Confusion part 3

Story by zenman on SoFurry

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#3 of Confusion...

Note: David is XtigerX's character so if you would like to use David ask him;)



Zen walked down stairs and into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and stared at it. Not knowing what to do he noticed that he had to use the restroom really bad.

(Up stairs) David became cold when Zen left, and he woke up thinking about Zen.

"I wonder if Zen likes guys." David then looked down to see that 3 inches of his 9-inch cock was out of its sheath. David decided to go paw off, so he went in the bathroom and began stroking his cock. Remembering Zen's 7-inch cock from last night made David's full 9 inches stick out. David started slow and went faster and faster.

Zen reached the bathroom and noticed the light was on and the door was cracked. Zen looked in and stepped back Shit! what is he doing!' Zen couldn't help but look again. That's a decent sized cock, what am I saying!' Zen went back down stares and tuned on the PS2 this should keep my mind off him for a while.'

Zen heard the shower turn on and decided to snoop around David's room.

He opened the dresser and found nothing out of the ordinary and went to the night stand he opened it up and found what looked to be porn so Zen picked it up and looked at it. It was a gay porn magazine and Zen said "why not." He looked through it and heard the shower turn off Zen quickly put the magazine back and closed every thing.

"Hey Zen." David said as he entered the room with a towel on.

"Hey" Zen started feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey you want to go to the movies? I heard there are some good ones at the theater."

"Yeah, sure that sounds fun."

"Well could you kindly leave the room so I can get dressed?"

"Oh sorry." and Zen quickly left the room.

David opened the nightstand to get some underwear and noticed the magazine wasn't in the same place he left it last time what were you doing in here Zen.' David thought to him self.

As the two got in the car they didn't go straight to town, they picked up Perlita, Katrina, and Katrina's little sister, Katie.

"So how's your weekend going Zen?" Zen started to blush at the sound of Katrina speaking to him.

"It's going ok"

"Ok? It's been awesome so far we played games all night and I owned him like a n00b" David said with a smile

"Oh thanks David, At least I don't have..." Zen stopped quickly before he completed his sentence. I don't want him to know I was snooping around'

"At least you don't have what Zen?"

Zen thought quickly "At least I don't have a car and end up being a showfru like you haha."

The ride lasted about ten more minuets and they reached their destination.

"What should we watch?" Asked David

"Well what are you guys in the mood for I want to see a scary movie."

"Then I'm not sitting in front of you, remember the incident last night?"

"Yes David I remember and you won't have to sit in front of me just sit next to me."

Perlita interrupted their little conversation. "I'm up for a scary movie." "Me too I haven't seen one in so long." Katrina looked at Katie and asked her what she wanted to see. "I don't care, whatever movie you want to see I guess."

"Ok David it's up to you, what do you want to see?" They all gave pleading looks and David gave in "Alright we'll see a scary movie."

Every one celebrated and David just smiled.

When they got in the theater the movie was about to start and they took their seats, it was Perlita, Katie, Katrina, Zen, and David.

Zen and David were being loud and making commentary through out the whole movie and at one point they even busted out laughing and people were staring at them. Then some thing jumped up on screen and Zen's hand landed on Katrina's thigh and he quickly took his hand away and they both blushed. David however looked away from the two and started to think of why Zen was in his room earlier.

After the movie was over they went to the bathroom and went to David's car.

"So what now?" Zen asked

Perlita answered "Hey David can we go to your house?"

"I guess, but theirs nothing to do."

"Well weren't you guys talking about games earlier?"

"Yeah, but we only have two controllers."

"And I have four, all wireless." Perlita said with a smile. "Maybe we can have a tournament."

"Ok you're on"

After they got to David's house they started with halo and the girl's won with that game and they moved on to Tekken and if it wasn't for David they would have lost.

"Wow David you didn't even get touched how'd you do that?"

"It's a secret."

Zen went in the kitchen and sat at the table. Katrina followed him and was staring at him. She was nervous about talking to Zen but she gathered some courage and went in.

"Hi" Zen jumped as he turned around "Uh hi..."


" did you met Perlita?"

"Well we grew up together."


"How'd you met David?"

"Well I moved here a couple weeks ago and the first day I was here I went to town and this badger was trying to beat me up."

"Oh you mean Richard?"

"I guess, any ways David knocked his out and we ran and just sat down and talked for a while."

"That's always a nice way to meet new people, just let them beat up someone you don't know haha."

"Haha yeah, but he's a really nice guy he doesn't like to fight but he will fight to save people, I like that about him...He likes to keep things live and not boring, he's a sweet guy..." Zen was lost in thoughts and looked at Katrina. He started to move in for a kiss and she did the same, but before the two made contact Katie walked in the room and said "EWWWW" both of them looked at her and scooted away from each other trying not to turn red.

