Dimentional Trap Part 1 & 2

Story by chapdav on SoFurry

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Josh opened his eyes. It was his first day on his new job at plastics factory. It was not a great paying job but it got his foot in the door and there was plenty of room for improvement.

He stood up and stretched. Josh was a six foot lean and strong fox. His fur was a dark orange-red color, except for the tip of his tail and the fur on his ears which was a pure snow white.

Josh entered his bathroom to groom himself and get ready for work. As he stared at himself in the mirror he yawned and exposed his long incisors. He cleaned up and took one last look in the mirror before stepping out of his bathroom and walked to his front door. He decided against breakfast since he was already late for his first day on the job.

As it turned out Josh had nothing to worry about. The road was not a long one and there was surprisingly little traffic.

"That's weird," he thought to himself as he continued on, "The streets are usually packed this time of day." Dismissing it he continued to the office.

It wasn't until he was almost to the office that he noticed all the cars he had passed were now heading in the opposite direction, away from the business district.

"That is odd," he said to himself. He did not think of it too long as he was at his job and ready for a long day of work.

He walked to the door of the warehouse and pulled but it was locked. This struck him as odd because it was past time for work to have started. He listened closely but heard no sound of machinery or voices.

"I wonder what happened," he said aloud. It was then that Josh heard the loud booming sounds. "What the hell," he yelled and jumped back into his car.

He laid rubber as he sped out of the parking lot. He rounded the next corner and down the street he beheld a gigantic tiger.

The tiger was at least as big as (and more often than not bigger than) the surrounding skyscrapers. Josh estimated his size at 600ft tall.

The street between them was completely empty and, for a split second, the tiger just stared at the creature that stood standing in the street looking around.

The creature was normal looking with black striped orange fur, white under side and paws with a thick black stripped orange tail.

The tiger looked around for a few more minutes and then took his first step. He brought his foot pad onto an SUV which instantly became a compact.

The aftershock from the single footstep was devastating. Debris fell from the surrounding buildings and the cars on the street visibly jumped from the impact.

It was a then the spell over Josh was broken and he peeled out, performing an illegal u-turn heading in the opposite direction of the tiger.

This sudden motion caught the attention of the gargantuan tiger and he gave chase. After seeing the monster bearing down on him in his rear view mirror, Josh quickly pulled to a stop and dove out of the vehicle just in time to avoid being crushed under the tiger's massive foot paw. It landed close enough that Josh could count individual hairs on the paw.

As the tiger lifted his paw from the newly formed, paw-shaped crater, what was left of Josh's car rained down into it.

The tiger lowered his foot and took another earth-quaking step.

"That was close," Josh said allowed, "What the hell is going on? How did that tiger get so damn big?"

Josh realized he didn't have the time to figure this out now. "I have to get out of this death trap, before that monster comes back."

Josh peeked out from around the corner of the alley in which he had been hiding to see if the tiger was still close to him. The tiger was a long way down the street licking the side of a building. Josh could see that furs were stuck to the tigers' tongue. Suddenly a large lump descended the tiger's throat.

"This is unbelievable, he is enjoying it," cried Josh as the tiger's humongous, even for his size, shaft became erect and began to drip a clear fluid onto the ground. As Josh watched in horror, the tiger pulled back and stood up letting the tip of his massive shaft touch the side of the building.

Josh gasped as the tiger began to gyrate his hips, which in turn caused his shaft to move back and forth, up and down across the side of the building. As it moved, it cracked the fade and damaged the physical structure. After a few minutes of this game the tiger stopped and let his tip rest again, then with a massive surge of his hips he thrust his cock deep into the building. Josh was sure that it could probably be seen emerging from the other side.

As the massive tiger pulled back from the building, Josh could see furs falling from the gaping hole in the side of the structure, and some were even stuck to it by the tiger's pre-cum.

The tiger stopped and for a split second Josh thought the carnage was over. But to his dismay the tiger slammed his cock back into the building even harder than before, causing the entire structure to shudder and groan.

Josh's mind spun, "How could he be so aroused by the death and destruction that he is causing. This is insanity; I must be going crazy or is this some kind of distorted dream or nightmare I am having."

Josh could not pull his eyes away from the titan having his way with the building. He was in a mortified trance and he could not stop watching even as the tiger thrust one more time leaving his cock buried deep inside. As his balls quivered an explosion could be heard. Soon after a thick white fluid began pouring out of the windows carrying furs and furniture with it to the ground below.

The tiger then extracted himself from the building which collapsed into a pile of rubble. His massive cock was still, astoundingly, fully erect.

That was enough for Josh. He ran down the alley and came out onto another street. He could still feel the tremors of the tiger's deadly trek but they were diminished by distance. Oddly he passed no one as he sprinted toward the edge of town.

Just when he thought he would collapse from the burning in his lungs, he chanced upon an abandoned car. "Please, please work," he silently prayed to himself.

