Survival of the Fittest: Devlin/Kai Vs. Skyeder/Danger

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#12 of Survival of the Fittest

Round 10: Devlin the skunk and Kai the wolf Vs. Skyeder the gryphon and Danger the tiger

Devlin belongs to Devlin

Kai belongs to Kaimitsuki

Skyeder and Danger belong to Skyeder and his friend

The first thing that Devlin noticed when he started to come to was something small but heavy on his chest. As he woke up his hands slid down his body and found two things right away; the first was that he was completely naked save for something hard and smooth around his neck, and the second thing was that there was some sort of pebble attached to his chest. When the skunk rolled to his side and looked around he found his partner nearby, a similar stone was on the wolf's chest that glowed slightly as he saw the other male start to get up groggily. "Kai, are you okay?" Devlin asked as he slowly stood up as well.

"Yeah, I'm fine actually." Kai replied as he looked at Devlin's chest. "Hey, you got something on your chest... that looks like this actually." He said as he poked at the green stone embedded in his fur. "At least it matches my color scheme, but what is it for?"

"It's for your first challenge actually." The two heard, both males turned to see a silver dragon appear on the wall. "Welcome to Survival of the Fittest Devlin and Kai, my name is Argos and I'll be your host while you are in my domain."

"Your domain?" Devlin asked. "Where is this place?"

"Yeah, and who are you?" Kai followed up.

"Please, there is a time and a place for all these pesky questions." Agros answered with a dismissive wave of his hand. "For right now you both need to concentrate for the challenge at hand. Now I know you're wondering what the little stone on your chest is about, and I'm happy to report that its a brand new way polymer that would be used to seal cracks and mold itself around existing structures. I thought it might be a little too new to put on a building though, so I thought I would experiment with you two first!"

The two looked at the AI, dumbfounded, but before they had a chance to speak again Argos continued after a laugh. "The crystal on your chests will begin to grow and assimilate your flesh at the start of your round, and you'll have one minute to get the anti-petrification cream before you are completely turned to solid stone. Now unfortunately it is encased in stone also, so you'll have to dig it out. Hopefully you two can figure it out, you'll have ten seconds to talk about it before the round officially begins or until you start to chip away at the gemstone."

"Wait, we have to chip away at gemstone?" Kai asked. "How are we supposed to do that in a minute?"

"I'm sure that you can think of something." Argos replied with a grin. "Good luck!"

The silver dragon disappeared and left them with the number ten, which quickly started to count down. At the same time a chunk of blue crystal rolled out of a hidden chute and landed with a loud crack on the metal floor a few inches away from the feet before the secret metal door sealed back up seamlessly. "Well this is a thing." Kai said as the two looked over the large stone, the vague outline of a jar in the center of it. "It feels like stone, how are we supposed to get at it with just are bare hands and no tools?"

Devlin took a second to think it out, and as one of his fingers played over the stone that would soon subsume his flesh an idea suddenly came to mind. "The only thing that cuts diamond is diamond, right?

He said as his mind turned over. "Maybe this is the same thing, if we can somehow can use the stone on our bodies on it then it'll chip away easier."

"Well it did say it would grow out, maybe we just need to put our hands close to the gemstone when it starts and it'll cover it up?" Kai suggested.

"Yeah, but we have to be careful." Devlin warned as the last few seconds ticked off their timer. "In fact we should probably only have one person do it just in case it doesn't work. You're a little stronger than me, I think that if our body really does turn to stone it's going to be rather heavy."

Kai nodded slowly and he carefully put their fingers onto the stone that was on his chest. They made sure that his fingers or hands didn't touch their chest as well, even though it was just a hunch they didn't want to lose mobility if the crystal grew quickly and latched onto itself. When the timer hit zero less than a second later and their true timer began the stone in the two anthro's chests let out a pulse of pleasure that almost knocked both of them on their feet as the purple and green gems began to spread from the center of their chests. Within the first few seconds they saw that the mysterious material wasn't going to grow over them and encase them, as Kai took his hands away and watched his fingers turn a translucent green they realized that their flesh was literally going to turn to stone.

"Oh my, this is slightly unexpected." Devlin said with a slight gasp as he watched the cloudy purple mineral against the edges of his fur and flesh turn perfectly clear the further it moved away from his organic body. He had to resist the urge to touch it, just in case it could still spread to his other extremities and hasten his transformation. "I wish we weren't in a competition, I would- Kai, wait!"

