Adventures Of Dorrin 04

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"Adventures Of Dorrin" Part 4



I didn't have a screenshot that would be a good reference for Ja'Sota, so credit for this awesome artwork goes to:




"Mmm, yes, show Dro'Hani what the Argonion did with you..."

Dorrin squeezed his hands at the feline's padded hips and pushed her already drooling mound down onto his turgid maleness.

"Oohhh! Rrrr, very good... Ah!"

It was early morning sometime after the boy's 'trouble' at Stone Crossing, and the sun's rays peered through the small circular window above the bed in the homey vardo wagon. Though now the front was beginning to sway.

The older Khajiit leaned over her charge to better ride her hips over his gifted length, and Dorrin responded by hunching his hips upward to impale Dro'Hani on himself, drawing out a heavy moan.

"Mmmh, a thief you say? Skilled in more ways than one to get what she wants." The woman groans out while her matronly body rolls on the lad's groin. "Always guard yourself around them, they will take more than pleasure if you let them."

"She said she was the-- Nugh... Best" The boy says, feeling the cat's wetness drooling over his hips and down his thighs. His adoptive mother is very wet from the story of his Argonian aided escape.

"All say that... OH!" She shuddered with a pleasured hiss when Dorrin takes hold of her heavy breasts firmly in his hands and pulls at them just so.

"She told me to do that too, before this..." The boy was learning quickly, but given the amount of 'tutors' he's encountered, there's no choice but to study, and he gives a hefty furry mound a playful bite before his lips draw in a thick dark skinned nipple.

"Sri khiajo!" The khajiit rowls sharply in her native Ta'agra, cupping the back of the boy's head to encourage him and hisses again over another carefully placed bite.

The front of the Vardo wagon shook when she was brought to a rapid climax, grabbing at the shelving above the bed and riding Dorrin almost as hard as his latest Argonian friend. She arches her back and tosses her head once while the waves of pleasure wash over her, and leaving a frothing mess of her copious dampness from her grinding to his crotch.

"Ah, hhhmmm. Dro'Hani has had strong need for that" She smiles and leans down to fondly kiss her young charge.

"Mmm-hmm," He returns the kiss, releasing his grip at her chest, no doubt leaving some marks under the fur "I think that's the first time you came before me." He laughs softly.

"She did?" She smirks in amusement at beating one so young and eager to the punch "This just means Dro'Hani can focus on making boy's toes curl..." Her smirk took on a playfully dark twist before she quickly moved to kneel between his legs, bringing him to the edge of the bed.

Dorrin was still very hard and the sopping wet dick lay throbbing on his belly, perhaps even reaching his lower chest, but when he looked downwards it was quickly snatched up in the khajiit's hand and guided to her waiting maw.

The boy let out a good loud moan himself when skilled muzzle devoured his flesh, it giving a wonderfully messy 'slrrp' as it firmly tugged at his base and bathing his member's underside while the tip was swallowed and the rest bumping to the roof of her mouth. It was fantastic the way she could manipulate his body in such a way as her head began to move forward and back along his length, but it didn't take long to get him to blow his top when the older woman really worked at it.

"Whhooa---AH!" He curled his toes as predicted with his fingers grabbing at the sheets when the welling up in his lower belly finally exploded into wonderfully torturous spasms. His back arched and hips weakly pushed upwards into the warm muzzle as it paints Dro'Hani's cheeks and mouth between her purring gulps.

"It is an old saying that drinking the seed of a youth makes a female's coat glossy and full..." Mused the matronly Khajiit between licks of her lips and muzzle where a stray string or two might have slipped past her practiced tongue.

Dorrin was rolling his head slowly from side to side while his mind regretfully had to return from orgasmic bliss. "Is... Is it true?"

"Dro'Hani does not know, it could just be an excuse for the matured and those with status to chase boys." She gives that sweet smile of hers "Either way everyone enjoys themselves and if Dro'Hani's fur shimmers, then all the better, yes?" She chuckles quietly and the two embrace with affectionate kisses and licks. "Let us clean you up. Jorel has something he wishes to give Ma'Dorrin."

By the time he had eaten and dressed to step outside it was mid-morning and Dorrin found the camp around the fire mostly empty except for Jorel who was seated on a log, and the more slender Ja'Sota sitting back against the bigger cat as they fondly spoke with clasped fingers.

"Where is everyone?" The boy asked as he approached, only having seen the two be that 'close' a handful of occasions during his short time with the caravan.

"The other traders are off enjoying themselves, and Rahan and H'ral are on duty outside the camp" Jorel replies with a smile.

"Why don't I ever see you working with the other guards?"

"Rahan and I don't see eye-to-eye on many things. It's better that we stay separate, and besides, Ja'Sota and I are a good team" He chuckles, leaning down to kiss Ja'Sota's forehead before standing.

"Are you married... er.. mates?" The boy asks, the idea not alien to him of course.

"Yes. It feels as if it's been ages now." The bigger Khajiit grins over his shoulder at his mate.

"Watch it, it has been nearly two summers ago and I am only a season from my twentieth summer. I do not even know how to nag yet... though I could start." Ja'Sota threatens with a smirk.

Jorel laughs while stepping over to one of the covered wagons, slipping his hand inside, addressing the boy this time "Dorrin, after discussing things with Dro'Hani, we feel you're lacking..."

Dorrin had been quietly snickering to himself at the hard time the pair gave one another, but once Jorel's commanding voice turned to him, curiosity took over, especially when he started digging in the trade wagon.

"What do I 'lack'?" The boy looked confused.

"Well, this was before the trouble two days ago at Stone Crossing, but since then we think you need... This." Jorel's handsome smile spread over his face as he produces a sword and scabbard from the trade wagon, offering it to the lad.

"A sword? Really?" Everyone grows up wanting a sword and he was no different. With wide eyes he takes the weapon and draws it. The blade was straight with a tapered point. Some very minor imperfections were in the blade's steel but he didn't even notice, or care for that matter, and the hand guard was a nicely designed lion with its mouth open, obviously ment to have the blade be the 'tongue'.

"Yes, every Khajiit needs claws, and this will be yours." The two felines watched, happy to see the gift well received. "It's a short sword but it will work well at your size, and Ja'Sota will teach you how to use it.

"Thank you, I've always wanted one." Dorrin was all smiles as he tightens his hand on the grip to heft it a few times before giving a few rudimentary thrusts and slashes. "It's perfect!"

Ja'Sota's hand darts in to grab Dorrin's wrist mid-swing, the khajiit giving a purring chuckle. "You will thank us by learning and doing as we say." He then slides the scabbard over the blade and hands it back to the boy, "You may keep it with you, but we will not see you draw it alone, no cutting at trees, or weeds, or wearing it until you're ready. Understood?"

Dorrin was too excited to question any of those rules, he was just happy to have the sword. It was like a rite-of-passage to most boys, and again, to him it was no different. "Yes, yes, I'll listen." He glances between the two felines quickly "When do I start training??"

Ja'Sota took the boy's shoulder and hands him a large carved heavy stick. "Immediately."