Chapter 1 Incident

Story by natani_grey2014 on SoFurry

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#2 of Red Snow

After the war, many scientists began researching into the Xerlian's Gift, after many years of careful planning it was time to put their plans into action.

Nathan Grey, Sara Smoke, Mike Zoe, Eren Boro, Flora Black, John White and all other characters in this chapter is copyrighted by Natani Grey. If you wish to use any characters please contact me asking so. Thank You.

Chapter 1


Facility 9 located in Liluem

In the main office, the head of the research facility was recording the last of his video journal before a knock on his door was heard. Shutting down his tablet the doctor called out, "Come in," a female assistant entered carrying a metal brief case and presented it to the doctor. "Dr. White here is the case that you need." She placed the case on his desk; closely examining the case for any faults he raised his head in satisfaction. "Very good, you've arranged everything involving that?" the doctor continued to open the case and began organizing files and data in it.

Dr. John White was a slender Human with light skin; he was wearing a pair of tan slacks and a white inner shirt under his lab coat. His spectacles glinted in the bright light from the ceiling; he was an average scientist with an advance understanding of organisms and in an unusual situation. He was also the top researcher for the human government, chosen specifically by the higher-ups to research the Xerlians. After a decade of research he found something disturbing about the government, every idea that he had ever proposed to them was reject and their database wiped clean of any previous results. Dr. White was always paranoid about his work keeping an illegal copy of all his work back in his office but now things are different. This last experiment was truly the last.

"Dr. White do you really intend go through with this?" John looked but at his assistant, Flora Black. Flora was a kind-hearted person; she was well tones and had long black hair. She wore a black dress with a blue shirt under her own lab coat, her eyes shine brilliant silver but it held sadness. She's always looking after John even when they were children when the humans started to colonize they always had each other's back.

"Yes, you know what's going on like I do, if this continues we will die and this time there is no world out there that can save us." John had finally finished packing as much data as he could into the case finally placing his tablet in it before securing its valuable content and handing it to Flora. Opening a laptop he began to load the self-evolving virus that would destroy all data concerning any Xerlian project onto the government's network.

"I've changed your backgrounds already, and when the virus has complete its job on the net they can't trace anything back or back up any files, you'll be safe." John pulled out a small handgun that he had gotten from the armory of the facility.

"John, you're wiping the data there is no need for that..." Flora knew that this was part of their plan but she didn't believed in killing or violence.

"You know that I have already stained my hands with innocent blood there is no turn back, after this stay here and low," John loaded one of his two clips and cocked the gun aiming at Flora's leg.

"I will not hit any bone or major arteries, but this is going to hurt." John closed his finger over the trigger.

With a smile Flora stared into John's deep blue eyes, it calmed her a bit she than let out a small smile "I trusted you since you were a kid and I still do." With a nod john pulled the trigger and a gunshot was heard as Flora hit the floor applying pressure on her leg.

John knew that he didn't have much time so he grabbed his laptop and saw that the virus was only half way done with upload. He rushed down the corridor towards the center wing where the rest of the staff and scientists would be. Bursting through the door he began letting off at everyone that were involved in his work. Some might call this insane but he alone will carry that burden.

After emptying his first clip he rushed out leaving behind a few survivors, he didn't want to kill anyone, but he had to, at least those who knew enough about his work. Finally reaching his destination and soon to be resting place. The center control room for the reactors, the facility needed a lot of energy and so they built reactors to sustain their compound.

Locking up every cooling line he began to cut off the power to begin override until footsteps caught his ear. Finishing the last override he hide in one of the cleaning closet in the room. 'This isn't right the security guards were supposed to be in the left wing not center!'

John opened his laptop and saw that the upload was only 80% done he needed more time. Gazing through the vent of the door he saw two guards rushing in with guns primed. If he shots one of them the other would shot at the door and hit him.