Before Devlin could do anything he watched as the wolf bought his hands up to his face to see what it felt like with his hands completely transformed into bright green crystal and the substance had begun to snake up his arms. Kai pulled his hands away but it was already too late, the bright green appeared on the cheeks of his fur and it melted back down to his face. "Ah, sorry there." Kai said sheepishly as he felt the strange sensations in three places now as the crystal spread over his lithe chest and arms as well as his muzzle. "It doesn't seem to paralyze though, I can still wiggle and feel my fingers, though the feeling is a bit... strange."

Devlin looked at Kai with a note of concern, then back down to the task at hand after the first ten seconds elapsed from their time. "Well no time like the present I guess." The skunk said as he maneuvered himself behind the wolf just in case. "Why don't you give it a smack and see what happens."

Kai stepped towards the large blue gem and cracked his knuckles, though they made no sound, before he pulled back his arm. His green gemstone fist flew forward and smashed into the other crystal and it sounded like someone had just rung a gong. Kai fell to the ground and Devlin covered his ears, the skunk could feel the vibrations in the crystalline portion of his body and it caused a great deal of pleasure in his entire being.

The wolf on the other hand was nearly in the fetal position from the amount of pleasure that he got from the contact with the crystal, the trills of pure lust continued to reverberate in his hands, chest, and now a decent portion of his head. His hands flew down to his cock, which had hardened almost instantly from the hit, and as he began to stroke it his member quickly turned into a shiny green relief of itself. The petrification of his groin didn't dull the sensations any, in fact it seemed to intensify them as his emerald translucent tongue lolled out of his mouth. It was a sheer force of constitution for him to stop, realizing where he was as he pried his hands off of his thick tool.

"Sorry about that." The wolf said sheepishly as he stood up and brushed off what little of his fur was left, which quickly melted and turned to gemstone as well. "When I hit the stone the vibrations were so pleasurable I nearly lost myself in it."

"That's alright Kai." Devlin replied as he looked over the edges of the gemstone. "I think I may have an idea in order to help things out, I just need you to break a decent shard off of this guy."

Kai looked at Devlin in question but nodded anyway, then arched back and aimed another punch at the stone. There was a sharp crack as both Kai and Devlin whimpered, their crystalline shafts throbbing though they managed to keep a hold of themselves. The second attack on the gem resulted in a large fissure, and finally the third hit scored them a chunk of crystal as Kai panted slightly.

"Alright, now just use this to split the stone." Devlin said as he picked up the shard and placed the tip of it against the already damaged side of the gemstone. When he looked up at the timer he saw that his gambit cost them nearly half of their time, all he could do now though was hope that it was worth it. Meanwhile his own inanimate transformation had covered over half of his body, his chest was entirely see-through in purple crystal as it began to spread over his shoulders and down his legs. It was a strange sensation, everything that had already been converted felt hard but strangely lightweight, especially as he swished his tail which was half-covered with the strange material.

Kai on the other hand had only patches of fur left on his body, his body glittering in the light as he wound his hand back. Had he not been focused on the task in front of him he might have realized that he no longer breathed or blinked, his emerald eyes locked on the spike before he hit it square on the top with his first. Unfortunately it didn't seem to do any damage except to their resolve, both males now struggling to restrain themselves as the pleasurable vibrations coursed through their altered bodies.

"Oh man, you better hurry on this." Devlin said through gritted teeth as he felt semi-hard cock stiffen all the way, partially from the pleasurable vibrations and partially from the purple gemstone that had begun to crystallize itself up his length. "That last one nearly wiped me out."

Kai whimpered and nodded, his own body completely transformed into a living emerald statue as the last of the fur on his toes disappeared. He knew he didn't have time to dwell on it, the memory of how intense it was when he stroked himself off was still fresh in his memory as he wound up and swung his fist at the spike again. Once more it connected, this time the telltale crack of crystal could be heard as the gemstone spike dug its way and created a large crack in the gem. "Devlin, you're a genius!" Kai commented as he had to stop again and grip his hands to prevent them from lowering downward. "Devlin?"

Kai looked down to see that the amethyst skunk was on the ground with both hands on his crotch, one hand stroking himself off while the other cupped his sack. When the wave coursed through Devlin's body it was too much for him, his lust became so blinding he had to pleasure himself to release some of the immense tingling he felt in his body. His hips humped into the air as the purple stone grew across the rest of his body like wildfire, his gasps growing louder as they reached his head and it grew the same transparent purple as the rest of his body.

