing so.

She'd just have to see what the morning brought; with luck Naleen's prediction was somewhat right. And... she found it unlikely Falren would have them dawdle too long anyway. Eventually she had picked her plate clean, leaving nothing but an empty bowl and the talk around them. Falren soon finished as well, making her turn her gaze to him as he stood from the table.

"I'm going to check in on my horse, see how he's doing." He explained to them.

"Ah, alright." She replied. "I'll be waiting here, I suppose."

Falren passed a hand over her shoulder as he moved to the door, turning her eyes back to the bare table when he ducked out. She sighed to herself, resting her arms on the surface. She supposed it would be nice to see her mother again; even though she had only been gone maybe... four or so months, she still missed her. She couldn't quite gauge what she'd think of Falren though, or that she'd chosen him as a mate. Regardless, that was still some time away. Right now she had to find something to occupy herself with...


Falren stepped out under the awning, the rain washing down in silvery sheets in the gray light. No one was traversing the town streets today, save for a few huddled forms in cloaks making their way through the rain quickly. He started walking down the length of the inn's wall, taking advantage of the overhang as much he could as he moved towards the small stable. They'd constructed the building almost adjacent to the inn, so it was just a short jog from one awning to the other when the time came. It was still enough to get him marginally damp though, with how fast the rain was coming down.

He shook some of the water off before it had time to soak in, stepping up to the door of the stable and ducking inside. The inn hands did a good enough job in keeping the building clean and tended, and despite the storm he could see as much. There were a handful of horses already put up there, steeds of some of the patrons. The majority of them were a bit restless from the storm, tossing their heads or snorting at the loud roll of thunder. The only one seeming to not be phased by it at all was his own, the creature standing in its own stall towards the back as if everything was normal.

And for the most part it could have been considered "normal", as far as things went for Falren anyway. His horse had a habit of not caring about things, unless there was reason to. Maybe that was from being around Sergals for a long time, or of course maybe he was giving the creature too much credit. Either way, the storm wasn't affecting it in the slightest, and it lifted an eye to regard him as he made his way over to it.

"Hello old boy." He said to the horse, patting a hand on its thick neck. "They been treating you alright here?"

It gave him a snort, its apparent answer to most things, before returning to biting at the hay.

"Right, didn't expect otherwise." He retorted, slapping his hand lightly against its neck. "Well you're doing alright, so I'm going to head back now."

The horse flicked one of its ears at him as he turned away, resuming in chewing down its feed. Falren made his way back to the stable door, ducking outside into the storm and making sure to slide the door's bolt close. From there he retraced his steps back to the inn, casting a look around at the rain-washed area before stepping back into the dry interior. He shook some of the water off him, glancing around at the occupied tables as he walked to the back of the room.

Falren frowned to himself, noticing that only Naleen sat at their table, nursing a cup of tea in front of her.

"Where did Vel go?" He asked her; simply curious of where she'd run off to.

"The youngling went back to your room." Naleen replied. "She grew tired of the crowd, I think."

"Ah." He aired in response.

"She did not say anything, but I think she wanted you to speak with her." The female added, looking up at him with a grin. "Perhaps you should go see her, no?"

He glanced at her sidelong, giving a frown at her expression. He wouldn't say with confidence, but he was fairly sure she was hinting that Vel wanted something more than to just talk. She had that odd spark of knowing in her eye that she'd had that first time back at Aemon's.

"Aye... alright." He said slowly, making his way to the stairs.

He supposed that even if she did try and do what he was... thinking of, it wouldn't be such a bad thing. The idea of mating with her had become somewhat more comfortable with him, not to mention it was hard to say no to her at this point. He reached the door to their room shortly, pushing it open and ducking inside.

Velanis' familiar form stood across the room, her back turned to him as she stared out the window at the rainy world. Her ear twitched as he closed the door and walked over to her, stopping behind her. He was the one to wrap his arms around her this time, hands resting on her stomach.

"Falren." She greeted, pressing back into him.

"Hi Vel." He replied, stroking through her soft fur. "Naleen said that you looked like you wanted to talk about something."

