Dag Gone Dobie

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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A doberman and a pit bull have a conflict while in a gym they frequent...

Story concept by Linkin.

The trick behind defeating a larger opponent is to know, not how to out maneuver them, but in how to out think them. To put them into a situation for which you will have the most control and thereby utilize your own abilities to the utmost while allowing theirs to work against them. At least, that was what one Dobie thought as he stared into the sneering muzzle of a certain taller Pit Bull who just so happened to have been the so-called 'leader' of the gym they both frequented. The larger male, being both older and more muscular, was all but salivating as he tried to keep his temper in check while looking down over the smaller Doberman who had thought to challenge his spot as Top Dog.

"You want to repeat that, runt?" The harsh breath of the white furred male made the black and tan canine roll his head to the side, the offer for a tick-tack on his lips.

"I think you heard me, but I can say it again as many times as you like, Hank." The Doberman, who couldn't have been more than five foot five feet tall, at maybe about one hundred and eighty pounds of solid muscle unfolded his shoulders from in front of his body and then opened his sleek muzzle to speak, "I'm going to take your spot here as Top Dog today."

The hush that came over the formerly buzzing gym was almost deafening as the crowd of anthromorphs looked on in awe as the much smaller canine made his challenge known to the brawny building of muscle and sweat that was Hank. Most of the people in the gym already knew about the animosity that had been brewing between both males, it was no secret that the two dogs had it out for each other, though over what only god knew. However, this was the first time the smaller Doberman had ever been so bold as to let his intentions be known. Everyone simply assumed that the Dobie was all talk, what with him not being either that much of a gym bunny as Hank was, nor all that aggressive, as what would fit a true 'Top Dog' by all accounts. However,

"And after I beat you, you have to admit that you're my bitch." If it was possible for there to exist a depth of sound below silence at that moment when the last word left the Dobie's lips it became a reality.

Hank, there was no accurate way to describe what happened with the pit bull as flashes of emotion crossed over the other male's face so fast that it looked as though the other were going through spasms.

"What did you just say?" The pit bull had both of his ears curled within the smaller canine's direction, his wide black eyes all but bugging out from his sockets as he was sure that...

"You have to admit that you're my bitch, Hank." The doberman said while smirking up at the other man, his muzzle wrinkled back over his impressively white fangs in a knowing "You do understand what that means, don't you?"

The movement of Hank's arm as the other threw a wide punch at the smaller Doberman was like watching a train crashing into a building. Everyone saw it, but no one could look away as they prepared to witness the Dobie's carcass become pasted onto the end of the larger canine's knuckles. It was a little known fact that Hank was both a champion streetfighter as well as a weight lifting champion around this side of town; the pit bull even had his own shop where he taught kickboxing, something that made him attacking the Doberman synonymous with murder. Yet, in a strange twist of fate, instead of possible rearranging the other man's internal organs, possibly even breaking a few important bones, namely the ribs, the pit bull his thin air. When the world seemed to right itself once more, time having slowed from the moment when the punch was thrown to when the pit bull pulled his arm back, everyone in the gym looked to see the grinning face of the Doberman as he stood a bare few centimeters over to the pit bull's left. The fact that the smaller male seemed relatively unphased by the titan of flesh and bone which swept its way across the side of his face to return to its owner's side made echoing murmurs flow across the air of the gym.

"The hell...?!" Hank asked, a deep frown on his face as he tried to understand what just happened.

"And then maybe to make things more official, I'll mount you in front of the window over there so everyone can see that size really doesn't matter when compared to ability." The second punch met thin air, the same as the first, at the same time the pit bull roared out loud causing several to cower in fear.

"I'm going to make you pay for this, Aaron!" Hank swore, his eyes almost glowing as they burned with an indignant fire. "You've always been a little prick, but I think now I need to put you into your place." Memories of the times between the two men popped into Hank's head like a broken movie reel going haywire; so many instances when the Dobie had tried to challenge the other's authority, sometimes even going so far as to actually show him up in front of someone, made the pit bull bark loud enough to rattle some of the weights.

"So then, you accept my challenge?" Aaron smirked, his jade eyes shimmering bright as he looked from the other man over to somewhere behind him,

"You damn right I do!" Hank snorted, his heavy breaths sounding almost like that of a hogs.

"Good, let's get started then!" And then off the Doberman went to one of the weight benches. "How about the first person who can do two hundred reps wins the first out of five challenges for the rank of Top Dog?" Aaron was already moving to replace some of the heavier weights that were set onto the weight bar as he spoke.