It was getting late and the girls had to leave. "Man I wanted to stay longer." "Me too but mom said be home by 11:00."

"Maybe next time." Zen said with a smile. "Next time what you two actually kissing?" Zen and Katrina blushed. Perlita noticed that after Katie said that David looked at the floor. Perlita moved over to David and asked "What's wrong David?" "Oh it's nothing." He said this with a half smile "You guys should go its getting late." "Yeah your right my mom is almost here so I'll talk to you Monday?" "Yeah Monday."

After they all left Zen and David went back inside. "So what was that about?" David asked with a serious tone.

"What was what about?"

"You and Katrina kissing."

"Well we didn't kiss, Why the fuck do you care!? Do you like her?"

I care because I like you!' David thought to him self but just ran out of the room trying not to cry.

Damn why did I yell at him.' "David I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you." Zen was at David's door knocking on it asking him to unlock the door.

"Go away!"

"David I'm sorry."

"Leave me alone!"

"David please let me in"



"GO TO HELL!!!!" Zen's ears flattened and he walked away from the door crying.

The two just sat in the separate rooms until David went in the kitchen to get some water.

Zen looked up form the couch and ran toward David to give him a hug but David pushed him away. David went back up stairs still trying not to cry and Zen just fell to the floor and started crying. "David I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you"

David was sitting at the top of the stairs. He hared Zen say "David I love you"

David looked down at the kitchen doorway. What did he say?'

David walked down stairs and looked at Zen still on the floor, He looks so helpless.' David thought.

David kneeled down next to Zen and Zen popped up and gave David a deep, long kiss and when Zen broke the kiss he ran out side the house and didn't stop running.

David was shocked and sat there for a few minuets.

When David found Zen he was by the lake.

"Hey, sorry for over reacting...Zen did you mean what you said?" This is kind of a dumb question because he kissed me..'

Zen looked at the ground. "Yeah..."

"Zen..." When Zen looked up he was greeted with a big tiger tough in his mouth.

Zen went limp From the sudden intrusion and let the tough search his maw.

David picked his up and put him in the passenger seat and buckled him in.

"So Zen you like guys?"

"Yeah...well I'm that ok?"

"Totally, and if you haven't guessed I'm gay."

" what now?"

"what do you mean?"

"What do we do now? like do we go out or just act like this never happened?"

"Well do you want to go out?"

"I guess...but I don't know what my parents would say."

"Well that makes two of us...I haven't told my parents either."

"Do you want to find out together?"

"If you're ok with it."

"Yeah when should we tell them?"

"When ever you're ready."

"What about you?"

"Hun I was born ready" They both laughed and they decided to tell Zen's parents first, since David's parents were out of town

"Mom, dad..." they both were surprised to see him home today.

"Why are you home so early?" They both stopped when they saw David with Zen in the doorway. "Oh hello Zen who is this?"

"Mom, dad can we sit down?"

"Yeah come on in."

They sat at the kitchen table.

"Can you sit down for a minuet? I need to tell you some thing."

They both sat down looking confused. "What is it?"

"Well...Mom, dad this is David and...and he's my boyfriend"

The two huskies stared at the two with shock. Zen was firmly holding David's hand under the table.

"O-ok." The two canines looked at each other.

"Zen we don't care if you like guys as long as we have you our lives are complete."

"Thanks." Zen started to tear up. "Well now that that's over, do you accept David too?"

"Of curse we do" They both said at the same time.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Richardson"

"you're welcome to come over when ever you want."

"Oh thank you." David had a big smile on his face. "Now we just need to tell my parents."

"Don't worried David I'll be with you."

They both smiled and kissed each other and the two huskies left the room.

"Mom, dad you're going back to David's house bye"

"Bye don't have too much fun." Mark smiled and said "Do you want to have some fun?"

"Maybe later." Melissa smiled and walked away "Your such a tease."


And that concludes another chapter hope you guys enjoyed ^^

Confusion part 4

Note: David is XTigerX's character so ask him if you would like to use David. \*\*\* The Second Confession: On the way back to David's house Zen just stared at his new boyfriend. "What?" "Oh nothing." "What? Do I have some thing...

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Confusion part 2

Note: David belongs to my good friend XtigerX ask him if you would like to use David. The rest are my friends ^^ \*\*\* Starting fresh: When Zen reached the medium sized town he looked at what kind of stores they had. When Zen turned...

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Note: this is my first story so please comment and tell me how it is ;) oh and please don't tell me it sucks i already know that \*\*\* Before The Move: Zen was a 16 year old snow leopard standing about 5'7" with a brown eye and a silver eye,...

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