Tuesday's Gone Chapter 1

Story by BoatinTurtle on SoFurry

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All right guys, this is Tuesday's Gone! This is my newest story on Fanfiction before I halted all progress on stories and came here. I absolutely adore what I have planned for this story. Actually, it's my only story with a big plot. It's kinda sad I already have an ending and a bunch of cool stuff in story, but I can't put it all in yet because then it would all be rushed. I plan to map this thing out to be more than a hundred chapters. So, cheers to our new adventure!

Hello readers! I am proud to present to you my first "serious" piece of work. I say so because I will be focusing this story heavily on plot and less on trying to crack a joke or make an ass out of my characters. I want this cast of characters to feel rich and new. I want you, the reader, to enjoy it. A couple changes for this story that you might want to know: It will be very long, it will have some humor, you might cry a bit, you might hate some parts in a good way, and you will definitely won't want it to end. And so you all know, this is on SoFurry under the same name as my own here, so read on your preferred site. And now; Tuesday's Gone!

"Congratulations Mr. Hopwitz, it's a healthy boy." The doctor said.

"Thank the lord." Mr. Hopwitz sighed. He cleared his throat before continuing. "How's Sandra."

"She's fine. She seems to be recovering well." The doctor replied.

"That's good. Do-do... do you mind telling her I wish her well?"

"Will do Mr. Hopwitz." The doctor assured.

"Thank you Hank." Mr. Hopwitz said.

"No problem Robert. And good luck."

"Thank you." With that, Robert Hopwitz hung up the phone and set down his knife. And cried.

"Listen. I don't give two shits about a restraining order! I just want my son!"

"Mr. Hopwitz, will you please settle yourself. The jury will now-"

"How the fuck is this even a doubt? My wife left him!"

"Mr. Hopwitz, is that anyway to speak to a judge?"

"Oh hell, your _honor. We're all equal in my book. As for that bitch, she left my son and I have a right to take custody."_

"Daddy, daddy! Look what I drew."

"That's wonderful son! I-..."


"It's wonderful son. Nice job."

"Is something wrong. Did I do something wrong. It's bad, isn't it?"

"No son... it's wonderful. Trust me. Now go outside. I'll be out in a minute. Go get your baseball." Mr. Hopwitz said. As his son bounded away forlornly, he looked down at the paper. A tear streamed down his face, gripping his cheek a moment before slipping through the air and onto the paper. As more followed, the crayon drawing of him, his wife, and his son became more distorted.

"Dad, are we there yet?"

"Almost son. Just a bit more."

"Daddy, will mommy be there?"

"I told you buddy, mommy's in heaven right now. You'll see her someday." Mr. Hopwitz said. He felt terrible, lying like that. If anything, that family shredder is in the deepest pits of hell.

"But I thought you said we're we where going was heaven."

"It is son. It is..."

"Hey dad, are we there yet? My ass is really sore."

"Soon, Jas."

"Where is this place again?"

"Kalos, buddy. Paradise. It's got quite a rep as being very lovey dovey. Maybe you can land a girlfriend."

"I'm not very sure about that. After Karoline, I think I'm done with women."

"Oh, Jason, that girl was a bitch. You can easily do better."

"Yeah, if you say so."

"Anyway, buckle up. We're going to be there soon."

"Alright, just don't get us killed."

"Hey, I'm not getting so old I can't see. Besides, you'll be doing this one day for me, so pay attention."

I groaned as my alarm blared next to my head.

"Jason, come get some breakfast!" My dad called from downstairs. My body protested as I struggled to push myself up. I gave in to gravity and fell back into the bed, the blanket wrapped around one leg. I sighed with joy as the breeze from outside rolled into the room and over my back. It was so cool and relaxing. Perfume rose up, mingling with the scent of bread and other baked goods. _'Damn can I get used to this...' _I thought. It was my first morning in Kalos. After dad flew our personal Cessna to the airport, we unpacked and headed on over to Vaniville Town. We only had time to unpack before both of us passed out.I had luckily made it to my room. Even though it was a new day in a new city, I contemplated with the idea of moving out of my bed.

"Hey Jas! Breakfast is ready!" Dad called from downstairs. "Get up!" Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my face with my hands, running my fingers through my hair.

"Coming dad!" I yelled down. I unwrapped my leg from the blanket and sluggishly slid/stepped down the stairs.

"Mornin' sonny-boy" My dad said.

