Flushed Revenge

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#4 of Different

This is a continuation on one of my earlier storys his own back. Be warned there is scat in this story as well as transformation and in a sense figurative scat eating since one character becomes a toilet. You have been warned if you don't like then don't read, if you do like please comment and fav.

Keagan stood up and looked down, "you brought this on yourselves little guys all of it I was lucky you all worked in the same place too". He giggled and sat back down giving the bowl a huge fart and then unloading six huge logs of waste into the bowl along with the mess already in there. "The only real benefit is that I will be sending you all down my toilet". With that he giggled manically and began to piss adding a large amount of yellow to the brown already swirling around the six little furs swimming in the mess already. When the stream of piss turned into some simple little piddles he grasped his cock and gently began to stroke it as he continued with his shitting until he was hard and dripping, with a lot more squeezing and groaning he stood up and splattered the poor furs in the pot with his cum before giggling down at them then sitting down to finish up with his call of nature. "well little guys guess I've Wiped you out heeheh he he" he chuckled as he wiped up his fox ass and stood up "I'll send you right round and down now toodles and remember if you hadn't eaten micros from the Pearsons shop you wouldn't be taking this trip now" saying that he pulled the flush and watched as the squealing messy little creatures as well as the large amount of brown matter swirled around the bowl before being sucked down the drain, for good measure he flushed it again to make sure the bowl was nice and clean for later on.

After he put the lid back down he washed his paws and gently humming to himself he headed for his bedroom and his list of furs that he still needed to put through the treatment that the little furs who had just taken the trip down the porcelain throne had received. "let's see I've gotten all the Pearson's now too bad for joey he was nice but when he told me that foxes like me were used there and I found out poor sis and Darby and Leon, and Sam had visited there but not come home, well at least he made a nice little ploop" Keagan crossed off some other names and here is that tiger well good riddance to him I know he ate Marissa and jenny so he got what he deserved I guess this means all that is left is that one wolf. Keagan smiled dreamily before putting the book down and snuggling on his bed naked and then slipping off to sleep for the night.

Far across town a manhole lid was shoved up by a black clawed paw and a midnight tiger crawled out of the hole before putting the lid back in place. Tyler had survived his trip down his toilet if only because he had passed out and that his house was hooked up to the sewer and not to a septic tank. Now it was time for revenge, revenge that would come with a flush a gurgle and most likely lots of tears. Tyler crawled out and headed for his home planning to get his paws on Keagan and doing something that would be violent. Alex was waiting in his living room but he didn't ask at all just followed along quietly and soon after a vigorous scrubbing for Tyler they were nuzzling in bed.

The next day dawned bright for all perhaps not as bright though for all as it did for Keagan. After his morning trip on the porcelain rider he got dressed for the day and headed out it was time to hunt down the wolf he was sure had eaten the most of his missing sibs. His first stop was to the place the wolf usually got a morning cup of coffee. Sitting quietly in the back of the shop he watched as the wolf walked in bought his usual a cup of coffee and a croissant which he downed quickly before hopping in his car and heading for the downtown area, all the time being followed by Keagan who kept looking at the papers he had stolen from the Pearson family records of who would purchase what from their shop. The wolf pulled into a downtown parking garage and got out walking the rest of the way to a ritzy restaurant that he apparently worked in, Keagan followed entering the place and taking a seat at the bar where he watched the wolf as he went about his daily chores. During this time Keagan was pondering what to do in the past he had shrunk down his victims either at the place of work and taken them to his house or he had given them something that would shrink them down and flushed them at their place but this time it was different, he didn't really have much of the shrinking solution left and it would need to be in its concentrated form to work properly.

