Planet R

Story by jel2658 on SoFurry

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#2 of Free Requests

Free request for Apalanic. "Human lands on a new planet in the future. Planet has an advanced reptilian species that he meets in a first contact situation. He finds them attractive and find out they have a frustrating seasonal breeding season so teaches them something they don't have. Gay relationships."

"Bridge! Come in bridge! Do you read me!"

The system had no answer. But Adam knew the answer. They were dead. The attack on his ship and the proceeding crash probably didn't leave anybody but him. He cursed. This was a disaster. They were only supposed to be scoping out a new planet for the Committee. It wasn't supposed to go so horribly, horribly wrong.

"Dammit bridge, answer me!" Adam screamed into the microphone (which connected to the system, and that in turn connected to each part of the ship). He collapsed onto the ground, beginning to cry, with the answer only being white noise.


What was he supposed to do now? His mind couldn't handle the stress of mostly everybody he knew dying.

"A.... Adam...?"

Adam leapt back up on his feet, grabbing the microphone again in excitement.

"YES? I'm here!" He cried into it.

"Hey Adam... It's me Thomas... I'm not in a very good place... right now," he hacked, "I don't have... much time left..." Thomas was the mechanic of the ship. If he was to die then Adam knew he would never get off this planet.

"Don't talk like that, man! Where are you?"

"I... I don't know..."

"Well, what do you see?"

"I... it's getting... dar...k..." The system clicked, before becoming regular static again.

"No... no no NO!!" Adam screamed out into whatever planet they had landed on, before falling to the ground in exhaustion.

"Damn it... I can't... fall asleep now..." he mumbled, before muttering incoherence and passing out.

He woke up to a sound of humming and warmth. His vision was blurry, but he could definitely tell he was in a cave of some sort, with somebody nearby.

"...hnnn?" he moaned aloud, unable to form any coherent words.

"Hmm? Oh! You're awake!" The other person in the room exclaimed, running over to where Adam was. Adam could only see a blurred version of him, but... was he green? Did he have a tail?

"Don't try to get up, you're still very weak from your injuries. What I'm presuming is some sort of ship apparently crashed and you were still in it, but you had passed out long ago," the... creature explained to him. "You probably already knew it had crashed but I thought you would want to know that... I'm rambling, aren't I?" The green person walked away to tend to something else. "Anyway, I'm Rach Thiliar, and you are...?"

"A... Adam..." Adam grunted in response.

"Well, Adam, it's nice to finally, sort of, meet you," Rach said, walking back toward Adam with something in his hand, "but you're going to need to drink this now, okay?" He opened Adam's mouth for him and poured the contents in. Adam felt woozy and began falling asleep again.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you!"

Adam woke up again, this time completely. He jumped out of the cot he was on and looked around. It was definitely a cave he was in, although it appeared that it had been made a home by somebody. There was a fireplace, and several areas that had more cots and weird items. Adam looked and saw a light far off in the distance of the cave. He ran, not noticing he was completely naked.

His feet pushed him as far as he could, eventually slowing down as he got to the entrance of the cave. The daylight shown through, practically blinding Adam. He shielded his eyes with his hand. He could barely make anything out but... he heard people? Well, at least he thought they were people, he couldn't see anything/anyone resembling a human. He attributed this to the fact his eyes were used to darkness and he had recently sustained a lot of injuries, which may have caused difficulties with vision. His eyes started to adjust.

What he saw definitely shocked him. There weren't any people, at least, in the sense of how most people were. They were... reptilian, to be blunt. Not a particularly large group, but there were enough of them to shock Adam, especially with their alien features. He stepped further out into the light until a reptilian saw him and came up to him.

"Oh dear! You shouldn't be out here so soon!"

Adam recognized the voice as that of his savior from the cave. Rach was the name, wasn't it?

"Erm... where... am I?" Adam fumbled out, looking around the scenery to try and get his bearings. Rach chuckled.