"Fine, but you had to bench your weight limit!" Hank called back, receiving a flippant wave of the Doberman's hand for his troubles.

"Sure thing, stud." Aaron called from over his shoulder. The bark that followed from the Dobie's comment brought a laugh onto Aaron's face.

Hank moved with purpose as his steps took him over to a lone bench, his massive form somewhat lumbering as the streetfighter set nearly two hundred pounds of metal onto both sides of the steel bar. Once the two were ready, both dogs got themselves into position, calling for someone to spot them, and then, together, they reached up to take their respective bars into their hands. Up went the steel and iron, the muscles along both canine's arms tightening as thick veins bulged outwards along their respective fur and then,

"One!" Both males counted at the same time, holding the respective bars as the lowered the steel bars down against their respective chests before pushing them back up again.

Minutes passed within the gym in something of a pregnant pause as everyone waited to see what would become of this strange form of battle which was being fought between the two males. The field for which the fight had been drawn was not one that anyone would have expected, what with the two different males struggling to pump the iron with calm, yet focused efficiency. Yet, as the Doberman and Pit Bull continued to bench press against one another, many of the voices within the crowd began to louden. Soon enough cheers, and a couple of well placed bets were being made as the patrons of the gym egged the two men on, some even going so far as to chant out the two dog's names.

"Aaron! Aaron! Aaron!"

"Hank! Hank!! Hank!!"

"Both of you, seriously, cut this shit out!" One lone voice said against the dim, the owner being a fluffy pink corgi who happened to be a well-known acquaintance of both males.

"Shut up, already!" Hank shouted, his words going unheard as the corgi female continued to try and talk sense into the two.

"Please, both of you, this...this is crazy!" The corgi had to actually move around to the other side of the crowd as her smaller form was dwarfed by the group who seemed to be trying to unconsciously push her out of the way.

"Stay of out this, Mel." Aaron said, his voice laced with tension as the Doberman counted his hundredth and ten rep.

Seeing as there was nothing that she could do, the small canine chose instead to watch as the two dummies continued to struggle against one another, the both of them pushing each other on with their continued lifting. Once the two males reached their two hundredth rep, both curled their arms back, their individual spotters grabbing at their bars, and then set them down into place inside of the benches handles.

Pulling themselves up, both Aaron and Hank were panting hard, sweat literally raining down their bodies like rain during a storm. Towels and bottles of water were handed to both, unsurprisingly by a certain miffed corgi girl as she glowered at the two. Back behind them, money was being exchanged as the crowd paid up, or were paid, for their individual bets.

"Now that we're done here, let's go to the treadmill." the chipper tone of Aaron's voice made Hank scowl, the Pit Bull clenching the fingers of his right hand together as though he were attempting to ring them around something.

It didn't take a genius to realize what that 'something' might have been as the other bored holes into the t-shirt covered back of a certain Doberman.

"Quit staring at my ass!" Aaron said, completely catching Hank off guard. Turning his head around to look at the other, the green eyes canine gave the other man a saucy wink before saying, "You're not going to be tapping it after I beat you, anyway." The crowd watching parted like the Red Sea as the Pit Bull let out a roar so loud that it made a few ear drums pop.

Everyone knew that Hank had this 'thing' about fags; it was no secret after he the first few comments he had made during his formative days at that particular gym how much he didn't like homosexuals. So in watching Aaron parade himself around, as the Pit Bull liked to call it, his swishy ass trailing up and down the halls of the gym while the Doberman casually flirted with almost any guy that struck his fancy, Hank had made it VERY clear what he thought of the other male. Now, normally, most men backed down and stayed away from the other when the white furred canine had made his disgust with them known - the rumors even said that Hank had been found guilty of assault several times for beating a guy to a pulp for being a homo - however, the almost stupidly fearless Aaron had only laughed. Calling the Pit Bull 'repressed' and even 'in the closet' had made many sure that the Doberman was going to be in the back pages of the obituaries after the other got a hold of him, but oddly enough, Hank never so much as laid a hand on the others.

Today might see a change in this truth as Aaron seemed to almost be begging the other man to pound him into the floor.

"How about we do sixty miles for thirty minutes?" The Dobie offered as he watched his rival move over to a treadmill opposite of him.

"Whatever, I can do seventy-five miles in thirty-five!" Hank replied, his gruff voice somewhat strained from the fatigue he was feeling.

"Hmm, ok then, I'll try that myself." Aaron turned the machine on, setting the speed to the desired level, and then slowly began to jog. "Also, just so you know, neither one of us when the first competition since we both finished up at about the same time."

