VIII. Practice makes perfect

Story by Vexxus on SoFurry

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As told by Nina

Finally Friday. I had not only made good progress on my artwork for Milo's theatre play, but also managed to finish an assignment I had to turn in at the end of the next week. Furthermore, my queue of commissioned artwork I owed my customers had shrunk. In short, things were going well and I had earned a break.

Said break was already planned; I would have playtime with Milo later, but first I was going to visit his grandmother. While I was excited to have fun with my boyfriend, I was apprehensive about playing with Trisha. Fortunately, I was not as nervous as I had been during my previous visit, but then again, she took it a lot better than I could have asked for.

On the other paw, I was going to show her my inner puppy, which I had never done to anyone else but Milo. Trisha was about to be exposed to something I did not expect her to understand to the full extent, and I could only hope for her empathy.

The public transport system was on my side, allowing me to reach her apartment at a few minutes past four in the afternoon. With my duffel bag on my shoulder, I rang her doorbell. It felt like an eternity before the old Indian answered the door. To my dismay, my nervousness skyrocketed.

Inside my bag, Natasha was waiting for me to take her out, so she could comfort me with her soft touch. In contrast to my previous visit, I had brought along a couple of other items. For starters, I had packed my sketchbook and pencils, my pacifier, my bottle, and my pawed sleeper. After all, I was going to sleep over at Milo's place later.

Of everything a littlefur could expose an 'outsider' to, these were probably the least intrusive or offensive. Diapers, on the other hand... I had brought two of those as well. 'Never go with just one', Milo always taught me. After all, what's the use of wearing a diaper if you can't change into a fresh one?

My train of thought came to a halt when Trisha opened her front door. We exchanged greetings and she gave me a hug. I put my duffel bag down next to the table and took Natasha out, hoping that cuddling her would calm me down.

"You look so tense, dear. Are you nervous?" Trisha asked as she sat down across the table.

I nodded firmly, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, this is new for both of us. Let's agree upon stopping any time either of us feels uncomfortable. What do you think?"

"That'd be okay, I guess," I replied.

"I assume that you need to change your clothes?" she queried.

I nodded again.

"Go to my guest room. It's down the hallway, the door is already open. Take your time," Trisha reassured.

Holding Natasha with one arm, I picked up my bag again and moved to the guest room. I closed the door behind me and put my bag down on the bed. The first thing I took off was my collar, as it was obviously too grown-up for the occasion. I did not like to wear a collar anyway whenever I was in my puppy mindset.

My clothes soon followed, and I draped them all over the nearby chair. Slowly and hesitatingly, I slid down my panties and put them with the other clothes. From my duffel bag, I then took a towel and a Poochies diaper.

Ever since Milo and I discovered the diapers for big puppies, we had grown to like them, especially since the manufacturers had recently improved the absorbency. I put the towel on the floor and unfolded the diaper. As I felt the padding under my bottom, I was once again reminded of the added thickness. I was glad that I kept a small stash of my own, so I could play puppy whenever I wanted - even when Milo was not around.

While I was still not as skilled as him, I managed to diaper myself fairly quickly. The towel disappeared back into my bag as I traded it for my pawed sleeper. After zipping up my pajamas, I finished the picture by popping my pacifier in my muzzle.

Holding Natasha by one of her paws, and holding my bottle in my other hand, I returned to the living room. My tail told me that I was still very nervous, as it constantly tried to find its way between my legs. While it did remind me of the pleasant amount of padding around my bottom, I rather wanted my tail to wag.

"Aww, you look adorable!" Trisha commented as I entered the living room.

"W-weally?" I mouthed around my pacifier. "Shho you don't fink dis is weird?"

The old Indian walked up to me with a smile.

"I'm going to repeat myself once more, Nina. It's strange and unusual, but I don't think it's something I'll mind playing along with. If not for you, then for Milo. Now come here, give me a hug," she reassured.

I gently dropped Natasha and let Trisha pull me into a warm embrace. After a while, she let go and took my bottle from my hand.

"You said bottle-feeding calms you down. Would you like some apple juice?"

"Yush pwease!" I replied with enthusiasm.

"Go sit on the couch, I'll be right there," she invited.

Being a good puppy, I followed the instructions - that is, after I had picked up Natasha. A few moments later, Trisha returned. It took a little while for the two of us to find get comfortable, but we soon settled on the usual poses Milo and I use when we feed each other.

