A Wonderful (Sexy) Night

Story by Wuffjaye on SoFurry

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Sorry about all the damn spelling and grammar errors. I just wrote this and didn't really bother to proof read much of it. It's just a fun little write.

Jaye and Blaine are spending a very romantic night together under the stars, but it becomes quite intimate after a couple minutes from watching the stars. As the moon rises though, Blaine has problems controlling his actions as his darker form can be much more aggressive.

Hope you enjoyed reading! Check out my more serious stories and (hopefully improving) artwork! I love constructive criticism! But not harassment.

Thank you for reading :)

A Short Story- Jaye

A Wonderful Night

I slowly open my eyes as the breeze welcomes my presence. The star's glimmer illuminates my dark fur in this midnight hour. It's so quiet and peaceful, but not quite deadly silent. I flicker my ears at the hoot of a distant owl. I almost forget that I'm not alone.

I tilt my head to the left as he slips his paw into mine, weaving his claws in between mine. He is gazing up at the twinkling stars as well and I smile at his lovely face and his fangs that are peaking out of his lips. Finally, he senses my staring and tilts his head towards me and smiles. What a wonderful smile he has. It's so inviting and comforting. I forget that we are both natural killers and that we live off of the blood of others. His gaze is too kind for me to think about that now.

As he wiggles his claws against mine, I feel the moonlight escape from behind the clouds. He sighs a little too loudly, breaking the peace. "It's a full moon," he whispers, closing his eyes. I reach over and cup his jaw, rubbing my thumb along his fuzzy grey cheek. "I know..." I begin, "It'll be okay though." I try to produce a smile to reassure him but he tilts his head back to the sky, slowly opening them again. I can feel his muscles flexing in his arms. He doesn't want to change tonight, but he knows he hasn't fed in awhile. I scoot closer towards him and licks his shoulder. "You have never hurt me, Blaine. Don't worry about it." "I know that. I just wish that I could just have a romantic night with you without having to worry about this," he replied as he looks to me again, his eyes now red instead of his normal gold. "Well maybe it can still be romantic," i suggest sitting up. I brush my purple bangs out of my face and look around. The crickets were happily chirping in the tall grass around us and I could faintly hear some small animals scampering up trees.

I slightly pivot my body and laid back down, slowly lowering myself onto his chest. He slowly licks his lips as I fiddle with the buttons of his abnormal shirt. I don't usually have to worry about them but he wore a shirt tonight for some reason. I arch my back at his gentle touch but relax again as he rubs up and down. He's trying not to change still as I graze my lips across his. Then he quickly leans his head up and kisses me, his mouth searching and hungry for my attention. I can feel his bicep and forearm on me tensing up and his breathing becomes heavier. I open my eyes enough to see him transforming although he was resisting it. His main grey fur becomes a sleak jet black followed by his chest, muzzle, tail and ear tips, and his eyes changing from white to a crimson red. His grip on me tightens as he keeps refraining from his transformation. I don't like it when he becomes like this and I manage to whisper "just let it happen" between our kiss. He listens to me though. His muscles relax and go back to rubbing my back as I finish off the buttons on his shirt. I nudge the sides of his shirt out of the way and manage to pull myself up onto him. I can tell he really enjoys this as my jeans rub a little against his shorts. His paws search up my rib cage and then around me as he pulls me down onto him for another kiss. It's so much deeper now though as he keeps pulling my bodice closer to his torso. I slide my long tail against his, and he almost immediately wraps his around mine. His mouth his becoming more hungry now though.

His claws dig into my back a little bit and I give out a excited breath. I can tell he thinks he has me now. He props his knees up, sliding my crotch up his hips and then he proceeds to sitting up. It felt so nice to be wrapped up in his arms, especially since they were muscled and warm and around me. I pushed my muzzle more against his, deepening the kiss while I ran my paws up his chest, making him sigh with pleasure. I hated keeping my legs at his sides though so I pushed them out and relaxed them on his back. As we make out some more, I can feel my hormones rising exponentially. His paws migrate from my back to my upper rib cage and were slowly moving more forward. It wasn't just him though, as I had my paws exploring his exposed abs. After a couple more minutes of this teasing, I can tell this darker Blaine's patience was running really low. He slides his paws, dragging his claws, seductively down my sides until he reaches my shirts end. I break off the kiss and let my head hang back limply and tighten my grip on him. He takes his opportunity. He moves right paw on my lower back, holding me up a little, and grips my stomach with his left, picking me up to pull himself out from under me. I happily let myself be adjusted, feeling our trust that he'll take good care of me. The blades of grass are cool under my bottom and tail as he sets me down. I allow my head to lay flat on the ground as he kisses my neck and runs his claws under my thin shirt. I whimper as it's very exciting and he responds with a growl of wanting more, but I want more too, but not in a rushed manor. I let out another whimper with his paw pushing down, teasing, my favorite spot. My body reacts instantly, wanting him more now. His paw under my shirt turns upward as the paw on my hip teases more. "I hope you don't mind, but," he says, ripped my shirt down the middle, "this damn shirt was getting in my way." I giggle at his playfulness. "You're lucky this isn't my favorite shirt, mister," I reply with a innocent tone. "And if it was?" He asks as he makes his way between my legs, "Would you punish me?" He inquires as he pulls me closer to him by my belt loops, making my give out a gasp. "I just might," I answer, running my paw down his stomach, gripping my paw around his belt buckle.