"Whatever." Hank couldn't deny this fact as he wasn't sure who had won what, his mind was so focused on beating the runt that.

And then there the two were, jogging together at seventy-five miles per hour side by side like champion race dogs running across track. Several of the people within the gym had to leave, as work and other responsibilities were calling them away, though for those who stayed they got a chance to watch as the two men huffed and puffed, tongues rolling out from their respective muzzles as they kept in step with each other. Sweat poured down the both of their bodies onto their shirts, matting the cotton until the material actually stuck to their bodies like glue. The scent of musk rising from off of the two stunk the air as the air conditioning units blew down around them, trying, in vain, to remove the odor which was causing the entire gym to grow funky.

"Seriously, guys, come on already!" Mel barked, the pink corgi flipping her head between both males somewhat wildly as she just knew someone was going to be hurt in all of this.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up, bitch?!" Hank said, the Pit Bull's voice so harsh that it made the female back up a touch, her ears flopping as she suddenly felt very small for some reason.

"Hey, be nice," Aaron barked, the growl rising his in throat belying the smile that had crossed his face as the Dobie's anger began to overcome him. "She's only trying to watch out for us. No need to get pissy, Hank."

"If I wanted her help I'd..." was about as far as the Pit Bull got before he accidently missed a step causing his large body to trip.

Because he was on the treadmill, which happened to be moving against him, the Pit Bull found himself being thrown back by the spinning belt underneath him. The sudden 'whoosh' of air was followed with a very loud 'crash' as the white furred canine's ass met the floor of the gym. Aaron barely turned his head to look at the slightly surprised canine as he kept right on running.

"Hank!" Mel shouted, the pink female quickly racing to the other's side to try and help him, only to be shoved away somewhat harshly.

"Are you alright?" The Doberman called from over his shoulder, his body still moving despite his hands moving to turn the machine underneath him to off.

Nothing was said for a few seconds, the snarl coming from the Pit Bull being so nasty that no one dared to both helping him up.

"I'm fine." Hank said, pulling himself to stand a moment later.

"Hmm, well, if you're sure," The Doberman slowed his jog down until he was left simply walking onto the still spinning treadmill. "I guess I win this little challenge, seeing how you..."

"Shut up!" Hank's normal reply didn't phase the Dobie too much as the other merely shook his head before shrugging.

"You think you can handle anymore, or should we just quit for today?"

"This ain't over with until I beat you!" Hank pointed at the black and tanned canine, his arm quivering with repressed tension as he looked ready to jump the other dog at any moment. "And I call the next one!"

"Sure." Aaron crossed his arms over his shoulder, a haughty smile on his face as he smiled knowingly. "Stack machine, right?"

The stunned look on the other male's face made several in the crowd snicker, though they quickly wiped the smug looks from their faces, those who were chuckling anyway, as Hank whipped his head to the side to look at them.

"Yeah." And then off the two went, both Pit Bull and Doberman bumping shoulders as they casually walked over to the machines sitting in the corner of the room. "We stack double our weight for twenty reps!" Hank called out, knowing full well that he would beat the Dobie, seeing as how the black and tanned male rarely bothered to use the stack machine.

"Okay!" Aaron cheered.

The resulting conflict between the two ended just as the Pit Bull had thought; Aaron was good when it came to lifting, but when using trying to press against his own weight the Doberman fell short, stopping at only twelve reps before calling it quits.

"Heh, looks like you're not as good as you thought!" Hank snorted as he finished his eighteenth rep.

"Hmmm, perhaps, but that just makes it one to one between us." The Dobie called back as he watched the other man struggle to push the almost five hundred pounds worth of iron up for the nineteenth time. "Also, since you called this one, you get to call the next; that will make us two for two." The chuckle that escaped the Doberman's lips as he watched the Pit Bull force up the iron weights for the twentieth time did not go missed by those within the somewhat dwindling crowd.

By now it was almost an hour and a half passed when this strange male challenge had been issued. Having began somewhere in the late afternoon, those with children boogied out to go and pick up their cubs, while those who had other plans for the evening were slowly trickling out to go about their own way. Even little Mel had had to leave, the corgi woman needing to go and pick up her boyfriend from his job at the airport this week until his car could get out of the shop. Neither Aaron nor Hank cared about this, though, the two men were almost resonating with each other on a mental level as they sought to try to defeat the other in this unusual test of wills.