Keagan was also suffering a different problem too he was getting quite drunk mostly in celebration of what he was going to accomplish but also to the fact that he was not quite paying attention to what was in the glasses he kept requesting. Most of this was because the bartender wanted to try getting his number and maybe more. However the now tipsy fox wasn't gonna have any of it, he saw his target heading out with his keys since his shift was up and was heading home. Keagan followed along and hailed a cab he had followed this wolf before it was easy even feeling somewhat drunk since he almost always went to the same house that the tiger had lived in before Keagan had exacted his revenge. If not there he always went to his apartment, and since the tiger was now gone Keagan expected Alex to head for his apartment but was shocked when he instead headed for the more suburban area, surely he had realized his boyfriend was gone and not coming back.

As they pulled up, (well more Alex pulling up and Keagan parking a little ways down and quickly sneaking along to hide in the bushes) he was even more shocked to see the large midnight tiger open the door hug the wolf and pull him into the house. It was shocking since most of the furs that got flushed never survived the trip and if they did.....well some of the rather strange sewer blockages lately had been reported or for that one guy he probably didn't survive his septic tank too long. Keagan actually sobered a little bit at that one, unfortunately for him he also made a mistake and stood up to get a better look. He got that better look because while he was starring in dazed disbelief at Tyler, Tyler had raised a paw pointed out his near executioner and Alex went flying and tackled the little green fox into submission knocking him out cold. For Keagan it was one of the last things he saw for a while a large grey blue wolf came flying at him and then restful blackness.

Keagan came too slowly, he heard the voices of the tiger and the wolf as they discussed what they were planning on doing with him. "Let's do to him what he did to you hon after all with his luck he will crawl back a day from now looking for his clothes" said Alex. "no I have a better plan sweetums I know we found that vial of shrink potion on him but I have a better one for him that I think will be plenty of fun, besides there isn't really enough in that vial to shrink anyone he must have really wasted the stuff" Tyler said as they stared at Keagan who was tied to a chair. Kegan listened quietly slowly worrying more and more about what they intended to do to him, he may have tortured lots of the furs he shrunk but he never really ever ate any of them, on the other hand what they could be planning could be far worse. He struggled a little against the bonds that held him in place and in the process he attracted the attention of Tyler.

"Well, Well, Well, looks like the little stinker is awake" Tyler said as he cupped under Keagan's maw and lifted him up so that he had to look in Tyler's eyes. "I can't wait to repay you for what you did to me and I am going to enjoy it quite a lot" saying this Tyler pulled out a large blue glowing vile pulled the cork and put the mouth of it into Keagan's mouth and tipped it up so that it started to flow into the poor fox. At first Keagan refused to swallow the stuff and breathed through his nose till Tyler in a vindictive move pinched his nose shut forcing the fox to choke and swallow the mouthful so that he could get some air, as he did so even more of the fluid flowed down his throat where it was causing interesting feelings in his stomach. At first it felt like his stomach was on fire then it felt like it was freezing before it felt like it was stretching then it got really really heavy before the sensation moved on to his entire digestive tract. By this point the bottle was drained and so Tyler took it stoppered it again and put it aside as he looked over the fox for the first signs of the changes to come.

Keagan groaned and moaned his bowels were on fire now and he felt the desperate need to void them, "p-please I really really need the toilet soon or I'm gonna mess the place", Tyler chuckled "sure I'll take you there after all you will need to get used to it sooner rather than later. Keagan blanched a little at these words but he didn't say anything since he was being lead into the Tigers bathroom and allowed to sit his butt on the toilet seat, he didn't notice how sticky it seemed or the new bidet next to the toilet, he just shucked his pants and underwear planted his butt flagged his tail and prepared for natures inevitable call. Shortly thereafter he grunted and sprayed out a mess of semi liquid scat into the bowl below Keagan groaned with every splash it felt like every meal he ever had was shooting out then the pissing began. Almost literal gallons torrented out of the foxes cock flooding the bowl with a bright yellow. Tyler laughed "good, good you are just about ready now I can do this" saying that he reached down grabbed Keagan's cock and balls and pulled stretching them until they popped off. Kegan gave a shriek of alarm as the tiger removed his foxhood, "what, what have you done to me" he yelped as his body also began to stretch a little.