"Hey pops. What's cookin?" I asked, scratching my thick black hair.

"Got some bacon, some pancakes, and toast _buttered on both sides _just the way you like it!" Dad said, twirling around to set the plates on the table.

"You know it!" I exclaimed.

"Hahahaha! That's my boy!" He chuckled at my optimism for food. "Let's eat!" He said, grabbing a chair for him to sit down. My dad is 42 and one of the most badass guys ever. He served in the military for 20 years and became the Air Forces best pilot around. He also was well capable of handling a rifle with ease. Even with all those skills, he didn't look like a jarhead. Standing at 6'1", he was not to heavily built, a bit thin even, and he had the most glorious beard/mustache that was reminiscent of Led Zeppelin's John Bonham. Not only that, but the man loved almost everything I loved. And the dude had the biggest crush on the early Madonna. Speaking of women, he hasn't shown much interest in them ever since mom died. He has shown immense support for me and my quest for love. My last girlfriend Karoline cheated on me with three other guys even though we've been together for three years prior. I gave up hope on a relationship because of her. I still am open for a girlfriend, but I'm less optimistic about it.

"Ah, shit." My dad said suddenly, breaking my train of thought. I looked up at him, a piece of toast brimming my lips.

"Wash wong?" I asked with a mouthful of toast.

"I got a meeting at the airport in 15 minutes. Sorry buddy, but I got to go!" He said, slipping on his blazer. While suavely setting a fedora atop his head, he slid on a pair of aviators and stuck a cigar between his lips. "Take a look around town while I'm gone!" He said, his cigar bouncing with each syllable. And with that, he was out the door. I wolfed down my pancakes and bacon, saving some toast for later. I placed my dish in the dishwasher and headed back up to my room, still munching on a piece of toast. I slid out of yesterday's clothes and threw them into the corner. "I got to get a hamper." _I thought. Seeing as I had nothing to do, I decided to go out and buy one. I slid on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black Led Zeppelin shirt with the classic Hindenburg picture on it with the words "How Many More Times?" written across the bottom. I took another bite into my toast and walked into the bathroom. One look in the mirror and the self-reflection began to set in. I tugged at my thick black hair, checking its length. _"I haven't had a haircut in a while either..." I said in my mind. I looked at my arms, and sighed. They are a bit thin, and not really all that muscular. All my muscle was in my legs, so I was an excellent kicker... and runner. I lived by my father's mother's grandson's code: Never skip leg day. I turned on the sink and started to brush my teeth. I plotted out my day, wondering if I should make a list to help keep everything orderly. I decided it wouldn't hurt, so I quickly combed my hair and went back downstairs, resuming the consumption of my delicious buttery bread. Once I got downstairs, my mind changed and I decided that no list was needed. I would remember what I need to do.

-Get a haircut

-Look around town

-Buy a hamper

-Don't die in the process

Once I thought out my course of action for the day, I grabbed the last piece of toast I had left on the table and headed out the door...

Somewhere in Unova...

The air was silent, midday approaching. A steady clop approached across the barren desert, heading towards a lonesome building. The dust and sand shifted slightly as a lone rider stopped. He dismounted his rapidash, his boot slightly sinking into the sand. He looked around, squinting his eyes, before pulling the brim of his hat down. As the man walked forward, the wind began to pick up, sweeping dust into the air. He wore a black leather jacket with a purple long sleeved shirt that was slightly skin tight. On the shirt was a black silhouette of a mightyena's head facing forward. The letters DOW where written in black under the picture. Black leather pants hugged his waist in a way some would deem uncomfortable. A cigarette barely hung in his mouth, lightly lying in his lips. The house he approached didn't seem to show any sign of activity. Upon reaching the door, he gripped the handle and walked in without knocking. Dave Brubeck's Take Five fluttered in the air lightly. Still standing in the doorway, the man saw the owner of the house in the kitchen. The owner saw him to. The man took a seat at the kitchen table. The owner sat down with him, sliding him a bowl of vegetable soup. The man glared at the owner before grabbing a spoon and joining him in the meal. Neither of the men took their eyes off each other for a second. No words where exchanged. Only questioning and angry stares. Finally, the silence was broken by the owner.

"I told you. I won't join your damn group." He said gruffly. The man just laughed.

