A Friendly Wager: Beginning

Story by Ernest258823 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. The characters belong to their rightful owners.

Mikemon and Gaomon have been best friends for three years. They even share the same birthday. Since they're now celebrating their 10th birthday, the duo decided to have a friendly video game tournament between the two of them. The prize? Well, you'll find out now won't you? The good news, it will be interesting. Also, the reason they seem smarter than most ten year-olds is because, well, they are a little bit smarter than most 10 year olds.

FYI: For all you Digimon fans, Mikemon is an actual digimon. It is basically Gatomon with different colored fur and paws.

"Are you guys going to be okay while we're gone for the week?" asked Gaomon's mom. "Yeah mom, we'll be fine." replied Gaomon. "Alright then. Love you." Said Gaomon's mom. "Love you too." said Gaomon. Gaomon and his friend Mikemon watched as both of their parents pulled out of the driveway. "Well, shall we get started?" asked Mikemon setting up the game. "Let's shall." said Gaomon happily. The two digimon were in paradise. Their parents were gone the whole week so they could do whatever they wanted. They were going to have so much fun. "Ready to get this 3 out of 5 tournament started?" asked Gaomon grabbing a controller. "Not quite." replied Mikemon. "What's wrong?" asked Gaomon impatiently. "It's just, I'm tired of playing these tournaments without an actual prize." said Mikemon a little sad. Gaomon thought for a good minute when an idea popped into his head. "You want a prize ? I got a good one for ya." said Gaomon happily. "What is it? Tell me, tell me." said Mikemon getting excited. "Loser does winners bidding for the week. And he cannot say no to anything." said Gaomon with pride. "Hehehe. Okay, you're on." said Mikemon with a grin on his face. Once the two shook hands, the tournament was on. The first video game the boys played was Madden 25. The game ended with Mikemon as the winner. The next game they played was MLB: The Show 2014. That game also ended with Mikemon as the winner. *I can't let him win one more game.* Gaomon thought to himself. The third game was NBA 2014. This time, Gaomon was the winner. The fourth game was hockey. That game was also won by Gaomon. "Well, it's tied two-two." said MIkemon. "Yep. It sure is." said Gaomon. The tiebreaker was going to be one of the boys favorite games which was a ninja fighting game.

A game in which both of them were really good at. "Hey Gaomon? Is it alright if I change the bet a little bit?" asked Mikemon while Gaomon was setting up the next game. "Sure. Whatcha wanna change?" asked Gaomon very interested. "The bet is still the same except for one thing. Loser does everything the winner says involving their butt." said Mikemon with a grin on his face. Gaomon's face instantly turned a dark red. The truth was that Gaomon was somehow attracted to Mikemon's butt. Gaomon couldn't explain it but nonetheless, he was attracted to it. "Okay sure. On one condition though." said Gaomon. "And that is?" asked Mikemon. "Try not to get creamed by me." said Gaomon laughing. "You got it." said Mikemon also laughing. At last the tiebreaker was on. It was an extremely close game, but the winner was...Mikemon. "Yahoooooo! All right!" shouted Mikemon. Although Gaomon couldn't believe he lost, he was still happy for his friend. While Mikemon was busy hopping around, Gaomon went downstairs to get them something to eat. Mikemon danced for so long that Gaomon had time to fix them some hot dogs, walk back upstairs, and finish eating his share. When Mikemon was finished, he looked over and saw his share of hot dogs and his new butt slave by the bed. "What are you doing?" asked MIkemon. "Waiting for my orders...Master." said Gaomon keeping his eyes closed. Mikemon couldn't help but laugh. "There's a reason why changed the bet to the way it is." said Mikemon grabbing his share of the hot dogs. "Oh? And that is?" asked Gaomon. "I see the way you look at my butt and to be honest, I think you like it." said Mikemon while eating a hot dog.

Gaomon's face turned an even darker shade of red than before. The room was silent for two minutes before Gaomon said something. "I-I do like your butt...a lot." said Gaomon with embarrassment. Mikemon smiled. Then, he walked over to where his friend was and put the plate of hot dogs on the table. "So is that why you decided to change the bet." asked Mikemon getting up onto the bed. "Nope." said Gaomon eyes still closed. "Then why did you?" asked Mikemon now standing over Gaomon. "I had no choice. Even if I said no, you would still have me do it anyways." Gaomon said nonchalantly. "Mhm. Too true." said Mikemon. The room fell silent for two minutes before Mikemon finally gave Gaomon an order. "Open your eyes." said Mikemon. Gaomon opened his eyes and saw Mikemon's butt over his face. "Alright. I'm going to use you're face as my seat. Also, your face is my fart cushion." said Mikemon as he lowered his butt closer to Gaomon's face. Before he was close to sitting on his friends face, he said something else. "Oh and, don't move your head an inch...please." he said looking back at his friend. "Wouldn't even think of it...Master." Gaomon said with a eager smile. Mikemon smiled and lowered his butt until he was completely sitting on his friends face. Mikemon then shifted his butt around until Gaomon's nose was perfect aligned with his tailhole. "Another thing, stop calling me Master. Just call me by my name. Okay?" said Mikemon. Gaomon gave his friend a thumbs up letting him know he understood him. Once Mikemon was nice and comfy, he grabbed the plate of hot dogs and resumed eating. Once he was done eating, Mikemon leaned over and grabbed a game controller. However, once he leaned over, he let loose a fifteen second fart that really stunk.