Tyler chuckled a little, " I slipped you a little morphic potion I picked up today in case I could find you I wanted to find a way to pay you back but I didn't want some as simple as flush and a goodbye". Tyler smiled at him then took the foxhood he held that was now kind of like a putty and stuck it to the bidet next to the toilet. "observe this potion makes the user or in this case victim morph and gain a putty like state, when something from that fur is placed on or near an object or the fur itself is placed on or near the object they become or morph to that object" having finished his little explanation he watched amused as Keagan looked on in horror as his cock merged with the bidet and the bidet took on aspects of the fox himself. His dick became the removable anal wash wand his balls seemed to be spigot controls something even weirder felt upon him too he felt as if his asshole was now the drain, the weird part was that he was now shitting out of another one. Tyler just laughed as he looked over the now green bidet, the same green as Keagan and reached for one of the foxes separated balls to turn on the bidet, he turned the one and Keagan felt as if he was pissing from a bladder he had no control over, the wand/cock which still looked a little like a fox cock was spurting clean water out like a regular sink tap. "good that works now let's try the other side, since this is a special bidet with the soapy scrub feature", saying that he turned off the one testicle and turned the other one watching as a soapy mix of warm water poured out looking like a stream of cum. Keagan now felt as if he was cumming with no chance of stopping, though now he felt like he had two bladders and one he felt was slowly draining but not by much.

Tyler watched it flow a little bit then turned it off and looked at the almost melting fox, "guess it's time to merge you to your new form isn't it?" Keagan was by this point really, really freaked out. He had already seen his cock merged with a bidet and from the way it seemed it was now a piece of metal and porcelain, he didn't know what was in store for the rest of him. Tyler reached over and pushed his legs down so that they were stretched on the floor, once there he wrapped them around the base of the commode then he stretched out the fox's mouth while he pulled up on his head he also tied the fox's paws behind the toilet and watched as the changes slowly took effect. Keagan slowly melded with the toilet his feet shrank around the base as his butt slowly slid down and around his stretched mouth merged with the bowl and the seat, his head slowly melded with the tank and it took on some of the impressions of his face soon the whole toilet was styled with a flare and looked like Keagan it was green and had most of the details of the fox. One of Tyler's last little tortures was to pull Keagan's tail free and wrap it so that it soon became the accompanying toilet brush. Tyler then pulled out another vile with a green fluid inside of which he poured a little of into the bidet bowl into the bowl mouth of Keagan and onto the new brush, "there now you are sealed in permanently as a new fixture for our use" saying that he pulled Alex over and hugged him close, the wolf having snuck in to watch the punishment. Alex lifted the lid and looked at the mess that was still present from Keagan's earlier use, "phew that must be vile for him to deal with" the wolf said as he fanned away the smell. Tyler shook his head, "not really his sense of taste is dulled to barely anything at all I could have been really evil and made the toilet paper his permanent and lasting tongue but I didn't want to be that cruel", Alex just chuckled "that's what I've always liked about you hon, you can be spiteful but not cruel about it". Tyler kissed him, "that's why you and I got married after all and you were right even though this toilet tried to kill me life is too short" they kissed again and Tyler reached over a paw and pulled the flush on Keagan who enjoyed a sensation akin to cumming pissing and having the greatest shit in his life he felt the water and slop rush around his mouth then gurgle down his throat before it rushed through his nonexistent digestive system then out and down. The water that replaced the dirty water was clean fresh and Keagan could actually taste its freshness, something he wouldn't enjoy for long.

