Ricky's New Adventure Ch. 1

Story by Shadow_Wolfy on SoFurry

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#1 of Ricky's New Adventures

It was a bright, sunny afternoon in the classroom. Once again Ricky seemed to be pissed off, but at what no one was clearly sure. Ricky was always getting pissed off, and everyone just shrugged it off. After all the little town wasn't used to dealing with fathers leaving their children to die. The townsfolk assumed his departure was the cause of Ricky's wicked ways. What they didn't know is that she was pissed for him not explaining what was wrong with her.. or was Ricky a guy? She, or he never truly understood that. See Ricky is a hermaphrodite, and being at the age of 16, he was even more pissed for the mixed pheromones. Tears welled in his eyes, as he once again cussed himself out. Ricky decided two years ago that he preferred seeing himself as a male than a woman, even if he had tits and a vagina. He also had his magical wand, as he liked to call it. However, once and awhile he would call himself a girl again. He'd cry like a little bitch, at least that's what he tells himself, and then jerk off to feel like a man. Unfortunately he couldn't do that in the middle of class. "Ricky?.." A timid Ms. Mae called out to him.

"What?" He replied in a cold, harsh voice and glared through the short, slender fox teacher who shrank back from his response.

"D-do you need to leave the classroom and calm down? I-It's just that y-y-you're mad again and i-it's scaring t-the other st-st-students." She began to shake, fearing the worst from the troublemaker. Ricky's classmates weren't scared though, they just took the chance to snicker and gossip about him.

"Whatever. I don't want to spend another second in this shit hole anyway." Ricky scraped his chair back to get up, then sauntered to the door to leave. As he was about to leave, one of the jocks, Shawn, a beautiful Golden Retriever, decided to whistle a cat call at Ricky. The young tiger swerved on his heels and hissed at the purebred. Realizing his error, he left without another word, and broke into a dead run to the bathroom.

The little town's school was named Stag High, but really it should have been named Bitch High. After all, most of the students were either bitches or ass holes. Ricky entered a stall and sat on the seat, trying not to break down. "Stupid hormones.." Ricky hissed under his breath, right before a bang came on his stall. His ears perked up in dread, especially since he checked to make sure no one else was in the stalls. "Who is it?" He boomed out in an adolescent voice.

Shawn snickered out a reply, "Awe c'mon baby, you don't have to talk to me like that." Fear filled Ricky's veins, since Shawn was the only one that knew his secret. No one else knew since before his asshole of a father left, he taught Ricky how to bind his chest. At the time it didn't make any sense, but now at teenage years when his breasts were easily double d's, he had to conceal it. First he'd put binding on, and then he'd put a baggy shirt on. Over that his trustworthy leather jacket came in handy. Some of the guys thought they had glimpsed something once in awhile, but ended up dropping it. That is, except for Shawn, who actually saw them bare. They are neighbors, and sometimes accidents happen.

"Go away Shawn, I don't want to talk to you." Ricky hissed out, trying to mask the fact he was about to shit himself.

"You see, I can't do that. I placed a bet on your tight ass being mine you see, and I'm not leaving until I get it." Whispers came from behind him, and Ricky could tell Shawn's best friend Max the Rottweiler was there with him, probably with a recorder.

"I'm not leaving this stall until you leave." Ricky knew he was in deep shit. He just didn't know if he could get out of it this time.

"Well, looks like we'll be here all night my sexy kitty, because the bathroom door is locked, and I have nowhere to be today. So, do you want to get it over now, or sit and wait until you're starving. At that point I'll have brought all my friends to join the party. Hmm.. If I do that, then I'll bring a friend in here every hour until you come out. Is that what you want, slut? To be in a high school gang bang?" Shawn was starting to talk as if it was sex talk, and it was obvious he was getting aroused. At the same time Ricky gave a little squeak, terrified of what would happen to him. Realizing he had a cellphone on him, he pulled it out, hoping he had battery life left. Seeing the 2% at the top of his phone made his heart sink. It wasn't enough to make a phone call. He knew the only thing he could do is take it.

"Alright, I'll come out. You can do whatever you want with me, just please.. Don't involve others too.. I-I need to keep some of my dignity." Ricky was on the verge of tears as he replied.

"Depends if I want to be nice, or how well you serve me." Shawn cooed out the words, licking his chops at the thought of him getting his tasty treat. Ricky unlocked the stall, and hesitantly stepped in front of Shawn. The Golden Retriever looked the Tigress up and down, and pulled out his throbbing red meat. The tiger looked down at it wide-eyed, since its girth was massive.

"Holy shit, that thing is huge!" Ricky squeaked out like a bitch. Shawn only grinned wider at this, and shoved Ricky to her knees like the good bitch he was going to turn her into.