Velanis hummed. "Sort of..."

"What do you want to talk about?" He said.

"Well..." She started, turning around to face him with a grin and lick at his face. "I did want to ask you something, but that wasn't all I wanted."

"Alright, well, what do you want to ask?" He asked again slowly, looking up at her.

Velanis growled softly, nudging him backwards lightly as she nuzzled him. He grudgingly complied, giving her a frown as she urged him back until his legs bumped into the bed. She didn't stop there though, for no sooner had his legs stopped she gave him a gentle shove, falling down onto the bed with him. He looked up at her as she straddled him with a grin, placing her arms on either side of his head.

"So...?" He questioned, bringing his hands up to slowly stroke her sides.

Vel chuckled softly, pressing her head down against his.

"I've just been wondering something." She said. "You always refer to you master as 'master', but didn't he have a name?"

"Ah..." Falren sighed, resting his head down. "Yes, he had a name."

Velanis nuzzled into his neck gently, in a soothing manner rather than a provoking one, as if she felt bad for bringing the subject up. He rested a hand behind her head, stroking through her thick hair as he looked up at the ceiling. It had been a long time since he'd thought of that name, and longer still since he'd spoken it. He'd very rarely ever used it when talking with his master, and more rare still to hear anyone call him by it. Even amongst those few close to him it was more common for him to be referred to by title rather than name.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Velanis said quietly.

"No, it's alright. There's no harm in you knowing it now." He dismissed. "His real name was Vrelik, and seldom was it ever used amongst that clan."

He continued the movements of his hand through her hair, waiting for a reply as his words sunk in. When she didn't say anything, he shifted his gaze down to her amber eyes, quirking a brow. Velanis was staring at him as if she was dumbstruck, jaws parted and ears perked up.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

She blinked, focusing her eyes on his with a confused look in them.

"Nothing..." She mumbled quietly, lowering herself down to lie on him.

"Okay..." He replied slowly, frowning at her reaction.

Falren stared silently as her soft warmth laid against him, the sounds of the storm still raging on outside the walls. He'd expected her to try and start another mating session between them after how she'd acted, but now her attitude seemed slightly taken aback. He couldn't fathom why, it wasn't as though that name would have meant anything to her...

He sighed, stroking her ears softly. She at least gave a murmur to that, raising her head enough to peer at his eyes. He let his hand travel down her head, running over her "cheeks" and down her jaw. Vel licked at his hands when they passed over her nose, rubbing her own hand over his chest as she sat up slightly. He recognized the demeanor coming over her, whatever mood she'd fallen into dispelled at his touches, though admittedly that hadn't quite been his intent. She licked and nuzzled into his collar as he rubbed his hands down her own, feeling the slightly raised scars against her neck.

Velanis gave a hum, lifting her head up to look down at him as her thick hair fell over her shoulders. She'd started moving her hips against his subtly, tail waving back and forth on the bed coverings slowly. He knew what else she wanted to do now, and he didn't see any reason to deny her at this point. He let a hand fall from her neck, drifting down her chest and abdomen, before settling on her waist. He slowly pushed his hand under her sash, Vel quirking her head at him as he placed it between her legs. Her soft warmth pressed into his hand, Velanis giving a wide smile as he rubbed against her gently.

She happily let him roam, and remembering how she'd guided him the first time, he moved his hand around in the manner she seemed to like. She apparently wasn't content to sit idly though, for she sat up with a quiet growl, keeping his hand in place as she moved her own to fiddle with his pants. It didn't take her long to get them undone, eagerly taking him in hand and reciprocating his slow motions. For a small time they simply traded attentions, her amber gaze and smile staying on his intently.

Eventually though, she nudged his hand away lightly, bringing her hips down so that she could align him with her entrance. She wasted little time taking him inside, lowering herself onto him in that now very familiar sensation. Familiar though it was, he still felt a thrill being joined with her, both primitively, and from his emotional attachment to her. Velanis started her steady rhythm, lowering her chest down to his as he rested his hands on her hips, massaging the lithe muscles there. She was slow, but determined in her motions, slit eyes peering at him intently as her hips rose and fell against his.