Tyler finished his extended kiss with Alex, "would you like to break the new commode in hon?" In response Alex dropped his pants and took a seat on what were now Keagan's lips, "don't mind if I do" saying that he dropped three logs of waste and began to flood the bowl with piss turning the water a sludgy green in a matter of seconds. Tyler waved a paw in front of his nose and looked at the shocked eyes of the foxoilet, "you're lucky you can't smell this that well or taste that mess, and Alex just what did you eat?". The large wolf farted into the bowl and dropped a lot of semiliquid mess on top of the other mess "oh nothing much some chili at lunch a large pepper hoagie just the usual". Tyler kissed his nose, "well it smells worse I think you are gonna need a quick wash out with the bidet". Like a dutiful little dog Alex stood up and moved his jiggly bottom over to the bidet and pulled the cock/wand from its holder and slowly slid it up his tailhole then grabbed one of the handles and turned on the soapy wash and let the warm soapy water fill him up. Keagan felt like he was enjoy one of the strangest fucks he had ever enjoyed before. Sure his mouth was full of shit but he nearly flushed himself with the enjoyment of getting to yiff a guy like this. Alex waited till he felt as if his gut was stuffed with a huge meal before turning the water off and moving back over to Keagan and voiding a now foamy brown mess in with the rest he then moved over for a clean water rinse this was allowed to drain down the bidets drain when this was done he dried his ass with a large wad of paper and flushed the mess down Keagan before trotting out to lay naked on the bed. When Tyler and Keagan were alone Tyler lifted the seat of his mouth and stood there naked taking a nice long piss, "I hope you enjoy what I have done here Keagan I could have swallowed you and then flushed you but I think that being able to flush you every day is the perfect revenge" his long stream was now a simple drizzle so he shook twice flushed and put both lids down. He headed for the bedroom but before he left he jiggled his large wiggly bottom "get used to this foxy I intend on enjoying you for a long time to come" with that he flicked off the light and shut the door to the bedroom, sounds of joyful sex slowly resounded into the bathroom, it went on for about three hours then all sounds ceased, Keagan slowly fell asleep along with his new owners and dreamed about all the things he should have done but would never get the chance to do now.

He was awoken the next morning when a large fart was blasted into his bowl/mouth. He awoke groggily and when he opened his eyes he looked around and realized it wasn't all some nightmare, it was real and he was sitting in this bathroom while the large midnight tiger planted his large jiggley ass on his seat and prepared to unload. "I wanted you to know that I had a large breakfast and a big cup of coffee so we get to spend some excellent quality time today my little foxoilet" he then began to piss while he read a little of the paper. Eventually Tyler settled and with a huge rumble he dropped three huge logs into the water below, soon another full bladder emptied itself out and then with a crinkly fart a massive amount of diarrhea forced its way out of the tigers hole making the water below a huge mess. Tyler got really settled in now for the last big push and with a huge grunt he shot out the last of his morning dump, six huge logs and a last batch of watery scat and poop. Tyler then wiped himself with some paper and moved over to the bidet to wash up a little looking in the bowl at his impressive pile, he sat down on the bidet area and filled himself with soapy water that he added to the collection in the toilet then two clean water rinses both were added to the collection before a final soap and clean water rinse that was allowed to drain down the bidet. Finishing his business he washed his paws flushed Keagan and left, because the pile was a little larger than normal it took Keagan a little longer in his cycle and since his lid had been left up he got to watch it all swirl down him and out of him, as it did this he reflected on it all and realized that this flush and all the future flushes were still better as a revenge then going down the hole himself, he managed to flush himself just to watch the water swirl and reflect upon it all. Kertink flrrrrrsh!!!

Alone I'm So all Alone

'But why do you have to go isn't there someone else who can do this?' "Sorry pup, I hate that I have to go away too but we should consider it a good thing they are seeing that I am really good at what I do so I am being given more responsibility" ...

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His Own Back

"Alright little guys this is the end for you it was fun but we've all gotta go sometime" Tyler chuckled to himself as he walked naked into his bathroom. The medium build midnight tiger made a beeline for his toilet with a bag that squirmed just a...

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Checking the Plumbing

Kit rolled over in the large bed he had meant to cuddle up to Travis but managed to wind up in the empty and cold side where his large stallion lover should have been. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes he looked around "big goofy horsie probably slipped...

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