Redwall - A Contest Among Vermin - 2014

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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#3 of Redwall

Some of Slagar's slavers find a way to amuse themselves in Mossflower Woods after their raid on Redwall

A farting contest seemed like such a good idea at the start, then they agreed on the stakes.

Edited by Foxpiper

A Contest Among Vermin by tannim June 11, 2014

The night sky painted Mossflower Woods a deep black beneath the forest. Faint moon and star light added texture to the darkness, but did little to lighten it. An occasional chirp gave away birds nestled amidst the branches high in the trees. As leaves rustled in the light breeze, a lone owl hooted in the distance on the hunt, but throughout most of Mossflower country, the night was otherwise silent.

Around a campfire, and some distance from their camp, that silence was broken by the occasional sob from a newly captured dibbun. Six slavers shared the remains of the evening meal. It was a simple stew, little more than scrounged herbs and roots with a very few chunks of fish mixed in, but it was certainly better than the meager scraps that the slaves had been given.

Skinpaw snorted and took another sip of the far too thin stew. "The cook could at least 'ave used a bit of garlic to flavor this stuff. Some pepper would've 'elped, too."

The other's sitting around the fire muttered in agreement. They were long out of good food with a very long way to go before they'd get any more. At least it was something, though.

The ferret, Scringe, tugged at his impressive nose ring as he eyed the cooked root he'd been chewing on. "Leastwise we ain't starvin' like those sleepin' idjits who couldn't stomach it will be tomorrow."

"We should be movin', not sitting 'ere, sleepin' an' eatin'." The stoat, Browntooth, stirred his stew with a claw nervously. "Them Redwallers... I 'eard about 'em. Killed a whole army they did, Warlord, captains, and all!"

"Bah, those idiots are nothin'. With that powder Slagar gave 'em, they won't be up for a day or two. We got loads of time." Skinpaw, one of three weasels there, along with Fengal and Damper, took the last of the stew. "Eh, I'm glad I ate it, but I'm glad it's gone, too."

There were grunts of agreement from all around the campfire. It had hardly been a tasty meal, but it was better than nothing. They soon dug out their wine skins to hopefully drown out the taste with something more enjoyable.

Deadnose scratched his nose with his spearhaft after a hefty swig. "Anybody know how long it'll be to Malkaris? I want to see all that lovely treasure they'll be givin' us for these slaves."

Scringe snorted at his fellow ferret and wiped his muzzle against his arm. "Aye, they dig up a lot of pretty gems while their slaves are digging. Very lovely and very valuable." He sneered. "But we'll get there when we get there and we've barely started. May take a whole season, who knows."

"A season!" Deadnose jabbed the spear into the loamy ground. "I can't wait that long."

Fengal sniggered. "It won't take no bloody season, so long as we get goin'. If we don't get movin' and are still around 'ere when those Redwallers wake up, we'll all be dead beasts."

"You ever been there? To Malkaris, I mean." Damper shivered and tugged his hood tighter around his head. "I 'eard bad things about Malkaris."

Scringe waved a paw. "They just want the young slaves we're bringin' and they pay very well, that's all you need to know."

Damper sighed in relief, but Deadnose looked back at the tents. "Don't know about you all, but I'm goin' to takes me loot and scoot. I don't want to be near Slagar and the rest when I gots somethin' they want. I'll just get some slaves of me own and settle down for some quality time with 'em."

Scringe sniggered. "Yeah, quality time. Sounds right nice, though. I'll be buyin' some attention from a few vixens I know."

They all gave their own stories of what they'd do with their treasure, each one entirely selfish. The vermin almost all planned to buy some place to live with their every whim catered to by newly purchased slaves. Skinpaw tossed about the idea of forming his own band of slavers, though none of the others seemed interested.

"Nah, plenty to buy from already for a fair price. 'Course, none o' this means anythin' unless we can keep Slagar from cheatin' us out of our shares, anyways." Fengal tossed another stick onto the fire. "I don't trust him to let us keep it."

Scringe shrugged. "We don't 'ave a choice but to trust him, we need him to get to Malkaris."

The slavers drank quietly for a while, thinking pleasant thoughts about their future wealth. It was a perfect night for them. They weren't out in the woods on patrol duty. The night was quiet and the food was plentiful. Their silence and thoughts got dull fast, though. After a couple minutes, they were wondering what else to talk about.

