Rise Of The Maou: Chapter 007

Story by Nazrudin on SoFurry

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#7 of Rise Of The Maou

Author's note - As requested the yiff scene is a a bit longer in this chapter.... i think xD

Rise Of The Maou



Upon pressing the level up button a new screen opened before him.


Congratulations you have gained 25 status points and 1 skill point!!

Kael blinked at this mini window and closed to reveal behind it a list of what seemed to be skills and traits he could pick from, the vast majority of them seemed to be dulled out with no name on them, he figured likely because he didn't meet the requirements for them yet, the ones he could pick from though were [Increase GP Gain] [Skill Up] [New Skill] [Extra Morph Slot]

Selecting each one gave a description of it and a confirmation of weather to use his point on it or not, The GP Gain would give him a percentage increase to all his GP gains from now on, the skill up trait would let him level a skill without training, the new skill button brought up a window with a small selection of new skills he could acquire, they seemed to range from mundane things like cooking all the way up to special attacks for the most part though they seemed pretty basic skills that he could acquire on his own, at least for now anyway, and the last one the extra morph slot would give him an extra point to the total things he could have Dee shift into. <Mmm.. what should I pick?... Should I pick any at all right now though? I should probably wait till I learn more before using the skill point.> He closed the window and returned to the menu to find a new button now available that was labelled [Use SP]

Opening the status window now he could instantly see the little plus sign next to each stat to increase them with his stat points, the number of stat points he had was show just below his stat list [Points Remaining : 25] <Damm, that's a lot of stat points for one level up isn't it? In some games you'd only get somewhere between one and five with each level, with this I could evenly put five points into each stat but that could be a bad idea...> He decided for the time being to not use the stat points either till he learned more, he really didn't want to muck things up for himself.

Soon enough a week had passed on his trek through the forest, the river finally joined with what he assumed was the main river that would lead him out of the forest, instead of being just a bedrock stream it was now a proper river about ten meters wide though it was still shallow and only came up to his waist, getting a bit tired of all the fruit and nuts he'd been eating he decided to try his hand at spear fishing, it's something he'd read about once and he figured it might increase his spear skill at the same time, using Dee in his spear form he stood by the water's edge and watched the fish through the clear water silently, waiting for the right moment to thrust the spear down at the fish, the next few nights meals were fruit and nuts still. By the middle of the second week he guessed he must have raised his spear skill high enough to finally spear his first fish "Yes!!" He waved with fish about on the spear in a small victory dance and instantly set about starting a small camp fire to cook it on, thankfully in the pack Sheila had given him was a flint stone and dagger, it took him a few tries but he was able to get a small fire going and used the dagger to scale and fillet the fish to then skewer the filets on a stick and hung them over the fire to cook.

Rummaging through the pack to take a proper stock of what was in it he found aside from the dagger and flint rock there was a small pouch of coin holding thirty six pieces he wasn't sure what metal the coin was made from they seemed to hold a mixture of silver and copper colors swirled in them so he gave the coins to Dee to carry for him, leaving them in the pack would make them too easy to steal from him later on, once in Dee's inventory he could see the coins were called [Rezz]. Aside from the coins there were a few bandages and a small wooden jar of healing ointment and a blanket. He didn't want to bother Dee to much with holding thing so he kept everything aside from the coins in the pack and carried that himself, for the dagger he attached the sheath for it to his belt for easy access should he need it.

By the end of the second week Kael found that he'd unlocked a new skill [Prediction] an observation type skill that helps you predict where an opponent is about to move to so that you can adjust your own strike accordingly or dodge if need be. <Huh.. must have gotten that from hunting the fish with the spear, I must admit it did start getting easier all a sudden after a point, I wonder how hard it would be to get this skill through combat? It's defiantly something I want to increase.>

As night fell on the last day of the second week of his travel out of the forest he noticed storm clouds brewing above and a chilled wind blew through forest <Ugh.. looks like a bad storm coming... my leaf shelter isn't going to cut it tonight.. Maybe there's a cave or something...not likely.. there is a rather big tree though..> Rubbing his chin in thought as he stepped over to the large tree and placed his hand upon it, closing his eyes to focus and taking a deep breath, merging his magic with the aura of the tree and then willing it to grow a bit more, the ground cracked and the tree groaned as it grew taller and wider, stopping once the trunk of the tree was a good meter and a half wide he then focused on the inside of the tree becoming hollow a small arched opening appearing before him to allow him to step inside the now sturdy hollowed tree.

Nodding with approval as he stood inside the alcove he'd carved into the tree "mm, this should work nicely." Placing his hand on the inside of the tree he had the entrance close up behind him leaving him locked inside the tree, a small glowing lamp weed now dangling from the ceiling of his little room illuminated the area in a soft glow, he'd also made sure to leave several small holes around the tree for air to still flow and he let him look outside the peek holes as well. Above him was a small shelf where he placed Dee who squeaked and settled down on it for the night happily.

