A Father's Love, Chapter Eight

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#8 of A Father's Love

Daddy blinked. A hushed silence fell over the room.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked him again.

"I don't hate you," Daddy said.

"You do! Would you love me if I was a boy?" I said.

Again there was a silence. Daddy opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him and shouted, "You are so horrible to me! You, Mammy and Nanny! You are all so horrible to me!"

"We merely have your best interests at heart," Daddy said.

"Best? You treat me like I am the scum of the earth! You won't let me walk beyond the walls of this house! I can't see anyone I want!" I shouted at him.

"That is not true, I let you see Mr. Bridshaw," Daddy said,

"Once, only once, the other times I had to drug you! I have two friends I can trust in this god forsaken world and you strive to take them from me! You may have very well killed one of them!" I screamed.

"Camile calm yourself," Daddy said.

"I will not, you are all horrible!" I shouted at him, and with that I turned on my heel and left.

I passed Miss Bailie on my way out.

"Where is Will, I want to see him," I said to her.

"You can't see him," Miss Bailie said.

"I want to see him," I said.

I clenched my fists.

"Let me see him or I shall push you again," I said.

Miss Bailie looked as though she would faint, then she said, "He is in the garden shed."

They had chained Will, his wrists and ankles bound. He was sitting in a corner. I knelt in front of him.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Could be better," Will said.

He made a face. Probably bruises from when Josh and his friends kicked him.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"I'm not bleeding anymore," Will said, smiling.

I think he was trying to be funny. It wasn't working, and I think he knew, but I smiled anyway.

"I'll write to Mr. Bridshaw," I said.

"No, it's not so bad here," Will said.

"You are in a shed, it's dirty and drafty," I said.

"You should go back inside," Will said.

I sighed, there was no use. He'd just try to keep lightening the situation. Outside I glared up at Miss Bailie and said, "Let him out, give him a bath, wash his clothes and feed him and put him upstairs in the guest room."

"Your father is not going to like this," Miss Bailie said.

"Well that's too bad," I said.

"Your mother said to tell you David will be coming for tea and will be staying for dinner again," Miss Bailie called after me.

"Shit!" I hissed.

I barricaded myself in my room, hovering over a blank piece of paper. I tapped my pen against my ear. I wasn't sure of what to say. I put my pen to the paper and scribbled,

"Dear Mr. Bridshaw,

Please don't be alarmed, Will is here with us. If a bit bruised, he is still very much alive and eating. He misses you.



"Who's there?" I asked.

"Open up Camile," Miss Bailie's voice said.

I opened the door.

"David sent you this," Miss Bailie said, holding up a little jeweled box tied with a white ribbon.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it and find out," Miss Bailie said, thrusting the box into my hands.

I untied the ribbon and opened the box, inside was a gold bracelet decorated with rubies and diamonds.

"Send it back," I said, handing the box back to her.

"What?" Miss Bailie gasped.

"Send it back," I said, and slammed the door in her face.

I sent my letter to Mr. Bridshaw and he wrote me back. He wrote,

"Does Will miss me or do you? We could have tea again if you like?


Richard? He'd never signed with his first name before. I hid the letter with my undergarments where I hid all the letters Mr. Bridshaw had sent me, because I knew no one would ever look there.

I would like to have tea with Mr. Bridshaw again.

"Was he angry?" Will asked me when I told him about the bracelet.

He was sitting naked in the tub. I didn't know he was so well built, he's always wearing his suit, it made him look like a stick. Outside his clothes he was still pretty thin but he was well toned. I tried not to look. Instead I giggled at the fact the naked aardwolf before me looked more like a drowned rat.

"I don't know, I haven't heard from him yet," I said.

I smoothed my dress.

"I expect he will be angry. I couldn't accept it, because it would mean I like him and I don't," I said.

"He is repulsive," Will said.

"Yes, oh so very repulsive," I said.

"You didn't like the bracelet?" David asked me.

He'd cornered me in the hall.

"I did like it," I said.

"Then why send it back?" he asked.

"It was too beautiful," I said.

"Something simpler?" David asked.

"No, I want nothing from you," I said.

He took my hand in his and kissed it.