A sudden gurgling pressure inside gave Deadnose an idea. The others looked as bored as he was. Perhaps he could liven things up.

"'Hoi, give a listen to this." The ferret grinned and took a deep breath, just to make sure they were paying attention. Deadnose clenched his jaws, leaned to the right, and strained. A loud blast trumpeted from under his tail for a full three seconds before it trailed off into a few flutters and went silent. He grinned broadly at everybody in pride. "Ha, Beat THAT."

Fengal, Browntooth, and Skinpaw scooted around the fire, away from Deadnose, but Scringe just snorted. "Bah, any little MOUSE can do one THAT small. It was nothing. 'Ave a listen to this."

Scringe took a deep breath, coughed as he caught the surprisingly egg scented gas in his nostrils, and pressed both paws to his chest. After a few seconds he slid his right paw down to the left, leaned over, and lifted his tail. There was a brief silence while he strained, then a loud knocking fart ripped out. It rattled for a few second before smoothing out into a hornlike blast, lasting for around six seconds before sputtering out.

"Ha! Good one, Scringe!" Browntooth slapped his leg. "I bet that woke those lazy paws on sentry duty up!"

Fengal laughed too while theatrically waving his paw in front of his nose. "Phew, good and potent too. I was sure I saw somethin' wriggle away under the loam o'er there!"

Deadnose just scuffed the undergrowth with his foot. "Wasn't that good."

"A lot more impressive than yers, Nosy." Scringe crossed his arms in satisfaction when the others agreed.

"I was just tryin' to cheer everyone up. You try to be a nice beast and look what ya get, a kick in the tail." Deadnose plopped heavily back down.

Fengal snorted. "We ain't kicked ya. Though, if you want a kick, I'm sure we could oblige." The weasel looked thoughtful. "I suppose we could do with a bit of entertainment. Hows about we 'ave a contest? Surely one of you mighty warriors," he ignored the snickers, "can do a bigger blast than Scringe! Let's see who can let loose the biggest, strongest, and noisiest fart!"

Scringe shrugged, eyes still on Deadnose. "Fine. I already went and none of you are goin' to top mine. Feel free to try."

"Nah, you got to do more than ONE. Everybody has to 'ave a round. More fun that way." Fengal squatted. "Here, I'll go first..."

"What's the winner get?" Skinpaw kicked Fengal's back to knock him to the ground.

The weasel glared back. "Winner gets to make the loser do whatever he wants."

"What, anything?" The others all said it together, then laughed the nervous laugh of those who know what that really meant and how it could affect THEM just as readily as any of their fellow vermin.

Fengal got back up and squatted again, arching his back as he strained. A loud series of pops came from under his tail and the fire next to him flared brighter. The pops merged into one loud blast at the end. It was definitely better than Deadnose's, but not as loud as Scringe's."

He panted, then made a face at his own effluence and fanned it towards the others. "Argh, get a load of THIS."

Damper made a face at the potent fumes, but was too eager for his own turn to let them bother him. "Erg, 's like my old messmate's breath after eatin' raw cabbage and garlic for days, but it's my turn and I'll beat THAT."

He leaned to the left, twisted a bit, then fell forward onto his chest on the ground. His rump lifted, his paws grabbed his ass, and he flipped over onto his back with legs in the air, straining visibly. After several seconds, he curled his lower torso up and trumpeted noisily from his ass.

A bird flew from a tree as one long toot echoed around the campfire. It broke up near the end into small poppers until finishing with a loud hiss of gas. He grinned at them all, it had been louder than Scringe's.

"Ha, top THAT."

Scringe sniggered and pat his belly. "Wait'll I go again, mate, I'll show you a real blast."

Skinpaw watched the fire brighten again with the new fuel and was glad he stayed near it. "That was right nasty, Damper. Nothin' compared to the show I can give, though."

Skinpaw simply spun around on his log so his ass faced them, leaned to his right, and clenched. His tail shot up and a his anus gaped visibly in front of them all as he forced his own noisy fart out. No birds flew, but it was still loud enough to not be last.

One by one, the group farted around the fire. The slavers patrolling around the campsite looked in the fire's direction a few times, but didn't intervene. At least it kept them awake and they weren't close enough to deal with the foul odor.

