The Trip

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for my amazing mate Rhodie Fluffybutt. I love you babe <3

The cold winter winds swept through the Shadowy Forest, carrying the sounds of the company that walked along the single large road. Over two hundred men in all, and three carriages pulled by six horses each. Almost all of them were dark red or blue dragons, Dragons of the East from Loiric. All heavily armored, except for the few archers and the carriage drivers. They flew the flags of the royal family that ruled Loiric. On the flags was a dragon holding a sword in one hand, and a hammer in the other. The caravan turned a corner in the road and came along the thickest part of the forest. The company was walking along as per normal when a hail of arrows hit. They came from all sides, almost half of the dragons fell in the first seconds. Then the yells came as hundreds of wolves came out of the wood lines from both sides of the road and charged the defenders. That's when he showed himself. A black dragon, having symbols running down his body, burst from one of the trees. He had three swords, two strapped to his side while one was in hand. He ran out, stabbing two of the attackers in the back before any of them realized what was happening. A few turned to face him. They ran at him, the first time were easy enough, coming one at a time with wild attacks that were easily countered and ended with a sword thrust through them. The next three came at him at once. He drew his second sword in his other hand. He blocked two of the swings with his swords and kicked the third man in the gut pushing him back. Blocking another two swings, the black dragon spread one of his wings, thing armor plates on their back. Using his wing he blocked one of the two men's swings while using one sword to block the others and thrusting his second sword through the man's gut. The man who had been kicked in the gut was back on his feet and moving in now. Using his wing the black dragon pushed the second man away with a wing while he blocked a wild swing by the other, and thrust his second sword through his gut. The last man was easy enough, a block and a thrust. The black dragon made his way to the center carriage. Most of the other red dragons were either in combat or dead. The dragon swung the door open. And was instantly kicked in the muzzle and fell back. Laying on his back, dazed, the dragon felt another body on top of him and a blade at his throat. He looked up to see the purple dragoness above him. The one he had saw when he first noticed the company a few days ago. She had shoulder length white hair which hung down from her head as she sat on the other's body, blade pointed at his throat. Her scales were a beautiful shade of purple that shone brightly when they caught the sun just right. Her eyes were blue, fierce, and frightened. Under her eyes were a pair of white scales in parallel lines. The same were found along her wrist that held the blade. Her neck had white scales that went down into her robes, which would make one guess how far the white went. "I'm not here to hurt you," The black dragon groaned looking up at the beautiful sight above him. "You're not one of my guards so why else would you be hear?!" The girl asked. "Trying to save you!" The black dragon said looking around, seeing that only a few of the red dragons still stood to hold off the attackers, "and if you don't let me continue we will both be dead, well, I'll be dead, no idea what they'd do to you." "And what do you mean by that?" She asked. "I," The dragon said before closing his maw, "that's not important, we need to go now!" The dragoness looked up and around the area at the fighting before slowly getting off the black dragon. He stood up and grabbed his swords. Before looking around looking for the best escape path. "Run that way," He said pointing between a group of fighting dragons and wolves, "just run and keep running no matter what. Run until you can't run anymore." "What about my guards?" She asked. "Their doing their job and protecting you. Now go," The dragon said. The dragoness opened her maw to speak then nodded and took off running. The black dragon followed behind her. They were almost to the tree line when a pair of men jumped out of the trees and grabbed her. The dragon ran up and shoved a sword through one of their skulls while kicking the other off the dragoness. She got back up and continued to run. The dragon stabbed the second man in the gut before running after the dragoness. They ran for nearly two hours before the dragoness slowly came to a jog, then to a stop, leaning against a tree and panting. "Why did you stop?" The black dragon asked. "I... am.... Not... made... for... this," She said between gasps for air. "Right, well, rest up, I'll go and try to cover our trail as best I can," The dragon said. She started to say something then just nodded and slowly sank to the ground panting still. The dragon walked off into the woods and began doing his best to cover their tracks, make a few false trails, and just hope that the wolves took their time looking for them. After about an hour the dragon walked back up to the dragoness. "Feeling better now?" He asked kneeling next to her. "A bit," She said, "my legs feel like they will never move again." "Running for two hours will do that to you," He said with a chuckle, "just rest, it'll be dark soon. Sadly I don't have any food left on me, I hunt as I go." "Who were those people?" She asked. "That's a bit of a long story," The dragon said sitting opposite of the dragoness, "you're from Loiric am I right?" "Yes, that's right," She said. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, Loiric doesn't use this path often, the last time I saw anyone from Loiric come through here, it was years ago. Normally this area is composed of a bunch of wolf tribes scattered and fighting one another. But recently, a wolf pack has come to be very powerful, I have no idea how, but it has either killed or taken over the rest and they are calling themselves a kingdom. "And my guess is they saw your caravan coming and decided that royalty would be worth some money," He shrugged. "So they were planning on capturing me?" She asked. "Yes," He said nodding, "and that would not be very pleasant for anyone, spically not for a g-, beautiful dragoness such as yourself." "Why do you say that?" She asked. "Have you ever met a wolf from these areas?" He asked. "No, I haven't," She said. "Well, let's just say most of them don't think with the right head," He said before leaning back against a tree. "Oh," She said, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of purple, "so, may I ask your name?" "John Al, last of the black dragons," He said and closed his eyes, "and yours?" "I'm Rhodie, first s-, daughter of Serrin, brother to the kind of Loiric." She said. "A princess then?" John asked, "Never met one before." "Well, I guess, yes," She