He was only dimly aware of the storm outside now, Velanis being the only thing he cared to pay attention to. If he had to guess he'd say she felt the same, her jaws parted and eyes half-lidded. She picked up her pace on him, panting slightly as he brought his arms around her back. He came to the decision that he wouldn't let her do all the work, and, to her surprise, he rolled his weight into her, flipping her onto her back. She gave a startled growl, one that quickly turned into a murmur as he started thrusting into her without missing a beat. Vel spread her legs wide to him, seemingly content to let him take the lead role in their lovemaking.

'Love' He thought to himself.

He supposed that was true enough, but he already knew that, being mated to her the way he was. He didn't need words to convince himself, nor did he suspect it was a word she would have used either. Velanis wrapped her arms tight around his back as he thrust into her, growling softly at the pleasant feeling as she nuzzled into his neck. Her claws dug into his unprotected back this time, but he hardly cared.

They went on like that for uncounted minutes, Vel's tail batting against his legs as she let the occasional murmur or groan into his ear. She was enjoying it as much as usual, and so was he, but given their current situation he wanted to hold on as long as he could for her. She seemed to notice his demeanor, looking up at him with a wide smile. He brought a hand up to the side of her face, gazing at her amber eyes as he just tried to focus on the task of thrusting in and out of her. She lifted her face up to his, tail winding around his leg affectionately as she licked at his jaw.

He leant on an arm as he thrust into her a bit faster, jostling Velanis slightly with each time his hips met hers. It only made her hold him tighter, squeezing her arms around him and pressing her snout into his shoulder. She was giving that soft growl that he'd come to recognize as her being close, her claws biting into his back. He wasn't far off either, her warm embrace trying its hardest to edge him on. And after a few more thrusts, he sunk into her one last time, deciding he'd held off long enough.

He pressed his face into her neck as she gave a whine, sharp claws stinging against his back as he let go inside her. He'd have fresh scratches no doubt, but right then that was the last thing he cared about. They pressed against each other blissfully, enjoying it as long as they could.

Inevitably the pleasant feeling waned, leaving him to open his eyes to her and take a breath. Vel had rested her head down, releasing her death-hold on him as her tail lazily waved back and forth. He stayed joined with her until she opened her eyes up to him, giving a happy smile. On a whim he brought his face down to her, pressing his lips to the top of her snout.

Velanis quirked her head at him as he did so, flicking her tongue out to catch him on the chin. She was looking at him curiously as he withdrew, ears perked in interest.

"What was that?" She asked with a chuckle.

"Ah, well, sort of like how you lick me I suppose." He mumbled in reply, pulling free of her and lowering himself to his side on the bed beside her.

"Oh." She breathed, turning onto her own side to face and nuzzle up to him.

He peered out the window as she relaxed against him, enjoying the peace and after effects of their coupling. It still looked just as stormy and gray outside, but the lightning and rumbles of thunder seemed to have stopped. Hopefully that boded well, and the storm would die off enough for them to continue on their journey tomorrow. He brought a hand up to stroke her ears in the way she liked, resting his head on the pillow as she curled up against him.

"Vel?" He muttered after a short time of silence.

She hummed, ear twitching against his hand.

"What does the name Vrelik mean to you?" He asked.

Velanis pulled away from his touch unexpectedly, putting a small distance between them so she could look at him. He frowned as her amber eyes stared, a conflicted look in them as if she was struggling with something.

"It's... nothing." She replied.

"Vel." He stated, reaching over to place a hand on the side of her face. "Can you just tell me how you know that name?"

"I heard it from someone." She said, eyes shifting away from his a moment.

"Alright." He responded. "Do you know anything about who it belonged to?"

"No... Maybe." She mumbled, eyes coming back to his. "It might not have even been the same person."

"Aye, perhaps." He half agreed. She wanted to talk to him about it, he could see as much in her eyes, but something was holding her back just enough to not open up. Velanis ducked her head in to lick him, the end of her nose lingering before she retreated.

"I'm going to check on Naleen, alright?" She declared, sitting up. "Thank you mate, I'll be back..."