Josh opened the door and saw the keys still in the ignition, "Yes," he cried allowed, "Now I can get out of here."

As Josh drove toward the outskirts of the city he still saw no one, though this didn't consciously register to him at the time.

Josh gave a whoop of delight as he saw the sign "You Are Now Leaving Farington".

When he passed the sign a blue light enveloped him. As he went farther, the light grew so thick he could see nothing else. The blue turned to black.


When Josh came back to himself he was standing on a busy street corner. He couldn't remember what had happened after everything had gone black, but he remembered everything else as if it had been a long ago memory. "Was it all just a dream," he wondered to himself, "Could it have all been part of my imagination?"

It was then that Josh began to take stock of his surroundings. He saw furs going about their lives as though everything was normal.

It was early morning; about six Josh judged by the way the sun had not fully risen over the skyline.

"Where am I," wondered Josh, "None of these buildings seems familiar at all." He had lived in Farington all his life and had never seen any of these buildings before.

He walked down to a newspaper stand that could be seen from the corner he had been standing on and picked up a paper. From the front page Josh gathered that he was in a city named Glendale. The current events section showed that Glendale and Farington were in the same area though he had never heard of Glendale before.

"Are you going to buy that or just stand there and read it," came a gruff voice from behind Josh. An older looking rat stared back at him with his beady black eyes and grizzled fur.

"Oh, sorry," replied Josh putting the paper down.

Josh began walking again while a million thoughts raced through his head; how did I get here and was what happened real or not, what I do now.

Unbeknownst to Josh he was heading toward the center of Glendale. He saw nothing as he walked puzzling over these and other questions, contining toward he knew not what.

Josh came to himself suddenly, snapped out of his thinking by something he didn't immediately recognize. Then he felt it: a slight, but noticeable, rumbling in the ground.

"No, it couldn't be. I must be dreaming, there is no way it could be the tiger again."

Indeed he was right; it wasn't the tiger, it was a giant pink, female bunny. She waddled around a building down the street and turned to face in his direction. She was about the same size as the tiger had been, though she less resembled a human than her actual animal counterpart. Her fur was a deep pink color, her ears were long and erect and her hind legs were in a slightly crouched position which explained why she waddled instead of walked. Her arms were long, like human arms, but her hands were some kind of a hand paw hybrid.

"This can't be happening," cried Josh pulling at the fur around his ears, "No, no, no, no! This has to be some kind of dream but it can't be. This can't be happening to me. This can't be real." Josh was almost hysterical at this point, practically pulling his fur out, his eyes bulging in terror at the massive pink beauty in front of him. To make things worse she seemed to be staring directly at him. This made nothing better as he began to grow even more frightened.

In a deep recess of his brain he realized the irony of his situation; the predator had become the prey.

Josh thought he could not get any more horrified than he was, but that idea was demolished when the bunny began to waddle down the street. Her huge paws crushed running furs by the dozens. Josh could see as her paw came down on the terrified pedestrians and the resulting spray of gore as it cracked the cement of the street. Then when she lifted her paw again there was a crater where it had been. Josh could not help but look at the underside of the paw, now caked with gore. Blood was pressed deep into the crevasses.

Josh turned and vomited at the sight of the gore-covered paw hanging over another section of the crowded street.

When he looked back he saw her simply standing gazing at the destruction around her; a look of pure rapture on her face.

Josh could not move. The other furs fled from him, leaving him to face the behemoth alone.

"Why can't I move? I have to follow their example and get out of here. I have to leave before I face the same fate as those who were not fast enough to escape."

The bunny then seemed to come back to herself, her eyes refocusing on the running crowd below.

Her pink tongue protruded from her huge mouth as she licked her lips looking over the furs that blanketed the road.

Josh got a queasy feeling in his stomach as he realized what was about to happen. As his gorge rose he watched the bunny plunge her hands into the crowd and came up with a squirming mass. Raising her hand to her nose, she sniffed at the furs lightly as if savoring the aroma. She stopped again and just stared at the furs in her hand. Then, to the crowd's dismay, she began salivating.

Without further preamble the bunny lifted her hand to her mouth, flicked out her tongue and began to lap.

While performing this action, the fate of the furs could not be seen, though no one had any doubt of what was happening to them.

When the bunny pulled her hand back, huge drops of saliva began to fall on the crowd and not one fur could be seen, though her cheeks began to bulge outward as those trapped tried in vain to escape from their inevitable fate.

The bunny began to swill the furs around in her mouth. She opened wide to let them get a last look at the light of day before she swallowed them whole. Their screams were cut off as she clamped her teeth together. She raised her head to give an unobstructed view as a bulge descended the throat into her stomach where they would no doubt be digested to keep this monstrosity going.

Looking back down at her potential victims, she licked her chops. A wicked gleam could be seen in her eye as she scanned around for her next object of amusement.

