Catch And Release

Story by GoddessViolet on SoFurry

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Hey guys it's been a while how are you doing NO WAIT COME BACK

So yeah. I finally wrote something! It's been ages and ages, and really it's just cause I wasn't driven enough to sit down and actually write something sexy. Well, this has been sitting on my list for some time, and I think it's turned out pretty well. It's a sexy little story all about the lovely Lillian wandering into the wrong cave and getting herself dominated by a big, sexy, futa dragoness who we all know and love~

I kinda just wanna get this one uploaded so I'll let the story speak for itself. Anyone who's flipped through my gallery by now should know what to expect!

Lillian sat down on a mostly smooth boulder, taking a moment to catch her breath. In training for an upcoming marathon, she'd come running out quite a bit farther than she was used to. While it was good for her racing prospects, it did make it a bit more difficult to get back home. Especially when she started looking around, and noticed a colossal cave entrance carved into the nearby hillside. "I think it's safe to say I haven't ever been to this part of the forest. I'd definitely recognize that huge cave."

Taking a good long drink from her water bottle, Lillian just couldn't keep her eyes off that cave, looming in front of her like a giant's maw. By the time she had recovered her energy, more or less, she'd made up her mind to at least look around in the cave that had so enraptured her curiosity. At least she had the good sense to bring her cellphone along; while it wouldn't do her much good to call anyone, it would serve as at least a rudimentary light source. Sure, it was still light out, and the entrance was tall enough, and natural caves usually weren't nearly as deep as people were lead to believe by all the silly fantasy video games that were so prevalent nowadays, but... It couldn't hurt, right?

Bringing the cellphone for light was definitely a smart choice. Despite the daylight, the cave was still dark enough that it was hard to see past four or five feet in, and it took until Lillian had gone inside for herself to see that it was deep enough to actually have a turn in the path. And of course, past that point, the light of the sun would be as helpful as a flashlight without batteries. Speaking of which, she briefly imagined her cellphone batteries failing in the cave, but she shook that thought right out of her head. "I'll just get out of here as soon as my curiosity is sated. How deep can this thing be, anyway?"

Curiosity killed the cat, as they say. For whatever reason, the tuckered-out, raven-haired athlete just did not stop to ask herself why this cave was so appealing to her. Not a good idea, but of course she couldn't possibly know that, not without knowing what was in there. Or rather, who. As she delved deeper, Lillian began to notice the cave growing more and more humid, and there was this strange scent in the air. It wasn't bad, by any stretch, but it was incredibly hard to place. Absentmindedly walking forward, trying to figure out just what that aroma was, she walked right into the source of it. Or rather, one could say, it walked into her. And instead of walk, it struck her from behind and knocked her out cold.

The first thing Lillian noticed when she regained consciousness was the aching she had at the rear of her neck. She wouldn't be able to confirm it until she got home, but it certainly felt like it would bruise later. Her whole body felt strangely stiff, and as she looked around, in those first few seconds, she realized she'd made a mistake coming in here. The ceilings were still as high as they were at the entrance, maybe a bit more so, and now there were lit torches set into the walls on metal sconces. This was absolutely not a natural occurrence, but the tall, tanned woman could never have imagined the creature who now sat behind her, on a throne hewn from rock.

It was a toss-up whether you noticed her draconic features or her towering height first, but what sat in that giant-sized chair was a ten foot tall dragon-woman. Her hide was a shade of purple so dark that it appeared black in the poor lighting of the cave. She was well-built, a fact clear as day thanks to her utter lack of clothing. Not only would clothes not fit her, but she didn't care enough to even improvise coverings. Of course, given that she apparently lived in this cave, a fact supported by the various amenities set up around the room--including two very large beds and a stone cupboard holding god-knows-what--clothing was nowhere near a necessity for her.

Her lack of clothing, however, caused another of the woman's features to be plainly obvious where it would not have been otherwise. Protruding from the woman's lap, almost framed by her right leg crossed over her left knee, was a cock of magnificent girth. It almost hugged her six-pack abs, which looked even harder than the stone surrounding her, and once you noticed it, it was impossible to avert your gaze, especially as it would be at eye-level had she stood upright. Still groggy from apparently having been knocked out by this behemoth (and Lillian was no longer sure she could even call it a 'her' anymore), the shorter lass chose the most appropriate reaction to waking up in a dragoness's lair.

