Rise Of The Maou: Chapter 006

Story by Nazrudin on SoFurry

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#6 of Rise Of The Maou

Rise Of The Maou



The morning brought on a loud yawn as Kael stretched <So today is departure day...> He lets out a sigh as rolled onto his side to find Sheila had gotten up before him and was now standing by the bed looking down at him with a soft smile which Kael returned happily "Mmmm, well good morning beautiful." He grins and reached out to take her hand pulling her down into a kiss which brought a giggle from her.

"Morning to you to sleepy head." She returned the kiss eagerly but didn't let it linger to long, her expression turning sad "We can't stay in today though."

Kael nodded slowly "I know..." He lets out another sigh as he let her go and sat up, shuffling to the edge of the bed as Sheila brought over a wash basin and cloth and began to tenderly wash off the sweat and various other fluids they had built up from the previous day. "My.. this is some first class service." He smiles and just relaxed as Sheila wiped down his body with the moist cloth.

"This... is the last time I may get to be this close to you so I...and besides." She smiles up at him, it was obvious she was holding back tears "It wouldn't do to leave covered in both our scents like this." Kael reached out and gently caressed her cheek, she nuzzled into his hand eyes half closing from his touch but continued her work washing over his chest, back and arms then down to his legs, he couldn't help but notice she was leaving one particular spot till last. As she kneeled before him her hands gently rubbed the cloth over his length, cleaning him off gently before she then leaned in slowly, tongue slipping from her lips to lick over the head of his cock."

"Ah.. s..sheila." The soft gasp and moan from Kael encouraged her as she slowly sunk her lips down over his length, suckling upon him softly as her hand began to gently stroke his shaft. A light moan vibrating from her lips over his head as she began to slowly bob her head down his length. Looking down at her Kael was mesmerized by the sight of the beautiful soft brown furred Deer sliding her lips up and down his length so lovingly. Gently he placed a hand on her head, caressing the back of her head encouragingly as she sped up her motions upon him "ooohh.. Sheila... I can't hold it long.." Kael lets out a moan of pleasure then a groan as Sheila bobs her head even faster, her lips suckling firmly up and down his shaft as she eagerly works to bring his climax. She reaches up with her hand to gently cup his sack under his length, caressing his twin orbs lightly, her actions pushing Kael to his limit as he lets out a loud moan of pleasure his length throbbing hotly as he unloaded his seed into the waiting maw before him. Eyes wide as he watches Sheila swallow every drop he releases and slowly pulls her lips off his length, licking him clean before looking up at him with a smile, licking her lips.

"I won't forget your scent ever."

Kael blushes at her words and pulls her up into a kiss, not caring about any lingering taste there might be from his own seed he holds her tight. "I'll never forget you Sheila and once I learn more about this world and what my place in it is ill come back to you."

Sheila smiled at his words and nuzzled into his neck happily "I'll wait for you Kael, but remember what I said the other day, don't be afraid to love others as you love me, it would be wrong to keep such an amazing person just to myself, I won't others to know what a great man you are." She kisses him once more but doesn't hold the kiss for long before pulling back and standing up and steps over to a table grabbing a pile of what looked to be clothes and sets them on the bed beside Kael "I had the seamstress fix up some of the clothes from those adventures you defeated, I think you'd draw to much attention walking into a human town wearing our clothes, there's also a pack on the table it's got the money they had on them in it as well as some other supplies I thought you'd find useful."

Kael looked at the clothes beside him, standing up and picking up the clothes to look them over. The pants were made of a soft leather with a few patches where a second layer of leather was stitched over for some extra protection, he slipped them on and fastened them with a belt, they were a little bit baggy but that was fine by him. The boots were of a harder leather and almost looked like a pair of steel cap work boots but with the steel cap on the outside, obviously made with a more combat orientated use in mind, thankfully they were just the right size, though it was a tad uncomfortable without socks, something he would have to look into another time, but he wasn't going to complain, he wouldn't have to worry about sharp rocks and sticks and that was more important than comfort.

The last two items consisted of a sleeveless almost black undershirt, likely made from some form of cotton or light wool and to put over it was a tanned leather jacket, again parts of it had a double layer stitching for protection on certain areas, or perhaps it was just to cover up any areas that had been cut before he wasn't sure now.

Standing before Sheila now he stood straight and lifted his arms doing a little spin for her "So, how do I look?" At his words Dee seemed to have finally woken up and jumped up onto his shoulder with a squeak, bobbing happily on his chosen perch.

