No Sugar and Nice, Just The Spice

Story by MyraSylvia on SoFurry

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#1 of Spice Novel

The beginning of Myra's life as a military woman, through her family's rather up and down living.

Myra was young when she had decided to start her work for the military. Her father and brother had also worked hard to grow through their ranks as military personnel. However, Myra's father had been diagnosed with cancer, and this was the hardest part for her. She worked tirelessly and hard for her dear old dad, but eventually, he had just passed away. She was a daddy's girl. She had always been able to look up to her father for guidance when she needed it, like she had through high school. Of course, she wasn't the typical teen who would get pregnant, in fact, she never has had any sort of intercourse with a man, at all yet, she still acts up tight and angry at the world. Probably for the fact of her father dying. She wasn't able to hear his last words, nor was she told about his passing by any one from her family. They apparently thought it was too hard on her, or something, but then her brother messed up and had spilt by accident. Myra lost her mind on her family, and had then set off to the notice that she would do what her father didn't want her to do. Join the military, she thought. Since then, she's trained hard and worked harder, now she's finally being sent onto the field, for her first time...

"Lynn. I want you to take the roof, use that blessing you have to watch our backs and fronts, even when it means to give away your position, do it. Understood, corporal?" Myra's sergeant had radioed to her as she was told to meet up with near an empty side of a town, where the Canadian Military was locked in combat, and Myra was the only other Canadian woman who hadn't been locked up with the enemy force. "Yes sir. ETA fifteen minutes?" Myra asked as she had already began her trek towards the meeting place, where she was requested to meet with the American military and help them relieve the tension on the Canadian forces. "Let's say that amount, yes." The Sergeant replied within a few moments and had then hadn't said anything more, so Myra took this upon herself to move to the building-top. Although, she caught the scent of another few snipers. Luckily for her, they weren't in any way shape or form capable of tracking her. She was much more agile, similar to her Anthropomorphic-self as a fox. Neither of them appeared to be canine. One looked it, but hadn't sniffed in anyway.

Myra had jumped and darted around, and when she made herself known, she had already delivered two deadly blows to both men who held the rooftop. She smirked and made sure they weren't getting up after that hit. She then placed her rifle on the bipod and set it to let her look over the area the sergeant had requested her to meet. She waited more than fifteen minutes, and that's when she radioed the sergeant. "Sergeant, is everything alright? I'm awaiting your squad. Sitting on the roof you told me about, ready when you are, sir." She spoke lightly over the radio, but nothing returned. She began to panic mentally. She used her scope and noticed a few men carrying other men. Gore dripping from the bodies as she looked to them. Noticing that the one's being carried were the American squad. She didn't repeat herself, instead, she removed three of the seven men, and lucky for her, she had already put the silencer on the weapon, so it was one less thing to carry.