"Fine, uh..." Hank looked around the gym, his eyesight getting somewhat blurry as he found his body trying to slow him down against his will. "We do...uh..." There wasn't much that the Pit Bull could think of to try, what with him normally coming in to hit the weights before leaving to go punch a bag at his place. Never liking the feel of using the all too small punching bags that the gym supported, the white canine was at a loss as to what he could beat the other canine in next.

"How about we do thirty laps?" Aaron offered, his voice somewhat low as he noted the uneasy look that crossed over the Pit Bull's muzzle.

"I don't know how to swim." Hank replied with casual boredom.

"Really?" Aaron blinked at that. The Doberman was almost sure that the other man could easily take to the water, what with him being so limber, despite his massive build.

The scowl that the Pit Bull sent his way made the Dobie raise his hands up to his face. "Hey now, I didn't know and just thought to ask." Hank looked as though he were about to say something...rather unpleasant, but before he could Aaron cut him off, "Well, since we're one for one, let's make it the best two out of three and arm wrestle for the last point."

"You're on!" Hank said fast enough to make the Doberman smirk in surprise. "Bring your skinny ass over to the table and let's do this!" The Pit Bull sounded almost happy as he marched his way out of the gym to the sitting area in front of the building.

Aaron didn't say a word as he followed after the Pit Bull, yet the smile that peeled back the edges of his lips made many wonder. What was left of the crowd followed after the two, the gym patrons wanting to see who would reign supreme from this final battle. At a table of Hank's choosing, the one nestled closets in front of the window looking outside at the darkening street of the city, ironically, the two men sat down together and then placed their arms onto the table.

"I'm going to win this one, runt." Hank sneered, the muscles of the Pit Bull's forearm almost trembling as the other flexed his fingers like snakes looking to strike at the Doberman. "There's no way you can beat me when it comes to arm wrestling." This was something Hank was counting on as he had never once lost a battle of brute strength between himself and any other man, not when it came to pure muscle.

"When I win, you have to take your shorts off and then wrap them around your muzzle." Aaron said simply. "I don't want to hear your whines when I mount you." The stub of the Doberman's tail was wagging a mile a minute as its owner chuckled devilishly up at the taller male.

"When 'I' win, you're going to pay for my membership here for the rest of the year, and then I think I'm going to make you the new towel boy at my place." Hank barked, his lips pulling back over and across his muzzle in a sneer that made several hearts pause.

"You're on." Aaron complied.

The loud 'slap' of the two canines meshing their hands together sounded like a gong being stuck; both males knitted their brows together, growls of dominance seeping from out of their wrinkled muzzles as they both counted down from three together...

"Three!" Aaron and Hank shouted into each other's face; jet black and shining jade orbs focused intently on one another.

"Two!" The crowd surrounding them chanted both of their names, those who supported their chosen challenger standing behind them.

"One!" Muscles strained, fingers clasped together tightly, noses wrinkled, and harsh pants ghosted out from two muzzles hard enough that the vapors could be seen.

And then both men pushed against each other.

The sudden knock of one hand hitting the hardwood of the table made time stop as all eyes looked to the victor.

"I win." Aaron said, his green irises starring down in mirth at his dark brown paw laid flat atop Hank's own white hand.

"H-h-how?!" Hank's lips trembled as he looked to where his defeated arm lay beneath his rival's.

"See, while you were going about trying to outdo me, I was out pacing you." Aaron explained, his hand still firmly atop the Pit Bull's own as he felt the other male try to remove his fingers from where they were still clasped together. "You overworked yourself, Hank," Aaron said, his explanation continuing. "You could normally beat me when it came to lifting and bench pressing, but all the time you were struggling I was just waiting until you wore yourself out, like you are now, to take you down." The Doberman turned his head to where his hand was still gripped around the Pit Bull's own. "You can't even move that arm now unless I let you."

Hank could say nothing to this, his own body betraying him as he tried to force the other male's arm up off of him...all with little success.


"Get up." Aaron said as he released the other from his grip. The defeated Pit Bull did so with little resistance, his mind still in shock.

"Shorts...around mouth." Aaron said, his voice growing firm as he stared at the somewhat broken canine in front of him.

Nothing happened for several moments, the crowd wondering if the Pit Bull would renege on his word, before the motion of Hank reached down to grab the waistband of his shorts caught everyone's attention. There was little to be said as the white furred male slowly slipped the nylon down from his hips, the jockstrap he wore beneath, stained slightly from the combination of sweat, piss and musk, shown to all as Hank bent his head down, opening his muzzle to insert his shorts into his maw. Tying the material over and around the back of his head, the defeated Pit Bull didn't bother muttering a peep as he lifted his head up to look at his new alpha in submission.