said blushing, "you said last of the black dragons?" "Yes, I did, why?" He asked. "What happened to the rest?" She asked. "We were banished, bounties put on all our heads, and then hunted," John said. "If I may ask, why?" She asked. "The golden dragons are supposed to be the most powerful, the blacks were just a little bit faster, and a little stronger. But the gold, richer," He said with a shrug, "put two and two together." "That's horrible," She said. "What's in the past is past," John said with a shrug. "I suppose," She said and looked down, "so, what's the plan?" "The plan? Work on getting you back to Loiric," He said with a smile. "How are we going to do that?" She asked. "Well, first we wait out the night, walk good few miles north to a river, find some food, then follow the river east towards Loiric," John said. "Alright... how long do you think it will take?" Rhodie asked tilting her head to the side. "Hm, may be a few days, depending," John said. "Depending on what?" Rhodie asked. "Depending on how many people are out looking for us," John said with a shrug. The sun had started to go down as they talked. "I see... what if there are a lot?" She asked. "Well, then it could take a lot longer," John said with a smile, "but do not worry I'll keep you safe." "If I may ask... why?" She asked, "are you wanting a reward?" "No, nothing like that. I just can't let someone so beautiful be taken and be... attacked by these wolves," John said. "I... oh," She said, her cheeks becoming a deeper shade of purple once again. "I've lived around here for a long time, I know how they work, mostly. Their a bit different under one rule," John said with a shrug, "but I promise you I'll keep you safe." "Thank you," Rhodie said smiling. "You should get some sleep, you'll need it 'cause we have to get at least to the river by tomorrow," John said, "and that's a good four or five hour walk from here." "I hope my legs will let me walk it," She said. "If you can't I'll just have to carry you," John said with a light chuckle, "now sleep, I'll stay up and make sure nothing finds us." "Thank you again, John," She said slowly laying down onto her side and closing her eyes. John sat against the tree, ears tuned in to any foreign sound, but his eyes staid on her the whole night. Making sure no harm came to her. He was true to his word, he couldn't let such a beautiful dragoness be harmed by anything.

Rhodie's eyes slowly fluttered open. John was still in the same spot as he was last night, though he was standing instead of sitting. She couldn't help but smiling as she saw he was still there. The day before she had been fearing for her life when she first heard the men yelling out. She knew she was still in danger, but with him there she felt safer than before. Slowly she got into a sitting position, most of her body hurt. She had never had to sleep outside on the ground before. And she had never had to run for that long before. Her legs were on fire when she tried to move them. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" John asked looking to her as she moved. "Well enough considering," She said with a soft giggle. "I suppose that's good enough, can you stand?" He asked. "I'll try," Taking a deep breath Rhodie slowly pulled her legs under herself and stood. Pain shot up her legs as she did, but she was able to stand. She shut her eyes closed tight and stood there for a moment before looking back at John. "It hurts, but I can stand," She said. "Well, if it's too bad, I can carry you," John said with a shrug. "No, no, I don't want to bother you, I'll walk," Rhodie said. "Hm, alright, well let's get going, I'll walk slowly," John said. "Thank you," She said with a small smile before following behind him. Each step made her legs feel like they were on fire, but she continued to walk. After just an hour she was panting hard, mostly from the pain. And when John noticed he made the two stop walking. He stood looking at her, his head cocked to the side. "Alright, that's it, we need to keep going," He said walking over to her, he turned his back to her, "hop on." "W-what?" She asked, her cheeks becoming a deeper shade of purple again. "We need to keep moving so, get on my back," John said looking back at her. Rhodie stood for a moment not moving, her cheeks a deep purple as she blushed. It took her a moment before nodding and slowly climbing atop the black dragon. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. He grabbed her legs with his arms and began walking again. "This may not be the most comfortable dragon ride, but it'll keep us moving," John said with a light chuckle. Rhodie just nodded still blushing. After a few moments she rested her head on his back and rested against him.

"Rhodie... Rhodie!" John said. The purple dragoness's eyes snapped open. She was sitting up against a tree, she heard the sound of rushing water, and the crackling of a fire. She started to get up and look around when she saw John sitting next to a small fire. The sun was low in the sky. She must have slept the entire walk. "You awake?" John asked. "Y-yeah," Rhodie said sitting up, "d-did I sleep the entire walk?" "Yeah, don't worry though, made it a bit easier to carry you," He said with a smile. "Oh," She said rubbing her eyes. "Hungry?" He asked chuckling softly. "Very," She said as her stomach rumbled from the thought of food. "Good, I've caught a couple of rabbits, I'm just about to cook them," He said, "In the morning we will have to be leaving as soon as it is daylight, so I thought you might want to bathe before then." "Yeah, I suppose," She said slowly standing up. The pain was still there, but less intense. She walked over to the edge of the small river and dipper her hand into the water. It was cool, but not too much so. She started to pull her robes off when she remembered and looked to John, "Um..." "Oh, right, I'll turn my back," He said chuckling and sitting with his back facing her, his front to the fire. "N-no peaking," She said her cheeks burning as she stripped her clothes off and slipped into the water. "Don't worry, I won't," John said with a laugh, "no matter how tempting." After a few minutes of washing her scales, Rhodie smelt the first food she had in over a day. Her mouth began to water and deciding she was clean enough she climbed out of the water, shivering. Pulling her robes back on she made her way over to the fire and sat next to it, to John's right. "Was the water cold?" John asked smiling. "A l-lil bit," She said shivering some and scooting closer to the fire. "Well, better you took it now than in the morning, it would have been much colder," John said chuckling softly, "and don't worry I didn't peak." "T-thank you," She said looking down some, her cheeks deepening in color once again. "I hope my cooking is good enough, I doubt it'll be anything like what you're used to," John said with a chuckle. "I'm sure it'll be fine," Rhodie said smiling, "s-sorry