Browntooth pulled a stone near the fire for his turn and made a pretty flame in the air when he blasted on all fours. The others laughed at the fire singing his tail fur as it followed the gas right to him immediately afterward. It was a good show, watching him pat himself out and glare around at everybody. His had barely beaten Deadnose.

Fengal sighed. "Looks like Damper won..."

Damper grinned and poked Deadnose. "Now, I want..."

Scringe pushed the weasel aside. "I said I was goin' again. Nobody said anythin' about only goin' once, and I ain't losin' to one of you stinkers."

He took a deep breath, shifted his hips, then lay on his back, flaunting his ass and groin at Damper and Deadnose. The ferret clenched hard, his cheeks bulging and back arching, until his anus opened suddenly. A foul fume sprayed out that even pushed the leaves nearby away from him.

Birds in the forest around the camp flapped madly out of their trees into the night by the volume. It was one long blast that made the others clap their paws over their ears followed by several more noisy blasts. His tailhole pulsed repeatedly after the fart had finally finished.

Scringe rubbed his rump as though it had hurt to make it that loud. "There... beat THAT."

Damper, Skinpaw, Fengal, and the rest all took another turn, trying their best to beat it, but they all came up short, or too quiet. All eyes then turned to Deadnose, looking nervous as he was the last to take another turn with the weakest of all entries. The ferret swallowed hard when Scringe grabbed his tail and yanked it up.

"Come on, Deady, let's see what you can do. This is yer last chance, unless you want to just concede for me." Scringe laughed when the other ferret tugged his tail away.

"I'm not losing..."

Deadnose stood for several seconds, not liking all of their eyes being on him, then squatted a couple inches and strained. The fart that came out was a bit louder than his first, but certainly not impressive by any standards. His ears wilted at the sound of their laughter. It was worse than the air around the campfire.

"Looks like ye lost, Deadnose." Browntooth sniggered at him and kicked the ferret to his knees with a foot to the rump.

Skinpaw crossed his arms, looking as relieved as the others that it wasn't him. "So what're you goin' to do with him, Scringe?"

Scringe tugged his nose ring, then turned, shoving his smelly ass against Deadnose's face, and let out another eye watering fart directly on his prize's muzzle. He draped his short tail over the ferret's head to trap as much of it as he could while the other slavers cheered him on. Deadnose struggled, but Scringe grabbed his ears and twisted hard to hold him in place.

"Hush 'n lemme think on it a moment." A broad grin spread over Scringe's muzzle after some seconds passed. "Haven't tried that before... why not."

There was a whimper from under his tail. "Tried what?"

Scringe let go of Deadnose's ears and stepped away, tugging at his tunic. He didn't say a word while stripping in front of them. Once he was fully naked, he simply bent over near the fire, paws on the log, and flicked his tail up.

"Lick it, Deadnose."

"Er... lick... what?" The other ferret didn't like what he was seeing.

Scringe sneered at him while the others sniggered. "Spread me cheeks and lick my ass ring, Nosy."

"What? NO! I ain't doin' that, Scringe!"

Skinpaw pat Deadnose on the rump with his spear. "Aye, I don't blame ya, mate. Scringe don't bathe too well." Deadnose looked up at the sound of sympathy, but Skinpaw just laughed. "I'm glad it's you whose gonna lick it and not me!"

There were other quips, but it was Fengal who crouched next to him. "You agreed to the rules, Deady. You know all of us would have done whatever YOU would have wanted had you won." Deadnose stiffened at the feeling of a sword tip suddenly poking into his neck. "We just want you to do the same. You lost, so you do as you're told."

The ferret tried to nod before remembering the sword was there. "Ok! OK!"

He sagged in defeat when the blade was pulled away and stared at the other ferret's ass. How could a fellow beast make him do such a disgusting thing! Knowing that he'd have been willing to make Scringe do it had he thought of it didn't help much. It was not entirely gross, at least by vermin standards, but the threat from Fengal was too real to try and talk his way out of it.

Deadnose made a face and placed his paws on Scringe's ass. Prying apart the other male's furry cheeks wasn't bad, but seeing what he had to lick sure was. It wasn't any filthier than his own and he wouldn't have wanted to lick THAT either. He lifted his head up and was about to turn away when a foot kicked him in the rump and drove his face in.

