Canis Interstellar

Story by Nakhi on SoFurry

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#5 of Various Information

As part of my drive to flesh out everything before I delve into the stories proper, this is one of several corporations I will be writing up, with two others hinted at within this. This is largely a history about the corporation and giving a better taste of the setting that I am working in.

Canis Interstellar

Based out of Mars, Canis Interstellar is one of the oldest corporations in Alliance space and beyond. Originally founded on Earth a few decades before the launch of the sleeper ships and subsequent expansion into space, Canis rose from a ground based transportation and logistics company into a major shipping corporation, with outposts, hubs, and docks in nearly every explored system. They own the largest private fleet of freighters currently and are contracted by every corporation at some point or another for their specialty in cargo transport, even if other corporations are fully capable of shipping.

Founded in 2086 CE in Chicago by the eighteen year old Thorsten Canis, then Canis Logistics started out in the United States as a local and regional transportation company, rapidly expanding within a few short years to a nationwide corporation. That expansion earned them a contract with the United Nations as the UN was moving various ship parts across the world to launch pads. Canis offered the lowest bid, and was accepted. This contract is what put Canis Interstellar into the spotlight. As the program continued to build the materials for the ships in orbit, Canis was setting up contracts across the glove to establish their logistics chain. By 2098 CE, the corporation had supply yards, airports, and other logistics centers on every continent and at least one in almost every country.

When the colony ships launched in 2105 CE, Canis returned to standard operations, though with a large public relations boost as being seen as the people behind the scenes that made the human dream become a reality. Their logistical infrastructure continually improved as they bought out smaller companies, especially startups making use of new technologies, and expanded what networks they had. By 2154 CE, Canis had dominance over the world's logistics networks, and was beginning their interplanetary network as the new Mars colonies needed supplies to sustain themselves and grow, and to terraform the world properly. In 2156 CE, building upon lessons learned in the UN contract, Canis became the first corporation to launch and construct a private space station, complete with a space elevator to ease the flow of cargo from the surface to space, setting off a second corporate space rush.

In 2159 CE, Canis became the first true interplanetary corporation after setting up an outpost on Mars. That outpost helped drive the Mars colony of New London from a few dozen people, to a few hundred in about a decade through immigration and readily supplying the colony to keep it growing. Canis' supply methods helped to move all necessary terraforming resources from Earth to Mars. By 2200 CE, in large part due to Canis and mostly because of the scientists on the ground, Mars had a breathable atmosphere, adding another point of prestige for the corporation, and one that was the finest achievement to date, and one that Thorsten Canis, already in advanced age, was actually able to witness.

The arrival of a ship from Tau Ceti in 2176 CE was hailed on Earth as a "miracle", though was dismissed by the scientists on board as "another wonderful act of science". Making use of new principals hypothesized on the flight from Sol to Tau Ceti, scientists had set to work. This resulted in a "jump gate", which was used to jump from Tau Ceti back to Earth, with the plans for one. This revolutionized travel. By 2194 CE, Earth had two gates linking to Alpha Centauri and Tau Ceti. Canis jumped on this new revelation and, upon making its jumps into the systems, re-branded themselves as Canis Interstellar, rapidly setting up outposts in Tau Ceti and Alpha Centauri.

Thorsten left the corporation to his closest friend and longtime business partner Simeon Milovan as he had no children of his own when he died in 2202 CE. He was given a state burial for his accomplishments in his life and deeds done for humanity. As per his will, Canis was buried on Mars, at the new headquarters of Canis Interstellar, where a monument to him stands still. His death was also a chance for people to use his life as rhetoric; the most well-known being the push for unification of humanity. Even into the 23rd Century, Earth was divided by nations with only a few exceptions, and the same went for space. Simeon Milovan was the most outspoken supporter of humanity's unification.

In 2211 CE the Republic of Terra was formed under pressure from various activist groups, uniting the major nations Earth and those outside the Sol system under a single banner. This affected Canis little as it continued to expand its operations as various colonies were starting to spring up. Canis Interstellar gave the largest part of the initial cost for the colony on Epsilon Eridani, thus giving them an early advantage over the other corporations. This would have been more alarming, had they had first access to mineral resources, but the funding was to continue human colonization and expansion and not to gain leverage over a colony.