She screamed like a little girl.

"Aaah! What the hell? Wh-where am I? And WHAT are you?" The dragoness simply chuckled to herself, her voice low, deep and powerful, but still maintaining an air of femininity and seduction to its tone despite the volume that came from her size. It wasn't deafening, but it was at least twice as loud as an average person's speech. "Mmm, let's start with, my name is Violet, and you're in my home! Trespassing, I might add. But we'll get to that momentarily." The huge, muscled shemale hadn't even bothered to bar the exit--she was confident that Lillian wouldn't even try to leave in her confusion, and that even if she did, she stood no chance at outrunning the towering dragoness.

"Violet? But... But you're..." The dragoness lifted her tail up and gently silenced Lillian by pressing just the tip against her lips, as if shushing her. "Oh, I'm well aware of the differences. I'm big, you're not. I'm strong, you're not. I have wings, horns, a tail, claws that rend steel and skin tough enough to dull blades harmlessly while still being soft enough to lovingly caress, and you don't have any of those things. Oh... and let's not forget the pinnacle of masculinity I wield... mmm, every time I think about every man I've put to utter shame with this bad boy, it gives me butterflies~" Lillian just sat there on the bed while her 'host' flaunted and bragged about her body, still trying to wake herself all the way up so she could figure a way out of this. Violet mentioned trespassing, and that worried the other woman, as there was no shortcoming of things that could be done to her, and she would be powerless to stop the draconic amazon.

"Um, listen, I'm really sorry, I just came in here because I..." Now that Lillian thought back, she couldn't recall why she'd come in here in the first place! It must've been important, she thought, but whether it was the fog of waking up, the shock of seeing this immense creature, or maybe even brain damage from the impact, she just could not call to mind what had compelled her to explore this place. "Well, to tell the truth, I'm not sure. I was running, and I took a rest, and..." Violet cut her off to finish the sentence for her. "You just couldn't resist the idea that maybe you should go looking around in here? Heh heh, I'm not surprised. You probably smelled my pheromones outside. Boys and girls alike just can't get enough!"

Lillian blinked a few times, confused. Pheromones? Was that the cause of it all? What did that even mean? Was she here to be eaten, or... It suddenly hit her that she hadn't taken her eyes off of Violet's pulsing, sweat-laden member since she'd noticed it. From the shift in tone the dragoness took, it was evident she'd figured it out as well. "Tell me lass, are you single?" She didn't even bother to wait for a response before following up with "If not, you will be soon~" Standing up to full height, the shadow she cast in the pitiful light frightened Lillian almost as much as the prospect of finding out just how much of that colossal shaft she could handle.

Thanks to having legs nearly twice as long as the human athlete's, Violet took any hope she had of escaping and squashing it underfoot. She half-sprinted across and caught up to Lillian before she could even get off the bed, shoving her onto her back with one broad palm. As she struggled and squirmed to no avail, Violet took her time with her victim, milking her terror as much as possible before she truly started to break her. It only took her one arm to pin the writhing lump of woman to the mattress, leaving her other hand free to trace the edge of her claw along her inner thighs. "Mmm, as much as you thrash about, I know you're already enjoying this. You're a tall woman, I bet you've never gotten to experience a man who can push you around and outmuscle you. It's a fun experience, isn't it?" Lillian refused to answer, biting her lip to keep from moaning involuntarily. Even though this was absolutely rape, she couldn't help admitting to herself that Violet knew how to seduce--though those pheromones she mentioned were probably helping a lot, too.

Speaking of, Violet had spent a few minutes just rubbing at Lillian's concealed crotch before those clawed fingertips began to undress her immobilized intruder. Now, though, with those jeans lying on the floor in a pile behind her, and those white cotton panties balled up on top of them, Violet simply lifted herself up a bit and let her heavy dickhead rest on Lillian's stomach. With her legs held down under her knees and her upper torso held down by one huge hand, there was no chance for the trapped little victim to even get comfortable in her position, much less try and escape. She had one arm available to move, but she had no hope of pushing aside even just one arm with both hands, let alone all eight hundred and fifty pounds of Dragoness that refused to budge.