Aaron felt his soul all but explode with joy as he watched his new beta take his place over by the window of the gym. The Doberman had already known that Hank's pride would make him into an obedient bitch, but in seeing the other, his tail hiking out of the way, the tink of his pink rosebud being offered for all to see while the other placed his forehead against the wall in front of him, in such a way, Aaron felt a new sense of dominance overcome him as he walked over to the tired Pit Bull. Not much needed to be said as the Doberman made his way over to the other male, Aaron tugging at his own gym sweats as he sought to unsheath his hard prick from the tight fitting cotton. A breathless pause covered the area of the building as everyone present, even the receptionist who was trying to look over her desk to see what was going on, watched as the Dobie brought himself up next to his former rival.

Pressed together back to front, the two looked almost exotic; Aaron's dark creamy fur drinking up Hank's own pure white body.

"You're going to love being my bitch, Hank." The Doberman whispered up at the other, their height difference making it so that the smaller canine had to stand on the balls of his feet. "I promise to be very good to you as I make you mine." The whimper than came from the bigger male followed with the Pit Bull lowering his ears onto the top of his head.

The resounding slap of a large hand hitting flesh made several jump.

"No complaining now." Aaron said, watching with glee as the other male nodded to him before going silent. Reaching up to bring two fingers to his muzzle, Aaron looked over his slightly sweaty digits before turning his gaze down to have a look at the other canine's raised tail. The slight shiver coming from the thin whip of an appendage made a funny look cross over the dark male's face.

No one knew what to say as they watched the Dobie grab hold of the Pit Bull's jockstrap, the smaller dog gently lowering the white cotton down until he got it down to the other's feet. Once he had removed the article the Doberman did something no one was expecting. The bark Hank let out proved that not even he was expecting what happened, not that that was all that surprising, given the other's current position.

The sight of Aaron with his nose buried inside of the taller dog's rump, the black and tan Dobie's stub of a tail wagging a mile a minute, made for some very lewd comments as the patrons of the gym watched the dominant male licking his tongue out along the length of the white canine's taint. The firm slurp of wet flesh covering the sweat covered hole got a few of the other males within the gym to chub, some even going so far as to reach down to rub over themselves from the erotic show. None of this matter to Aaron though, the Doberman was concentrating too hard on making sure that he properly prepared the other male for the thick girth hiding inside of his underwear for that. Or, it might have been that the Doberman was too busy enjoying the flavor of his new subordinate's rump to care about what was happening around him; the unique taste that was 'Hank' made for a delicious treat for Aaron, the Dobie rolling his head around as he tried to snake his tongue into the too tight hole before him.

For Hank, the Pit Bull was currently seeing white spots that looked very much like stars in front of his eyes as he felt his legs turning into jelly underneath him. Being straight, or rather formerly straight as he soon would be, the other male had never once thought about applying anything up his rump. Just the thought before would have been enough to weird the Pit Bull out as he could never imagine why anyone would want anything 'up there'. Now though, as his alpha slipped his tongue up into his tailhole, the firm but moist organ digging in deep up inside of him, pushing against things that the Pit Bull have never thought were there, made the larger canine moan openly, his body giving up any thoughts of struggling as he gave him over to the newly dominant Aaron. The Doberman, for his credit, made sure to get his tongue everywhere he could up inside of the Pit Bull's, thankfully, clean rectum. The heat of the inner channel was enough to make his tongue feel as though it were going to melt, yet that brought a throng of excitement to the Doberman.

Reaching down to begin rubbing himself through the fabric of his underwear, Aaron imagine how often he was going to be tasting the fine rump in front of him. The scent of Hank's musk, all heady and masculine, made the Dobie's normally playful mind rear itself up. Moving his head back to pop his tongue out of the now slightly sticky tailstar, Aaron smirked as he looked up at the whimpering Pit Bull.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Hank, anything you want to admit to the crowd?" The Dobie watched as the white canine shook his head rapidly in the negative. "Are you sure about that?" A tight nod answered the other male's question. "Ok then, I guess I'm going to have to leave you like this then." That got some immediate attention as Hank flipped his head back to look at the Doberman as though he had gone mad. "Well, I'm sure you know this, but I'm no rapist, Hank. I also don't like fucking people unless they want me to, so if you want me to stop you can just say so." Why the Doberman was admitting this now actually befuddled almost everyone present as the onlooking ensemble was sure that the smaller male was going to have his way with the larger Pit Bull no matter what Hank had to say about it.