The wolf looked up at the clock and saw they only had about fifteen seconds to go, then back down at the crystal wedge still jammed into the stone they had to crack. They had gotten pretty far with the last hit, he reasoned, if he got in one more solid strike he could split it open and win the round for the both of them.

Kai gathered all the strength he could for one last shot, even with one hand clamped around his emerald cock he still had enough resistance to ball the other one into a fist. After several quick breaths he raised his arm up into the air and shouted 'game over!' right before he struck downward with all his might.

Unfortunately while it was the game-ending punch it was not in the way that Kai wanted; as the last seconds ticked down on the clock his fist struck only a glancing blow off of the spike. He tried to get back up, but the ringing vibrations from the last hit caused him to fall on his knees with both hands against his member now as he tried desperately to both resist and embrace the pleasure. When the clock hit zero the two contestant's bodies suddenly stopped moving, their forms frozen in blissful, erotic expressions as Argos suddenly reappeared on the screen.

"Well, congra... wait, what?" Argos blinked several times as he reappeared on the screen and looked down at amethyst statue of a skunk and the emerald statue of a wolf entwined around one another, which caused the silver dragon to clap his hands in glee. "Oh good! Here I was starting to think that I had set these challenges to be far too easy. It's too bad I'm going to have to wake them up, their features look very statuesque in that light and in those poses."

Argos snapped his fingers and the stone around the two contestants darkened to black before it shattered. As the two disoriented contestants looked at each other they found themselves completely restored to their original selves, save for one noticeable difference. "Ugh, my limbs feel so heavy." Devlin complained as they checked each other out. "It's hard to even move my fingers..."

"Consider that your punishment for failing to escape." Argos scoffed as a panel unsealed itself from the side of the wall. "Just be glad that this isn't grounds for disqualification from the tournament, though considering your handicap you may consider it that anyway." Argos' smirk widened as he crossed his arms. "Hopefully you'll do a little better in the next round, I just can't wait to see what it is."


Skyeder awoke with a start and as he tried to get up from the cool metal floor he laid on he found himself unable to. As his vision returned to him he looked down to see that he was bound in a full body leather harness that had his arms bound behind his back. Thankfully his legs were still free and with a little effort the gryphon managed to get to his feet. He heard a loud grunt behind him and he whipped around to see the bound tiger stumble towards the wall. Even in the dimly lit room he knew it was Danger, the brand on his rump clearly visible on his otherwise leather strapped body.

"Danger, you alright?" Skyeder asked as he slowly walked towards him, to which Danger nodded in reply. Unfortunately with his hands bound and lack of implements in the room it was all the mute tiger could tell him. When the two looked around they found the room void of anything, the walls were made of a shiny, bluish-silver metal and the only seams in it were a couple of grates that were welded to the floor.

The two began to stomp on the metal grids when they suddenly heard a low chuckle behind him, the two males turned to see a silver dragon that wagged his finger at them. "I don't think so you two, there's no exiting this competition this way." He chided. "You're just going to go through the challenge like everyone else."

"Who are you?" Skyeder asked.

"My name is Argos, at your service." The enigmatic AI introduced. "I will be accompanying you as your host and caretaker for the length of the competition."

Danger started to approach with a low growl, but it only caused Argos to laugh. "Such posturing, I think you're going to be very fun to watch." He said once he was finished with his chuckle. "Speaking of such things, onwards to your challenge. The objective is rather simple, all you have to do is free yourselves from your binds. Now since your hands are tied and the whole full body restraints you may need a little help, so I have enlisted the help of a few friends in order to help."

Suddenly a mass of tentacles came up from the grates in several different colors, both males stepping back a few feet as the slick appendages wiggled around in the open air. "As you can see, we have several different varieties to choose from." Argos explained. "The black ones will turn you into a latex creature, the green ones will give you some plant features that could be useful, the red ones cause muscle growth, and finally the purple will give you tentacles of your own that you can control that can be quite useful. I have to warn you that there are... side effects to each plant, and that the changes they bring are not instantaneous, so choose carefully. You also have the option to try and escape on your own steam, but you will only have one minute in order to break free of your binds. Any questions?"

"Well I'm curious on what these 'side effects are?" Skyeder asked.

"Ohhh, sorry, it says on my chart that the tiger is actually your spokesperson." Argos replied with a smirk, which caused the tiger to growl again. "I can see that he's not up for talking right now, so I'm just going to let you get on with it. You have ten seconds to plan, or until you avail yourselves to the lovely little creatures in front of you. Good luck!"