Josh tried to tear his eyes away from the horror though, even if he had been able to stop watching the macabre show in front of him, he could not move as the crowd was packed so tightly making him an unwilling viewer to the most horrific fetish show ever performed.

As if things were not bad enough, the bunny's second set of lips began drooling, drenching those unfortunate enough to be below her. The bunny brought her hand down between her legs and stroked her sex. A moan of pleasure escaped her as she increased her ministrations.

Suddenly she stopped and began to scan around in earnest as if she was looking for something. Everyone knew what she was looking for, though they tried to deny her intentions.

Her eyes lit upon a monorail track a short distance away. She began to move toward it, again causing death under her paws. With the furs trapped as they were, her death toll was maximized. Her paws crushed at least two or three dozen with each stride. The monorail track shook ever more violently with each jarring step she took.

Her intended destination was a few blocks ahead and off to Josh's left. This gave him a "safe" front-row

seat for what was coming.

She did not do any damage at first. She eyed her prize like a wolf eyes a plump hen. Leaning down, she pulled and freed a thirty foot piece of track which she promptly threw aside. It flew through the air and bisected a nearby building.

She turned to watch as the top half of the building slid off and landed in the packed street below. A massive mushroom cloud rose to darken the midmorning sky and when it had dissipated the bunny turned back to the downed monorail track.

She shuffled until she stood in between the two pieces of track, her back to Josh. She went down onto all fours; giving the crowd behind her the view of a lifetime. The bunny gave her rear a little wiggle before continuing. She then moved back and penetrated herself with the end of the track.

When she had slid about twenty feet of track into her sex, she raised up on her legs to have the track open

her as wide as possible without compromising its structural integrity.

Contrary to Josh's initial thought she did not continue thrusting; she just sat still in her current position. The air of the crowed turned from outright terror to that of puzzled anxiety until the sound of the train could be heard. Then it clicked and the fate of the passengers on the train was realized by those in the street. The furs that had realized what was happening could do nothing as the doomed train grew closer.

From what Josh could see, most of the furs on the train did not notice what was happening. Those that did, Josh observed from so far away, tried to get to the other end of their train before it became their tomb. By the time the conductor realized the tunnel ahead was not as it appeared, it was too late to bring the train

to a halt.

Thanks to her preparations for taking as much of the train as possible, more than half penetrated before it came to a stop. From the abruptness of the stop Josh gathered that the train had hit the bunny's cervix. The bunny gave a shudder when the train stopped, furthering Josh's assumption.

The whole of the crowed stood, in utter silence, watching the unbelievable unfold right in front of their eyes.

It was then the bunny gave a lurch forward, carrying the trapped train with her, and stood back up. Her toy trailed from her sex back to the track. She just stood for a second, then began waddling forward to drag the train off the track completely. She kept her legs as far apart as possible to keep the train in good condition. After the train had cleared the track and hung suspended from her sex, it reached to just below her knees.

The bunny waded back into the center of the street. As she reached the center she turned, now facing in Josh's direction, and sat down. The amount of furs that simple act killed was measured in the hundreds; they could be seen, with their hands upraised trying as If trying to hold up the massive weight that was speeding toward them. A sickening crunch could be heard as the bunny's rear touched the ground; she moved around to make sure all were completely crushed before she continued.

For a moment she sat there reveling in the attention she was getting, and then she brought her attention baton the vehicle in between her thighs.

The train was battered and crumpled in places from the ordeal it had been through so far, though; its troubles had just begun. The bunny grabbed the end of the second closest car to her vagina and tore the back end off. This portion she began to crumple up like someone would a piece of paper, and when she had completed that task she threw the ball of steel, and what was left of its passengers, as far away as possible. Josh could not look behind him to see where the ball landed but he heard it land some distance behind him, from the way it sounded she had thrown I damn near a mile.

Focusing back on the task at hand, the bunny grabbed hold of the train and began to slowly pull it out; it was glistening wet with her juices and had been badly damaged from its short trip. While pulling it out the bunny assumed a look of absolute bliss on her face.

Before it had completely left its confines the bunny slammed it back in, which elicited a moan of pleasure from her. She continued to repeat this action, each time getting faster and harder. Each time the train emerged from her it was a little more battered and a little more crumpled. The furs inside were having trouble dealing with the situation, every time the train emerged again more and more had suffocated until

none remained.

Near the end of her playing the bunny had begun panting and her tongue was hanging from her mouth. Sweat soaked the fur on her face and her legs had begun to spasm, which killed untold numbers. As she came she slammed it back in one last time. Letting out a scream of primal lust and desire, her vaginal muscles crushed the remains of the monorail train and expunged them from her insides. The bunny then crashed to the ground panting and ready for a rest.

Josh did not notice the blue creeping up on him until it had almost completely consumed him, "What is this, some kind of hallucination? Please let this be over."