Only a last second instinctive shove with his own arms saved him from planting his snout into Scringe's ass. There was a disappointed grumble behind him, which made Deadnose feel a little better. He sighed in defeat and at last licked over the other ferret's disgusting hole.

Scringe sighed in the joy at the feeling of power that lick gave him. The lick itself felt good too, but just knowing he'd made Deadnose do it was the real victory. Unfortunately, there were no follow-up licks after it.

Deadnose panted and wiped his tongue with his wrist. "There! I did it."

Scringe turned back and snarled at his toy. "An' who said you could stop, Nosy? Get that tongue back under me tail! You ain't polished my ring clean yet!"

The other ferret whimpered but did as he was told. It was too late to back out after giving in once. The sweaty and musky odor wasn't so bad, really, but the bitter taste was. He found himself missing the smell of the farts as it was better than tasting Scringe's ass.

"At least we won't have to call yer Deadnose anymore." Damper nudged the ferret in the ribs with his foot paw. "Now we can call yer Brown Nose."

Browntooth made a face, not liking how close it was to his own name. "I dunno, how about Stink Tongue?"

Deadnose clapped both paws over his ears to try and block out the teasing. His tongue slid over Scringe's anus as fast as he could bare to move it. The taste had him gagging visibly after just a few more.

"Stink Tongue... Nah, doesn't have the right sound to it." Scringe tapped a claw against a tooth. "Maybe Mucksnout. How're you likin' your dessert, Mucksnout? Smellin' right raunchy, eh?"

"It's awful, Scringe!"

Scringe sneered. "You ain't gettin' out of this, Mucksnout. Now, you takes a deep appreciative sniff so we can all here you enjoy it!"

They all enjoyed watching Deadnose's disgust. He looked sick as he sniffed near Scringe's hole again. All the other slavers had their arms crossed, they weren't going to let him get away even if he tried. He sighed and pressed his nose right against the other ferret's hole for the sniff. The others laughed, and his throat clenched in another gag.

"Ech! There! Now let me out!"

His companions looked quite happy. They enjoyed seeing his humiliation and it gave Scringe the encouragement to push his ass back until Deadnose's snout spread his tailhole. Deadnose couldn't breathe clean air for several seconds until Scringe finally relented and pulled away enough to let him just lick again instead.

Browntooth tapped a claw on his arm. "Y'know, if Scringe told 'im to, he'd 'ave to lick ours just the same."

The others quieted down while they considered it. Deadnose's ears wilted at the idea, but he didn't dare stop licking. Scringe stayed quiet too, just to see what the others would come up with.

Damper flicked his tail nervously. "Er, Scringe, mate. You mind tellin' ol' Mucksnout to lick our ass's too?"

Scringe turned and sneered. "You'd like that, would ya? Why should I?" He pulled away and stood up, leaving Deadnose very glad of the break. "What's in it fer me?"

Skinpaw smirked. "Deadnose's misery."

The losing ferret cringed away from their gazes. He stayed silent, though. Anything he said would likely be twisted against him. They were all out to get him, just like he would have been had somebody else lost.

Scringe rubbed his tail thoughtfully, then squatted over the empty air. "There's an idea, mate, and no mistake, but I has a better one. 'Ere, Deadnose, get on under me tail and suck my arsehole." There were sniggers from around the campfire at just the idea and open laughter as Deadnose crouched behind Scringe's ass. "Yeah, go on now, let's feel them lips."

"You always did like suckin' on sweets, Nosy!"

"Looks like a worm squirmin' around under there."

Deadnose ignored their teasing. It wasn't at all pleasant staring up at a male beast's rump, especially when that beast could sit on him any time and trap him there, but at least the new name had been dropped. Mucksnout was a really nasty name to have to live with. Still, he really didn't want to put his lips around the dank anal ring even if he had just been licking it. With the others around him, however, he had no choice, and reluctantly spread his lips around the tight pucker. At least he'd already licked most of the awful stuff off it.

That earlier cleaning didn't help the taste, though. After his first attempt at sucking, he found there was plenty of the foul bitterness and odor to make him cough. Deadnose couldn't stop himself from turning away after the taste grew too strong, but he reluctantly went back to it after a few seconds.

Scringe sighed happily. "That's it, Nosy, suck on it like a nice candied chestnut."