"I want to make you happy," he said.

"You don't need to, I am," I lied.

He smiled.

Will joined us for dinner. He looked so small compared to Daddy and Josh and David. I think I saw David flinch a little when Will looked at him. I think he was jealous.

I smiled behind my napkin.

"After this you are out," Daddy said quickly.

"Thank you sir," Will said.

He left right after dinner.

David gave me pearls the next day. White pearls, not pink like the ones Josh took. He gave them to me himself in the sitting room.

"They're lovely," I said.

"Pull your hair back," David said.

I raised my paws but he did it for me. He pulled my hair back and fastened the pearls around my neck.

"Beautiful pearls for a beautiful girl," he said softly, stroking my curls.

I smiled, to be polite. Then his hand began to travel down my back, fiddling with laces of my dress. I felt his breath on my neck.

"I can't accept them," I said.

I raised my hands to unfasten the pearls but David stopped me. He kissed my hand. I pulled my hands free and unfastened the pearls and put them in his hand.

I stood and walked towards the door.

"What do I have to do?" he called after me.

I paused for a moment and then kept on going but called over my shoulder, "Show me you aren't like him."

"Like who?" he called, but I didn't answer.

"You insult him. He sends you beautiful gifts and you send them back to him," Mammy said.

"He insults me by sending them. He doesn't really love me," I said.

"What's love got to do with it if he has money?" Mammy said.

She poured us some tea.

"He will give you a big house, he will give you children and anything else you desire," she said.

"It isn't worth it's not done out of love," I said.

"If you don't find someone now who will want you later?" Mammy asked.

"If he loves me, why should he care about how I look?" I said.

David sent me more gifts. He sent me a gold ring one day and a dozen red roses another day. I sent them all back. I could see it was trying his patience but I didn't really care, because I didn't like him.

He sent me a pink rose with a pearl choker. Josh delivered it to me.

"That's not very polite," Josh said, when I told him to send the rose and pearls back.

"I don't want to be with him," I said.

"He won't give up, so you might as well or things may take a bad turn for you," Josh said.

"As I've said many times before, I can't accept his gifts because I don't like him," I said.

"Suit yourself," Josh said.

The cooks served pea soup for dinner. I hated pea soup, so I excused myself and went to my room. Just as I'd closed the door there was a loud knock. I opened the door, it was David.

"Show you I'm not like who?" David asked.

"Show me you aren't like him," I said, and closed my door but David threw it open and stormed in.

"Like who?" he asked again.

"This is my room, get out!" I shouted at him.

He slammed my door shut.

"Like that Bridshaw fellow you go off to see?" David growled.

"No, get out," I said.

He grabbed me and turned me around and bent me over my bed.

"No! Stop it, you're hurting me!" I shouted, trying to push myself up.

He ripped my dress open, sliding his hands up over my shoulders and to my neck. He massaged the tender area between my neck and shoulders, pinching me; he pushed me down onto the bed and lifted my dress and grabbed my tail.

"Get off! Help!" I shouted.

"I'm done trying," David hissed.

He unbuckled his belt and pushed into me. He was bigger than Josh. I bit my lip.

"Stop! Help! Mammy!" I cried out.

Above me I could hear him groaning. The memory of Josh attacking me in the maze came back.

David dug his fingers into my hips, he thrust harder, sliding his paws up to grope my breasts.

"Help! Please! Nanny! Daddy! Help me!" I shouted.

My cheeks burned, tears staining my fur.

"Stop!" I screamed.

He thrust harder; the bead creaked, threatening to break. His hips slapped against my rear. Then he pulled out and put his hand between my legs, he pushed his fingers into me.

"You like it, look how wet you are," he said.

I don't like it. I said to myself.

He moved his fingers inside me, curling and spreading them.

"Don't!" I shouted.

Why wasn't anyone coming to help me?

David slipped his cock into me again, moving it in and out of me with his fingers. He turned me onto my back and raised his hand. I braced myself, expecting his paw to collide with my muzzle. Then he stopped. He stood and buckled his belt.

"It's late, go to bed," he said.

He grasped the doorknob then turned to face me.

"We'll talk tomorrow," he said, and left, slamming the door behind him.