"Aha, I see those eyes of yours sparkling... Someone wants it, oh, she does, but I don't think I'm ready just yet. I think being speared on my mighty pole is an honor, not a punishment for common criminals." She lifts her hand up and slides her body forward a bit, that heavy, twenty inch meatpole slapping down across her face as she scoots along, letting the pheromone-rich sweat stain across her face, an odor that would never leave. Even before the first impact, Lillian tried to at least turn her head away from that dick, but found that her own desire was more of an obstacle than the amazon sitting on her. To her testament, she was able to hold out for nearly thirty seconds after that mind-numbing scent really hit her nostrils before she puckered her lips up into a kiss.

She got to plant her lips on the hypnotic dick exactly once before Violet pushed herself up higher, out of reach, and then stepped down right into Lillian's stomach, grinding her heel down and forcing the breath out of her. "Hmph, what part of "this is an honor, not a punishment" slipped your stupid mind? Maybe you're just not smart enough to follow basic directions--you didn't know well enough to stay out of my house, and you clearly don't know enough to listen to me when I forbid you from touching my cock. I guess I'll have to start the training early then!"

Violet stood upright, all ten feet of dragon leaning onto that right foot, squeezing into Lillian's torso and pressing on the bones, threatening to crack them like twigs if she stomps down harder. And while there may have been a Violet-sized mattress underneath, beneath that was solid rock, and she could absolutely stomp hard enough to bypass the soft material if she was tried. Her sole twisted to the left, right, left, and back right again, exacerbating the pain she was inflicting on the girl who just wasn't big enough to resist being trampled on.

Like the rest of her, Violet's feet were possessed of a particular smell. But unlike the alluring, hypnotic, lust-spiking perfume that flowed from her cock, her toes reeked of a pungent, blinding stink that almost felt like a human-equivalent of that spray you can buy for pets that doesn't smell at all to you, but stinks horrendously to their noses. Even with those toes down at her breasts, Lillian thrashed with all her strength to try and break free (a hopeless endeavor), recoiling from the twin assault on her stomach and on her nose.

"Aw, what's the matter? I'm not choking you, am I? Oh, I do hope you don't suffocate before I finish playing with you!" All she could choke out from those pained lips was "S-s-stinks," and of course this sent Violet into a laughing fit. "Now I know you're weak and pathetic, but stop just whining needlessly! My feet aren't that bad... heck, sometimes I'll just lay in bed, stuff my nose up against one, and start sniffing... and I'll be there for days~" Ignoring the complaints, she slides her heel down a bit and stomps into Lillian's crotch, and for a moment, she was frightened that the immense dragoness had broken her hips, but no, it was merely an incredible pain from all the pressure she'd exerted from just stepping down. Violet let that sink in a bit more, before she lifted her foot up again, and slammed it down into the girl's forehead, stunning her. A couple more impacts, and she was out again.

When she woke up again, Violet was sitting down with her pillows against her back, one foot pinning the girl from behind, positioned with the two of them facing the same direction so that Lillian looked up and saw nothing but the back of her captor's knee. Up above, the cruel creature was casually flipping through a magazine, no doubt stolen off another unlucky trespasser given the dearth of reading material in the cave. "Well, welcome back, Sleeping Beauty. So tell me, have you learned your lesson yet?" She gives her foot another twist, heel grinding down into her breasts, before following up with "Or do you need another 'defeat' before you're ready to accept your new arrangement?"

The sickening emphasis Violet put on the word 'defeat' made Lillian roll her eyes and bite her lip, but she kept from barking back about it, knowing exactly what her Mistress would do. She simply nodded, having at least learned not to struggle and flail when being handled. "Good girl... I suppose we can try again, now." Try again? What did THAT mean? Lillian didn't have to wait long to find out, as Violet pulled her foot away only to roll forward, that meaty shaft returning to subject the unlucky woman to its whims. Stroking all up and down, along every surface she could reach with that bulky length, dragging her sweat-laden cock from head to toe and back again. "Mmm. There we go!! Now that you've been properly marked, all of your friends can come back and serve me, too. If you can get out of here, that is..." She winks, and runs both hands along that giant girth, now at full-mast thanks to all the contact it's gotten.