Regardless of the intentions behind funding, the action brought Canis into conflict with Silverdyne Manufacturing in 2215 CE, the largest corporation in human space at the time. Outside the boundaries of Republic Law, Epsilon Eridani became a small scale warzone between the security forces of Canis Interstellar and Silverdyne. Silverdyne naval forces would strike at Canis outposts and space stations while Canis would launch small retaliatory attacks against Silverdyne assets where they could. This attack resulted in the universal retool of all Canis freighter craft to carry weapons in the event of attack. Several Canis freighters were attacked and destroyed and nearly 1,000 employees killed before the Republic learned of the fighting and issued sanctions against Silverdyne - all of which were ignored.

The war brought hardship upon Canis for the first time since its founding, and forced them to close several facilities to make up for the financial loss. Unlike future engagements, this was recovered in part by the discovery of the Brakians at the Chara star system in 2234 CE. The humanoid canines of Chara were welcomed into Canis Interstellar due to the fact that they were canine and the name of the corporation hinted at that. Canis was the first corporation to openly embrace the new species, and thus were the ones to force their integration into the Republic, despite some social chaos it caused.

Canis explorers, with a mix of a human and Brakian crew, were sent out to map some stars in the corporation's attempt to branch out and discover new worlds and resources. Among these discoveries were the Tesgno in 2257 CE, which Canis also pushed for the integration of despite the wishes of the rest of the Republic. Seeing the utility of the feline Tesgno, they too were welcomed into Canis. The pure brute strength of some specimens of the Brakians and Tesgnov was useful in the cargo and logistics setting, but also in the corporate warfare that was flourishing at the edges of the Republic.

The Second Silverdyne War started in 2300 CE after Silverdyne fabricated claims to several worlds that Canis Interstellar had set up on. During the war, Canis Interstellar was able to properly defend itself since it started to field its own navy, had universal weapons platforms on all its civilian models, and trained the crews and employees with basic combat skills. During the 23 year, small scale war, Silverdyne and Canis lost a combined 107 ships and approximately 4,100 died. An end of hostilities was forced in 2323 CE by the Republic of Terra after it learned of the fighting and managed to secure the systems in the question that were being fought over. A Republic task force wiped out the combat fleets of both Silverdyne and Canis in the wake of the war, adding another 200 ship losses and 5,600 dead in an action that would be remembered by every corporation.

Quiet and peaceful expansion continued for the next century, all while Canis was plotting with other corporations as the Republic grew more powerful and increasingly centralized the government. More importantly, they were increasing economic restrictions and making it more difficult for corporations act independently in the fringes of Republic space. The plots of the corporations were put into effect in 2431 CE when a rebellion on Epsilon Indi overthrew the Republic's governor. Corporations rushed to aid the rebels, with Canis among the top supporters.

The War of Sovereignty began properly in 2433 CE after a standoff between the corporations and the Republic. In a war that lasted 37 years and spanned the entire Republic, Canis, Silverdyne, and Omniwatch were the three leading corporations that fought against the Republic's forces. Hundreds of thousands died, largely at Alpha Centauri and Sol, before the Republic finally surrendered at the Peace of New London. Canis, Silverdyne, and Omniwatch secured their positions as the three largest and most powerful corporations in human space, a fact that Canis rather enjoyed as they continued expansion.

With peace returned to human space, nothing of note happened with Canis Interstellar. As of present day 2550 CE, Canis has a tenuous truce with Silverdyne and is on good terms with Omniwatch and several other smaller corporations.


Chief Executive Officer: Natanael Horvat (Human - Terran)

Board of Directors: - Eveleen Suaird (Brakian - Southern) - Jarret Jansson (Human - Terran) - Barclay Johnson (Human - Terran) - Sara Heyman (Human - Terran) - Silas Moriko (Tesgnov - Desert) - Martin Wulfric (Human - Terran)

Director of Naval Operations: Miranda Holgersson (Human - Terran)

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