again for you having to carry me." "It's fine, don't worry about it, I'm a big strong dragon," He said and winked at her before flipping the rabbits over. "I can tell," She said, still blushing. "Once we get to the boarder of Loiric, I suppose you could find you way back right?" John asked. "Well, yes, but you're not going to help me all the way back?" Rhodie asked. "I cannot sadly," John said looking into the fire. "Why not?" Rhodie asked. "It's a long story. Let's just say, after the purge of my kind, well I had it hard. No one wanted anything to do with me, so I had to do some things that were not liked. Such as steal, so that I could eat," John said shrugging. "Oh... well, I could get your pardoned," Rhodie said. "How?" John asked tilting his head. "Well... my uncle is the king, I could tell him you saved me and all you want is to be pardoned for your crimes," She said. "I don't know, I've been living on my own, on the run, for so long, I'm not sure I would do very good back in normal society," John said. "Well, I didn't say you'd have to move back, but you could come back with me, and then not have to be on the run anymore," She said. "Maybe," John said with a shrug, "but that's a decision for another day, for now let's eat." He smiled and handed one of the rabbits to her, and took one for himself. She took hers and began to dig into it, taking large bites and swallowing. John chuckled softly and began to eat his own, smiling. "It tastes better than anything I've eaten before," She said in between bites. "I'm glad you like it," John said chuckling as he continued to eat. "So I guess we have to continue walking tomorrow?" Rhodie asked. "Yes, could take a few days of it for us to make it to Loiric. I take it you came by the southern road?" John asked. "Yea, we were going to a diplomatic meeting with the King in the West," Rhodie said, "I hope my father isn't too worried." "Any good father would be worried to death every day his daughter is away from him," John said with a shrug, "don't worry I'll get you back to him." "Thank you, John," Rhodie said with a smile. "You are very welcome, I'm happy to help any way I can," John said smiling. "You know, if you want, you could take a bath as well," She said looking into the fire, hoping her blush didn't show too much. "Trying to say I smell bad?" John asked chuckling, "I could use one, but I'm not sure it would be the best idea." "A quick dip couldn't hurt," Rhodie said with a shrug. "I suppose not," John said tilting his head some. "I can take care of myself for five minutes," Rhodie said with a light giggle. "Fine, just don't run off and get lost," John said with a chuckle as he stood. He drew one of his swords and laid it next to Rhodie, "just in case." "Thank you," Rhodie said with a smile. John walked over next to the small river and began to strip. First he pulled his belt off along with the sheathes and swords he had on. He placed them next to the river in a way that he could quickly grab them if needed. Then he pulled his shirt up and over his head, feeling his wings slip through the holes made for them. Then he pulled his trousers off, and finally his loincloth. He slipped into the now cold waters and began to wash his scales. Rhodie sat watching as John pulled his clothes off. She blushed deeply as she watched but couldn't stop watching. As he pulled off his shirt she could see the muscles rippling under his scales. She noticed that his wings were covered in some kind of armor plating, but they seemed to be able to move freely. Then he pulled his pants off and pulled the loincloth off with them. She blushed deeper getting a perfect view of his rear with his tail swaying behind him as he slipped into the water. After a couple of minutes Rhodie made her way over to the water's edge and sat next to it. John had is back turned, but the twitch of his ear told her that he more than likely heard her come over. He stood rubbing his arms and chest allowing the water to take any dirt off his scales. Without warning John turned sharply, one paw in the water, and sent a torrent of water into Rhodie, who let out a yelp and fell backwards. "That's what you get for peeping," John said chuckling. "That's not funny!" Rhodie said looking over at him, her cheeks dark purple again. "Speak for yourself," John said smiling, "you wanted to say something? Or just enjoying the view?" "I... uh... um," Rhodie stammered blushing deeper. "Well?" John asked tilting his head. "Um... the... the fire is getting low," Rhodie said rubbing the back of her neck and looking down. "Doesn't look like it to me," John said looking around her at the still blazing fire. "O-oh," She said looking behind her, "m-my mistake." "You don't have to go if you don't want," John said as Rhodie began to stand, "I'm just about done anyways." "A-alright," She said smiling as she watched him. "So, do you always enjoy watching men bathe?" John said  after a few moments, grinning slightly. "I... uh... um," She stammered again. "I'm joking," John said smiling before swimming over to the edge of the river next to her, "now you have two choices, you can go back over to the fire while I get dressed, or be forced to see me nude." "I... oh, o-ok," She said blushing and stood up. Slowly she made her way back over to the fire. The purple dragoness's ears twitched as she heard the dragon climbing out of the water and had to force herself to not look. After a few minutes he came and sat down next to her by the fire, fully dressed again. "S-so what's the armor on your wings for?" Rhodie asked. "It's something a good friend gave me a long time ago, it helps in battle," John said with a smile before extending his wings, "the armor is light enough to where I can still fly with them, but strong enough that it can block an arrow or a sword." "That must be very nice to have," She said smiling. "It is, saves my life on more occasions than I can remember," John said chuckling, "I think that shows that I get into too many fights." "Well... that's not a bad thing so long as you fight for the right reason," She said. "Yeah, but what is the right reason?" He asked. "I... I don't know," She said looking down. "I don't fight for money, or for fame. For countries or royalty. I fight for loyalty, love, and beauty," John said with a smile looking at her, "that's why I saved you." "W-well, t-thank you," She said blushing, looking up at him. "Most people fight for money, but I don't think I need much of that stuff," John said with a shrug, "other's fight for fame, and I don't want to be noticed. They fight for their countries that would willing kill them. And they fight for royalty, which could care less about them." "Well, what do you need?" She asked tilting her head a bit. "The only thing I need in the world?" John asked, "love. Sadly I haven't had that in a very long time." "Oh," She said looking into the fire. "Well, we should be getting to sleep soon," John said laying onto