"You like it baby? It's all yours as long as you do my every command you dirty bitch." Shawn smirked and put a red collar and black leash on his shiny new toy. Then he grabbed her head, and pressed the throbbing meat to her lips. Shawn was in denial after all that the girl he wanted had a penis. Ricky whimpered and opened his mouth, looking up at his new, unwanted master. In response, Shawn rammed his cock into her mouth, moaning loudly as he marveled how warm and wet her mouth was. Ricky forced back the urge to bite down on the throbbing meat that was invading his mouth. He growled though, and Shawn grinned in response.

Shawn's Rottweiler friend was in fact recording, and he had gotten his hands on the film club's good equipment. Which meant the film was going to be high quality porn, that Shawn would most likely post online. Ricky's ears went back, and he started to feel tears well in his eyes. Shawn had no issues shoving his dick into Ricky's throat, choking his bitch to be silent. Ricky took it, even if he wanted to gag and pull away. His throat was starting to burn, but for some reason, his cock was rock hard. Did he truly enjoy this torture? "Hey Shawn, you should stick it into her vagina before you finish man, give the audience a good show." Max smirked as he commented on the situation.

Shawn smirked and swiveled the tigress around. He shoved her face into the ground, so her luscious hips were shoved high in the sky, exposing her wondrous depths. The tip of his cock sprayed pre over his tigress's ass. Next thing he knew his dick was rammed deep into her folds, and he was moaning out his pleasure. Ricky moaned and whined like a little bitch, making him flush even more in the cheeks. Looking up at Max, Ricky could tell the Rottweiler was enjoying this, because his cock was out and he stroked it slowly. He probably knew if the camera shook Shawn would kill him. Shawn's hips began to thrust in and out, slamming his rod in and out of his bitch's vagina. "How do you like that baby?" He growled out to her, and dug his nails into her hips.

Ricky whined in response, tears cascading down his face. "Please stop Shawn, you've had your fun.." Ricky hoped he'd stop and let him leave.

"Stop? As if, you're my bitch, and I'm going to breed you like the bitch you are." Shawn growled out, and thrusted even harder. Max chuckled and bit his lip, tempted to stick his rod in the bitch's mouth. He knew better than to betray Shawn though, so he continued his slow, teasing stroke of his dick. Ricky whimpered even more, shuddering from the realization that he was someone else's bitch.

"Hey Shawn, maybe you should teach her a lesson and put it in her ass." Max growled out in sexual tension.

"Hmm.. That would teach this bitch a lesson, and then maybe she'd be faithful to me." Shawn grinned and bent over his prize, biting her shoulder as he pulled out to line up with her tailstar.

"Oh god please, no.. Please don't do it, Shawn anything but this." Ricky whined out, but it was to no avail. Shawn rammed his slicked cock into her anus, and Ricky began to scream. There was banging on the bathroom door, but neither male paid any attention to it. Shawn waited to make a move again until his slut was used to it, and then started to rhythmically pump his hips. Surprisingly, after the pain subsided, Ricky was starting to enjoy it. He even felt himself getting hot like he did when he masturbated. This moment made him more confused than ever about himself.

"Hey Shawn, I think the bitch is actually starting to enjoy it." Max smirked and got a close up to Ricky's face, which showed the pure emotions of joy on his face from being filled with dick. Shawn grinned and replied with harder thrusts and biting his mate's scruff. Ricky started to moan out in pleasure, pushing back into Shawn's groin, wanting all of the cock inside of him.

Shawn's knot had been fully exposed for a while, but he was determined to hear his bitch finish before him. In order to do this, he decided to try to knot with him, ramming forcefully with desire to hear his mate orgasm for him. Ricky whimpered, knowing somewhere in his brain what was going to happen to him. Somehow he found himself pushing back harder into Shawn though. Shawn pumped with unrelenting force, and grunted when he finally pushed the knot into his bitch's tight entrance. He was nearly done though, and Ricky was only on the verge.

"P-please.. don't stop.. it feels so good Shawn." Ricky whined in between Shawn's thrusts against his prostate. Ricky was squirting precum everywhere.

"You hear that? The damn bitch is begging for it." Max said, and groaned in pleasure, squirting out his load into his hand.

"Yeah I hear her alright, might as well throw her a bone right?" Shawn replied in between grunts. He yanked out his knot from his Tigress's depths, and shoved it right back into her vagina. Ricky went wild and his vagina started to spasm around the cock that re-invaded its folds. Feeling his mate's spasms, Shawn took the liberty to thrust manically short bursts until he orgasmed himself. He filled her tunnel up, and was too busy reveling in the fact to hear Ricky start to panic. After all, Shawn did just fill Ricky's vagina with hot seed, and even if Ricky was a hermaphrodite, it didn't mean he couldn't get pregnant. Not only was this memory going to burn his mind forever, he would have Shawn's kid.