With my head resting against her chest, Trisha put one arm around my shoulders and offered my bottle with the other. She took my pacifier out, so I could accept the teat of my bottle. Only seconds later, I had closed my eyes and concentrated on nothing but the feeling of Natasha in my arms, the taste of apple juice in my mouth, and the sound of the Indian's heartbeat.

It always takes longer to empty a bottle than to drink the same amount from a cup, but in this case, time was not a problem. As I kept nursing, Trisha hummed a gentle tune, and I finally felt myself relax.

"It must have been about fifty years ago," she mused. "I mean, the last time I bottle-fed my own daughters. Of course, I took care of Milo a couple of times as well, when he was little."

I smiled, which she must have noticed.

"When he was actually little, Nina," she teased.

A few minutes of silence passed, occasionally interrupted by Trisha commenting that I was doing good or how much juice the bottle still contained.

"Do you, um, like it? So far, I mean?" I asked hesitantly when my bottle was empty.

"Well, some of it reminds me of when my children and grandchildren were puppies, but I've never had a twenty-year-old sit on my lap to drink from a bottle. I don't know if I like it, it's... different, I suppose," she answered, as if she had anticipated my question. "What else do you and Milo do when you're playing?"

"Um, we watch cartoons, we brush each other's fur, or we color in our books. Milo also has some toys for children, but we play board games as well."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I have any toys suitable for you. I gave most of it away after Milo's cousins grew too old for them."

"Makes sense," I replied, somewhat disappointed, although I had not expected Trisha to own any toys at all.

"I do enjoy playing board games, though, and I still have most of those. Would that be okay?"

I nodded.

"Any preferences, dear? Something that's not too complicated, perhaps?"

"How 'bout we play checkers?" I suggested, trying to find my puppy voice again.

"That sounds like fun, dear. Why don't you go sit at the big table and get comfortable?"

I answered her invitation and sat down, then set Natasha on my lap. A minute or so later, Trisha sat down right across the table, carrying the board and the pieces. We set them up in a matter of moments, and she allowed me to begin.

Natasha's hind paws were resting on my thighs, while her front paws lazily laid on the table. While I continuously cuddled her with one arm, it looked like my plushie was watching the game as Trisha and I played.

Soon, I forgot about everything but cuddling and the checkers. I was about to triple jump Trisha, when I suddenly noticed the apple juice was making its way through my system. Since the beginning of the game, I had not paid any attention to my bladder, but the pressure was growing past the point where it could be blatantly ignored.

The old Indian looked at me as if she was upset for a moment, but I soon understood that she was pretending. It did make me wonder if she was letting me win, though. When it was my turn again, however, my attention was drawn back to my bladder. I realized I could not hold it forever, but most of all, I knew that Trisha would eventually found out.

Trying to hold back would be useless, as it would only uncomfortably delay the inevitable. I put my knees apart a little, then pushed gently. With a little effort, I let out a trickle, while pretending to be thinking hard about my next move. Just like the first time I had wet myself in front of Milo, it took me quite some effort to get the flow started.

I could have expected that it was hard to use my diaper in Trisha's presence, compared to when I was together with Milo. At least, he understands what it is about and he knows why I enjoy it, but his grandmother was an 'outsider'.

Hoping she had not caught up on what happened on my side of the table, I quickly moved one of the pieces so I would not raise suspicion. The move did not really make much of a difference, so I was not harming my chance of victory anyway.

While she pondered her next move, I hugged Natasha tight with both hands. In the meantime, I tried my best to relax my bladder. When I was done, I savored the warm feeling between my legs. I managed to hold back a contented sigh, but once again, my tail appeared to have a mind of its own.

I decided to play it off and pretend that Trisha's most recent move was something I could take advantage of. Luckily for me, it did, as she had made a mistake that allowed me to jump her again. Come to think of it, I was once again suspecting her of purposely letting me win.

VII. Echoes

_As told by Milo_ Spring break. I was unpleasantly woken up by the breaking dawn as the rays of sunlight fell into my room. As I came to my senses, I felt the soft material of my blue pawed sleeper all around me, and the soft plush of my stuffed...

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VI. A present for the future

_As told by Nina_ "You're probably wondering why I told you all this, right?" She nodded. "I assume that you have a firm reason to tell me something this personal. Care to elaborate?" "It's about Milo's birthday. I told you over the phone that...

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V. But wait, there's more!

_As told by Nina_ "There's more to it than just hugging a fluffy toy. The idea is that you play pretend, so you make yourself believe that you really _are_ a puppy. And with 'puppy', that generally means a three-year-old, for me and Milo." "To...

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