his back. "C-could you stay up with me for a bit?" Rhodie asked looking over at him, "I'm not tired just yet." "That's fine with me, I don't sleep often. I normally lay awake, watching the stars and listing," John said with a chuckle, "a habit from being hunted for most my life." "I've never done that actually," Rhodie said looking up at the stars. "The stars, their only seconded by one thing in beauty," John said staring up at them still, "they remind me of the past, of the stories my grandmother would tell me." "Oh? How do they tell stories?" Rhodie asked still looking up at them. "Hm, come lay next to me and I'll tell you some," John said smiling. "L-lay next to you?" Rhodie asked. "Yes, it's the easiest way to show you the stars, hard to point them out when you're over there," John said chuckling softly. "O-oh, r-right," Rhodie said blushing and moving over next to John, laying onto her back and looking up at the stars. "Now, let's see, oh," John said pointing up into the sky, "Right there, that's Rhuukun, the creator, he created himself, and then the universe, he was said to have been a golden dragon twice the size of any mountain on the earth." "Why golden?" Rhodie asked. "Because they like to say that they're the best," John said chuckling, "in Loiric, are there any of them?" "Not many," Rhodie said, "mostly just red's and blue's." "Well, you're lucky, they are not the nicest dragons to talk with," John said with a smile, "now, Rhuukun decided he needed some help with maintaining the universe, so he created the gods, there was..." John and Rhodie laid side by side for over an hour, John telling the many stories he remembered from his childhood. He finished one of the stories and looked over to Rhodie, to find her asleep. He smiled and stretched out some, deciding he should try and sleep some as well. Closing his eyes, John slipped into a light sleep.

John slowly opened his eyes and started to stretch. Before he stretched too much he realized something. Rhodie during the night had ended up with her head on his chest, along with her paw. He blushed some and had to force himself from letting out a thrum from the touch. Very slowly and very carefully he slid out from under her, gently resting her head on the ground. He looked at her face for a moment before shaking his head some. It wasn't his place, he was just there to get her safely home. Turning and looking at the embers of the fire John thought about getting some food, but decided that they needed to start walking and that they could eat soon after. John turned back and looked at Rhodie. "Rhodie, come on, wake up," John said looking at him. "Urg... five more minutes," She said before rolling over away from John. "Rhodie, come on, we have to get going," John said chuckling. "Huh... o-oh, s-sorry, I was having a nice dream, " Rhodie said as she rolled over, her cheeks were deep purple, "I-I was dreaming I was back in my bed." "Everyone dreams of home when their away from it," John said smiling, "come on, can you walk?" "Y-yeah, I think so, my legs don't hurt as bad today," Rhodie said blushing still as she slowly stood. "Good, if you have to do anything, go do it real fast, then we can get walking," John said looking up into the slowly lightening sky. Once ready the two started to walk alongside the river. Rhodie asked for some more stories, and John told her the ones he remembered. After about five hours of walking the sun was high in the sky and John had them stop. "Go ahead and get a fire started if you can, or at least a pile of wood, I'll go and try and get us some food," John said with a smile. "A-alright, I can at least make a fire, I'm not completely useless," Rhodie said with a giggle. "Never said you were," John said chuckling, "but from stories, not many princesses know much about... well anything to be honest." "Well, I'm not like most," Rhodie said with a wink and giggled more. "No, I suppose you are not," John said smiling then looked into the woods, "I'll be back soon." "I'll be here," Rhodie said. She stood there and watched John walking off before starting to pick up scraps of wood from the ground. As she did she thought of the dream she had been having. She was in her bed, that part was true, but what she hadn't told John was that he was there, in her bed with her. Her head on his chest. She felt her cheeks burning and shook her head. After gathering a large amount of wood she began to pile it up. As soon as she had a decent enough size pile, her mouth opened, and she tilted her head some. Opening her mouth, she spat a glob of fire under the wood, quickly catching fire to the wood. She smiled and nodded before sitting down and waiting on John. Rhodie sat looking into the fire when suddenly something dropped down right next to her. She let out a yelp and jumped looking over. It was a pair of rabbits, and John standing behind her. She closed her eyes for a moment before glaring at him. "Don't do that!" She said. "Sorry, I'm just naturally light on my feet," John said with a chuckle and sitting next to her, "I hope you like rabbit, cause that's about all that's around these parts." "Don't try and change the subject," Rhodie said and paused, "but yes, if it is as good as you last one." "Well, soon as we get done eating we have to walk until it's about sundown," John said looking up at the sky, "hopefully a good five hours." "Alright, I think I can manage that," Rhodie said with a smile, "so, when will we reach Loiric's border?" "Either tomorrow, or the day after," John said smiling in return, "I'll have you home as soon as I can get you there." "Have you decided if you will come all the way back with me?" Rhodie asked looking at him. "I don't know if that would be the best," John said looking into the fire. "Why is that?" She asked tilting her head to the side a bit. "Can I be blunt?" John asked looking at her, she nodded, "Your beauty has, well, it has stolen my heart." "I... oh... w-wow," She said, her cheeks darkening, "Yes, but do not worry, I will get you to the boarders of Loiric, then we will part ways, I'm sure you can get home from there," John said and began to get the rabbits ready, Rhodie just sitting and looking at the fire, her cheeks a very deep purple. After preparing the rabbits John stuck them over the fire and began cooking them. They sat in silence, until the food was ready. John handed Rhodie her rabbit and ate his own. As soon as they were done John stood up. "Alright, ready to go?" John asked looking at Rhodie. "Y-yeah," She said standing and smiling some. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier, but I can't lie to you," John said with a shrug, "come on, we're losing the sun. With that John turned and began to walk. Rhodie opened her mouth to say something but decided not to, and followed along behind him. They walked for four and a half hours before the sun began to set. "Alright, might as well stop here, I'll get a fire going," John said with a smile, "rest." "A-alright," Rhodie said watching him walk off into the woods colleting sticks. She sat onto the ground facing the small river. A few moments later John came back and began to pile up the wood and set fire to it using his own fire breath. It started out a lot faster than hers had. "W-wow... y-you're hot," Rhodie before putting her paw over her mouth and blushing deeply, "I-I mean, y-your fire, i-it must b-be hot." "It is normally hotter than most other dragon flame," John said with a light chuckle sitting across from the fire from her, his back to the river. "I-I think I want to bathe again, I don't like being all dirty," Rhodie said blushing. "Go ahead," John said chuckling softly, "and before you say so, don't worry I wont peak." "T-thank you," She said smiling and standing up. John smiled back and looked into the fire, watching the flames reach for the skies. He waited for the sound of her body entering the water before laying onto his back, his head just next to the water. He could hear her body moving around in the water. "Enjoying yourself?" John asked looking up at the stars. "Hey, I said no peaking," Rhodie said. "I'm not, I'm on my back looking up at the stars," John said chuckling, his paw reaching up into the sky for emphasis. "O-oh, right," She said, John heard her moving closer, "y-you said that the stars were second to only one thing in their beauty, what is that one thing?" "Shouldn't be too hard to guess," John said without moving. "I... I don't understand," She said tilting her head some. "You," He said still not moving, "you are the only thing I've seen that is more beautiful than the stars." "I...," Rhodie started and stood for a moment, "John, do you mind your gear getting wet?" "My gear... why?" John asked. As soon as he asked he felt her paws grab onto his shoulders and pull. Before he knew it he was sliding into the river. He quickly surfaced himself a coughed a little. He shook his head some before looking over to Rhodie. Only her head and neck poked out of the water. "What was that for?" John asked, his voice a bit louder than before. "This," Rhodie said getting closer to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him in closer. Before he could protest, her lips met his and they kissed. John's eyes went wide for a moment before slowly closing along with hers. They stood in the water, kissing for a moment before she pulled her head back. "What... what was that for?" John asked, his voice now barely more than a whisper, looking into her eyes as her arms stayed around his neck. "I have to thank you one way or another for saving me," Rhodie said, her cheeks a deeper purple than ever, "and... well, it is true what most stories say... it's hard not to fall for someone who saves you." "I... hm, wow," John said tilting his head a bit. "Heh, the first time I've had you speechless," Rhodie said giggling some and blushing still. "Well, I just never thought," John started. "Don't think, l-... love isn't about thinking," Rhodie said blushing even deeper, "n-now, you m-might want to get out of those c-cloths... w-would want to g-get a cold after all." "Was this all a ploy so you could get to see me nude again?" John asked with a bit of a grin. "I-I, I don't know what you mean," Rhodie said, not being able to hide her smile as she blushed more. "I figured as much," John said with a smile before walking over to the bank and climbing out onto it. He pulled his shirt off and threw it over by the fire, then his boots doing the same. He looked at her and winked at her before pulling his belt off and setting it next to him on the bank. He then pulled his pants off and tossed them over next to the fire as well. He sat there in nothing but his loincloth. "W-wow," Rhodie said, her eyes glued on his body. "What? Like what you see?" John asked chuckling. "Y-yes," Rhodie said before shaking her head some, "I-I mean..." "It's fine," John said chuckling softly, "so are you going to stay in there all night or am I going to have to climb in after you?" "I, um, heh," Rhodie stammered looking up at him and moving away from the shore slowly. "Fine, have it your way," John said grinning a little before sliding back into the water. "W-what if I don't want to come back?" Rhodie asked. "I think I could pull you back," John said with a chuckle. "I... I... um," She said looking away some, "I don't think that would be a good idea." "And why's that?" John asked walking up in front of her. "I... well..." She said looking away still. John chuckled softly and stepped forward, his paw resting on her arm. She closed her eyes as he got closer. Then he felt something poke against his leg. "I... I'm sorry," She said turning away from him, "I... I should have told you before... but when you thought... well... when you thought I was a girl and said all the things about my beauty... I thought you would... leave me unprotected if I told you." She jumped some as she felt his arms wrap around her stomach and pull her body against his. They both let out soft thrums. She gasped, his paw firmly, but gently, wrapped around her length. "I may not have been around one in a long time, "John started, slowly stroking Rhodie, "but I remember how a female dragon smells like," "B-but I," Rhodie started before letting out a soft moan. "Yes, you wore the scent of one at first, but then you decided to bathe, and the scent went away," John said, continuing to slowly move his paw up and down her length, "and that's when I knew." "I... I'm s-sorry," She said. "Don't be, I'm not one to care, as I said, I care about your beauty," He said still stroking her, "not what is down here." "I... I've never met a... a guy who was... ok with it," She said blushing deeper and letting out another moan. "Well, that's the problem with royal men," John said gently squeezing her length, "they are too picky, and don't notice the beauty that is in front of them." Slowly Rhodie turned around to face John. She blushed deeply looking up into his eyes. Leaning her head up she pressed her lips against his once again, her paw slowly reaching under his loincloth. She let out a loud thrum as her finger rubbed over his tip as it slowly slid out of his slit. Her paw moved down slowly and cupped his balls, rubbing them gently. She felt his tongue press into her maw slowly, she parted her lips allowing it inside. Their tongues wrapped around one another as they kissed. After a moment of kissing and fondling him she pulled away from the kiss slowly and blushed deeply looking up into his eyes. His shaft was in her paws, and hers in his. He smiled looking at her. "I-it's not very fair," She said blushing deeper and giggling softly, "t-that you still h-have some c-clothing on." "I suppose it's not," John said chuckling softly. Slowly he made his way back over to the bank and slipped the loincloth off his body, tossing it over by the fire before turning back to face her. He smiled looking at her, her