Just as suddenly as he appeared the silver dragon disappeared and the two bound males turned towards each other while their ten seconds started. "Alright, I think our best bet is going to be these tentacles." Skyeder said. "They wouldn't have put them there or gave them side effects if they couldn't undo these binds faster than us, plus I think it would take a bit longer than a minute if we're just using our teeth or feet. We're just going to have to pick one and go with it, and I think we should each pick a different one just in case one of us gets stuck with one that doesn't work very well."

Danger nodded in agreement and shook his head towards the red tentacles to indicate his choice while the gryphon thought about it. Even though they were in a strange competition in which they had already been drugged, bound in leather bondage gear, and were about to jump headfirst into a tentacle creature that would twist and warp their bodies there was an erotic thrill of it all that they couldn't deny. Both of them had started to grow hard despite themselves as Danger walked just out of range of the red tentacles while Skyeder fretted a bit before he moved to the black ones. Though the other two sounded interesting, the thought of his body in latex seemed to draw his attention more.

"Remember, if one of us gets free you have to help the other!" Skyeder called back as they waited for the last of their planning time to elapse. The two both took a deep breath and as soon as the tone rang they both ran headfirst into the nest of tentacles as their minute of time officially started. The tentacle creatures reacted immediately to their presence, and with their arms behind their back the two males could do nothing as the thick appendages whipped around their mostly naked forms.

Skyeder let out a squawk of surprise as the slick tentacles coiled around his entire body, his pink feathers already stained with black as he was wrapped up. The ones around his chest gave a quick squeeze and caused the helpless male to let out a gasp, as soon as he opened his beak a thicker one quickly darted in and began to snake its way around his mouth. Even though he wanted it to happen the gryphon had not expected such a sudden intrusion and tried to clamp down on it, but it only seemed to excite it further and cause it to press further back into his maw. He could also feel a pleasurable numbing sensation as black tendrils began to crawl up his beak. As he regained his composure he looked down to see two smaller lumps come out of the latex tentacle that had already begun to touch the back of his throat and turn into smaller tentacles, which arched back for a brief second before they jammed themselves into Skyeder's nostrils and caused his eyes to roll back slightly in pleasure.

Danger on the other hand was only wrapped around his neck and ankles before he was jerked down to his knees in front of the bright red plant. When he saw the tip of one of them open into a hood with a secondary tentacle like some sort of perverted pitcher plant he defiantly opened his mouth to allow it access. The strange creature didn't need any further invitation, Danger felt the leathery skin of the plant wrap around his head as the tentacle slid itself into his open maw. As soon as it had nestled into his muzzle it inflated and formed into a type of gag as a sweet liquid began to get pumped down his throat. He felt a similar sensation in his groin as two more tentacles attached themselves to his body, one of them completely covering his fully erect, large cock while the other cupped his ass while another tentacle began to tease his tight pucker.

Skyeder watched as his pink body began to get coated in a slick black substance which only seemed to affect his body and not the straps around him. He could feel them already begin to slide on his new skin, and his plan seemed to work as the tentacles undulated around his body. As he felt his body become more flexible he started to wiggle out of his restraints, though as he did he suddenly felt the slick tentacle press against his mouth and tailhole.

All Danger could do was grunt as he felt the two appendages fill him, his throat bulging slightly as he felt his body began to swell. Unlike Skyeder only the two tentacles had gotten involved, and as more and more of the sap was swallowed he felt his body began to swell. The leather wrapped around his body creaked as his frame became packed with muscle, his cock swelling to its full length before a third suction cupped tentacle latched onto his groin. His entire body quivered as he flexed his new body, trying to burst the restraints. As he felt his new form continue to grow a haze also began to permeate his mind, his thoughts seeming to slow.

The gryphon let out a muffled moan as his body was quickly converted to a latex version of itself, the shiny black male twisted and turned as his hips thrust into the air. He wasn't trying to get out of his restraints at the moment, he was far more focused on the thick latex tool that banged against his prostrate. His own rubbery tool had begun to leak a viscous black substance as several smaller tendrils rubbed against it. The same liquid pooled around the edges of his mouth as Skyeder's thoughts turned toward darker pursuits, realizing in his lust-addled mind that he could spread this gift to others.

