Kamoya, the Mother of Monster Island - Part 3

Story by joekabox on SoFurry

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#5 of Kaiju

This is part three of a short story I'm writing about my Kaiju OC, Kamoya. This part is a bit different than the others so far, but you may figure out why soon enough. Seeing as this part has nothing mature in it, I'll put it down for all ages.

Previous: https://www.sofurry.com/view/724854

Next: https://www.sofurry.com/view/725814

For more info on Kamoya, go here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/724550

Part Three - ???

_ ** ** Secret Japanese military base somewhere in the Pacific Ocean..._

** ** The light from computer monitors lit up an otherwise dark room. In front of each, a hard working individual typed away.

** ** At the front of the large room, a Japanese man in a suit stood alongside four individuals; a Japanese man and woman in what appeared to be some kind of military wear, and two scientists in lab coats; one of them a Japanese woman and the other an American man.

** ** The group faced one massive computer monitor, the faces of many people from various nations filling it to the borders.

** ** One man on the screen, an American general, was red in the face from anger. "I do not see why Japan of all places should be handling this matter. They lack the firepower to do anything if things go sour."

** ** A French woman spoke next. "Your immediate jump to weapons use is the exact reason I agree Japan should be in charge of this matter. Mister Wantanabe, I believe your task force will do just fine."

** ** Many of the people on the screen nodded.

** ** The general groaned. "Says the French woman. Look, Japan already has issues with giant fire-snortin' lizards they can rarely handle. Why trust them with aliens of all things?"

** ** The suited man, Mr. Wantanabe, gave a slight chuckle. "If I recall, general, you had your own lizard problem not too long ago, a problem that would not have been solved without French involvement. And he didn't even breathe fire."

** ** The general frowned but said nothing.

** **"My fellow nations," Started Mr. Wantanabe. "I can assure you my team will have everything under control, both in the lab and in terms of fire power. Current trajectory of the potential visitors shows Japanese waters will be their landing site, so why not trust us with the situation."

** ** A rather large English man raised a brow. "Surely you will keep us all informed and allow us to help if things go to hell. This is not a Japanese affair in and of itself."

** ** Mr. Wantanabe nodded. "Of course, we simply feel we will be the best choice for immediate action. If we cannot handle this alone, it will be in all of our hands."

** ** The French woman spoke up once more. "All in favor of giving immediate action rights to the Japanese Xenomorph Self-Defence Force?"

** ** All agreed, even if some seemed a bit unsure.

** ** Mr. Wantanabe gave a slight bow. "We will not let the world down."

** ** With that, the screen went dark.

** ** One of the Scientists, a Japanese woman, stepped closer to Mr. Wantanabe. "Sir, reports show Mecha-G to be in prime condition in the event of...catastrophe."

** ** He nodded. "Good. Await further instruction. If possible, I wish for violence to be our last course of action."

** ** She gave a nod. "Yes sir."

Kamoya, the Mother of Monster Island - Part 4

**Part Four - A Visit from Gorosaurus** Anguirus casually walked through the forest of unusually large palms with little care. He didn't fear predators, seeing as most monsters on the island probably couldn't bust through his hard shell, and he...

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Kamoya, the Mother of Monster Island - Part 2

**Part Two - Breakfast on the Beach** ** ** Anguirus woke early in the morning to the feeling of something poking his side. Groggily opening his eyes, he looked to his side to see what appeared to be a much smaller Kamoya, but with a brown skin as...

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Kamoya, the Mother of Monster Island - Part 1

**Part One - Kamoya vs. Anguirus** Waves rolled softly onto the shore of a secluded beach. The sun was high in the sky, the clouds few, and a cool breeze blew through the fruit-bearing palms. The sound of the ocean and rustling trees were not the...

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