Sheila giggled at both the show and the small black slime that jumped up on Kael "hmm..." She tapped her chin idly as she seemed to ponder the question, looking him over with a sly smile "You look like I should push you back in bed and have my fun taking them back off you." She giggles softly and smiles "Its good, you look like... an adventurer..." She seemed to hesitate on her words but then blurted out afterwards "B..but it's in a good way, I don't mean you look like some evil human that would go around killing people for the heck of it, I meant that if we had adventures among the monster race then you'd match with them well." Kael chuckles and steps up to her, pressing a finger to her lips to calm her down.

"Thanks Sheila." Kael wraps his arms around her in a warm hug. "We should probably head outside, I'm sure the elder is starting to wonder what's taking us hmm?"

Sheila nodded "He probably already knows what's kept us though." She giggles and takes his hand leading him outside, Kael grabbing the pack on the table as they pass it.

Nearly the whole village was now gone, the huts taken down and the ground raked over so new foliaged would quickly grow in its place, waiting at what was once the village gates was the elder and a few villagers along with a couple of guards, they seemed to be in no rush to leave as they talked among each other as they waited for Kael and Sheila. Upon seeing them their conversations came to a halt and they turned to face the last two arrivals, the elder stepping over to Kael with a soft smile "Kael, you've done so much for us but in the end we end up having to ask you to let us go separate ways, I am sorry."

Kael nodded to the old stags words "It's fine elder, I understand your situation, I just hope that one day I'll find your people again and that will be more welcome."

The old stag nods and smiles, holding out his hand which Kael took and shook "I've no doubt in my mind that you will find us once again Kael, after all your family now." He gives a sly grin as he looks between Kael and Sheila causing the two to blush which brings an amused chuckle from the old man "Before you go then, I can't very well send you off without some sort of parting gift hmm?" He motions one of the guards forward, the same guard that had watching him during his time in the library in fact, in the guards arms was what looked to be some kind of folded cloth, picking it up and unravelling it revealed a hooded cloak, it seemed to be made of a dull green moss, the light aura he could sense from it made it apparent that it was made by the elder with his magic.

"It's possible to make things like this with your magic?" Kael looked over the cloak curiously, it was a seamless piece of work, the moss like fabric was soft but would certainly keep him warm at night, flicking it around behind him he slipped it on, a pair of vine clasps at the neck tied together to hold it over his shoulders.

The old stag nods as he looks at Kael with the cloak on "It suits you, and yes, as long as you've the imagination and focus magic can do anything you wish of it, the key is to visualise as I went over with you before."

Kael thought for a moment on his words, looking to Sheila who returned his gaze curiously "Just a moment then, I came here with nothing so if I can I'd like to give something to Sheila to remember me by." With that he stepped over to a tree and placed his hand on its trunk lightly, closing his eyes and focusing. Sheila, the elder and the others all watched him curiously, some whispering among themselves wondering what Kael was doing since the elder was the only one that knew Kael could use magic everyone except him let out a gasp as the section of tree Kael touched began to glow.

With his eyes closed Kael focused on what he wanted, something simple that Sheila could keep with her, but something that would always remind her of him, first he slowly drew out sap from the tree, focusing and compressing it into a hard fossilised state and shaping it into an inch long hexagonal crystal shape, he changed the sap to a semi clear Smokey silver colour and in its centre he called forth a seed that glowed like the lamp weeds in the library, a soft blue light emitted from it. With the stone completed he then called forth a multitude of tiny vines which wove and intertwined with one another, looping around the stone to hold it and then looping around to form a necklace.

Stepping back from the tree slowly he opened his eyes to behold his first masterpiece, the hazy silver stone sat in his hand, a soft blue light emitting from its centre, the colours he had taken from his hair and eyes, his most prominent features. Turning back to face his spectators to find them all wide eyed and slack jawed, even the elder held a surprised expression and stepped forward to inspect his creation.

"My word Kael, I've never before seen such a thing made with our magic before." He shakes his head "No, rather I never thought making such things was even possible." The old man chuckles "Only learned magic a couple days ago and already showing up an old man that's been practicing it for his entire life, dear me, we are sure to end up hearing stories about you one day. Go on then, you made it for her no? She's waiting." He chuckles and gives Kael a light push towards Sheila.

Sheila's eyes were transfixed on the necklace, hand covering her mouth to hide her awe gaped face "K..Kael..." Kael just smiles as he stepped up to her and reached around to clasp the necklace around her neck gently.