While he couldn't lay completely inside the tree he was able to curl around against the wall of the tree which wasn't too bad. "Mmmm, this might be the best sleep ill have since I left actually." He chuckled softly "Think I'll have to do this from now on, maybe a bit bigger next time though." Soon he fell asleep even as outside a dark storm raged on, rain and lightning pouring from the sky above.

Kael stood up slowly and stretched, thankfully he'd made the hollow tall enough so he could stand fully in it, a yawn passing his lips before he pressed his eye up to one of his peep holes to look outside, he was sure it was morning but that storm still raged on, it looked almost like it was still the dead of night out there, he could just barely make out the river with each lightning strike it had now risen up to be level with the embankment as the rain continued to harshly pelt down to the ground. "Damm... better bunker down Dee, looks like we might be staying here the day." He looked up to the shelf Dee was on to find him still snoozing peacefully and grins "Well at least you've got plenty of stretching space eh." His words stopped abruptly as he could have sworn he heard something outside, quickly he had the lamp weed stop glowing and leaned down to peer through the holes at the outside, at first he couldn't make out anything aside from the rain and lightning strikes, but then he heard it again, certainly more clearly this time and coming his way, the shouts of men.

Peering out one side of the tree he could see the outline of a short figure running towards his tree, it defiantly wasn't human, its legs and arms far too short, it darted around to the other side of his tree and seemed to be trying to hide behind it, still peering in the direction the figure came from he could see the three more outlines approaching "Come on! She can't have gotten far! If we don't catch at least one of these buggers we don't get paid now move it!" The men's shout was loud to roar over the sound of the lightning.

At those words Kael's mind was made, turning to the back of the tree where the other figure rested he quickly opened the tree and pulled the person inside the hollow, hand wrapping around their muzzle to keep them quiet "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you ok, if you shout they might hear you so just stay quiet and stay still." Once he had the person inside he quickly closed the tree up once more leaving the two of them in total darkness. Surprisingly the person in his arms struggled little after the tree closed, perhaps they were too tired or seeing the magic may have relaxed them he wasn't sure. "Ok, I'm going to let you go now, don't move around too much or make too much noise ok?" The person in his arms gave a nod and Kael let them go and settled down back against the wall of the tree. Outside they could hear the men running about frantically in their search, shouting and swearing as they could no longer find the tracks of their prey.

"W..who are you?" The voice was undoubtedly female

"I'm Kael, and you?" Noticing her body now shivering Kael grabbed his blanket and gently wrapped it around the girl, rubbing her down lightly to dry her off.

"L..L..Leaf." He words stuttered from her chattering teeth, she seemed to welcome the blanket and his rub down rather contently "T..thank you..." her words seemed final as she slumped back against him, the terror from being chased by the humans slowly leaving her and leaving her body now in a weekend state as the adrenalin rush came to an end.

"It's ok, just rest, your safe here." Kael's words washed over her with soft soothing warmth and soon she fell asleep on his lap.

Outside the storm raged on still not seeming to let up for one moment, it felt like hours had passed before the girl woke up with a start "Mmph.. mm?" slowly she sat up and realized she had fallen asleep on the lap of her rescuer "Ah! I..I'm sorry, I fell asleep on you."

Kael had been watching her the whole time and just chuckled softly "It's ok, since you've got my blanket I needed a way to keep warm anyway." He was sure she blushed at this but it was too dark to see and he was actually afraid to relight the lamp weed <She would probably freak out if she sees I'm human.> He lets out a soft sigh and stretches a little before relaxing back against the wall, one hand lightly coming up to pet over her head. From her outline he could tell she was rather short, maybe about three and a half feet and her outline showed very little in the way of human like features "Mind if I ask what you are? I can't tell in this dark."

She seemed to take well to the petting, nuzzling into his hand and letting out a soft rumble that sounded almost like a purr "I'm of the otter tribe." She laid back against him rather casually now "What about you? I can't see that well either."

This caught Kael off guard, he was stupid for asking such a thing just after he was thinking to himself that it would be bad if she found he was human "Uh.. mmm... to be honest I'd rather not say, I'm not exactly one of the most well accepted races around." He crossed his fingers with these words.

"Hmmm, ok, but you saved me though so I don't think you could be that bad." She rubbed up against him, her rear rubbing against his groin, intentional or not he wasn't sure though.

"It will probably be night soon, you can stay here till morning if you like, I've got food to spare." He would make an apple grow beside him and plucks it, reaching around to place it in her hand.