"I'm not here to recruit you. No, not this time." The owner looked at the man with disbelief. "I'm here to kill you." The owner quickly stood up, sliding his gun out of his pants and tried to aim it at the man. The man didn't move. Out of nowhere, his bowl of soup exploded. The owner crumpled over, clutching his chest. The man stood up, aiming for the stairs. A boy around 16 or 17 bolted down the stairs, holding a rifle. As soon as he was in view, the man let another shot out, and the boy slumped down. With both men no longer breathing, the man placed his gun back inside his jacket. He looked at the hole in the table where he shot. It didn't stand a chance for his .44. A shriek sounded from behind him, and he turned to see the owner's wife standing over her dead son. The man looked her in the eye and sighed. He pulled his revolver out again and shot without a second thought. The scream was silenced with a bang. The man holstered his gun again and tipped his hat to the dead family before leaving.

At the same time - The Pokemon League - Sinnoh...

"Is everything in place yet?"

"Almost, just give me a second."

"Hurry the hell up. We haven't got all day."

"Hey, hey, hey. Are you the expert here?"

"Well if you are, then fucking act like it!"

"Ok, then quit bothering me and let me get these set."

"Fine." The young man lowered his watch and took his finger off of the switch that allowed him to speak with the other members. He adjusted the collar of his purple jacket, and picked up his blue duffel bag. His black sweatpants flapped in the wind. It was less windy up on the cliff rather than down in the sea, so he could complain about the weather. He drew a long breath before making sure his baseball cap was snug on his head. He walked forward and entered the doors of the Pokemon League. He was sweating worse than a hooker in a church, even though no-one had said anything to him. He readjusted the bag, making sure he didn't bump it around too much. He walked in and headed on in to "challenge" the Elite Four. A man stopped him, and he felt like he was going to melt. "They know, they know, they know, they know, shit, they know."

"Are you hear to challenge the Elite Four?" The man said. Chocking on his words, the young man just nodded furiously. The man looked him over with a questioning glance. Then he laughed and slapped him on the back. "Well good luck! Flint's been on a roll today! No-one has passed him." With that, he left him alone. The young man let out his breath that he was holding and headed inside. A lift led to the next floor. Nervously, he stepped onto the lift. It brought him up to the next floor. There was a long hallway that led to Aaron's room. The young man stopped by the edge of the lift. He walked around, feeling for a soft spot in the floor with his feet. After a minute of searching, he found it. He dropped the duffel bag on the floor and walked over to the soft spot in the floor. He pinched his watch and whispered.

"The goggles are on." He said nervously.

"Good. Did you find the bad berry?" The voice replied.

"Yes. I'm ready to go home."

"Alright, stand back." The young man did as he was instructed. The floorboard where the soft spot was popped up, revealing a hole. The young man quickly scrambled down it, skidding along the ground as it twisted farther underground. After a few minutes of crawling, he reached the open air. He was roughly 50 feet in the air. The ocean calmly lapped at the cliffs side. He gulped and prepared to jump. He stood there for a moment, frozen.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't do it." The young man said into the intercom.

"Oh don't be a pussy. It's not that high."

"Hey, it's your fault for making the hole open up he-" He said, but he was cut off as the ground around his foot crumbled and he plummeted down the cliff. He screamed loudly, but was silenced when the breath was knocked out of him when he hit the side of the cliff. With a splash, he hit the water with a painful thud.

"See it wasn't that bad."

"Fuck you." The young man said, out of breath.

"I'll bring the boat around."

After a few minutes of floating, a silent black and purple zodiac pulled up alongside the young man. DOW was painted along the side.

"About time." The young man said.

"Hop in." Said the driver. He held out a hand and helped pull up the young man. Once both where in and settled, they headed off across the sea.

"Are you sure you set them all correctly?" The young man asked skeptically. "I don't want to have done all of that for nothing."

"Don't worry, their set. See?" He said, turning around with a detonator in his hand. He pressed it and the ocean shook. The cliffs housing the Pokemon League erupted into fire and smoke. Waves grew to immense sizes. The boat was thrown up and down with each passing one. Once the dust was clear, the men looked back. The cliff was gone. And so was the League. All thrown into the ocean. The young man seemed horrified at what he had just done. The driver of the boat laughed and patted him on the back.

"You did good kid."

"We just killed all those people." He said, seeming destroyed.

"You'll get used to it kid. That's us. One world. It's a battleground. One world. And we're gonna _smash _it down!"

Hey guys! Sorry to end it here! I'm glad to be back. I will update my other stories ASAP to make up for the time I was gone. Until next time, BotaingTurtle.