"You came to a new planet without knowing anything about it? That wasn't a very good idea." The lizard took Adam's shoulder and guided him back into the cave. "It's best you rest before you strain yourself too much."

Days passed. Adam slowly got better, eventually leaving the cave with Rach to run various errands. He learned a little more about the planet; the people's customs, their ideas, everything that pertained to them. He learned that Rach's duty was to fulfill the demands of whomever he could, as long as they were in reason. He found out, and quite surprisingly, that they didn't have a monetary system, just worked together to feed, clothe (albeit very minimal clothing), and shelter the inhabitants of their village.

"That's not to say other villages don't have systems like that," Rach explained, "just that it isn't very common."

Soon, months began to pass. Although Adam knew he probably looked very strange to the reptilian people, as they did to him, they didn't seem to mind him much. In fact, they seemed fairly open to differences in each other. It seemed the only rules they had were to help each other out. Adam slowly became an integral part of the village. With everything from the ship down and him being light years away from any station that would come looking for him, he needed to adjust, as he might not even ever be saved. The Committee wasn't known for its... compassion.

However, in the later days of what he would call summer, he noticed a change in the male reptilians' behavior. Their demeanors became slightly more... disorderly. It became clear to him that this was something every being was dealing with. He decided to ask Rach about it, as they were cleaning the cave.

"Oh, um..." Rach seemed flustered, "see, it's due to a... hiccup in our natural state of being."

"A hiccup? What do you mean?"

"Well, uh... see, the thing is... males of our species have a heat cycle different from the females. The females are in heat once every four seasons, but the males... have an extra heat cycle two seasons later."

Adam suddenly realized why Rach was so flustered, and felt increasingly awkward himself. "So... what do you do?"

Rach shrugged. "Women mostly won't agree to sex outside of the synced season of breeding, but there are a few who... will agree to helping some men. However, this village doesn't have any woman like that... so us males are left to... well, our hands."

Adam was silent for a bit, before asking, "what about... with each other?"

Rach looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Why don't the males help each other out? I'm sure it would take away a lot of the stress." Rach took a moment, before realizing what Adam meant.

"Well, how? Men don't have... you know."

Adam laughed. "Use your mouth." Rach looked shocked.

"What, like... suck another man's... genitals?"

Adam approached Rach slowly. "Here, get down on your knees." He did as was commanded, coming face to face with Adam's crotch, which had gotten hard during their conversation. He gulped. Adam slowly pulled down his pants, letting his cock come out for air. "Open your mouth." Rach did as he was told. Adam's hips come up to the entrance of Rach's mouth, before slowly going in. He put his hands on the back of Rach's head and pushed until his cock was all the way in his mouth.

"Alright. Now, suck it like a teat." The reptilian mouth closed around his cock and Rach started slurping it up. Being an amateur, his teeth kept scraping against Adam, making him grimace a little. "Watch your teeth, I'm not food." Rach re-positioned the member in his mouth and continued slurping away, his own cock getting hard(er) as he did so. "See? It's even fun for those who do the sucking."

The lizard brought his hand up to the base of Adam's cock to hold it, while he started to bob on his delicious treat. With how pent up and in heat the reptilian was, just the act of servicing someone who needed it started to make him moan. He rolled his tongue around the rod and plunged in faster, this time getting the hang of it. Adam himself wasn't feeling too bad either, having been pent up himself since the ship had crashed on this planet. He moaned loudly, almost as loud as the one who was giving him a blowjob. It wasn't too long before Rach came in his pants, having enjoyed the cock so much he didn't even need to touch himself. Adam came soon after. The idea of a guy cumming just from sucking him off really helped. Rach also enjoyed slurping up the cum, getting as much as he could down his throat.

"Ah... fuck..." Adam moaned. Rach looked up, cum dripping from his snout. He smiled blissfully.

"Did I do it right?"

"Oh... fuck yeah..."