Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-Sixth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#27 of Pathfinding-CYOA

On the road again, the party sets forth into the dangerous wilderness on their way to Belthin's tower. But how shall they traverse the dangers of that path, and will they escape detection on the way?

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Twenty-Sixth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 6

B - 12

C - 1

D - 4

Additional Votes:

* Skaeth challenges Rufus' leadership believing himself to be better and to know where the real money is at. Urtan as Rufus' Beta will not stand for this, and we get to vote on who fights Skaeth for leadership - 2 * Spark, Dinah and the Steampunk Trio all have an orgy together - 3

* Marlene performs some "heated" diplomacy - 4

* Kaia's submission (may include Zane and Phan) - 2 * Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely) - 3

* Preparing the troops for battle, and training - 2

* Training Crystal - 2

* The kids are all right: see how our recent children are doing - 1

* Kyte's submission - 3

* Investigate that weird crystal orb Ryg found on Praxis' body - 2

Vote Options in Progress:

* Training Rael scenes (not just sex) - 5

* Hanaro and Urta training together - 6

* Wisselfleur and Imogen seduced by Rufus (Adel included) - 8

Author Notes

Rolled 84 on a 60% chance of a random encounter - no encounter this time.

Pathfinding Twenty-Sixth Entry

Urtan sat cross-legged on the edge of the short stretch of bare land Rufus had designated as the training ground of his little army, his new spear, Mkuki, resting over his lap, his shield, Brawler, leaning against one shoulder. Lysha, the former owner of the spear, sat next to the broad-shouldered gnoll, watching as he carefully wound strips of still-soft hide around the shaped blade of her new spear, binding it tightly to the wolfen-made spear haft Lysha had received before leaving the camp of the Blue Feather tribe. While Lysha missed having her ancestral spear, she knew quite well that she had been beaten in combat, and was lucky to retain her freedom, let alone her gear. Even her old bow was now in the hands on the rabbit boy, Cassidy, who was off somewhere, quiet and unassuming little creature that he was, requiring her to be given a new one from the stores of the Blue Feather. At least the weapons had quality to them, so it wasn't a complete loss, and Lysha still held out the hope, faint though it might be, that she would receive her old weapons back someday, after she had proven her loyalty to Rufus and his band.

Not far off, another was putting her new weapons to their first use. With a snarl of determination, Rael leapt forward, her axe swinging downward from overhead as she sought to bring down her opponent. Her foe, however, was waiting for the reckless strike, and turned, using the short-hafted axe in his offhand to let the mighty swing slide right past him, before the longsword in his main hand swung upward, the impact of its blow filling the clearing.

"Yip!" yelped Rael, rubbing her poor, much-abused tushie where it had been smacked by the flat of her father's padded blade, right on the white-furred treasure tail just between her buns, only barely concealed by her tight-bound loincloth. "Daddy! That hurt!"

Rufus chuckled at his girl's whining protestation, and stepped back, not willing to let himself be drawn into what was almost certainly a trap. After all, Rael hadn't called for a halt yet, and she'd tried something similar in prior training sessions.

"It's for your own good, dear," called out Adel from the sidelines, where she knelt near Urtan, putting the finishing touches on a new hide shield for Lysha, which was actually Urtan's old shield, letting the small magics she knew seep slowly into its surface, to turn away the worst blows that might fall upon it. "If you leave yourself exposed, it's only right for your father to point it out to you, to keep you safe for later."

"But he keeps smacking my butt!" protested Rael, giving Rufus a pouting look, which naturally just made him grin even more widely, obviously not at all ashamed of himself.

"Well," Adel continued, not looking up from her work, "I suppose you should try not to let that part stick out so much."

"You...he...that...grrrr!" spluttered and then growled Rael in fury that would likely have been terrifying in another wolfen, but in the cute gold-furred teen was mostly just adorable, before she leapt forward once more, forcing Rufus to visibly work at blocking and dodging her blows; even with their weapons wrapped in protective padding, a direct hit could hurt. For several moments, it looked as though Rael were making headway, her entire focus centered on striking her dad, but good, and making him yelp like he'd made her several times already-YELP!

This time Rael flopped right on her tush as Rufus slipped her feet out from under her with a low sweep of his shortaxe.

"Getting better, hon," said Rufus in approval, before he laid his weapons aside, letting Urtan watch over them, then walked over to reach for his daughter's own axe. "Relax now, fight's over for today." Rael glowered at her father for a short while, then handed the axe over, whereupon Rufus hefted it for a while, a thoughtful look on his face. "We'll have to name this soon, at this rate," he commented with an approving nod, before setting the weapon aside, next to his other gear by Urtan's side. "Traditionally, an axe is named after a she-troll, and like all weapons, after it's been blooded for its first time."

