Pokemon Journey to another world Ch6
#7 of Pokemon Journey to another world
Ch. 6
I didn't stop running until we were well into the forest. Breathing quite heavily I turned to look back the way we came. I tried to use my senses to see if we were being followed and I couldn't pick up a thing. Their could be only two reasons why I wasn't picking up anything. The first was nobody was in pursuit yet or my fast heart beat was interfering with my senses. Jenavee tapped my head.
"All the people that are back there are heading into the building. Nobody is following us. Yet." I nodded and resumed moving away from the Pokemon center. I walked until I couldn't walk a step further. So I picked Jenavee off my shoulder and set her down next to me as I slid down the trunk of a tree. I was breathing so heavily that I could hear my own heart beat in my chest.
"Well I don't know about you Jenavee but I could definitely use a little rest." She looked up to me and nodded. She walked over to me and sat down in my lap facing me.
"Donovin can I ask you something?"
"Of course, as soon as I catch my breath." She nodded and let me get my breathing under control. "So what is your question?"
"I have two questions. The first is where did you learn to fight like that and what do we do know?" I looked at her and remembered that she was after all a psychic and she probably picked up on all the vital signs of the men that I had downed.
"Well back where I come from I have trained very hard and long the art of sword fighting. I have many years experience fighting against many skilled fighters. I guess the fact of seeing a man carry a sword and a man with a look like he is about to kill you tends to cause a person to fear for their life. So it was easy to knock them unconscious. As far as the second, I don't know. I guess the first thing is to avoid being found. So once I am ready to move again we will leave."
"You still have not answered my question." I nodded.
"Well I guess that the best thing to do would be to head for the next town and report whats happened here." She nodded and leaned back and rested her back against my chest.
"Well you get some rest and I will keep a look out in case anybody comes near." I placed my hand on her head and lightly rubbed it, then I closed my eyes.
I guess I must have fallen asleep. For when I opened my eyes again the sun was farther along its run in the sky. I looked around and Jenavee was still sitting in my lap and was turning her head this way and that as if she was scanning the surroundings. I made a small noise and Jenavee looked up and smiled.
"Well I would have to say that it is about time you woke up. How do you feel?"
"I feel like I could go for another run."
"Well I am glad to hear that, since those men are back and they will be here in a little while." I looked around myself and sure enough I could hear the very faint sounds of footsteps in the distance. So I lifted Jenavee off my lap and while I stood up I placed her back on my shoulder. She grabbed my head and I started to run. As I ran Jenavee told me where the men were so I was able to avoid them quite easily.
I ran until the sun seemed to kiss the far horizon. Finally I stopped and fell against a tree again.
"I can not believe that you can run for so long."
"Neither can I." And that was the truth. Ever since I had come here I noticed that all my senses had been heightened and so was my endurance. But hay, I wasn't complaining. Who wouldn't want to be stronger, faster, and have greater endurance. So I slumped down and Jenavee slid down from my shoulder and sat in my lap. I pulled out by pokenav and opened it up. I opened up the location finder on the map and started looking around for somewhere to hide, for it was getting late.
I eventually found out that there was a town not far from where I saw sitting. It seemed that it would take me a few hours to walk to, but since I was still tired I would rest for a while.
"How far away are those guys now?
"I really do not think that any human can catch up to us. So what are we going to do now?"
"Well look here." I showed her my pokenav and said "While looking at this I would say the best thing to do would be to head for this town and get away from these guys." She nodded and I slowly started to get up. This caught Jenavee off guard and she fell off my lap and landed on her backside.
"Ouch! That hurt."
"Sorry about that." I sat back down and picked her up only to set her down on my shoulder and got up. I hadn't full rested and slightly slumped down the tree and fell back down. Then without warning my stomach let out a hearty growl.
"Well that is an understatement. Running that far and doing it not only once but twice. You must have run out of energy. Wait here and I will go and see if I can find you something to eat." With that she slid off my shoulder and landed easily on the ground. "I must say you are a wonder master. I will be back in a moment."
With that she ran off towards the trees and within a few seconds out of sight. Breathing deeply I leaned my head back against the tree and decided to take it easy for a while. I closed my eyes for a minute then I heard soft foot falls. I opened my eyes and saw Jenavee with her arms loaded full of many different colored berries. I smiled and she walked over to me and placed them at my feet.
"Are you feeling and stronger." I wasn't going to lie to her and I shook my head. "Would you like me to help you eat?" I nodded and she smiled. So she picked up a blue berry and twisted it. Then with a pop the berry split into two parts. She brought the berry to my lips and I took a bite. The berry was a little sweet, but it was like taking a drink of cool water after a long run.
"Wow that berry tastes great."
"How do you feel now?"
"I feel a little better but not enough to get up." So Jenavee helped me to eat several of the berries and once that was done I felt great.
"How about now?"
"I feel like I haven't run at all. What was in those berries?"
"These berries restore a Pokemon's strength. I did not know what type of berry would work on you so I brought all these." She stepped to the side and I could see that their were many different kinds of berries. "Though I am surprised that any kind of berry works ." So with that I slowly went from sitting down to a kneeling position.
"Well thanks for the meal, that really hit the spot. Now if you don't mind I think we should head to that town I mentioned and find a place to stay for the night." So I picked Jenavee up and returned her to my shoulder and started walking to the next town.
Just walking, it took us a little over an hour to reach the next town. Though we reached the town I didn't know where we could go. Since these guys were probably still after us so going to the Pokemon center would be out of the question, but that was our only option.
"If you are worried about those guys do not be, for they are several days behind us."
"How can that be? I couldn't have run that fast." Could I? Now this is really weird. Traveling faster and faster. How fast will I travel here? Then I thought of something, what if this was all a dream, what if I really wasn't here at all, what if this body was only my soul and my body was somewhere else, what if my body was somewhere else like the real world.