He nodded to her as she set her sashes back in place and smoothed her fur down, before climbing to her feet and walking to the door. She glanced back at him with a small smile, ducking out of the room. Falren let out a breath after she left, staring up at the ceiling's beams. It wasn't exactly bothering him that she may have known that name, but he hadn't expected her to know it. Given where she was raised, and how she knew next to nothing of Nel'Vrak, it was odd that name would have an effect on her.

He gave a grunt. She'd tell him eventually he supposed, though he had to wonder what was keeping her from talking about it with him...


Velanis departed the room, the haze from their mating having slowly cleared from her mind only to leave it thinking in circles over what she'd heard. She made her way down the hall, head looking down at the floor as she processed her thoughts. It could have simply been a coincidence that both had spoken those names, but... she knew it wasn't. Naleen was just too familiar about Falren and his clan. Maybe it didn't come as that much of a surprise that the female had ties to his past, she'd been forming her own theories with how knowing Naleen was about him.

Still, being a part of a clan that was made out to be large was one thing, but... his master's mate? Surely Falren would have remembered her if she'd been that close to the person he'd spent so much time around. Naleen certainly seemed as though she stood out, in both appearance and demeanor. She had her own ideas about that as well though...

Velanis descended the stairs to the first floor, the room a bit more empty as the patrons either braved the rain or returned to their rooms. She walked over to the table where Naleen still sat, looking as though she hadn't moved any as she peered out the blurry glass window. She sat down across from the female, her greens eyes shifting to her with a smile.

"Hello youngling." She greeted her.

"Naleen." She replied in kind, ear twitching.

As much as she wanted to get answers from her, she also didn't want to go demanding Naleen tell her everything. She'd seen the pain in her eyes during her story, and she knew it hurt her to think back to that time in her life. But... this was something she wanted to figure out, for both her and Falren. If Naleen was who she thought... Falren would want to know.

"Child..." The female prompted, seeing her determined expression. "You want to ask me something, don't you? Well, go ahead and ask."

Velanis stared at her a moment, collecting herself and her thoughts before she opened her mouth to speak.

"I... asked Falren what his master's name was." She began.

"Ah, did you then." Naleen breathed, swallowing down more tea that had been set for her.

"Yes." She agreed slowly. "...He had the same name as your mate."

"I imagine he did." The female mumbled quietly, looking down into her cup. "I didn't think you'd find that out so soon."

"Are they the same person?" She prodded, awaiting her response.

"Yes youngling, they are the same." Naleen said with an exhale.

"So, you and his master were mates then?" Velanis continued, to which she nodded. "Why doesn't he remember you?"

"You already know the answer to this, I think." Naleen said with a small smile, looking up at her.

She stared at the red-furred female, mind quickly fitting together the pieces at her vague admission. What she meant was clear, and it served to help prove her theories.

"Why keep this a secret from him?" She half hissed, narrowing her eyes.

"I... perhaps thought it best to let him move on from the past, and not go reminding him of it after all these years." Naleen said after a moment. "At first I also did not know how he would react if I claimed to be that person, nor if he even wanted to be around our kind." She looked up to her with a smile. "His relation with you proved that part wrong at least."

"Naleen... you were like a mother to him, and he believes that everyone from his past is dead." She said in a softer tone, calming her temper. "He hasn't moved on from that past. Don't you think it might help to know that at least one of the people he knew is still alive?"

Naleen's jaws parted to speak, but she closed them, turning her head to look out the window thoughtfully. The female didn't answer at first, leaving her to frown at her silence. Velanis knew he'd want to know who Naleen was, she was certain of that.

"Perhaps, youngling." She finally muttered in reply.

"Will you tell him? Please?" She prodded. "Maybe not now, but... soon?"

"We will see, yes?" Naleen stated.

Velanis let out a sigh, seeing that this wasn't something she would get the female to give a definite yes to. She rested her arms on the table, staring down at the grain of the wood as she mulled her thoughts.

"Naleen?" She started, deciding she'd ask something different. "When you helped me in Amara that day, did you know Falren was there with me?"