"You really think we're going to be fighting that soon?" said Rael, wide-eyed, as she followed her father off the field, Adel quietly finishing up her work on Lysha's new shield, and then following after the pair as they separated from the rest of the group, even as Urta walked onto the training ground with a confident swagger, Hanaro a few paces behind her, the human girl's stance more submissive, both of them wearing their underclothes, and not a stitch more, though both were armed and otherwise ready for battle. "I mean, we've only been away from the home camp for a little over a day now."

"We're a lot closer to the lines of trouble than anybody likes to mention," said Rufus as they reached the little spring that had been the primary reason for setting up camp at this location. "It's why everybody was so willing to kiss and make up."

"In some cases literally," added Adel dryly as she casually kicked off her comfortable-looking underclothes, then walked over to help Rufus with his. Since her head was quite literally about waist-high with the tall wolf, this was actually a very easy task for her, as she tugged down his tight loin-binding, then began to rub his semisoft penis as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "And more than kissing, more often than not."

"Wha-?" Rael gasped, blinking several times as she watched the little chipmunk girl stroke her father to full hardness, before wrapping her soft lips around his swollen, uncircumcised glans.

"I've missed you a lot, Adel," growled Rufus softly, one big hand stroking the petite femme's back slowly, tenderly, looking down into her beautiful blue eyes as she fellated him, before he glanced over at Rael, then gave her an inviting toss of his head. "You too, Rael," he added with a friendly smile.

For a moment, Rael stood there, hesitant about what to do. After all, she'd really only started her life as a sexual creature a few weeks before, and even after having given birth, she still wasn't quite self-assured about the whole subject, certainly not to the degree of both Adel and Rufus. All the same, what Adel was doing _did_look like an awful lot of fun...

Tail wagging, Rael plopped her pert tushie down on her feet, kneeling next to Adel so that they were at about the same height, and then looked at the other girl hopefully. Adel glanced at Rael out of the corner of her eye, the edge of her mouth turning up in a friendly smirk, where it wasn't being stretched wide open by Rufus' penis. Pulling her head back, Adel released Rufus' cock with a soft 'pop,' giving the tip a final lick to clean off the trail of spittle and cum that connected him to her lips, before tilting his penis slightly, so that Rael could have her turn. Almost her whole body vibrating with the eagerness of her wagging tail, visibly showing how overjoyed she was at being included, Rael quite promptly popped her daddy's cock into her mouth, and started to bob her head, nearly choking herself several times before Rufus reached down and began to gently guide the teenpup's oral efforts.

"Slow 'n steady, sweet stuff," Rufus reminded Rael gently. "I've got plenty for you both."

Not far off, two pairs of wide, eager eyes watched from the bushes.

"We shouldn't be watching this," said Wisselfleur, the peregrine-appaloosa hippogriff girl caressing her petite breasts through the tight white halter top binding them down.

"Yeah," agreed Imogen, kneeling next to her friend in the bushes, her beautiful eyes, the color of still water, fixed on the scene before them, her legs shifting beneath the long, shimmering white robe she wore.

"Oh wow," Wisselfleur suddenly exclaimed, though she still managed to keep her voice down somehow. "Look at what she's doing!"

"Wow," agreed Imogen, both fillies watching as Adel, always a creative one, dipped her head to step between Rufus' legs, then knelt, facing toward where Rael was kneeling to suckle on his shaft. Both her small, deft hands began to lovingly caress the younger girl's plump little breasts with their broad, pink nipples that stuck out through her fur, until Rael's eyes rolled back into her head, a muffled whine escaping her lips around the plump muzzlefull she was enjoying. Soon after, both secret watchers couldn't restrain a too-loud _gasp_at the obscenity of it all as Adel tilted her head upward, first kissing Rael's chin (girls kissing girls was certainly taboo enough...) before she leaned a little more back, and pressed her short, pretty muzzle into the cleft between Rufus' legs, starting right behind his sac.

"Come up for breath, you two," said Rufus suddenly, his grin teasing as he guided both girls away from his body, enough for him to lie back on the bank of the stream, his cock standing almost straight up. "Now, c'mon over here 'n we can pick up where we left off." His big paws gripped both girls' firm, rounded little buns, turning them so that their bottoms were facing his head as they climbed up, side-by-side, onto his belly and chest. "Except this time," growled Rufus in a lower, more suggestive tone, "I get to have some fun too."