He'd already lost interest in his new nickname for the other ferret while being rimmed and was happy enough just to enjoy the feeling of his anus bulging into the suction. The pressure felt amazing on that sensitive ring, feeling even better than the licking had felt. Even before the sucking started, he'd been stiff, but he could really feel his excitement grow along with the pressure. He didn't even try to hide his arousal from the others.

Deadnose sucked as best he could, but Scringe's anus kept clenching and partially slipping away from his lips. Each time there was a wet slurping noise as air slipped into the gap. The ferret had to push his muzzle harder against the ring and reseal his lips again to pull it back in.

"He must really like it to be slurpin' so loud, eh, Scringe?" Damper grinned.

Fengal and the rest all enjoyed the show. They tried their best to humiliate Deadnose with their snide remarks. Browntooth walked around to the rear of the show and made sure the losing ferret could see him parodying his ass sucking in the air.

"Really feels nice, it does." Scringe stood up very slowly until Deadnose's lips popped noisily off. He growled and plopped his rump right back down onto the loser's muzzle. "You ought to stop slipping off, Nosy. It'll take longer if you keep playin' around like that. Maybe if you do it harder you won't accidentally pop off."

The others watched Deadnose hesitate. Just that light suction had been bad enough. His lips were already numb from the strain. Any harder would be uncomfortable for him and draw more unwanted flavor out. He couldn't do anything else, though. If he tried to get out, the others would just make him do it anyway.

Deadnose sealed his lips around the damp pucker once more and sucked as hard as he could. Scringe pulled up immediately to make him fail and he had to listen to their laughter at his puckered lips. The other ferret squatted back down, told him to do it again, and actually let it happen, with a sigh of enjoyment at the pressure around his ring.

Fengal snorted in amusement. "Give that dark rose a good sniff, Deady. I'm sure it's got a lovely scent."

Skinpaw chuckled. "I always wondered 'ow he got in this group. Guess he's just good at brown nosing."

The others laughed and teased the unfortunate ferret as well, with Browntooth getting a good hard laugh by suggesting Deadnose could have a few good licks of Scringe's donut for breakfast. Scringe swished his tail lazily back and forth while they tormented Deadnose. The pressure around his anus still had him in a good mood. A sudden rumble in his belly made him perk up, smiling evilly.

Scringe bumped a foot against the other ferret's head a few times. "Push your tongue against it, Nosy. Good 'n hard."

Deadnose clenched his paws in the dirt, digging his claws in with disgusted frustration, but there wasn't much he could do. He pushed his tongue up against the dark muscular ring as best he could. It was hard keeping the seal with his lips trembling from continued sucking, but he managed it. He couldn't put much pressure on it, but Scringe didn't really mind. The rumble in his belly was loud enough for him to hear and he was ready for more fun.

Scringe snugged his ass down more firmly onto Deadnose's muzzle and waited until the other ferret tried pushing his tongue in again. He told him to stop as though bored, then clenched and pulled up at the same time, blasting a massive cloud of gas right into Deadnose's still open mouth. The gagging and coughing that followed made him laugh in delight.

Around him, the others laughed too. Deadnose rolled over onto all fours looking ready to throw up. He'd felt the fart's pressure on his tongue before he'd tasted and smelt it. The moment of confusion at that pressure changed to horror very quickly, even before the true foulness hit him when he realized what had happened.

"Aggg!" Deadnose scrubbed at his tongue with a paw after managing to breathe again. "The taste!"

Scringe sniggered, along with the other slavers. "Such a shame you didn't appreciate me gift, Deadnose. I'm a nice guy, so..." he sat on a log and spread his legs, "here. I'll give you somethin' better tasting."

Damper, Fengal, and Skinpaw all let out a grunt of surprise at the ferret's swollen cock as well as his balls below it. They'd seen him stiffening earlier, but none of them had noticed how well hung he was when fully aroused. Scringe's cocktip reached just beneath his ribs while his scrotum was bigger than his fist. The ferret was shameless at showing himself off to them, but his eyes were on Deadnose and the wide-eyed look of shock on the other male's face.

"Get on over 'ere and suck me off, Deadnose. I'm sure it can't be the first you've had. Yer lips felt like they had plenty of practice over me tailhole just a moment ago."

"Hoi, I ain't sucking nothin' else, Scringe!" He looked pleadingly at the others. "Come on, enough's enough, I did what he said. We never decided on 'ow long and I'm sayin' it was only that one thing, right? Just that one thing, game's over."