Meanwhile Danger's eyes drifted to the floor as his most sensitive parts were stroked and pleasured, his tail whipping in the air as his cheeks were spread by the transformative tentacles. With only fifteen seconds left on the clock the straps popped, all except the ones around his wrists as he slowly stood up. There was a blank look in his face that reflected his mind as he lost all conscious thought except for one, to protect and serve the monster that continued to penetrate him even as the leathery tentacles began to pull away. Before they pulled away from the body the base that connected them broke off and left him with the tentacle flaps covering his form like a perverse pair of briefs and hood. He didn't attempt to remove his last restraints as his still bulking form pushed pass seven feet and grew completely ripped, he had become a mindless soldier drone and knew his purpose was to stand and guard.

As he did he noticed out of the corner of his eye a latex gryphon that was recently released from his tentacles slowly stood up with a predatory stance as black liquid drooled from his mouth and his erect cock, which was ready to spread the gift as a corruptor.

"Well I have some good news for you two, your opponents just-"Argos stopped midsentence as he noticed that the two contestants were still ensnared in the grip of the tentacles. "Huh." He said finally. "Guess this was just a tough round maybe? I'm going to have to analyze the footage later when I'm not split thirty-two different ways. But for now..."

Argos snapped his fingers and the tentacles immediately receded away from Skyeder and Danger's body, along with their transformations as they turned back to normal. "It's too bad, you two could have had a real advantage going into the head to head if you had won this." Argos chided as he waited for the two to regain their mental faculties. "Your punishment is going to be similar to theirs, except you two will find yourselves a little slower in the heads rather than the bodies. Hopefully that won't matter when we get to the next competition, or it could mean that you two just lost. Isn't not knowing just grand? It gives me goosebumps."

As Skyeder shook his head everything still felt a little fuzzy, all except the very vivid images that he had gotten while in the grips of the tentacle monster. He turned to look at Danger and saw a similar look on his face, his large feline cock twitching slightly as he seemed to be deep in thought. "You gonna be alright Danger?" The gryphon asked, to which the tiger nodded in reply as he held his head. "Alright, we seem to be at least partially cogni... cogn... con... smart, and at least we're both coming into this next fight down a point."


"I still can't believe we lost!" Devlin said with a groan as they continued down the dark hallway. "That spike I had was going to crack that stone with just one more hit, I know it."

"Ah don't beat yourself up." Kai replied as he cracked his knuckles, though it didn't help the heavy, slow feeling in his fingers. "We just got overwhelmed, I'm sure if I hadn't touched my face or my groin I could have lasted longer and maybe scored that last solid hit."

"At least now we know for next time." The skunk sighed. "We've learned that this 'Argos' likes to use pleasure as a gimmick in these games, at least the one that we were in, and that after each round we may get a reward or a punishment depending on how well we perform. We also know that not only are we going to be put against ourselves, but also against other contestants. Plus it appears that not even our 'host' knows what's going to happen next, which means that these challenges are completely random."

Kai just nodded and listened to his friend talk, the wolf walked forward in deep contemplation about their situation. As Devlin began to list off a number of reasons of why Argos would do such a thing they suddenly walked into what felt like a large room, the steel walls of the hallway opened up into the darkness. The two looked at each other before they slowly ventured forward, their hands outstretched for any possible obstructions.

Meanwhile Skyeder and Danger approached a similar threshold, the two of them stared blankly into the darkness for a few seconds before they looked at each other. "I guess we just keep moving forward." Skyeder said, Danger giving his partner a shrug before he turned and walked forward with the gryphon hot on his heels to avoid losing him in the darkness. "Danger!"

"Danger? Where?" The two suddenly heard another voice call out. "Who is that? Are we in trouble?" Even in his slightly foggy mind Skyeder could recognize the voice as the lithe grey and green furred wolf that called himself 'Kai'.

"Kai, is that you?" Skyeder called out back? "It's us, Skyeder and Danger, we're not in trouble but we're in a strange way here and-"

"Quiz time!" Argos suddenly interrupted, light erupted from the floor and ceiling as simulated applause and cheers filled their ears. The four could easily see each other now, though there was some sort of clear barrier that stood between the two teams as the noise died down. "Let's give a warm welcome to our quiz contestants, Skyeder and Danger on team blue-" the gryphon and tiger both let out noises of surprise as the floor beneath them shifted and moved them towards the back of the room and faced them towards Argos before podiums suddenly appeared before them, "and Kai and Devlin on team Red!"