As both fillies continued to watch in utter erotic fascination, feeling such strange sensations going through their young, untried bodies, Adel and Rael took turns, sharing Rufus' thick proud penis between them, licking up and down its length on either side, Adel stroking the lower half while Rael stroked the upper part, both of them happily popping his glans into their mouths for several bobs, before pulling off with a loud, happy smacking of their lips before the other girl got her turn. As for Rufus, he seemed to be almost overwhelmed with carnal delights as he turned his head one way and then the other, his thumb parting first Adel's cunny, letting him make her squeal around her mouthfuls of cock as he greedily, messily, and very noisily suckled on her whole little cunny, fitting it all into his large muzzle, before he turned his head to the other side and started to lap like a thirsty dog at his daughter's quim, his tongue working its way inside of her quite deeply before he pulled out to return his attention to Adel once more. Most shocking of all, Wisselfleur and Imogen watched in fascinated, aroused horror as Rufus slowly began working his fingers into each girls' tiny pink tailhole. Sodomy was such a sin! And disgusting, too! If only it wasn't so obvious that each girl with Rufus was enjoying it was enough to make the two hidden girls reach back to rub their pert young bottoms in sympathy stretching, imagining what it would be like to have a dirty, nasty piece of male meat like Rufus' squeezed into them back there.

It was at that moment, as both Wisselfleur and Imogen were starting to transfer what they were seeing from a simple voyeuristic experience to something in which they had a potential part, that both their eyes caught Rufus'. He knew they were there! Immediately Wisselfleur put a hand to her little falcon's beak to keep from screeching in shock, her eyes turning to meet Imogen's for a hasty moment of silent planning. Both girls were panicked at being discovered, and before they could think about it anymore, they swiftly darted back toward camp, the rustling of the bushes surely alerting Adel and Rael to their presence as well.

When the mythic pair arrived back at camp, it was to see that most of their company was gathered around the training ground, watching with varying degrees of excitement as Hanaro and Urta, both of them dressed only in their undergarments, traded blows back and forth in the middle of the training ground. Quietly, Imogen picked a spot next to where Goro was sitting in the lotus position, since the unicorn could sense the big panda had a gentle heart, despite the unpleasantness of their initial meeting, Wisselfleur settling in beside her, carefully stroking her ruffled feathers back into place, to disguise her former fright.

"It's a pretty heated bout," Goro said to the two fillies in a stage whisper as they settled next to him. "Hanaro is fighting to get her sword back for good. Urta is fighting to not only keep the sword, but for the right to bed Hanaro, her and also all her..." Goro suddenly realized to whom he was talking to at that moment, and the white-furred parts of his cheeks turned pinkish. "Oh, sorry," he finished lamely, breaking off his explanation.

On the training grounds, Hanaro clashed with a padded sword against Urta's own heavier weapon. It was obvious that Urta was a lot stronger than the toned, shapely samurai girl, but Hanaro showed much greater speed, dipping and turning past Urta's swings with smaller, more precise movements. Lysha was leaning forward, obviously hoping for her friend's victory, while next to her, Urtan simply glanced up occasionally from his work finishing Lysha's new spear, but otherwise seemed less interested than Lysha. The ebony-skinned girl would occasionally look at Urtan apologetically, apparently knowing it was his sister fighting Lysha's friend, but Urtan, when he noticed these glances, would simply shrug them off, apparently not terribly concerned about his sister's fate. Further along, the five gnolls were obviously _very_interested in the winner of the bout, though there was little reason to guess at who they wanted to win. After all, they had a very real stake in the outcome of the fight.

Bellowing loudly, her breasts bouncing despite the tightness of her leather halter, Urta hammered away with swift, powerful downward blows from her heavy padded wooden blade, pressing Hanaro back step by step, toward the edge of the training field. The concentration was obvious on Hanaro's face as she turned aside or blocked each strike, the force of each of the less well-blocked strikes making her own significantly-sized breasts jiggle in their white bindings. An especially powerful stroke sent Hanaro stumbling back, knocking her to her knees, while Urta giggled in anticipation, rushing forward to press her advantage for good. Just at the last moment, however, Hanaro slid her padded blade to her waist, as though sheathing it, then suddenly rushed forward from a kneeling position to fully standing, the motion of drawing and striking out with her sword so fast, few in the watching circle could follow it. Urta stood just past Hanaro, blinking stupidly, while Hanaro held her position past her spotty-furred opponent, waiting patiently. Then, after several moments, Urta dropped to her knees, coughing softly as she tried to catch her breath, her muscles failing her at the precise strike to the pressure point near her solar plexus.

