These Eyes See Darkness Clearly

Story by omegaxis on SoFurry

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Hello readers I just want to say that was kinda fun to write and i cant wait to see where this takes me enjoy

I awoke in so much pain. I don't even remember why I'm here; the last I recall was walking with these men in white. How long has it been since then? They said I don't need to use my eyes so they blindfolded me. I don't even know how long I waited while sitting in my chamber. They gave me this heavy collar before I was allowed to roam this building but I had a guide. At some point I developed this sight beyond my sight. It was like sensing the world around me from someone else's eyes without color. Strange thing is...I can't see myself and I'm not allowed to take the blindfold off I've tried and received a terrible burning sensation from my collar. This room makes my very cells aches. Before long my observers notice my labored attempts to move, the first a lynx.

"Professor NO.12 is awake. Should we proceed?"

Another man that I'm much more familiar with taps on the window to rouse my attention I can't help but turn to him. ONLY him. This liger, he's the only one to truly look at me. If only I knew what was so fascinating about me to stare at with such intensity...all the others, they just treat me like some THING. It was tiring to be friendly just to be dismissed like I don't exist. I fear of what's to come. I hear them talk as if all of these tests are for my benefit as if I wanted to be some guiney pig for their curiosity. All of it...I just don't understand.

"Oh? How and are you today µ-12? Are you prepared for the next test?"

This man...he's the only one that treats me like I truly exist and I favored my walks with him the most, I even promised myself to always be nice to him. I could be as bold as to call him my father; no he doesn't deserve that satisfaction yet. I always sense that he genuinely cares for my safety but I guess that would only benefit him in the end.

"I'll hazard a guess and take that as a yes, Stewart, increase vector output to 300%. You really shouldn't go rampaging, these restraints are here to teach you discipline so relax."

He always spoke directly to me which is another this no one else does. I always do well to remember his voice it was a bit heavy but always smooth and calm. I try to force out the only name that I know of his and the only one he allows me to call him.


"Professor Iblis you really should refrain from such contact with it."

No one knew why he took such care with me and neither did I but I didn't care. I don't believe he liked it when he was questioned or instructed on how to handle me as well because when I saw him slam his arm above the lynx's head and approach him so smoothly I was awestruck at his decisiveness.

"You should mind your business and be sure that the noise waves stays at 0%."

I watch as he leaves with a sigh and from my chamber he almost looked disappointed, at what I wouldn't know. Before long waves of hot energy shot through my body with such an intensity that I knew I couldn't handle. It was so painful I couldn't even cry and I franticly hoped for someone to help me knowing all too well the only one that would couldn't. It had been 12 long seconds before I felt myself slipping into darkness.

_ _


My pleas went unvoiced and the last thing I saw was Reginald's face before blacked out.

"You aren't performing as well as we hoped so I guess it's time to delete you, hmm?"

"What the hell have you done Stewart the he wasn't created to handle that much stress this early and this equipment wasn't made to weren't made to be trifled with so carelessly.

The liger frantically attempted to stabilize the output but it was too late. The machines were destroyed and the subject was unresponsive.

"That isn't my problem but, that thing certainly is. Oh and if my data is correct it'll begin to rampage again."

With a look of shock and anger Reginald grabs the tricky cat.

"Are you insane? It took us 8 years to get where we are today we cannot make any more prime key subjects. Why would you do this Stewart?"

During this act the liger scientist puts the entire building on red alert and the room on lockdown preparing for the worst while watching the body of the subject burst from its binds not paying attention to the crazed lynx laughing behind him until it was too late to see that he had a gun to his back.

"Because he's the one that will be the end of us all"

The sound of the gunshot rang threw the room disorienting the liger as he grabbed the gun.


"Okay Regi you can do this...the subject Nu is about reset he'll destroy half the building and his retainer is dead. What can you do?"

In these frantic moments that he thinks to himself the subject bursts from the cell in a terrible rage and let's out and ear bleeding roar Reginald takes this as his only chance and points the gun at the final subject, at Nu.


Reginald is surprised by this action he lowers his gun and steps cautiously to the subject

"Please don't. uhg help me Reginald I can't ahhh!"

It was then for the first time Reginald saw his eyes Nu had done something he was never to do and looked at him with his eyes it was then that Nu could see himself clearly he was a dragon and by the liger's observation his eyes were purple and his scales were black and were now glowing with odd white markings.

"How can I help you? HOW?"

"It much take it off!"

This is so much for the liger that his eyes begin to swell with tears.

"You shouldn't be able to talk...that collar is supposed to disrupt your vocal cords...I'm so sorry for this."

I, no WE'VE taken so much from you and now I'm going to give you something back.

As the gentle liger removes the collar with the markings on Nu's body disappear and he slips into a quite slumber.

"I'm going to make this right"

The liger slips his lab coat around the limp form in his arms and without disturbing him he lifts the restrictions on the room and gives the all clear only to be stopped half way by an imposing panda in a suit.

"Director Galla...I can't do this anymore we can't keep doing this and this kid can't take anymore I've seen it in his eyes I'm- "

"You WHAT? Regi my boy this is bad tell me you're the only one he looked at directly."


"Theres no time for that look we'll talk later but for now keep your eyes on him. He's...special."

"I never doubted that sir, ever."

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