He smiles as he stretches him back upwards and undoes his belt. I watch, intrigued by his confident actions. I slightly lean up to assist him as I don't want to be left out of the fun. I undo his short's button and slowly pull down his zipper. He happily approves of this and shows it by licking my forehead. I give him the "really?" Look as he pushes me back down the ground, kissing me deeply while I try to wipe the saliva off my face. Next was my turn according to him. I lean up and bite his neck softly as he reaches down and teases along my pants line. I can't help it and nibble harder as he finally undoes my button and pushes down my zipper, using his other paw to grab ahold of the denim and pulling down my pants altogether. The night's air is cold on my thigh, but he takes care of me the second I shivered. He pushes our pants to the side with his feet. He pulls me up against him as he leans up and shrugs his shirt off. I can feel his erection against my hips as he reaches around and pulls my shirt off of me. I am set back down onto the ground, carefully, feeling him trying to fight the more aggressive notions of how he can be in this darker form. I can't stand it anymore though. His kisses and light rubbing of our hips together was now driving me to make the next move. I flex my thighs up as high as I can and slip my toes under his boxers. He gives out a groan as I wiggle them off of his hips and down his thighs, and finally off his feet. I look up at him and he gives me a devious grin. He leans down quickly, putting my bra's middle part between the cups in his jaws. He growls playfully, moving his head back and forth, until it snaps apart, exposing my breasts. I begin to blush a lot when he starts to rub the side of his face against them, calmly growling under his breath, glad that he has a soul mate to do this to. He moves his paw up my torso, making my breath stutter, and slips the bra straps off down my arms. Then he kisses up my neck and jawline as his paw holds tight on my hip while her boner was poking my area. Then he let how another growl, this one more intense, and had a hold on either side of my hips. He then proceeded to lift me up and turn me onto my stomach, making my gasp with the sudden move. I'm happy to be his though, as he runs his claws sharply down the sides of my underwear, ripping the seams. I couldn't help but let out a whimper from it feeling so exciting and full of pleasure. I was his wolf and was to be his forever, and being in his secure grasp felt like true love. He was also mine, to make me feel safe as I couldn't trust anyone else as much as I trusted him. I gave myself to him as he nudges my upper half down and pulls my cheeks against his pulsing boner. I am a little nervous but I know it will be okay. He scratches down my sides a little, making me relax down there for him to line up. I'm so moist at this point that he is able to slide right in. I bite my lip a little as he carefully only thrusts a little bit, pushing a little bit more into me with each movement. I'm giving out small whimpers and grunts as he gets deeper and deeper. He begins to moan and push longer and harder into me, gripping my hips more, digging in his claws. I can't help but tighten my calves up more, clenching my toes, and he graudally accelerates his pace. I can hear his breathing getting faster and his tail swishing against our toes. Everything is getting faster and faster while feeling better and better. I was clenching small clumps of grass with my paws while he was leaning over me, grinding it against my favorite spot. He has a firm grip on my hip and my upper side now, as he was climaxing. I kept feeling large surges of energy branch out from my pelvis as he thrusts harder. I began whimpering more, slowly getting a little louder, until he finally gave one last thrust. I felt my body go under a wave of complete pleasure, following limpness, like I was in zero gravity. Blaine lets out a long, satisfied howl as he pumps his liquids into me. His hips shaking with each round flowing into me. He then goes almost limp over, forcing himself out of me and pulling me over and onto his chest. I look up at him, a bead of sweat runs down his muzzle, and I couldn't help but lick it. He brings up a paw and lays it tiredly on my back. The smile on his face is all I need as I give out a big yawn and drift off to sleep in the most protective arms I've ever known in my life.