This strange turn of events made it so that no one knew what to do or say, however, Hank ended surprising everyone. Pushing his hips back into the other's nose, his tail beating at the top of Aaron's head almost incessantly so, the Pit Bull began to make soft, whiny noises.

"I'm sorry, did you want something?" Aaron chose that moment to play dumb as he pressed his hand forward, moving the wagging butt in front of him forward out of his face. "If you want me to fuck you, then you're going to have prove it to me, otherwise I'm going to go and back my stuff for home." Hank's wide eyes searched around frantically as he tried to figure out some way for which he could get that wonderful feeling tongue back up inside of his booty. "Here's a tip, if you really want me to take you like my bitch," Aaron picked himself up, turned on his heel, and then made his way over to the table the two of them had arm wrestled across, "Come over here and bend down with your chest against this table," the Doberman patted at the wood for emphasis, smiling as he watched the Pit Bull cock an eyebrow in question.

A second later the large, white furred canine had himself in position, his head almost off of the other side of the too small table as he stuck his backside up for his alpha.

"Good boy," Aaron said, the laughter in his voice enough to scald as the mirthful chuckles whipped at the Pit Bull's pride. "Now, just to make sure you are really serious about this, would you mind if I blindfolded you?" That got a grunt from the larger male. "I'm sorry, was that a yes, or a no?" Hank said nothing for a total of three seconds before he turned his head, his eyes falling over the leering crowd of gym goers staring back at him, before he nodded his head. "Excellent." Aaron replied.

What happened next shocked everyone. Removing his underwear from around his body, the Doberman folded the material into two before moving to slip the cotton material over the Pit Bull's face and nose. The shock of suddenly smelling his alpha everywhere all at once made Hank shudder and flail slightly, but a warning growl ended his feeble attempts to resist.

"Mine." Aaron snarled, his playful personality seeming to have flipped a complete one hundred and eighty degrees as his bruning emerald eyes looked down at the other male as though he were prey. "You're mine now, Hank, just like you were always meant to be." Aaron didn't waste anytime giving the other man a chance to think over what this strange statement meant, instead, the Doberman reached down underneath the table to grab at the Pit Bull's cock, angling the rising mass of pink flesh so that it was stuck firmly underneath the, thankfully, clean underside of the hardwood beneath him.

Once it was clear that the other was not going to be going anywhere, or getting in added stimulation from sliding himself across the polished surface of the table, Aaron moved his hand down to the side of his own shaft, which was now completely rigid against his tan tummy.

"Going to fuck you so hard, Hank." Aaron whispered as he began to rub at himself, canine precum spitting out from the head of his shaft to lube his more than generous endowment. "Make you howl for me, over and over." The Doberman seemed to be in a world of his own as he clenched his eyes shut, his hips tugging forward as he humped at the air. "Have you licking at my cock after I'm done, slurping a taste of your own ass and my spunk before I cover your nose with it." A few moans behind him drowned out the sound of the Pit Bull's own croon, but Aaron chose to ignore them in favor of shifting the length of his manhood down to where the pointed glands of his head pressed against the pink bud of the submissive doggy before him. "Then, gonna take you home with, have you strapped down and then ride you all night long."

The force of Aaron snapping his hips forward was met with a loud cry as Hank howled through the gag in his mouth as his anal virginity was stolen. The Doberman didn't seem to care about this too much, probably because the heat and tightness coming from the whimpering Pit Bull was causing his nuts to boil over as testosterone surged up throughout the black and tan canine's body. It was through grace and mercy that Aaron held himself still as he allowed his beta's inside to slowly grow use to the mass that had speared it. There would have been no way that the Pit Bull would have on been able to take the fullness of the Dobie's shaft on the first thrust, though that was something Aaron planned to work on. The Doberman had already had it in mind that he was going to ruin the other male's ass for anyone else.

"Mine. Mine. Mine." Aaron chanted, both verbally and mentally as he laid himself down on top of the larger canine's back. The mixed scent of his musk and his bitch's pheromones rising up into his nose loosened the shackles of civility encompassing Aaron's mind until there was little left but animal ferocity.

The first thrust of his muscular hips was proof of the Doberman's virility as the Dobie ground himself home, the tip of his large shaft pressing hard against Hank's prostate. The groan that Pit Bull let out was so loud that it caused the table underneath the two of them to shake. Hank felt as though his mind were being blown as he let his alpha do as he wished, Aaron rocking his hips back and forth, slowly, but with purpose as he sought to drill himself in deep inside of the hole that had always escaped him. The thought that he was becoming a...fag made a deep impression on the already unsure Pit Bull's rationality; the feel of his alpha reaching down to caress his plump balls not helping any.