Devlin and Kai nearly fell as they were jerked backwards as well and faced in the same way and given a podium. "Welcome contestants, I hope you're all having a great time so far!" Argos said, though before any of the four had a chance to say what they wanted to the AI continued on in the next breath. "We're going to play a fun little game called 'what do you remember?', where the object is to try and answer questions about the party you were both at before you were drugged and brought down to my wonderful domain! If you think you know the answer then give the button in front of you a buzz, if you get it first and, more importantly, get it right then you inflict a transformation on the competitor opposite you, if you get it wrong then that transformation gets put on yourself instead! First team to ding each member of the other team three times wins the game, do you understand?"

The four males looked at each other, all of them nodding or otherwise confirming they did before Argos kept going. "Great! Now this would be the section where we'd get to know you better, but... I really don't care. Plus we got a schedule to keep, so let's roll right onto the first question!"

All of them looked around as the lights flashed and background music began to play, Argos pulling out a card from below the viewscreen. "Let's start us off with a softball. Question #1, what was the color of the mask that the master of ceremonies wore as he gave his speech on why you were there?"

All of them pressed down on their buzzers as fast as they could, but only the gryphon's podium lit up as Skyeder let out a small cry of victory. "It was black!" He said excitedly, then a loud dinging noise a second later indicated he was correct. He and Danger gave each other a high five as the other team groaned.

"Very good, it looks like Devlin is going to take the ding for this one." Argos said as the others looked over at the male skunk, including Devlin himself. "I thought for this round it would be appropriate to turn you into an animal that is known for being smarter, maybe help you answer a few of these questions. Of course this transformation starts at the feet, so unless you got your brains in your tail it probably won't."

Devlin raised an eyebrow, but before he could even ask anything he suddenly fell forward and gripped the podium as he felt the skin on his legs and tail begin to shift. They watched as the black and white fur melted and turned into a similarly covered and the muscle underneath pumped up to almost bodybuilder proportions while his toes cracked as they lengthened slightly and grew webbed. His tail cracked as the flesh thickened as well, Devlin grunted in pleasure as the tip flared out into a large, sleek tailfin. "Oh I get it, a dolphin." Kai said as the rubbery skin crawled up to just below his waist, Devlin sighed slightly but thankful that at least his member was still the same as it began to grow stiff once more from the pleasure of his changed body.

"Very good Kai." Argos replied. "Too bad that wasn't a question. Speaking of, on to question #2. What metal did the master of ceremonies say is purest when run through the hottest crucible."

Once more it was a race to the buzzer, and again it was Skyeder who was given the chance to answer. "It's silver." The gryphon said confidently. Unlike the first time though his response was answered by an angry buzz that caused the other team to rejoice."

"Ohhh, so sorry, it was actually gold, though close." Argos corrected. "Well, you know what happens now."

Skyeder shuddered as the pink feathers of his body began to warp and shifted to the same pink rubbery skin as Devlin as his ropy tail stiffened. Before their eyes the muscles of the thin appendage bloated, like someone had begun to fill it with water as the change progressed downward while it lengthened at the same time. The gryphon let out a grunt as the inflation reached the end of his tail and it exploded into a familiar fin shape that swished powerfully behind him. "Sorry bout that one Danger." He said in regret as he stood back up, his legs bulging with new muscle as he wiggled his webbed toes experimentally.

"Don't worry, plenty more questions to go." Argos reassured. "It is now one to one as we go into question three, which is: What was the name of the drug that was used to knock you all out?"

This time it was Kai that rang in first, with both Devlin and Danger close behind him. "If I remember correctly, it was Sophoril." There was a moment of pause before the bell confirmed his answer, and as the red team celebrated it was Danger that felt the wave of pleasurable transformation. Unlike the other two his transformation started in his chest, his already fairly muscled frame swelled as the white fur became similar colored, perfectly smooth skin. As the transformation spread up his shoulders and down his arms the skin on his forearms swept back into a shallow fin. When the changes finally reached his hands he held them up to the light as the skin on them pulled up his fingers until the spaces between them were completely filled with semi-translucent webbing. At first he thought it was finished until a fresh spasm of pleasure caused him to hunch over, a triangular fin of orange and black sprouted from his spine as he nearly fell to his knees.

"Also, though I shouldn't have to make this announcement, please refrain from pleasuring yourselves until you've been eliminated." Argos said as he watched Danger's hand drift down towards his erect cock while he stood back up, which prompted the tiger to put up one of his altered fingers up in the air. "Well, for not talking you are very clear in your communication." Argos huffed as he brought up the next card. "Don't let it distract you too much though, because here's question four which is a little tougher then the first three. How many people were in the band that was playing on the stage?"

