After the Storm - Part 5 [The Patrol - Part 2]

Story by umbratenebris on SoFurry

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#7 of After the Storm

I wanted to upload this yesterday just as I finished a new chapter... but the power went out due to the storm. A full... day... without electricity... I thought I could handle it but I was wrong... Anyway, enjoy!

The screaming filled the streets followed by the sounds of gunshots as the two robbers exited the bank and fled. The two masked robbers, a scrafty and a scraggy by the looks of it, fled the bank, guns blazing and sacks of money in hand. The civilians were all panicked. They ran around with their hands over their heads in fear and screaming like no tomorrow.

The two rookies, Jason the riolu and Charlie the charmander, were just across the street hiding behind a mail box and thinking of their next move. "Man, it's like these people weren't even taught basic self defense." Jason sighed, his palm covering his face in embarrassment as he eyed the civilians that ran around. "I honestly thought all of the people of Avalon are capable of combat."

"Jason, what are you doing just standing there?" Charlie demanded. "We have to stop them!"

Charlie was just about to charge at the two thieves when Jason grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Do that and you'll only threaten the lives of others." Jason calmly said, analyzing the thieves and predicting their next move. "They can't possibly stay here, they'll have to make a getaway in a concealed location. If we're going to attack them, it'd be best if there are no civilians to get involved."

Charlie stifled a growl but nodded his head. He didn't want to admit it, but Jason was right, it was too risky to just go all out when there are so many who could get hurt. "So what do we do then? Wait?"

Jason answered with a nod. "Doubt we'll be waiting too long." He turned his head to peek at the thieves. "They're getting anxious... they're looking for a way to escape... it seems that their original escape plan was busted and now they're on their own."

"How do you know?" Charlie asked.

"I'm a riolu." Jason answered simply. "I have the talent of knowing. C'mon, they're about to leave."

Without a moment to lose, the duo dashed as the perpetrators ran into the alley. The two thieves ran as fast as their legs can muster but their sacks of loot were slowing them down. Jason and Charlie were soon within a few feet of the thieves, and it seems they've noticed their presence.

"Halt!" Charlie commanded as he spat out a flame burst which soared just passed the thieves' heads. "The second one won't miss!"

The thieves slowed down, and reach for their submachine guns. Jason was quick to sense their intension and tackled Charlie behind the dumpster as the two thieves peppered them with gunfire.

"Garggh!" Charlie exclaimed as a bullet zoomed past his face when he tried to make a move. "You idiot, they've got us cornered now!"

Jason paid Charlie no attention. He merely had his eyes closed as he leaned against the dumpster. "One... two... three... four..."

Charlie's irritation grew at the sight of Jason's counting. "Dude, what on earth are you doing?"

"Five..." Jason finished as the sound of the gunshots stopped. 'It takes five seconds to empty their magazines.' Jason thought to himself as he continued his counting silently. 'One... two...'

Charlie noticed the absence of gunshot and grinned. "Alright, it's our turn!"

Just as Charlie was about to leave the safety of the dumpster, Click! The sound warned Jason of what he feared and he quickly pulled Charlie back behind the dumpster. Charlie resisted for a brief second but Jason immediately overpowered him as another barrage of bullets surged forth.

"Jason, stop it with the defend!" Charlie scolded. "They're inching backwards as they shoot at us! At this rate, they're gonna get away just because you're too scared to move!"

'We only have a three second window to attack as they reload.' Jason no longer had time to respond, Charlie's yelling consumed almost all the time he needed. "I don't know about you, but I feel like using one of these now." Jason said as he produced a flash bang from his pack.

Charlie could've sworn his dad had given them tear gas as a diversionary explosive, not a flash bang. "Where did you get that?"

"Tear gas just won't do it. Sometimes, you need a little noise." Jason grinned as he pulled out the pin and hurled the flash bang at the two crooks. The two rookies barely had time to cover their ears, Charlie failed to cover his as the canister detonated, a blinding flash of light followed by a deafening ring held the charmander stunned an immobilized.

Jason knew there was no time to waste. He immediately pulled out two pairs of handcuffs, the shining steel rings clanging against one another, and dashed towards the thieves. The thieves, though blinded and dazed by the bang, still managed to fight back. They cocked their guns and fired at random directions, all the while trying to maintain their balance and inch ever so slightly backwards. Jason used their handicap to his advantage. Their aim was sloppy, hitting nothing but the concrete walls. Their balance was worse, each step they tried to take backwards threatened to trip them. Jason quickly closed the distance between them and with a quick strike using force palm, he quickly incapacitated the two.

Once cuffing the two, Jason fished in his pack for his communicator until he felt Charlie approach. Jason paid it no attention at first, until he felt the charmander's intentions to which he was too late to react. "Are you kidding me, Jason?" Charlie wrapped his hand around Jason's neck and slammed his against the wall. "You leave me blinded and dazed back there then you take all the glory for yourself!?" Charlie's grip tightened as his rage grew. "I still see spots in my vision and the ringing won't fucking stop!"

"I... didn't say anything about... taking the glory..." Jason croaked, trying to get the words out through Charlie's grip. He swiftly struck Charlie's forearm, paralyzing his nerves and loosening his grip enabling Jason to escape.

Charlie stumbled backward to gain some distance as his flame grew larger. "Then what is it that you're doing right now? Huh!? I stay behind the dumpster and you tackled the enemies down and arrest them! What part of that isn't taking all the glory!?"

"Now you're just making up stories." Jason prepared for combat, unsure whether Charlie would really lash out. He can sense the intense rage from Charlie, he actually won't blame Charlie if he lashes out. "I didn't say anything about taking the--" Jason barely finished his explanation when quickly ducked down and rolled to the side as Charlie fired out a flame burst. The orange ball of fire crashed against the concrete wall and exploded in a wide fiery explosion which Jason barely managed to avoid. It was Jason's natural resistance to fire that saved him.

