Mind Control Stream Story 1: Better Than Religion

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Better than Religion For Heru

"Don't you think we've been here before? I mean, seriously, that fence looks really familiar."

"It's part of a gated community, Kevin. They all look the same."

The wolf shook his head, looking back and forth at the different garden features as his tabby friend led the way to the front door. He couldn't shake the feeling of deja-vu as they plodded across the path towards the front door, and even as Justin rang the bell, the suited canine couldn't help but think they should just move on.

Of course, there was no convincing his friend to do that, not once they rang the doorbell. A red dragon opened it, looking out at them with a raised eyebrow.

"You boys lost?"

"Not at all, my good sir. We're just simple prayer-folk, offering a good word to the lord to those that want it."

Kevin shook his head as the dragon arched an eyebrow. It was clear that the reptile didn't want something like this. As he grabbed the tabby by the arm, however, the dragon stepped to the side.

"Come in. Might as well get comfortable."

"Oh, thank you. I promise, this won't take long at all."

"But -"

"Don't blow this, Kevin." Justin looked back with a slight glare. "Come on."

There was no arguing with him. Shaking his head, the wolf followed his friend inside -

-And promptly started hacking his lungs out. The air was filled with smoke as they moved from the front door to the living room. Even as they sat down on the couch, he could barely breath, sucking in smoke that was heavily lined with scent, almost like incense if it weren't for the fact that it stank. He shook his head, lowering his body until he was almost out of the smoke line.

"Sorry about the smell. I was just in the middle of a meditation when you came knocking."

"Oh, so you're already -" Cough cough went the tabby. "So you're already spiritual?"

"Heh, in a way."

Not in a way that I think we want, Kevin thought as his friend settled in. He snorted a few breaths out his nose, keeping his breathing shallow, but he couldn't avoid the smoke completely. It seeped in with every breath, making it hard to think for the smell and the coughs that followed.

As Justin worked through his spiel, the dragon seemed to have answer after answer for the tabby. Several times he cut in mid-question, answering it before Justin had managed to finish it. It was like...like he knew what the question was before it was asked, or something.

Pressing a hand to his head, Kevin started to stand up, only to wobble and fall back onto the couch. Both Justin and the dragon turned to him.

"You okay, man?"

"Yes, are you alright, young man?"

"Oh, I'm-I'm fine. Just a bit...bit woozy. What is this stuff?"

"It's merely incense. A friend of mine in the east sent it to me. Do you like it?"

"Well -"

"Of course we do!" Justin grinned through gritted teeth, and Kevin glared at him.

The dragon smiled. He reached behind his seat, pulling a golden platter out. The thing must have weighed several dozen pounds from how big it was and how shimmery it was, but he carried it like it was nothing. Upon it was a long, thin stalk of...something. It didn't look like an incense stick to him, but what else could it be? It was the source of the smoke, at least.

"Go on. Have a stronger smell of it."


"Take a smell, and I'll pray with you."

The dragon couldn't have said anything more persuasive to the tabby. Justin leaned in and took a deep breath, but no sooner had he breathed in than he almost keeled over. The feline fell back against his seat, spread out over it with reddened eyes and a loopy grin.

Kevin leaned back, but the dragon already had the platter under his nose.


And he did. It was a shorter breath than his companion's, but it was enough to fill his nose with a blast of the odor. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as he gasped for breath, sucking more of the strange smoke into his system. It set off sparks behind his skull, making everything glimmer and look brighter than usual. Even the sound of his breathing was difficult to ignore, rhythmic and beating and...soothing...in its own way.

"Heh, I was thinking you'd be staying away after the last time you were here, but I suppose there was something in you that wanted to come back."

Come back? Had they...had they been here before?

"Well, it doesn't matter now. Why don't you two get out of your clothes, and we'll have a little fun?"

Out of their - yes, yes, that sounded like a good idea. After all, they were a little uncomfortable in their suits, or at least he was. He smiled as he started unbuttoning his shirt, slowly pulling it off and throwing it to the side. Justin was ahead of him, down to his boxers already, and Kevin couldn't help giggling at the sight of the kitty's cock sliding out as he got completely naked.

Their host smiled at the two of them as they stripped before him, and only after they were completely naked did he follow their example. The red dragon's cock came out from his zipper, a good eleven inches of length pointing forward. He gestured at Kevin to come forward, and the wolf followed his orders. He saw Justin doing something else in the background, but the cock pointed towards him consumed all of his attention.

He remained on his knees as he looked up at the cock. It throbbed less than an inch from his face, the tip moist and smelling strongly of musk and a bit of sweat. The wolf sighed happily, his tail wagging as he breathed it in. The smell was powerful, stronger than the smoke, though not entirely similar. There was a spice there, an additional strange potency to the musk that just drove him to obey.

The tip pressed against his lips and he opened his mouth. It slid in without any protests from him, pushed to the back of his mouth and then down his throat when he didn't stop it. He heard the dragon moan, but then heard another one, higher pitched and less...masculine? He wasn't sure how to think of it.

Looking up, he saw the naked feline perched on the couch, his ass pointed towards the dragon. The big red scaly had his lips pressed against Justin's hole, a slithering, forked tongue working against it. Each lick made his companion moan, and Kevin grinned. He wondered if he'd get a treatment like that later. He hoped he would; it looked like fun.

As he sucked on the musky shaft, he realized that he wasn't thinking much. It was a weird thought, standing alone in his mind. It was like everything else had been buried under smoke and cock scent, incense and musk. And even it didn't last long, burying itself under the growing desire to serve.

He blinked, seeing the dragon's tongue buried inside of Justin's hole, the forked length spreading the tabby's ass open and making it wet and slick. The formerly religious tabby moaned like a streetwalker, and despite the strangeness, Kevin didn't make a comment.

He just hoped he'd be next.

The End