Chapter 1: The virus is released.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon Virus,

The start of a new series I'm writing involving a virus that changes people and pokemon

Legalities: I own neither Pokémon nor any of the characters are affiliated with it. I only own my own characters. This story is a fan made product not licensed by the companies connected to Pokémon or any of its characters. This story is an adult rated story and as such shouldn't be read by those under age.

The scientists gathered around the computer screen as it started flashing. Some were grinning others were just hosting small smiles, others still had frowns of concentration, and others still had blank looks on their faces. Among those with frowns was David Narius. He had been working for the rocket organization for the last five years, and he couldn't help but feel the longer he worked here, the worse things were. He shook his head and continued studying the screen copying down its data. Afterward he watched as they pulled the vial out of the machine and filled a syringe with it. He winced realizing it was time to test the vial on the first patient. An unlucky young man by the name of James Carrow was to be the first infected with what would be dubbed as the Pokérus version 2.0.

James was strapped to a table with his arms and legs bound tightly. He swore at the scientists who were studying him and talked about how he'd go to the police as soon as he was free. One of them laughed and said "When you're free no one will be able to understand you, because you will be a Pokémon." James blinked then started laughing. He laughed so hard his eyes started watering. He believed these scientists were nuts at first, but now he was sure they were nuts. Only madmen, and women, would think you could turn a person into a Pokémon. He blinked as they took a vial of blood from an eevee then injected it into his arm talking about preparations. David watched it all silently then turned away fearing for the poor boy's life.

He listened as the cries of the boy went from those of a human male to those of an eevee slowly as the boy's body changed. He turned around as he heard the mewling of an eevee and blinked seeing that on the table where had once been a young human male was what was obviously now an eevee female. He shivered realizing what the virus could do and quickly stole the vial then ran off with it. He also pressed the button allowing the Pokémon in the cages and the former young man to run off through secret passages that led outside. A few of the Pokémon to be specific, an arcanine, a mightyena, and a jolteon, ran with him. They protected him from other Pokémon that started piling out and attacking from the hallways around them. David continued running shoving the vial in his pocket since it was the only working model of the virus along with the research data which he'd stolen before releasing the Pokémon.

He kept running the mightyena, jolteon, and arcanine covering his back until he came to a split. He whistled and his two assistants ran up. He handed them blank data discs that looked exactly like the one he had containing the actual data as well as vials full of liquid similar to that of Pokérus v2. They ran off followed by the mightyena and Jolteon then he continued down the main thoroughfare trying to get outside with arcanine guarding his back. Rocket grunts were streaming everywhere and other scientists ran after his two assistants assuming that he wasn't dumb enough to keep both the vial and disks on him. They were dead wrong, he trusted no one with the vial or the research. He would either destroy both or make his own lab to reverse engineer the serum and save however many lives.

He kept running until he was out of the rocket base, with bullets being fired after him. He swore realizing that team rocket truly was an evil organization willing to do whatever it took to get what they wanted. He ran for another three hours before resorting to riding Arcanine and continuing on his way. Eventually he stopped at the home of an old friend and let Arcanine rest as he walked in and called out "Ryan you and Jake here?" He waited a good five minutes before he heard a door open and someone walking downstairs. He blinked as he saw his old friend Ryan Wolf and his little brother Jacob, or Jake as everyone called him. Jake grinned at David and said "Hey old man," While Ryan looked at him questioningly knowing where David had been working the last five years. David smiled sadly and said "Why don't you go out and check on Arcanine Jake." Jake nodded and walked outside while Ryan raised an eyebrow and said "What do you need David?"

David sighed and asked "Can we sit down? I have something to ask you, and Jake." Ryan motioned for him to follow and walked through the kitchen into the living room then motioned for David to sit. David sat down and said "I stole some stuff from Team Rocket, very important stuff that can change the world." Ryan blinked and said "What exactly could you have stolen that was so important to both Team Rocket and the world." David pulled out the syringe and said "I need to inject this into someone. The minimum that will happen is they will be able to understand Pokémon, the maximum will be they change into a Pokémon." He continued "After that I'm going to go to my personal lab and study the data I stole and work on reversing the virus."

Ryan blinked and stared at David then said softly "Alright. I'll let you talk to Jake about it, because I know it's his decision if he takes the syringe from you. I can't and won't. As soon as he comes in we'll have to have you explain it to him and ask him." David nodded and the two sat in a relative silence until Jake walked in and said "So what's going on, you pushed Arcanine hard and he's breathing heavily out there. I gave him some Pokémon chow and gave him a bowl of water." The other two smiled at Jake's way of helping Pokémon all the time and said "Jake we have a few things to ask you Jake." Jake nodded and motioned for them to go on and talk away. Ryan smiled slightly and said "Well since Arcanine is taken care of, we have a few things to tell you as we already said."

Jake nodded and David glanced at him then said "To start I have to tell you that I was working undercover for the league at a team rocket facility. They wanted me to obtain some research Rocket was planning on using to take over the world. I have the data as well as what they planned on using. However I need to get rid of the serum they wanted to use and the only way to do that safely is to inject it into a test subject. There are two most likely side effects, the first is that you will turn into a Pokémon like the boy that they tested the serum; the second is that you'll be able to understand Pokémon. I'm not sure which will happen because you haven't been exposed to Pokémon DNA like the poor boy."

Jake shrugged and held out his arm saying "Then you need to inject me. If it's the only way to protect everyone from team rocket then I'm more than willing to accept the risks, plus it'll be cool to understand Pokémon." David pulled out the vial and opened it a small purple steam entering the air, but none of the three men noticed it then sucked the vial's contents into a needle and injected it into Jake's arm. He got up and said "I better go, thanks for the help guys." Ryan nodded and watched him leave then saw Jake fall to the ground unconscious and breathing shallowly.