"Then explain!" Charlie barked out in fury.

"I WAS explaining!" Jason yelled as he brushed the ashes off. "But YOU wouldn't let me fini--" again, Jason wasn't able to finish his answer as Charlie fired out another flame burst, one which Jason faced head on.

The large ball of fire crashed at Jason directly in the head as Jason charged forward. Charlie was sure he'd taken care of his competition until he saw Jason emerge from the fire, virtually unscathed. Charlie growled and leapt back once more to gain more distance, distance which Jason quickly covered with agility. The two were soon locked in hand-to-hand combat, Charlie barely able to fend Jason off. Charlie wouldn't have been able to beat Jason in a fist fight under normal circumstances, but now his right arm has been paralyzed by Jason attack. He saw little chances that he'd win this.

In desperation, Charlie attempted to fire a flame burst at point blank range. Perhaps it'd send both of them flying and increase the distance between them. Charlie was well aware that Jason didn't have any ranged attacks so keeping him at a distance was his best chance of success. He took it, with a powerful roar he let out another flame burst... missed.

Jason rolled to the right and completely avoided the fireball. The fireball continued its flight until it crashed into something. "Gaaaarrrgh!"

The loud exclamation surprised Charlie as he lowered his hand and relaxed. "W... what was that?" he was afraid he had hit someone innocent... that would be the worst scenario he could imagine.

"You hit their back up." Jason calmly answered. "Now, if it really means so much to you, here." Jason tossed a pair of hand cuffs to Charlie. "You go take him in AFTER I treat him for his burns."

Charlie was stunned, he just sat there trying to process what had happened. He just watched as Jason knelt over to the injured criminal, which he later sees is a weavile, and began patching him up. Something felt wrong inside Charlie... none of this was accidental... they all felt as if Jason had it all planned. Jason DID have it all planned, why else would he maintain such a calm and composed figure. The alley was completely open on the other end, that's why Jason took the second flame burst, to make sure it wouldn't head straight for the buildings outside the alley. Then Jason dodged the last flame burst as the weavile came to help the thieves. Jason used Charlie's blind fury to stop yet another villain!

The very thought was infuriating to the charmander. There he was, trying to display his strength and dominance to his rival and all he ends up doing is being a pawn in Jason's game. He clenched his fist around the cuff and grit his teeth. 'Why... why does this happen!?' Charlie thought to himself in frustration. 'Just what is Jason?... why is he THIS good at what he does!?'

"Hey, Charlie, you okay back there?" Jason asked while he worked on the injured weavile. "I can feel your rage building again."

Charlie snorted and approached the riolu. "It's just that I don't understand why you even have to waste time healing the guy. Why don't we just take them in now?"

Jason knew that wasn't the reason, but he didn't pry. "I for one am concerned for their health. If I want to take people in, I'd like to take them in alive. He's an ice type pokemon. Your flame burst, which is strong on its own, did more damage than it should." Jason finished up the bandages and stood up, facing the charmander. "There, that should do it. Cuff him now if you're just itching to catch somebody, I'll go call for backup to take them in." without waiting for Charlie to respond, Jason left.

Charlie knelt down and cuffed the weavile though he saw no purpose in it now. The weavile was injured and unconscious but it was better to be safe than sorry. The two thieves have been silent the whole time and made Charlie turn to see if they were still there. They were. The scrafty and the scraggy were still bound to the lamp post and unconscious. When they lost consciousness, Charlie doesn't know.

He stared at the three criminals. Their first day on patrol and already they've managed to catch them. No... JASON managed to catch them. 'Damn that riolu! How is it that he's THIS good?' Charlie grabbed his right wrist and began shaking it vigorously until he felt the feeling return... it didn't. He had no idea how to treat nerve paralysis. Perhaps the same way you'd treat regular paralysis... but Charlie didn't even bother. He paced around impatiently as they waited for their backup to arrive.

What was Charlie going to tell his superiors? Everyone was given a fixed score if they've performed their assigned task. They were given bonuses for their contribution in fighting crime. Charlie felt like he did little in this one. All he did was almost get shot, get blinded and used... what score would he be given with that?

"C'mon Charlie, let's go." Jason's voice snapped his out of his daze as he approached the riolu.

"Why? Where are we going?" Charlie asked. 'What the heck man, why are you taking order from HIM now?'

"I already gave them our location. Backup should be here shortly to take these three in custody but we still have an area to patrol." Jason proceeded to walk outside the alley leaving Charlie alone. "Hey man, are you coming? I still need my guide around this district. I'll be a wandering idiot without you here."

Jason's statement surprised the charmander. Jason, Jason 'Alexander the Great', needed him as a guide. A GUIDE. Was that all he is now? A guide to the very person he detests? Those thoughts of hate filled the charmander but he reluctantly followed. "Huff... this is gonna be a long day..." Charlie mumbled to himself and he joined the riolu.

After the Storm - Part 6 [The Patrol - Part 3]

"So, Charlie, still upset over what happened back there?" Jason asked as the two patrolled the streets of the market district. The two had just taken down two criminals attempting to rob the Union Bank. In a heated rage though, Charlie turned on Jason...

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After the Storm - Part 4 [The Patrol - Part 1]

"Ugh... why must I get stuck with YOU of all people?" Charlie complained as the two made their way to their assigned location. They passed through the academy's steel gates and through the residential area of the military district. Jason paid no...

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After the Storm - Part 3 [Familiar Faces]

The halls of the academy were bustling with activity. Recruits roamed from hall to hall. Most of them travelled in groups and were jogging or training or... whatever it is they were doing. The halls were made of reinforced concrete with steel doors...

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