scales shown beautifully in the light from the rising moon. She waded over to him and stopped just in front of him. "I... I've never," She started. "You don't have to," John said with a smile looking into her eyes. "I want to," She said blushing and smiling. "Well, I'll take it slow," John said pulling her close and kissing her, "but we should get out of the water, it doesn't help." She nodded and watched as he turned and climbed out of the water, making sure to get a good view of his rear as he did. She giggled some and blushed more as she watched him, getting a good view of his balls and length between his legs as he climbed out. Turning around John reached out his paw to help her out. With easy he pulled her up so that she was standing in front of him. He smiled and kissed her lips. Before taking a step back and quickly looking over her body. "You look less like a girl without any clothes on," John said smiling, "but no less beautiful." "t-thank you," Rhodie said blushing deeper and giggling softly, her own eyes looking over his body, "a-and you... you... heh... wow." "I take it you like what you see then?" John asked winking, "come on let's get warm next to the fire." He turned and walked next to the fire. Rhodie followed along behind him as he piled some more wood onto the fire and arranged his clothes so that they would dry. As she followed him she couldn't help but looking over every muscle along his body, the armor on his wings, his tail swaying with every step. She blushed as he sat down, his length poking up into the air still, as was hers. She made her way over to him and sat next to him. She couldn't help but reaching over to wrap a paw around his large member. "I defiantly take it that you like what you see," John said chuckling softly and smiling as he leaned back some giving her better access, "if you want to do more, it's going to have to be lubed." "W-what do you mean?" She asked blushing. "Well, seeing as I do not have any kind of lube on me, the only other option we have is, well, spit," He said chuckling more and winking. "I...o-oh," She said blushing deeply, "I've never... done that before." "Well, if you don't want to," John said shrugging, "I'm not going to force you." "I... I do want to," She said blushing still and smiling some, "I just... um, don't know how to start." "Well, why don't you get a taste for it first?" He asked tilting his head some, "start slow." She nodded blushing deeply. Laying onto her side Rhodie had her arm between John's legs holding herself up, her muzzle just a few inches from his length. She blushed as she sat and looked it over. It looked amazing, it seemed just over nine inches long, and wide enough to where it would take her whole paw to wrap around it. "Take you time," John said smiling as he watched her. His length throbbed in front of her. She let out a soft giggle and smiled as she leaned forward. Slowly she slide her tongue out and slipped it over the tip. They both let out thrums as the feelings. She loved the taste. She slowly slid her tongue down the shaft, enjoying both the scent of his musk and the taste of him. "Mmm, just like that," John said reaching down to pet her head softly. She began to slowly slide her tongue up and down his shaft, even moving it down to slide over his balls gently. She finally brought her muzzle back up to the tip before taking a breath. She looked up at John who was still smiling at her. Slowly she took the tip into her mouth and began to suck on it gently.  After a moment she slowly took a little more into her maw, sucking more as her tongue slid around the tip. John let out a soft moan and continued to pet her head softly. "Just like that, careful of your teeth," He said smiling, "use your lips too." She nodded slightly and pressed her lips against his shaft as she began to slowly bob her head up and down his length before wrapping her tongue around it as best she could. She continued to do this for several moments as John moaned softly, but soon John gently pulled her head back and smiled at her. "Alright, ready for the best part?" He asked tilting his head some. "Y-yes," She said smiling. "Alright, lay down on your back," He said smiling. She nodded and moved around so that she was laying on her back next to him. He smiled and rolled over on top of her. She blushed deeper looking up at him. He smiled and reached down between her legs, lightly dragging a finger over her length before doing the same with her balls. "Mmm," She gasped as she felt his finger rub over her tailhole. "Is this your first time with anything in here?" He asked tilting his head some. "N-no," She said blushing and looking away, "I-I've had... t-toys before." "Well, I think I may be bigger than any toy you've had, you feel very tight," John said smiling, "so, it may hurt at first." "T-the p-pain is the b-best part," She said smiling and blushing deeper. "Well, shall we get started?" John asked. She nodded blushing more looking up at him. She bit down on her bottom lip as she felt his tip pressing against her tight hole. John leaned down and kissed her lips softly before pushing his tip inside her. She let out a soft groan feeling her tailhole stretch from his entrance. "How is that?" John asked looking into her eyes. "I-i-it feels amazing," She said blushing. "Well, I'll give it a moment before going any father," John said smiling. He leaned down and kissed her again, holding this kiss for several moments before pulling back. Slowly, John pushed his hips forward, moaning softly from the tightness as Rhodie moaned as her hole was stretched. It took several moments of this as John slowly inched his way inside her, but finally he was hilted in her. They laid there looking into each other's eyes. "Are you ready?" John asked. "Fuck me John," She said, blushing read. John grinned a little and pulled his hips back a few inches before slowly pushing back into her. She moaned loudly as he did so, he pulled out a few more inches and thrust back into her. She moaned again. After a few moments he began to get into a rhythm, pulling out slowly before thrusting in fast. They were both moaning as John thrust in and out of her tailhole, his cock leaking precum into her. Rhodie let out a loud moan, her cock throbbing with every thrust from John. They were both starting to pant, John more than Rhodie. "I... I'm getting close," John said as he thrust. "Ooh, keep it in," Rhodie said blushing. "Are you sure?" John asked. "V-very," John nodded and thrust several more times into her before he let out a roar, shooting his seed deep into her. Soon after Rhodie moaned loudly as she began to shoot her seed onto her stomach and chest. Slowly John stopped thrusting into her and sat, hilted inside her, panting and throbbing. She laid looking up at him, panting softly and smiling. "That was amazing John," She said blushing, "t-thank you." "It feels amazing in you," John said smiling as he leaned down and kissed her.