"I dunno." Skinpaw squatted next to Deadnose. "We'd all have done it if we was the ones what lost. Isn't that right, lads?"

Browntooth nodded enthusiastically. "That's right. Sucked 'im off right quick, too, just like we were messmates. Do anythin' for a messmate, especially if we lost a game like that." His paw drifted down to his sword. "'Cause if we didn't, we'd be teased with nice sharp words until we did it anyways."

There were nods from the others in agreement. Scringe just sat, idly rubbing his erection with one paw. Deadnose shut his eyes for a few seconds, until Fengal kicked him forward. The miserable ferret reluctantly gave in. He crawled over to Scringe, glared at the others, and opened his muzzle to take it in.

"You sure you want that in his mouth, Scringe? You know where it's been!"

"You want to take his place, Browntooth?" Scringe didn't bother to look at the stoat. "Get to it, Nosy. You don't want to miss dessert, do you?"

Deadnose pushed his muzzle forward onto Scringe's stiff cock before they could think of anything else to say about it. It certainly tasted better than the other ferret's pucker, but it still wasn't very pleasant. Scringe and water weren't friends for bathing and it too, was sweaty and musky.

A paw dropped down to pat him between the ears. "Looks like he knows what he's doin', doesn't it, lads?"

"Heh, I doubt this is the first time he's had one in his muzzle. Just look at him workin' that jaw."

Scringe let them talk. He had his eyes on Deadnose, watching the defeated ferret suck. It wasn't the most interesting motion to watch, since Deadnose was very unimaginative, but it still felt decent. The male's muzzle just stayed in one place, crudely trying to tug on it with his lips.

"Bob yer 'ead, Nosy, and show some enthusiasm. I want to feel you movin'. Bump that snout of yers into me groin to show how much yer lovin' it."

"Ain' lo'in it!" Deadnose growled around the cock in his mouth, but he did as he was told anyway in the hopes it would make it go faster.

While he hadn't blown another male before, he'd certainly had a female doing it for him a couple times. He knew what they'd done and what felt good, he just didn't want to do it for Scringe. He especially didn't want to seem like he knew what to do in front of the others as they'd never let him hear the end of it. Deadnose kept his motions as clumsy and slow as he could while letting his tongue drag along Scringe's shaft and tip as much as he dared.

The taste of ass slowly faded with drool of pre-cum into his mouth. That made it easier to keep going, but it also made him more careless. All around him, the others watched for anything they could comment on and Deadnose was having a surprisingly easy time of it in their opinions.

"You know, it really does look like he's done that before. He ain't even coughing or gagging with that thing stuffed down all the way."

"All that food earlier and look, he's still hungry." Damper patted his groin through his clothes. "Don't worry, mate, plenty left to eat after Scringe is done with you."

"He's sure swallowing a lot there."

Scringe sniggered. "Nah, that's just 'im working 'is tongue. You want to see swallowing, you'd have to see me cummin' down 'is throat." He tapped Deadnose's snout. "Yer, pretty good with that tongue, Nosy. Go on, open up and show 'em 'ow good you are."

The other ferret glared at Scringe for show. He didn't want to show off anything the others could humiliate him for. They were all still watching him intently, even squatting a bit to get the best view. Deadnose sighed and opened his mouth, as if he had a choice.

Scringe leaned to the left to see better himself, but he didn't say anything. So long as Deadnose kept his tongue going, he was happy enough. Humiliating somebody and flaunting his cock at others wasn't a joy he experienced often.

"Look, he can run all over my tip and down half my shaft, can't you, Deadnose?"

"He doesn't look so enthusiastic now. His throat's barely even moving now."

"Maybe he don't like us watchin'. Too good to show off, eh?"

"Tough luck, Deady. Yer doin' it. Now let's see you polish that dagger likes yer means it."

The luckless ferret grunted in annoyance. Slowing down wasn't working. He tried licking faster and more wildly, but Scringe glared at him, obviously able to tell the difference between what he had been doing and what he was doing for show. There was no way to get out of the others seeing him actually doing it well and he went back to a decent licking. It was harder to do it without his lips touching, he found. At least it was something.

Scringe grunted at the much improved technique. "That's feelin' much better..." He looked at the others watching jealously around him and decided they'd seen enough. "Shut yer gob and get back to it, Deadnose. You guys 'ave seen enough anyway."