Once again Kai managed to ring in first, with Skyeder and Danger right behind him. "Mmmm, hopefully you do a little better on your second in a row." Argos commented.

"It's 6... almost positive." Kai replied, a slight nervousness in his voice as they waited anxiously. When the bell went off once more Kai let out a sigh of relief, which was quickly overshadowed by a loud crack as Danger slammed his fist into the podium. Everyone looked at him as he began to breathe heavily, the ripped physique of his upper body traveling downward as they saw one of his hands stroke himself behind the pedestal. The mark on his butt remained as the golden-orange fur was replaced with similarly colored dolphin skin, the tiger groaned and scratched his non-existent claws into the plastic as his tail filled out into a powerful marine appendage. As he looked down he watched as his missing pinky toe returned and his feet widened out into fins, the last of his feline appearance now only on his head and in the markings on his body.

"Looks like Danger is in... well... danger as we move on to the next question, if Kai can get this right then it'll be a two one advantage with the wolf still untouched." Argos commented. "Question number five: What liquidized treat was in the center of the desert table?"

Argos hardly had time for the last words to leave his mouth when Danger hit the button so hard it banged against the base of the podium. The rest of the group waited as he wrote something down on a whiteboard, then showed it for all of them to see. "Danger answered 'White and Dark Chocolate'." Argos read. "Is he correct?"

The bell dinged and Danger let out a smirk of satisfaction as he crossed his arms and looked over at Kai, who gulped right before his changes began. His muscles expanded like the others, though he retained his swimmer's build as grey and green rubber replaced his fur. "Now I know why you mentioned the masturbating thing." Kai groaned just before his own back fin erupted from his spine. "Unngh!"

"Well, looks like we're all having fun." Argos said with a smirk as Kai panted from his transformation, his fin hands rubbed over his appendages before the silver dragon snapped him back to attention with a cough. "No contestant left untouched as we move on to question six, which is what color were the drapes that adorned the main hall?"

Once again it was Danger who rang in, which caused Devlin in particular to let out a cry of dismay as the tiger-headed dolphin wrote another answer on his whiteboard. "Danger answered 'light blue', which is..." Argos paused before the bell dinged again, "absolutely correct! Quite the comeback so far as the tiger puts Kai in the danger zone."

Kai fell to his knees as his changes started up from his toes, his cock growing tapered and longer as his sack disappeared into the rubber until the only thing left was a slit that it stuck out of. He gripped the podium as his spine stretched even more, trying not to fall to the floor as his tail grew out just like the others had, all of them now aquatic from the waist down as his muscles grew to match the sleek physique of his chest and arms. The former wolf couldn't help it, as Argos continued to talk he brought his hand down to his inner thighs, which had just finished becoming the firm, strong thighs of an anthro dolphin, and gave them a rub that caused his entire body to shudder in pleasure. It was Devlin smacking him in the back with his own tailfin that cleared the lustful haze in his mind as he looked up at Argos.

"As I was saying, both Kai and Danger are now just one ding away from being full-fledged fish creatures." Argos said before he looked at Devlin. "Also you're being awfully quiet over there, something the matter?"

"Yeah, I can hardly move my arms fast enough to hit the buzzer quick enough even though I've known every answer so far." Devlin grumbled.

"Well then you shouldn't have lost your first challenge." Argos dismissed. "Question seven, these are going to be even tougher! How many creatures total are in this competition?"

Kai couldn't help but knee-jerk hit the buzzer, not wanting the tiger to get the chance to answer as he saw Danger push his button at almost the same time. The wolf mentally celebrated when it was his podium that lit up, but that jubilation quickly turned to fear as he realized that he wasn't sure what the answer was. "Uh... I..." Kai mumbled, running his hands through the fur on his head as he racked his brain for what the right answer is. "That's... very complicated..."

"Not really." Argos replied as he crossed his arms. "You have ten seconds to answer."

Kai began to shook as he saw his timer begin to countdown, out of the corner of his eye he could see the tiger smirk at him as he continued to try and think of the answer. His new rubber skin glistened in the light as he looked to Devlin, who could only shrug in response as he looked at the silver dragon who shook his head as he watched them. The wolf-dolphin watched as the last of his time went up, and before it turned to zero he blurted out "48!"