Aaron, despite being lost into the throes of sexual ecstasy by banging the virgin rump before him, was still clearly in control as he made sure to give his bitch as much satisfaction as he could. Rubbing at the massive orbs carrying Pit Bull puppy batter, Aaron let out a few whimpers of his own as he imagined feel the larger male's thick, rich milk seep deep inside of his body, the other claiming him in the same way he was going to mark the Pit Bull. That didn't stop the Dobie from what he was doing however, no, Aaron's hips were moving like a piston gone crazy as he sunk his thick doggy dick up inside of the submissive Pit Bull with bruising humps. The steady 'slap' 'slap' 'slap' sounds of the two of them joining together in sexual bliss made it so that Aaron was going to leave telltale marks on the back of Hank's rump for at least a few days to come.

That mental image brought with it a devious smile onto the Doberman's face. The feeling of his knot inflating, the bulbous girth expanding and then beating against the back of the Pit Bull's body made it so that Aaron would only need a few more thrusts before he was at his full width. How the other was going to get himself into the Pit Bull at that point Aaron hadn't a clue, but as he leaned himself up further onto his beta's back, the Doberman unconsciously knew how. The hard press of his fangs into the lower end of Hank's shoulderblade followed with Pit Bull freezing and then going still as all of the nerves within Hank's body suddenly shut down. Modern living may have erased some of the animal understanding that governed the animal kingdom turned anthropomorphic, but all canines recognized the feeling of another's teeth embedding themselves into one's body.


That was what was demanded.

Pure and simple.

The one who made the gesture demanded complete obedience and nothing less would be accepted. Aaron proved this to be so as he squeezed along Hank's nuts, the Pit Bull's thick cock, roughly ignored up to this point, spat out a large wad of fluid against the table as the larger male let his body so completely slack.

Jet black eyes stared into the darkness the musk scented cloth covering his face provided as Hank tried to figure out what was going on. Everything...felt so weird to him. As though his mind were not his own as his body surrendered to the smaller dog rutting against him with the kind of fury that put much of what the Pit Bull could muster to shame. Nothing made sense anymore! It all was so wrong...but it felt so damn good at the same time. The pleasure coursing through his blood felt like a living heat, the sensations all pooling down into his cock as his large dong throbbed crazily underneath him. Backing his butt up against Aaron's hips was the Pit Bull's undoing, though, as the sudden change in position allowed the Doberman to corkscrew his knot into Hank.


The sound was so loud it made those not currently rubbing, sucking, or fucking one another jump as bleary, lust fogged eyes turned to watch the alpha Doberman greedily jack hammer his hips into his beta. Aaron's teeth were dug so forcefully into Hank's fur that the impression of fangs would be left long after the other had pulled himself loose, at least, that was how it appeared from the rising pink stains running across the edge of the Dobie's lips.

Taste, scent, and touch, these senses were going on overdrive as Aaron mated with his bitch so hard that his balls were all but bouncing against Hank's own tightly drawn orbs. The hand that was still holding them, the Doberman having never once given up on taking hold of the other male's scrotum, clenched down, denying Hank anything other than sharp, pain laced pleasure as Aaron himself pulled his crimson stained muzzled up from off of the Pit Bull's bleeding shoulder to howl loud into the growing evening.

"HOOOOOOWWWWLLLLLL!!!!" The sound was like something from a nightmare, that was just how beautifully horrific it was.

Yet, despite the cry which shook the walls, not to mention the hearts of all present, no one could deny that the alpha Doberman looked beautiful as he halted himself from where he was sluggishly pumping himself into his new mate as he lifted one leg up onto the table while slowly beginning to inseminate the submissive Pitt Bull. A few heads turned to watch as Aaron's nuts drew up into his body, the low hanging tan colored orbs seemed to be almost vibrating as they writhed together while sending up their contents into Hank's ass. The knot, large as a orange as it was, kept anything from spilling back out as the Dobie hissed and crooned, his eyes shut tight as he pointed ears flicked back and forth, his short, stub of a tail wagging excitedly as the Doberman finally had what he always wanted.

Down below him, Hank could do nothing more than moan and whimper as he felt the hot flow of male seed flood up inside of his tailhole like a tsunami. The knowledge of what that now meant, that he would forever be known as a bitch in the canine community, made it so that Hank merely sighed as he rested his forehead against the table. Centuries of repressed instincts came online all at once as Hank clenched his muscles around the shaft inside of him. The fullness that he was experiencing, what with his guts warming with the load of cum that would not become Doberman pups, made it so that the Pit Bull would be left hungry after his alpha pulled out of him. The heat and pressure, so good, so damn good, had the white furred canine all but sobbing as he began to want more.