"You've given me so much since I arrived here, I wish I could do more than this but I hope it will remind you of me and help keep you from feeling lonely." Sheila stared down at the stone in amazement, her fingers lightly tracing over it.

"I..It's beautiful Kael..." She suddenly lurched forward wrapping her arms around him and holding him tight, burying her face into his neck he could feel the moist tears now flowing from her rub against his neck, with a soft sigh Kael returned the hug, holding her close as she let out her pent up sorrow of their parting "I..It's not fair.." her words became mumbled as she held him tight.

"We'll meet again, please wait for me till then." Kael rubbed her back gently and placed a kiss on her cheek, their embrace lasted several minutes but it would feel to short even if it lasted hours. The elder slowly stepped up behind Sheila to place a hand on her shoulder and gently guide her away from Kael.

"It's time Sheila." Sheila would then turn away slowly from Kael to hug her grandfather "I know my dear, I know, when a meeting occurs there is always going to be a separation, but." He smiles and rubs her shoulder gently "That doesn't mean you won't meet again now does it hmm?" Sheila gave a weak nod as she slipped to the side letting the old stag step up to Kael once more "Well my boy, seems its time, the nearest human city is a good three weeks travel from here I'm afraid, if you follow the river we draw water from it flows into a main stream which will lead you out of the forest, you'll be able to see the city once you're out. With the tricks you've picked up now you'll be able to keep yourself fed and sheltered during the trip hmm?"

Kael nodded and shook the old stags hand once more "Thank you for everything elder, hopefully when I find you again I'll be able to stay longer."

The elder nods and smiles "I will work to settle the doubts of those that are still fearful so that they will welcome you at that time."

With a soft sigh Kael readjusted his pack under his cloak before stepping back over to Sheila for the last time, leaning in and planting a kiss to her lips "Take care of yourself while I'm away, when I find you again there won't be much time for resting hmm?" He grins at her causing her to give a soft giggle but returns to her sadden state once he pulls away from her "Well, thank you everyone for looking after me all this time, I look forward to seeing you all again one day." He smiles and gives a wave to the villagers that stayed behind for him and then finally turns and heads out the gates towards the river, resolved to not look back now as he heads off. Watching him from behind Sheila clutched the stone hanging from her neck and prayed for his safe return.

Kael followed the river diligently, unwilling to move more than a few meters into the tree line for fear of losing sight of his only guide out of the large forest. When he was hungry he would use his magic to grow various fruits to eat and at night he would make giant leaves grow and branch over him in a small shelter, each morning he would return the plants to their original state before then moving on. As he walked he decided to see if he could train some of the skills he'd acquired, having Dee change into the sword he would casually swing it as he walked, at first he would make several swings then check the status screen and surprisingly he found that his sword skill was slowly increasing just from such a basic thing, he was able to get several levels in the skill this way, simply swinging the sword back and forth, he found that when he levelled he could tell that his swings became more straight and swift as though each swing was teaching his body how to handle the weapon. Checking the status screen and selecting his sword skill he found that levelling it gave additional bonuses such as an increase in swing speed as he'd already noticed but also damage increases, the bonuses were tiny though and not that surprising since his skill was ranked as basic.

Eventually he started to swap to the spear and walking stick as well, while he wasn't sure about using the stick as a weapon he figured it wouldn't hurt to raise the basic club skill. <Hmm... perhaps this is the real key to gaining strength here? Since gaining a level seems to require a large amount of points to focus instead on individual skill levels and raise them would help counter the slow growth rate.> Something he did notice while handling the spear and walking stick was that with each level the weapon seemed to change a little, the spear he figured since it was in a rushed situation its shaft was rough and had bumps all along it, the spear point on it looked crude like a shaped stone head, but with each level the shaft became smoother and the spear head became more refined. <The sword didn't seem to change like this, but perhaps it's because Dee had a bit more time to shift into it then he did with the spear, maybe if I level the skill more it will change a bit to in time though.> Checking Dee's morph list once again he found that each morph item did indeed have a level as well, the sword was already a level five but the spear and walking stick were likely at level one though they now both sat at level three. <A few more levels and they'll become more sturdy and intricate I guess.>

Checking his status screen once more he looked at his stats <Twenty in each is pretty high for a starting character isn't it.. I wonder if that's what they started at or if the level up increased them...> It then occurred to him that he hadn't tried the level up button yet and flicked back to the menu, looking at the level up button curiously he reached out and lightly pressed his finger to it.