Around him the other slavers grumbled and Scringe perked up in delight. He loved the power the situation had given him. His ass was clean, his cock was tingling with pleasure, and he could make any of them do pretty much anything if he wanted, or close enough anyway. They'd probably give up part of their payment at Malkaris if he were to let them have Deadnose's mouth.

That thought made him shiver, along with Deadnose's lips and tongue scrubbing around his shaft. It was such a great night and he wasn't even done yet. With Deadnose looking so pathetic and the others so attentive, he had to show off a bit more.

"That's enough of that." Scringe pushed Deadnose away from him, making the ferret fall back onto his tail. "I can do it better myself. You ain't done though." He squeezed his cock with his paw and grinned. "You just sit up and watch now."

Happy to no longer be actively participating, Deadnose pushed himself up to do as he was told. If he wasn't sucking it, nobody could blame him for what happened. Perhaps he could get away without too much worse after all. Watching another beast paw off wasn't the worst thing he ever had to do. Scringe sure looked smug about it, though. The others were all quiet too, none of them had any idea what Scringe was up to.

"He's that bad at it, is he?"

"You think you'd do better, Browntooth?" Scringe and the rest laughed. The ferret tapped Deadnose's snout. "Dumping it down your gullet would be dangerous. I wouldn't want to get in trouble with Slagar for gettin' somebeast drowned."

"Huh? Drowned?" Deadnose stared up at him, confused. "Ain't no water for a ways around here aside that little stream!"

"Who said anythin' about water?" Scringe pumped his cock steadily with one paw while massaging his heavy nuts with the other. "I cum a lot, Nosy. More 'n any of you five put together for a week with the best maidens."

Skinpaw crossed his arms. "I don't believe that 'un, Scringe. I can make plenty myself."

"Aye, so can I!"

There were other enthusiastic challenges to it, as nobody wanted to look weak to that type of challenge, but none came from Deadnose. He was the one it was aimed at. Even if Scringe couldn't dump as much as he was claiming, getting sprayed by it wasn't something he wanted. Perhaps by not challenging it, the other ferret would do it to somebody else.

"You lot can think what you want. Erg..." Scringe jerked faster, feeling himself nearing his climax. "You'll see how wrong you are. Get that face up to watch, Deadnose... I'm... nearly there."

"Least he's a big enough liar to make Nosy wince. Look at that coward flinchin' at a tiny bead of pre!"

It was true, and it made Deadnose all the more annoyed at the situation. Scringe had him worked up after doing all that nasty stuff and he was flinching away from what would be a little squirt at best. The worst it could do was get his muzzle sticky and he'd have to wipe it off. Letting everybody see him do that couldn't be as bad as them seeing him getting worked up over it!

Scringe watched his fellow ferret stiffen up and even put on a brave face. That gave him a dark glow of nasty anticipation. He beat his paw faster, his cock dribbled pre down onto his claws, and he growled in pleasure. Deadnose's maw had felt better, but nothing was going to feel as good as finishing with a flourish, and as the tingle of bliss hit him, he did just that.

Scringe spread his legs to show his heavy balls pull up just a bit. He let his tongue hang out of his mouth and simply tilted his head to look at the others to one side for the first spurt. After a couple spurts he tilted his head around to the other side to look at the others. He didn't even look at Deadnose until he was satisfied they were suitably surprised that he was still shooting after several loads pulsed and with more still coming.

"I told you I cum a lot." Scringe looked down into Deadnose's shocked eyes and briefly squeezed his cock to make the next load a little bigger. "Nnn... So much more to give, Deadnose. Why not open up and try to catch some in your mouth? I'm sure yer still hungry."

Deadnose kept his muzzle firmly closed and flinched away from each shot. It was hard to predict where Scringe's dick was going to spurt each time and he only just managed to keep the slimy stuff out of his eyes. Some landed on his right nostril, some slid into his right ear, more dribbled down his forehead and cheek ruffs. It was everywhere and Scringe was still cumming!

Semen flew through the air in front of him in musky white ribbons. Deadnose couldn't get out of the way without moving some feet to the side and even as surprised as the others were, he doubted they'd let him. The shock on their faces had turned into evil delight at his plight. It wasn't THEM getting covered in another male's spunk.

"You weren't kidding, Scringe." Damper tried to keep the awe from his voice.