"Oohh." At the touch of the apple to her hand her belly lets out a rumble and she quickly devours the juicy apply "Mmm, thanks." She smiles and snuggles back against him some more, her rump once again rubbing against his groin, this time her hips rolling in a more erotic fashion that didn't go unnoticed by Kael, or by his lower half which responded by creating a protruding lump inside his pants that she could now feel. "Hehe, my rescuer seems to be getting excited."

"Uh... well its kinda hard not to when you rub against me like that." Kael was blushing but the darkness hid it well. "Erm.. are you usually... this friendly to people you only just met?"

Leaf giggles softly "Mmmm, not always, but I think a heroic rescue deserves a reward no?"

Kael let out a soft sigh "I.. appreciate the thought but.. you really shouldn't... I think you'll regret it later if you see who I am."

Leaf let out another soft giggle as she continued to enticingly rub her rump against Kael's groin "Hmmm, whys that? Are you human or something?"

Kael went silent for a moment, he didn't want to deceive her, swallowing down his hesitation he prepared for the worst before he spoke "yes... I'm human."

Instantly Leaf froze her words becoming stuttered "d..don't be silly, n..no human w..would ever save someone of the monster races." She turned around on his lap to face him, her short arms reaching up to trace her hands lightly over Kael's face.

Kael remained still as she explored his face "Please don't be afraid, I'm not going to do anything to you, once the storm lets up I'll let you out, I can't let you out in this, you'll catch cold." Reaching out to touch the wall of the tree he slowly re-illuminated the lamp weed, letting it cast a soft glow to fill the hollow, looking to her with a soft smile.

The gaze she returned though seemed to be a mixture of panic and fear, but there was that small hint of curiosity. "y..you are..." Her body was stiffened from fright but she didn't make any moves to get away from him "B..but you used magic just then! I don't see any focus with you, how did you use magic? Humans can't use magic like that."

Kael chuckled softly as she seemed to suddenly try and say in a roundabout way that he couldn't be a human "Yeah... I'm just a bit different from most humans you've probably learned about I guess." He smiles to her and reaches up to gently pet over her head lightly, causing her to jump with widened eyes but slowly she seems to relax into the petting, that soft purr like sound emitting from her once again.

"O..ok... ill trust you Kael.." Despite her timid words she was now nuzzling up into his petting hand rather affectionately, her gaze soon though would turn back down to the lump still present in Kael's pants "d..did you.. enjoy what I was doing before?" Kael blinks at her words but smiles and nods "b..but I'm not human.. why would you enjoy that...Humans would normally be disgusted by other races."

Kael just shrugged lightly "Like I said, I'm just different from other humans, I think you're quite the cute little thing." She blushed brightly at this and somewhat though a little hesitant she leaned forward to nuzzle against his chest.

"T..then.. I still don't mind repaying you for saving me... i..if you want to..."

Kael blinks "mm.. I didn't really think something like this would come up after I bonded with Sheila.. I mean she did say it was fine if I was with others but still..."

Leaf blinks and tilts her head curiously at his words "Bonded? You've mated with a woman of one of the other races before?" Her eyes wide with surprise as Kael nodded.

"Umm.. yeah, Sheila, she's one of the deer folk, when I first arrived in the forest I came across her. Lots of things happened and I ended up helping to fend off a human attack on her village and then we.. bonded." He smiles softly as he recalls his time with Sheila "It was only a few weeks ago but already it feels like it's been too long."

Leaf was now resting on his chest contently at his words, looking up at him with an almost adorable expression that could melt hearts in an instant "To have bonded with one of the deer folk you must be very special, they are one of the most reclusive races that live in this forest." She leaned up slowly to him "I want to see it for myself, this special quality." Her hips gently rocked against his groin once again, the lump inside his pants rubbing against her small slit that was hidden just under her soft fur and her lips tenderly pressed up to his.

With her rocking and the kiss Kael's hesitations faded and gently he wrapped his arms around the small otter on his lap letting his finger cress through her fur lightly "Your people don't wear clothes normally?"

Leaf giggled and nuzzled into his neck kissing and licking affectionately "Nope, our fur hides everything well enough, and as you can already see the women of our kind don't have any mounds on our chests that need to be hid."

Kael looked down at her in the soft light, admittedly it was true, her body was more like a normal feral type otter just that her body was structured so she could stand straight and was larger, and of course could talk, he let his hands roam over her small frame, tracing his fingers through her fur from the back of her neck down to her small rear, cupping and rubbing over that teasing backside that was rubbing against him so erotically just moments ago and then traces out along her tail. Leaf let out a soft moan at his grasp and rolled her hips against him more needfully a soft dampness now appearing over his crotch where she ground against him.

