Breaking Mattimeo

fengal the weasel said, kneeling down and undoing the chains around mattimeo's legs, "come on, mouse, slagar wants to talk to you." fengal grabbed mattimeo's arm and pulled him to his feet. fengal and damper smirked at each other.

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Redwall - A Contest Among Vermin - 2014

fengal squatted. "here, i'll go first..." "what's the winner get?" skinpaw kicked fengal's back to knock him to the ground. the weasel glared back. "winner gets to make the loser do whatever he wants." "what, anything?"

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The Raging Hounds III: Wildfire

He tossed the bloody, decapitated head of aruro fengale by schaefer's feet, making the german shepherd quirk an eyebrow in surprise.

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The Raging Hounds II: Rising Tension

"--and as such the hi-com has assigned us to deploy behind the separatists' lines to either capture or eliminate their leader, aruro fengale." schaefer said, holding his paws behind his back as he stood and spoke.

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What if... (A Raging Hounds spinoff)

After the successful assassination of aruro fengale, the hi-com had been so impressed with raikov's performance that they'd promoted him to a colonel. it had been the greatest moment in vincent's life!

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