More of his alpha.

More of the other male's cum.

In him, so deep, always there where it belonged.

The first few brushes of a tongue against his shoulder caused Hank to cry out. Had the nylon not been in his muzzle all would have heard Aaron's name upon the other's lips, but as it was the muffled noise was left for others to guess the meaning behind. Well, all except a certain Doberman.

Time passed, at it always does, and soon Aaron was spent, his testicles having given up all that they had to offer as the Dobie's cock throbbed and pulsed inside of the only other sheath it would ever be comfortable in. Behind him, those who didn't have the natural equipment to stay locked inside of the mate's of the hour had left the gym behind, exchanging a few phone numbers between them as they did so. For Aaron, this meant diddly as the only thing he needed he had right beneath him.

"I'm going to pull out and then we're going to go home together." The Doberman said all of a sudden. Hank had to shake his head at that, sleep having tried to drag him down into the abyss. When the Pit Bull lifted his head to turn into the direction of his alpha, the larger canine received a firm lick over the snout before he felt the horrible sensation of a the mass inside of his ass trying to exit.

Whimpering and fighting, the Pit Bull tried to resist, however, a firm smack to his ass stopped that.

"Be still!" Aaron growled, his body agreeing with his beta that he belonged right where he was. There was no time for that, though, the Doberman knew that if he didn't get the other male back home soon and breed him again, the day would be wasted, as the Pit Bull still carried with him the stench of dominance underneath his fur.

'Have to breed that out.' Aaron thought somewhat determinedly as he grabbed onto the muscular haunches of the other's pelvis and then pulled.

A second loud 'pop' echoed inside of the room, this time being followed by a squelching noise as a cum stained puppy pecker slipped out from the freshly broken hole of the white furred canine. Aaron took a moment to notice the mess of seed that ran down from the back of Hank's ass, jade eyes sparkling almost like a child's in a candy store as the Dobie's black nose twitched while catching the heady scent of his musk mixing with the Pit Bull's own.

"Hank belongs to me now!" Aaron growled, the voice to the Doberman so loud and deep that it made all head turn to acknowledge him. "And I'm Top Dog around here in the gym for now on, unless someone wants to make beef about it?" The snarl on the alpha Dobie's lips was met with silence, no one seemed to be able to summon up the courage to challenge the other male...at least, for the moment. A loud snort sounded as the Doberman turned his head to look back at the panting Pit Bull.

"Come on, bitch," Aaron said as he stepped back to help Hank stand up. "We're going home now." The Pit Bull didn't quite understand what that meant, his brain somewhat off at the moment, but once his feet touched the ground outside, the cool asphalt a very big difference to the tile, Hank instantly found himself thrashing and flailing around.

"Enough!" The bark stopped the cowering Pit Bull from backing away anymore. "You're mine now, Hank! Mine to do with as I please, and I'm going to see that it stays that way." Aaron's voice, much more harsh that it usually was, caused the white canine to simply nod, Hank's body ceasing the shudder as the words of his new alpha overtook his mind. "Good," a hand reached down for his cock, grabbing hold of the inflated knot, and then began to tug.

"Let's go, then." That was the last thing that Aaron said as he made his way across the parking lot of the gymnasium and then into the Mustang that the Doberman owned.

Hank said nothing as he was set inside of the passenger seat and then strapped inside. The sound of another door, the driver's side more than likely, opening was followed with a key turning into an ignition and then the engine revving to life. What happened next passed by in a blur to Hank as the Pit Bull found himself alone with his thoughts, most, if not all of them, revolving around the male beside him, not to mention the dripping cum oozing from between his stretched pucker. Thoughts upon thoughts overcame Hank until, finally, they all came to a stop at the same time the Mustang did. Movement followed by motion as the white canine was pulled out of the car by cock, which had yet to return to it's sheath, and then led inside of a very pleasant room. A door slamming close made the Pit Bull turn, but soon even that didn't matter as Hank was taken through a hallway, into another room and then shoved onto a very large down mattress.

"Now, you've had your fun," Aaron said, a cap popping open cause Hank's ears to twitch. "but it's time for me to have mine."

The next thing the Pit Bull felt before his mind blanked out was something warm and solid setting itself up onto his lap, followed by a hot orifice taking hold of his leaking doggy dick. The bouncy feeling that caressed his lap would be missed by Hank as true darkness overtook the large canine's mind.