John lay panting on the ground, Rhodie was next to him, her head on his chest. His arm was warped around her, holding her against his body. He smiled looking up at the stars, enjoying the moment. That's when they heard something snap in the woods. John quickly got to his feet, scanning the wood line for any movement. Sparks flew out from three different locations before flames took hold. A moment later three wolves exited the forest, each carrying a sword and a torch. They all wore crude pieces of armor tied into their clothes as armor over their chest, a loincloth, and boots. "I thought I smelled a good fuck," One of the three said grinning. "Yeah, and if it isn't the princess and the dragon we're looking for!" Another said. "I don't smell no princess," The third said with laughing, "just two mutts." "I take it you've come for some fun then?" John asked, his eyes darting between the three, "sorry, but she's taken." "Eye, he has been taken, and he will be three more times before the night's over!" The first wolf said grinning. "So, that's the kind of fun you want," John said bringing his fists up, his wings spreading. "Why would you kill yourself over this slut of a dragon?" The third wolf asked. "You guys are not making this better on yourselves," John said taking a deep breath, "Rhodie stay behind me." "What about your swords?" Rhodie asked. "Too far away," John said, "stay behind me." "But," She started. "Might want to listen to him, less you're wanting to get fucked again," The first wolf said, each of the wolves now sporting an obvious bulge in their loincloths. "Well, let's get the party started," John said, his eyes moving from one wolf to the other watching for movement. The ones on the left and right began to spread out and circle them, the one in front moved forward. John moved forward to keep them away from Rhodie. The two on his sides came in and swung their swords. He moved his wings between himself and the blades blocking the blows. The man in front ran forward and swung at him. John lifted his paw up and grabbed the blade. He gritted his teeth as the blade cut into his scales, but he lifted his foot and kicked as hard as his powerful leg allowed him, right into the wolf's knee. John heard a snap and a yelp as the wolf fell to the ground. Jumping back he barely missed a stab from the wolf to his right. The two standing wolves moved together in front of him and began to close in. The one on his right began a jabbing motion, and the one on his left began to swing. Without much of a choice John brought his wings around to block the blows. The swing bounced off the armor plates, but the jab made its way thought it and through his wings, his fore arm stopping the blade from getting to his body. The sword stuck in his wing gave John the opportunity he needed. Swinging both of his wings back behind him, the sword still logged in his right wing, John let out a roar. He felt his wing rip as the sword cut into it, but the wolf had lost his grip on it, and the momentum sent it flying into the woods. "Fuck this," The wolf on the right said before turning and running. The last wolf stood staring down the black dragon before him. They were both panting heavily, John was covered his on blood from his paw and forearm, and slowly from his wing. The wolf stood looking at him. "Fuck me, die you son of a bitch!" The wolf yelled before swinging wildly at John. John's wing blocked the swing as John stepped forward grabbing the wolf by the throat with his good paw and lifting him off the ground. The wolf whimpered as John's wing held his sword arm at bay. John looked back at Rhodie. "You don't want to see this, turn around," He said gently before looking back at the wolf. Rhodie turned her back to John and closed her eyes. She heard the wolf's whimpering become louder. Then she heard a punch, a yelp, and then a scream. And finally a crack along with the sound of a body hitting the ground. "You threaten me," John said stepping towards the only remaining wolf, who was now trying to crawl away, his knee shattered, "that's one thing I can handle, but you not only threaten her with rape, you insult her, and that's one thing I will not handle." John reached down and roughly pulled the wolf to his feet. The wolf let out a yelp as his knee was forced to hold weight for a second before it gave out. John held him up, a paw around his throat. John took a deep breath before reaching forward and taking the small dagger than hung at the wolf's hip. "Now, before I kill you, I'm going to make you feel a bit of pain, how does that sound?" John asked, "good? Good." John held the dagger against the front of the wolf's loin cloth. He looked into the wolf's eyes as He pushed the blade of the dagger as deep in as the wolf's body would allow. The wolf let out a scream before John snapped his neck and laid his body on the ground. He turned around. "Rhodie, are you alright?" He asked. "A-are you done?" She asked. "Yes, their dead," John said, "I was hoping we wouldn't run into any of them." "Are you alright?" Rhodie asked turning back around, her maw opening as she saw the deep cuts in his forearm and his paw, "oh, gods, we need to get that bandaged!" "I'm fine, nothing that hasn't happened to me before," John said with a light smile. John turned around and pulled the armor off and then the shirt off of one of the wolves. He began to rip the shirt up as he walked over to the river. Rhodie followed close behind him. Kneeling, John dipped the rags into the water to clean them the best he could. "Are you sure you are alright?" Rhodie asked kneeling next to John. "I'm fine, you should get your clothes on, they'll be more of them," John said wrapping of the newly made rags around his paw and the other around his forearm, "I won't be able to hold my second sword." John shook his head and stood up grabbing his swords and walked back over to the fire. He began to pull on his clothes as Rhodie walked over to him, sitting next to the fire. As soon as John had his clothes back on he sat next to her. "I, I'm sorry," John said, "I shouldn't have let my guard down." "Don't be sorry," Rhodie said looking down, "it's my fault. I shouldn't have... done what I did." "It's not your fault, but we can't stay here any longer, we have to walk until we get to the boarder," John said standing back up and putting his paw out for her, "I loved it though, every second of it." "I... I did to," Rhodie said, taking his paw and blushing as he helped her to her feet. "Stick close," John