Reaching down Kael unbuckled his belt and pulled his leather pants down and kicked them off as Leaf pulled off his jacket and undershirt, now free his hard length bobbed up into the air between the two "Oh my.." Leaf stared down as his throbbing length, reaching down with her small soft hands to grasp it gently and started to rub his length up and down slowly, causing Kael to let out a moan at the soft touch of her furred hands on him. Gently she caressed her hands up and down his length, grinning at the moans that came from Kael as she did "Such a bad human getting so worked up over little ol me." She giggles and slid down from his lap to now level her head with his cock, looking it over closely as she pumped her hands along its length forcing a small dribble of pre cum to emerge from his tip. "Mmmm, it looks so tasty." She almost purred out as she lifted her head to press her lips to his tip and slowly open her maw wide to take the head of his cock into her warm mouth. "Mmmphmmm." She let out soft moans around him as she pumped her hands up and down his cock, her tongue swirling over his head as she now suckled upon him hungrily.

"Ohhh.. Leaf..." Kael reached down to cress his fingers through the fur of her head lightly, a grin forming on her lips as well as it could as she softly bobbed her lips over the head of his length, tongue teasing just under the rim of his helmet. "Ooohhh." Kael shuddered and watched the small otter girl as she released his cock only to then hold his shaft straight up and begin to lick up and down its length, her small fingers sliding down to cress over his sack for a little while before she finally pulled away and sat back up with a grin, licking her lips.

"Mmmm, I think were both ready now big boy." She grinned and winked at Kael as she straddled over his lap, taking hold of his length and pressing it to her moist folds "Ohhh, this is going to be a tight fit." Bracing herself against Kael's chest she slowly began to lower herself onto him, gasping as the head of his cock slipped into her tight folds and slowly stretched her open around him "Ahhhhh." She ground down against him, hips rocking and grinding to push herself down onto him deeper, taking every inch that she could into her hungry folds. "I've never been so full before." Resting against him as she finally managed to fully hilt him within her, panting as she took a moment to let her body adjust to the large intrusion.

Kael was barely containing himself, hands resting on her backside firmly as he lightly rocked her hips down against him, to which she would let out soft gasps and purrs "mmm, is the big bad human going to show me how he likes it?" Leaf let out a giggle as she rocked her hips against him now the way he had been lightly forcing her to then slowly drawing herself up about half his length before sliding back down slowly to grind and rock against him once more. "Ooohhh, so full, I can see why the women of the deer folk would like you." She grins up at him, leaning up to plant a kiss to his lips before she finally began a slow rhythmic pace of rising and lowering herself onto him, gently riding his throbbing cock at an almost teasing rate.

It didn't take long before Kael broke from the teasing motions she made on him and began to arch his hips up to meet her thrusts causing her to let out a gasp at first but then rest against him with a purr "Yes.. take me.. make me yours." She purred to him so sensuously, Kael responded as she wished, arching up against her more eagerly, hips slapping against her as he began to drive his length up into her, Leaf panting and gasping almost gleefully with each thrust he made to cause her to bounce on his lap, the slapping of their hips filling the small hollow.

With a grin Leaf nipped at Kael's nose and slipped off him to step back and turned around, bending down onto all fours in front of him and wiggled her rear back at him "Mmmm, come take me properly big boy." She giggled softly then followed with a gasp as she felt Kael's hands on her hips holding her still as he plunged his cock back into her eagerly and started to pound into her.

"Ahhh, Leaf... you're so tight and warm." Kael groans and pants as he held her hips firmly and bucked into her lustfully, his cock throbbing hotly inside her. Leaf's arms gave way causing her torso to fall down to the ground, leaving just her rear up in the air as Kael ground into her, both of them panting heavily as they approached their limits "Mmmph.. I can't hold it long Leaf.." Reaching under her with one hand he began to tease his fingers over the top of her slit, finding that small sensitive nub and teasing his finger over it, Leaf squealed with pleasure at the touch and bucked her hips back against him hard her walls squeezing around him tight as she coated him with her warm fluids "Uuuhhhh, yes,, fill me Kael!" Her climax was all it took to send him over his limit, hips ramming against her hard then grinding into her as he unloaded his hot seed deep into her, filling her small body with his thick cum "Oohhhhhhh Leaf!" Groaning and bucking against her with each jet of seed he poured into her he was soon spent and slumped down beside her with a groan.

"Mmmm Kael.. that was amazing." Leaf purred and snuggled up against him, she didn't seem to care about the combined fluids now leaking from her folds "I think you've just claimed another bonded mate." She giggles and leans in to kiss his lips softly. Kael just let out a soft sigh and wrapped his arms around her to tired to think on her words, pulling the blanket over them and put out the lamp weed, leaving them in the darkness to then soon fall asleep to the soothing sound of the rain outside.