John waited another second to steel his nerves before bursting through the door shooting one of the guard but before he could aim for the other a bullet found its way into John's chest, ignoring the pain he shoot the last guard and stumbled towards the door.

'Those two won't be the only ones, and after three gun shots there is certainly going to be more than two next time.' John began to stumble down the steps that lead to the reactors. He managed to override the power and safe code but to expose the power rods they needed to be done manually, fortunately he needed to expose only one rod and there will be a chain reaction.

Nearing the reactors he pushed in his access code and the door slowly slide open, gun shots could be heard from the top of the stairs and another bullet made it to his leg. Now crawling he passed the doorway and sealed the door emptying the last of his clip at the keypad to ensure the door remained locked, dropping his gun he dragged his way towards the containment units.

Punching in the next set of codes a voice rang as the restraints were released, "WARNING RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS DETECTED. WARNING-'' John pulled one of the rods containment unit out and sat there next to the metal cylinder. Outside the door's window he could see the security guard trying to break down the door. With a chuckle he stared at the reflective container, but he didn't see his face, he saw a child sleeping peacefully back at home.

"Live long and happy...son." John pulled the hatch and the unit went off setting off the rest of the units in the reactor. The entire center wing went up in flames just as the fire department arrived some trucks were too close and got caught in the explosion.

Flora was being helped onto a stretcher to examine when the explosion went of gazing at the burning flames as it engulfed the rest of the building. She knew that her friend was dead there was no way around it. John died for what he had believed in, but others will call it a suicidal mass murder.

"How are you feeling miss?" one of the medics asked she turned her gaze to the source of the voice to find a male canine Xerlian.

"Tired, is it possible to repair my leg so I may go home today?" the medic examined the wound and looked puzzled but soon after nodded his head.

"Yes it appears that the wound is not as severe as it should have been I will be able to heal you within the five minutes but afterwards there are some officers that would like to talk to you." Flora nodded and relaxed her being as a foreign sense entered her body. She knew that John didn't hit anything vital or the Xerlian won't be able to do anything about it. It was their one flaw; they can't repair anything vital to the body.

While Flora's health was being determined she just stared intently as one of the officers ordering the others around approach her.

"Evening ma'am, I just have a couple questions for you about this incident." Flora nodded and the officers continued with the questioning.

"Did you have any contact prior to the incident with John White?" Flora shook her head; she knew that any question he was going to ask where yes or no. That was how the government worked, at least those that were involved in the Xerlian research.

"Does he have any backup data concerning his research?" again flora answered no. After many questions concerning John and any data were answered Flora stood up and made her way home, she never drove her car to work since it was close by. But walking home with a case of valuable information was disconcerting.

Unlocking the door to her place she hung her coat on the rack and went to the next part of the plan. John had already uploaded the virus and anything concerning her or their experiments would be wiped out by midnight, but that won't stop the government to continue its research.

Flora began to pack her cloths and placed it in her car along with the case, she next headed to one of the rooms and stared at the child sleeping peacefully in his crib.

"Nathan come one sweetie, I will take care of you. I promised your father that you will carry on with his work. Sorry to burden you like this. I'm so, so sorry." Flora began crying as she carried Nathan to the front car seat and buckled him in. heading back to her home she pulled out a body that John had made to be exactly like hers from the tissues to the dental records. Everything was the same.

Everything was set and now for the fire. She began dousing her home with lighter fluids hurrying back to her car she light her house and left for their next home far away but as she stared at the burning home that was hers the cry of Nathan stopped her train of thoughts.

"Sh-sh-sh, it's okay." Flora tried to calm the baby down she knew then that there was no going back she had to move on and make sure that John didn't die in vain.

Red Snow

Nathan Grey, Sara Smoke, Mike Zoe, Eren Boro, Flora Black, John White and all other characters in this chapter is copyrighted by Natani Grey. If you wish to use any characters please contact me asking so. Thank You. Prologue Humans, a strong and...

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