said with a small smile, "can't be too careful now." Rhodie nodded as John turned and began to walk. She stayed just a couple of feet behind him as they walked through the night. They continued to walk in silence the only sounds were their foot falls, more Rhodie's than John's, and the sounds of the woods around them. Soon the sky was starting to lighten as the sun began to rise. As soon as the sun was over the horizon John stopped and turned to Rhodie. "Alright, if you want, we can stop and rest," John said with a smile. "I think I can continue for a bit longer," Rhodie said smiling back, "I'm starting to get a bit more used to the walking." "If you're sure," John said tilting his head to the side some, "we could rest." "If we stop now, not sure if I'd be able to continue," Rhodie said smiling some, "let's keep going." John nodded and smiles putting a paw on her arm before turning and continuing to walk. They walked for four more hours before the river took a turn heading south. The western boarder of Loiric. John stopped and looked over at the forest, a few hundred yards away it slowly began turning in the rolling plains that compose most of Loiric. "Well, here we are," John said looking over at Rhodie. "Y-you're coming with me right?" Rhodie asked looking up at him. "I'm... I'm not sure," John said looking at her tilting his head a bit, "I do want to, to be with you, but, at the same time..." "What's the problem then?" Rhodie asked. "Do you think your father would really allow you to be with me?" John asked tilting his head some, "Even if your uncle pardoned me and I wasn't killed on sight as I entered the cities, I wouldn't be allowed to be with you. I'd rather not go and be forced to be away from you, then go through the pain of being next to you and not being with you." "My father doesn't own me," Rhodie said stepping closer to John, "I can do what I want." "I... I just don't want to make you go through it," John said. "I'm the one making the decision to go through it, not you, I want to be with you, that is my decision, and whatever comes with it," Rhodie said taking on of his paws into hers. "Hm... are you sure?" John asked tilting his head some. "I haven't been surer about anything in my life," Rhodie said looking up into John's eyes. "Well, alright, I'll," John started when they heard a yell. "I found them, over here!" Someone called out. A pair of wolves ran out from the woods, swords drawn. John drew his sword and turned to face them. The pair stopped about a hundred yards down the river from John and Rhodie. They stood there looking at the others. "Just you wait! We'll get you as soon as the rest get here!" One of the wolves yelled. "Rhodie, you have to run, now," John said turning to her. "W-what?" She asked. "If there are more of them coming, I won't be able to protect you, and they'll be able to out run us," John said looking back to the two wolves, "I can hold them off, while you run." "I'm not going to leave you here," Rhodie said. "Yes you are, I can't watch you be... attacked by these wolves," John said shaking his head, "we can't out run them, and I can't fight them all. I can just keep them a bay long enough for you to make it deep enough into Loiric to where they wouldn't chase you." "How do you know they won't chase me?" Rhodie asked. "I've lived here for years, if you go far into another tribe's territory they won't continue to follow, because no matter what, these wolves don't like war," John said shaking his head some, "I can't explain, go, now." "I... I..." Rhodie started looking down at the ground. John put his paw under her chin and gently lifting it so that they were looking into each other's eyes. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly, holding their lips together for several moments before he pulled back and nodded at her. Turning without a word John began to make his way towards the two wolves. Rhodie stood watching him for a moment, feeling her eyes starting to water. She shook her head and turned beginning to run. John took a deep breath and shook his head a bit. He held his sword in hand making his way closer to the two wolves. They stood their ground looking at each other before back to him. Before they could make a decision on whether or not to run John ran forward. Jumping at the last moment he jumped landing just in front of them before they could raise their weapons. His sword plunged deep into the right wolf's chest. He let out a yelp before falling to the ground, freeing John's sword once again. He turned to face the other wolf who was standing looking at the now dead body of his friend. He looked to John, hate in his eyes as he lifted his sword above his head. As he did, John thrust his sword forward burying it into the wolf's chest. The wolf stood for a moment looking at John before dropping his sword and falling to his knees. John pulled his sword from the wolf's chest and turned waiting. He grinned slightly as over two dozen wolves broke through the tree line. He took his sword by the blade and moved it behind him, his tail tip wrapping around the handle tightly. He then drew his second sword and held it in hand. He crouched down and got ready as the wolves ran at him.

Rhodie sat in her room, looking out one of the several windows. She had made it to a nearby town and told then what had happened. She was put on a carriage and sent to the capital, as soon as she got there, nearly a day later, she told her father and the king what had happened. They sent a group of men to look for John. They never found him, they found nearly a dozen wolf bodies lying in the clearing she had left him in. But no sign of the black dragon. She whipped a tear away from her eye and sat looking out over the horizon. Her room faced the west side of the castle, overlooking the city and overlooking the road John would have to take if he were to come here. She would stand up and walk onto her balcony as soon as any figure showed up on the horizon, and watch until she could tell if it were John or not. It had been almost a week now. She sighed. No idea what had happened to him, no way of finding out. Nothing but the question of whether or not he was alive. Whether or not he gave his life so she could live. She stood up and walked out to her balcony. A lone figure was walking along the road towards the capital. She stood and watched as it got closer and closer. She was able to make out that it was a dragon, wings behind it, tail as well, and it's scales were... as black as the night.