"Do you yield?" said Hanaro, turning to touch the tip of her padded wooden blade to the back of Urta's neck. The hyenawoman just nodded silently, still unable to quite get her breath back. "Then I will lay claim to Scarlet Snow, weapon of my ancestors, once more, and to the honor I lost when it was taken from me in my prior defeat."

With nobody stopping her, Hanaro went to the edge of the training ground, and picked up the sheathed blade lying there, before turning, and heading toward the spring. Wisselfleur tensed a little, about to mention something to the skilled samurai maiden, but then swiftly relaxed as she saw Rufus, Adel, and Rael making their way through the underbrush, now wearing their underclothes once more and looking much-refreshed after a quick bath.

"Don't bathe alone," Rufus commented as he passed Hanaro, reaching out to hold her by the shoulder for a moment, before he glanced at the group, then jerked his head at the still-kneeling she-'yena. "Get up 'n go with her, Urta," he said with a tone that, while gentle, brooked no disobedience. "We can't go running off alone while we're in enemy territory, even if we think we're safe. I don't want anything like that last disaster happening ever again."

Walking past the training grounds to the fire, where Ryg knelt, quietly drawing lines in the dirt, Rufus knelt by the blind shamaness, not seeming to pay much attention to whoever joined him besides Adel, whose tactical abilities he obviously trusted. Rael crouched near her father, but had the sense to keep her mouth shut and watch and learn.

"What do you see, spirit-talker?" Rufus asked Ryg, his eyes working to make sense of her scribbling.

"Our path into the land of our enemy," answered the pale-furred she-wolfen. "We have many possible paths, but only a few seem wise. None are safe."

"We expected that," said Adel with a sigh. "Nothing like this is ever easy, after all."

As the hulking minotaur, Skaeth, and the slender woman of glass, Crystal, joined them also, Ryg pointed to the different parts of her drawing, making sense of the confusion.

"The spirits whisper the lay of the land to me," Ryg explained. "Spirits of the wind and of the birds in the sky are quite happy to speak of what they know. The tower of Belthin is ringed on all sides by rugged mountains, nestled right in the midst of where the foothills begin to climb toward the peaks. Its site was chosen well. There is a narrow pass, leading through this valley, here," she indicated the lines marking the valley. "This is almost certainly the path used by Belthin's servants."

"It's also probably guarded to the gills," growled Rufus, shaking his head. "I don't like it. What other options are there?"

"It's possible to creep through these woods, here," answered Ryg, pointing to a stand of arrow-shaped etchings that were apparently meant to be trees. "They skirt the mustering grounds of Belthin's armies."

"Tricky," murmured Adel thoughtfully. "Very dangerous. But I think it's doable."

"There is also another possibility," continued Ryg, stroking her fingertips along the course of a wavy line that ran through the hills and mountains. "This is a river, deep and wide. It runs into the mountains, and then vanishes deep beneath the earth. Where it goes, the spirits of air do not tell me, and those spirits of earth and water that would know are too far distant for me to contact from where we are."

"I know that path," said Skaeth suddenly, drawing all eyes to the braid-bearded minotaur. "Well, not that one specifically, but I know where it leads. It's a path into the Underdark, with some old ruins left by some ancient, fallen people. Nasty place, dangerous, but secret. There's no telling what sorts of abominations have moved into that place in the years since I was last there, of course, but I can't think even Belthin would both trying to keep it clear. And nobody can pry too deeply into the Underdark, no matter how strong their magic."

"I think the path we should take it quite clear, then," said Rufus, lifting his head to look around the fire at the six gathered comrades.

Path Choices

Clear to Rufus, but what about us? Percentages of being noticed while traveling are listed after each option. Time is mentioned, incidentally, because it matters. For what, I'm not telling. Failure here will lead to an encounter with Belthin's minions.

A) Through the valley. This will require disguise and perhaps some magic rather than straightforward methods of stealth. It is also the fastest and most straightforward path to Belthin's tower. (40%)

B) Into the woods. Slow going, and it passes right by the main muster grounds of the sorceress' forces, but it's definitely shielded from above, and makes for a fairly quiet and secret pathway to the back door. (55%)

C) Through the deep. Surprisingly enough, this is actually the fastest least to get into it initially. All it requires is to build a raft and ride it down the river, into the Underdark. It's also unlikely that anyone going this way will be noticed by those in the tower or its grounds. The tricky part is getting back out again. (80%)