430 The Return From Libya

Story by ziusuadra on SoFurry

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#9 of Sythkyllya 400-499 The Age Of Worn Bronze

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Save Point: The Return From Libya

Just Beyond The Nubian Border

After the incident in Libya, Cleo and Terrowne got into one hell of a fight. She tried to burn him up but he made his skin flame resistant, able to continue functioning at elevated temperatures. He tried to reason with her but she just kept cursing at him and wouldn't stop, so finally in desperation he extruded tentacles, made them hard and rough with sharp little knobbly ridged edges, like teeth, and grabbed at her.

They wound up all snarled up together. Her teeth were all bared and she just kept going for it, grabbing his cock (which he'd foolishly forgotten to retract) and applying direct flame to anything she could reach, balls included. He retaliated, almost by accident when one of the tentacles slid up inside her, by shoving it up there deeply. It didn't even slow her down, just made her grit her teeth together and have at him even more fiercely, so he shoved another tentacle up her ass. With all the little spurs it must have hurt like hell, but she was trying to cook him wherever she had skin contact and it was getting bad. He didn't force them in and out so much as she ground up against him, going for his throat with her lethal bite and getting nowhere against a skin made of black carbon.

He had a moment to notice that the hills were jagged in the background, the sky purple against the sunset as the night drew overhead. Then the first tentacle went up her cervix and she came, furious, snarling with rage at her own response and still trying to hurt him all the while.

Almost as an afterthought, ten or twenty seconds later, he came as well, pumping messily up against her belly long after it was over for her. Her crushing grip on his cock and balls might well have had something to do with that.

Afterwards, they laid together for a while and watched the long shadows creep past, his forgotten tentacles wrapped around her from all angles like a black cloak with teeth.

"I'm sorry," she said eventually, without the slightest prompting and apparently sincere. "I've just been under so much stress......this isn't something that has happened to me before, I'm not used to feeling like this. I don't like feeling like this."

"We need to have a good fight occasionally," he suggested after a while. "Otherwise the tension just builds up and...well, it's good for stress relief. You know?"

"I'm starting to feel better," she added. "I mean I'm not quite right yet, but I'm starting to think about going back to Khem."

"I've missed you too," soothed Terrowne. "There's always so much happening - war, politics, all sorts of mayhem - and without you to help me keep a cap on it I have to try and fix all of it myself. I'm not good with handling people, you know that. It makes me crazy."

"They'd better have good presents for me, that's all I'm saying. They'd better appreciate me."

"Heard about the bribe, huh? It wasn't really their fault. They didn't know what you were going through and neither did you. They love you and want you back just as much as I do."

"I made mistakes. But they expect me to be a goddess for them!"

"That's what you get the presents for. Tell you what," he suggested soothingly, "there's a temple nearby that honours your Name, and they just bought some of the aromatic oils there. You know, the ones you like, in the clay vessels? Come there with me, and I'll rub you down with them. All over. That'll make you feel better like nothing else will. They'll be overjoyed to see you."

"I don't know..."

"They've seen you running with the lionesses of the pack, you know. But they were all too afraid to come and beg you back. They're not as resistant to your claws as I am."

"Well....alright. I'll come visit. Maybe just for the night, though. It'll be a while longer before I feel completely good, and the lionesses...they accept me. I don't have to worry about hurting them."

"There you go," he encourages her. "I'll wait for you, afterwards. It's really going to be a big deal for them, you coming back, you know. I'm afraid that they have plans for some sort of a parade."

Cleo tenses up a little against him.

"Don't worry. Not until you're feeling better. And I'll be there with you. There'll be flowers raining out of the sky and sweet scents and a whole crowd waiting just for the chance to see you pass. They love you just as much as I do."

"Will you buy me an icecream?"

"I think we can schedule things to start a little early, before the nightly ice harvest melts. I'll make you a special icecream myself, with full cream and honey in it."

"I like having icecream. It makes me feel like a real divinity, being the only one in the middle of the desert with an icecream." She snuggles up against him and works her way closer into his embrace. "I've missed you too," she finally admits.