"Oh wow, that was fast." Mikemon said blushing a little. Gaomon couldn't help but cough a little bit. "You okay?" asked Mikemon. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just need to get used to it that's all." said Gaomon. After making sure he really was okay, Mikemon repositioned himself on his friends face and went back to playing video games. While Mikemon was busy playing video games, Gaomon was laying there wondering what else his friend had in store for him. At that moment, he heard a loud groan above him. "Well Gaomon, you said you needed to get used to it, and as my favorite line goes, there's no time like the present." Mikemon said happily. With that, Mikemon leaned to the side and ripped a seven second fart. Then, he leaned to the other side and ripped a longer and smellier fart than the last. While all this was happening, Gaomon was busy inhaling his friends farts as they came out of his rectum. After several more farts, Mikemon had the urge to take a dump. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, okay?" Mikemon said getting up. Gaomon nodded. After four minutes, Mikemon came back and hovered his butt over his friends face. "I just realized something. You'll never get used to my farts if you've never smelled them when their at their worst. So guess what? I didn't wipe my butt." said Mikemon with a little bit of pride in his voice. Then, Mikemon lowered his butt until his tailhole was just barely touching his friends nose and ripped a seven second fart that stunk of rotten eggs and unwiped butt. Gaomon smelled his friends first fart butt couldn't stop his cough on the second one. "Oh come on, I haven't even started yet." complained Mikemon."I'm sorry." said Gaomon still coughing. "Need a break?" asked Mikemon.

"Yeah. Give me at least three minutes, okay?" said Gaomon. After things had settled down, Mikemon came back into the room. "Are you ready?" asked Mikemon. "Yep. I'm good to go." Gaomon said laying down on the bed. Needing no further invitation, Mikemon got back up on the bed and sat on his friends face. A few minutes later, Mikemon leaned to his right side and ripped a loud fart up his friends nose. Then, he leaned to the other side and farted. After a few more farts, Mikemon had an idea. "Hey Gaomon? Do you think you're used to them yet?" he asked. Gaomon gave him a thumbs up. Mikemon smiled. "Good. Then open your mouth nice and wide." instructed Mikemon. Once Gaomon opened his mouth, Mikemon positioned his tailhole so that it was in Gaomon's mouth. "I'm surprised that you're taking this well." commented Mikemon. "Anyways. Your next mission is to clean my butt for me. Also, since your used to the smell, lets see how well you do with the taste on your tongue." Mikemon said shaking his butt a little. With that, Mikemon ripped a ten second fart in his friends mouth. While Mikemon was farting in his friends mouth, Gaomon was hard at work licking the crap off his friends butt and tailhole. "Oh man. You're a natural at this." gasped Mikemon after feeling Gaomon's tongue enter his tailhole. This went on for a good ten minutes before Mikemon decided that he was nice and clean. Then he looked at the clock. It read nine o' clock. "Time for bed I guess." sighed Mikemon. "Hey Mikemon?" said Gaomon. "Yeah?" asked Mikemon. "I'm really hungry." complained Gaomon. The moment Gaomon said that, Mikemon got an idea.. "Hold on Gaomon. Wait here." commanded Mikemon.

The cat then went downstairs and searched the fridge until he found what he was looking for, hot dogs. Mikemon took the hot dogs out of the package and proceeded to stick two of them into his tailhole. He then grabbed a roll of duct tape."One last thing." said Mikemon coming into the room. "You're eating hot dogs. However, you're eating both of them straight from my butt." said Mikemon as he first aligned his friends mouth with his tailhole and then proceeded to wrap the duct tape around his friends head and his own butt. Once the two were in bed, Mikemon began to feed Gaomon the two hot dogs from his butt. Once he was done eating, Gaomon gave his friend's hole a good licking. "Good night, Gaomon." said Mikemon. *It was an interesting first day. Not to mention an awesome one. And ya know, I can't wait to see what comes next tomorrow.* Gaomon thought happily to himself. With a fart interrupting his thoughts, Gaomon nestled his mouth onto Mikemon's tailhole and promptly went to sleep waiting to see what his friend had in store for him tomorrow.

Friendship Between A Boy And His Dragon Part III

Gohan was still asleep when Icarus woke up. \*Man. It's a beautiful day.\* he said quietly. The dragon then looked over to where his best friend Gohan was sleeping and smiled. \*Ya know. He's a real friend.\* Icarus said smiling to himself. Suddenly,...

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Friendship Between A Boy And His Dragon Part II

It was the day after Gohan's 10th birthday, and he was sleeping in Icarus' cave. However he was having an unusual dream. He dreamed that he and Icarus were wrestling and that he managed to get pinned under the dragon. The unusual thing about the dream...

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Friendship Between A Boy And His Dragon Part I

"Gohan! Time to get up!" Chi-Chi yelled from downstairs. Gohan instantly woke up for today was a special day. It was Gohan's 10th birthday and he planned to have a lot of fun with his friends. "Gohan! Come eat!" Goku shouted. "I'm coming!" yelled...

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