"I just can't see letting you out of here without running you through at least once! Call it a rite of passage. Besides... You can't possibly tell me you'll ever be able to lay with a man ever again, now that you've seen what I have to offer~" Lillian bit her lip, struggling, before whispering out a faint "Yes Mistress." Mistress? Where did that even come from, she asked herself immediately after it left her lips. The part of her brain that wanted to obey had grown exponentially since the first touch of her cock, and now the 'rational' part of her had been dwarfed, reduced to nothing more than a nagging, nebulous voice in the back of her head. "Aww, I know you so well already, don't I? Well then..." The amazonian dragoness lifts Lillian up like a ragdoll, gently grinding that huge, thick cockhead against her thighs, almost as wide as her fist! There was less than zero hope of getting all that in, but the look on Violet's face implied she wanted to at least try for the high score.

"Roses are red, Violet's are blue, and when I'm through you will be too!" And with that, Lillian had lost her last chance to try and escape, as Violet firmly gripped her by the shoulders, bracing her as she thrust upward! That colossal girth simply would not squeeze into the space expected of it on the first try, but the force she used would send shivers down Lillian's spine. Shaking with trepidation, she shut her eyes and clenched up nervously, just waiting for the impact to come, and on the third thrust, Lillian cried out from the shock of that enormous member spreading her like a folding chair. Given how much she'd already done, it was obvious that Violet would be doing this more for herself and her own pleasure than anything else, utterly uncaring for how much damage a cock of that size could do to a woman.

Each thrust made it slightly easier, in the sense that she was already in agony from the entry and there was nowhere to go but down. Lillian could thank Violet's strange, addictive sweat, too; the aphrodisiac qualities allowed her to derive some pleasure from the vicious pounding, and even made her somewhat less sensitive to the pain overall. Of course, no amount of skill could really help with such a titanic erection, and Violet was forced to basically 'brute-force' her way through, pounding a quarter of her length down into Lillian's dripping, aching loins over and over until at least one of them blew their load. At first glance, it would seem Violet was in the lead, but the power of chemical seduction was not to be overlooked. Indeed, Violet was still working her way up (given that only a quarter of her swollen shaft was being directly pleasured) when Lillian howled, a different sound than her cries of pain, and pinkish streams of sticky fluid dribbled down the heavy girldick.

"Aww, is someone enjoying herself? Mmm, looks like this wasn't such a mistake for you after all... so far, at least!" She kept up her rhythm, not even slowing down, until a minute or so later, she started to throb and pulse more noticeably, something that wouldn't normally be so perceptible if her manhood wasn't twenty inches long. She had enough time to let one long, drawn-out moan out of her lungs and brace her new slave against herself before letting loose with a cum-cannon strong enough to knock a Violet-sized lover right off if she wasn't holding them down at least a little. Needless to say, the pressure and the force of that initial blast would be quite painful for poor Lillian, not to mention she was being expected to handle easily a full liter of thick, sticky dragoncum in a container that simply was not designed for such capacities. In fact, it was so thick that only a small portion was able to drip out, the rest being jammed deeper inside and overloading her reproductive organs. As she kept on pumping with that super-cock, the pressure building up inside the poor girl reached unbearable levels, and she cried out again in renewed agony until Violet finally finished, her cock deflating just long enough to let the excess fluid drain out. Of course, by that time, the unfortunate woman had passed out from all the exertion.

Violet shook her head, unable to wipe the stupid grin off her face. "Mmm, all tuckered out... Couldn't handle me, I guess. Hehe, I hope I didn't do TOO much damage!" She gave her toes a flexing at the edge of her bed, and simply laid on her back, tucking Lillian away between her granite thighs, with the intoxicating, cum-covered cock draped across her face, nose buried against her sweaty nuts. Closing her eyes, the massive dragoness gave her thighs the gentlest of flexes, reminding herself more than the unconscious Lillian who was the Mistress and who was the pet. And given how many other boys and girls had been through her cave just this week, she thought, what's the harm in playing a little game with this one? She wouldn't necessarily try to suffocate her, or crush her bones beneath those massive muscles, but she wouldn't try not to, either. If she survived until Violet woke up, she'd get to play again. If not... Maybe catch and release wasn't for her.