"Tough luck, eh, Deadnose? You having to take your bath early this year 'n all."

"Slimesnout seems like a better name for 'im, now."

"Nah, what about Cumnose? Bet he won't be shy around sucking dicks after this."

Deadnose clenched his ears tight to his head, but he couldn't keep their comments out any more than he could get the cum out. Scringe kept dumping more out of his cock in a never-ending stream. About thirty seconds had already passed and he was still going!

Deadnose tried to calm down, but his mind was panicking. Being completely covered in semen was something only a slave should be forced to endure! It looked good on a lovely maiden as she was passed around in front of the hoard for their pleasure. It wasn't something for a hoardbeast to suffer, let alone a slaver. He took a deep breath to try to calm down, only to gag at the pungent scent of Scringe's musk.

With so much semen covering him, the other ferret's sexual odor was overwhelming. It made breathing through his nose bad enough that he forgot and opened his mouth instead. Scringe almost purred as he aimed his cock and squirted directly onto Deadnose's tongue. He couldn't close his muzzle fast enough to keep another few spurts from landing in it.

"Ha, I knew you was 'ungry, Deady!"

"Nah, he just wanted to taste yer gift, Scringe. I think he likes serving males like that."

Semen slid down Deadnose's forehead as more built up all over his face and ears. It blinded his left eye when it dripped down over it and only luck had him blinking at the time. He could hardly see anymore, but he could certainly feel the pressure of each spurt landing and the tickle of many drips of semen sliding down his chin to his neck and further down to his chest.

It took more than a minute for the first drip of it to hit his legs and another several seconds for the trickles to cover his chest halfway with runoff from his muzzle. Scringe was careful not to shoot lower than Deadnose's face. He wanted the loser to feel every bit of it as he was covered. There was plenty left to give. Plenty to cover the sad, humiliated ferret.

The orgasmic pleasure throbbed throughout Scringe's drawn out ejaculation. It was strongest at the start, but it was still very enjoyable even after the first minute or so. With their constant traveling, he didn't get to cum too often and that left him with even more to give whenever he could. Time seemed to drag on and go far too fast for him at the same time in that lustful, blissful haze. The same happened with the others as well, though they were simply watching.

Two minutes passed. Two minutes of Scringe's dick endlessly coating Deadnose with his seed. Two minutes of them watching it run down his neck, his chest, his thighs, and his everything else. It soaked into Deadnose's clothing and every inch of Deadnose under his clothing too, right down to the fur between his toes and around his paw pads. His tail took the longest, but by three minutes, it too was soaked and hanging from the extra weight.

At last, Scringe grunted and visibly strained to force the last couple squirts out. Silence followed the ferret wiping the final dribbles from his tip onto Deadnose's chin. The spent ferret looked around one last time and gave a wink.

"Anybeast who still doubts me can just ask Nosy 'ow much ol' Scringe can cum."

All eyes turned to Deadnose who had his paws in front of his face in disgust. He felt awful. Everything felt slimy, everything. The stench of Scringe's musk made his open right eye water. A sudden urge to scrub his left eye clear turned into a yell of pain as the semen got into the eye itself. He squinted around as the other vermin laughed at his discomfort and knew none of them would help him.

Skinpaw clapped a paw to Scringe's back. "Wow, that was amazin', Scringe. Ain't never seen anybeast dump so much before!"

"How do you hold so much in, Matey?! I doubt even Slagar could cum that much!"

"Deadnose got ye goin' good to make that much, didn't 'e?" Browntooth smirked at Deadnose. "Who knew you were so good at pleasin' a male beast, eh?"

Scringe basked in the compliments while enjoying the afterglow. He could still feel the blissful contractions inside as though they were still happening. The joy of orgasm always lasted a couple minutes after he finished. The joy of knowing what Deadnose would have to suffer through would make it last a lot longer than that, though.

He watched the other ferret finally climb to his feet and stagger away. Deadnose slipped and fell with cum squelching under him, but pushed himself back up and headed off in the vague direction of the stream. It wasn't very far when it was light out, but in the dark he took a while to reach it. The vermin heard him find it when he fell into it and laughed even harder at the cursing that followed.

Deadnose grumbled as he washed, completely coated in another male's semen and completely humiliated after losing at his own contest. He would never hear the end of it from his fellow slavers. They'd make sure of that.