"Ah." She breathed out slowly, turning her gaze to her with one of her smiles. "No, I did not. When I helped you, it was simply my giving of aid to another female. I was... surprised at first, when you said you travelled with a human by that name. In truth our meeting was coincidence, or fate, depending how you look at it. Falren... I didn't think I would ever see him again, nor if he was even alive still. Though, I suppose a part of me knew he was alive; he'd always had too much will to live."

Velanis had so many questions she wanted to ask her, but she knew both Naleen wouldn't answer them all right then, and she herself felt she shouldn't ask too much of her all at once. Naleen was her friend, despite what she kept hidden, and she wouldn't make her bring up the painful past if she wasn't ready.

"There isn't much to be done, is there?" The female mused.

"Ah, no, I suppose not." Velanis replied, realizing she meant the storm outside.

"You should go spend more time with your mate, if you wish to. Falren enjoys your company." Naleen said, giving her a smile. "I will be fine by myself."

"I don't mind keeping you company, Naleen." She stated to her flatly.

"Yes, I know youngling. But don't let me keep you from sharing peaceful time with him." She said, a hint of sadness reaching her emerald eyes. "I have been on my own this long, I think I can put up with it a bit longer, yes?"

Velanis' ears drooped a bit at that, feeling sorry for her, and a bit guilty. If Vrelik had meant as much to her as Falren to she, she couldn't imagine what it had felt like to lose him. It made her feel guilty in a way because she had Falren to hold and keep her company, yet Naleen spent all of her time alone.

She decided she would follow her suggestion though, pushing herself to her feet. Velanis walked around the table towards the stairs, but she paused for a moment besides Naleen. She ducked her head down to the female, pressing her snout to the side of her face and giving a small lick across the fur. Naleen twitched at the contact, glancing up at her. It was only a small gesture, a friendly show of affection to her friend. And Velanis figured she might welcome the soothing touch.

"Ah... thank you, youngling." Naleen said after a moment, ear twitching.

She gave a small nod, turning to the stairs and making her way back up them.

She'd talk to Falren a bit she supposed, and see if she could find some conversation to both pass the time, and distract her thoughts. Between the time spent listening to Naleen's story, and her... activities with Falren, it was already afternoon. If the storm hadn't calmed enough by tomorrow, she'd have to find something to put her mind to outside of the inn. There was no way she could sit idly inside the building for another day, even if she just did something as simple as hunting.

Velanis came to their room, pausing momentarily to open the door before stepping inside. Falren was sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to her as he looked out the window silently. He didn't even look back to make sure it was her as she padded over to the bed, settling onto it behind him. She pressed up against his back, bending her head down to lick gently at the scratches she'd given him. That wasn't something she meant to do, digging her claws into him, but she just lost a bit of control during their mating.

She chuckled to herself, maybe if his skin weren't so smooth and thin her claws wouldn't bite so hard. She licked one of the last claw marks, lifting her head to rest it on his shoulder. Not that she wanted him to be any different.

"So how was Naleen?" Falren asked, stroking one of her forearms.

"She's fine." She replied, him not being able to see her ears droop as she restrained herself.

Velanis wanted to tell him about the female, but she'd promised to let Naleen tell him herself. She hugged her arms around him tighter, closing her eyes as her head rested on his shoulder. Naleen would tell him eventually, she hoped. She thought he at least deserved to know someone he was close to was still alive; from his dreams she knew he still dwelled on it. To her his dreams made sense now, and she supposed it might have been his mind trying to tell him whom she was.

"Have you been having those dreams still?" She asked him, feeling a bit tired as she rested against him in the gloom.

"Off and on." He responded with a shrug. "They make about as much sense as usual though."

She hummed, pulling them both down onto the bed to nestle up to him. She had to wonder if perhaps he'd put the pieces together himself; it would only take a more obvious clue, she thought. One way or another, he'd find out, it was just a matter of time. At the present time though, she was content to let her body and mind rest before they resumed their journey. Falren stroked her ears slowly, making her doze off a bit in the stormy silence. She silently hoped that Naleen could find some comfort as well...