There was a palpable silence in the room as everyone waited for the sound that would determine who would be eliminated from this portion of the tournament. Both Devlin and Kai let out a cheer as they heard a bell ring, Danger's face twisted in fury as he realized he had lost, but before he could do anything he let out a snarl as his muzzle twisted right before their eyes. They watched with mouths opened in amazement as the tiger's ears and whiskers melted onto his head while it became more streamlined and accentuated his new body. The new dolphin man stumbled back, his tiger stripes the only thing left of his original form as his podium disappeared.

"Looks like we're down to a two on one!" Argos announced as Danger moved to the side corner and began to masturbate furiously. "Hopefully Skyeder can hold his own. Question eight: What was the name of the racing video game in the arcade section of the party?"

Both Skyeder and Kai looked slightly nervous as they mulled over the question, which finally gave Devlin the time to ring in. "Well, it's about time." Argos said as he looked down at the skunk. "Your answer?"

"Speed Demon 3." Devlin said confidently, not even waiting for the bell to go off to start to celebrate. Skyeder grunted as his thighs began to shake, the pink rubbery skin flowed up his groin and over his chest. As it crawled up his abs they grew more defined, as well as his pectorals while he felt the muscles in his back bunched up into a dorsal fin. The gryphon was now only such from his head as he slid a hand down his new, sleek form.

"It's like a wetsuit." Skyeder said in awe as he felt the slick body. "A weird, dolphin-shaped, un-removable, muscle-enhanced wetsuit."

"Well if you don't want a complete one then you'll have to step up your game." Argos commented. "Onto question number nine, how many servers were in the dinning hall?"

Skyeder quickly pushed the button before the other two could, breathing a sigh of relief when his podium lit up. "It was fifteen people if I remember correctly." The gryphon said, and the bell rang shortly after as the other team grimaced. Skyeder looked over at Danger instead of Devlin as the skunk began to transform, the tiger striped dolphin still on the floor with both hands on his cock. It was a grim reminder of his possible future as he continued to stand there on the podium, though it was Devlin that took the hit this time.

Devlin groaned as his chest barreled out, unlike Skyeder's it didn't creep up but came in from the inside out. His chest and abs twitched as his black and white fur began to grow shiny and slick. As he filled out he grew the fins out of his arms and back, a similar configuration to his old pattern.

"Alright, onto question ten, the real ballbreaker questions." Argos said. "What were the three main seafoods served at the party?"

Skyeder buzzed in first once more, much to the chagrin of the other team that hung their heads down in dismay. As the gryphon mentally recalled the party he remembered the buffet table, and the three different dishes that were featured at the center. "There was a lobster dish, a salmon with butter, and..." his eyes widened as he suddenly realized that he couldn't think of the third one, even though he could swear that he had eaten it. The look of dismay from the other two contestants started to turn to hope when they saw him falter. "It... it was a white fish, I think... I want to say... halibut?"

The tension in the air was palpable as the remaining three waited while Argos looked at the card in front of him. "Let's see if Skyeder is correct." He said. "One of the dishes was a poached lobster. The second dish was indeed salmon with a butter sauce. Finally the third one, which you seemed to have the most trouble with, was, in fact... swordfish."

Skyeder gasped as the buzzer rang out, Devlin and Kai shouted for joy as their newly-acquired aquatic traits evaporated off of their bodies like a fine mist and left them with their original features. At the same time the gryphon's beak softened and stretched out into a similar configuration as his partner. He tried to press his hands against the changing flesh but it just changed under him, all he could do was let out a loud chattering noise before his head changed and he succumbed to his lust.

"Good job Devlin, Kai." Argos congratulated as they looked over each other, finding not only that their locomotion had returned but that their eyes now sparkled like gemstone. "As part of your reward you were given the gift that you would have gotten had you actually been able to escape your room. The other part is that you get to move on to the next part of the challenge, but before you do you I have one more question for you. You will get to decide whether you show your dolphinic friends mercy and let them stay in the game, or if you will end their run here."

"You represent the real adversary, Argos. Let the others free, and we'll improve our collective chances of beating you." Devlin said as he and Kai crossed their arms.

"Mmmm, feisty, I'm glad you won." Argos replied as he opened the door. "I'll accept that as 'mercy' and look forward to seeing you in the future."

Argos disappeared before the two could ask anything further, and when it didn't look like he was coming back the two just sighed and walked through the door. As they did it sealed shut behind them, and Argos came back on the screen to look down at the two masturbating dolphins. "Hmmm, not sure if you're freshwater or saltwater." He said with a bemused grin as he opened the floor beneath them to reveal a large pool. "Probably doesn't matter, even if we start with fresh I have a feeling it's going to become salty rather soon..."