
Story by fastbreak333 on SoFurry

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After seeing a certain picture and dicking around with the idea with my friend, I decided to write this short story in a few hours. Warning: it's really effin' weird.

Idea by devilduk.

Story by me.

Scissoring By fastbreak333

Saturday night: for most couples, it's a time to plan out a date and, if the mood and timing are just right, get cozy under the covers. Of course, when life starts to get rote, maybe even monotonous, doing a little experimenting can help rejuvenate the romance. From some light roleplay to some heavy bondage, as long as the two (or more) have a great time, what can possibly go wrong?

For one couple, a lot can go wrong.

In a small one-story home, the neighbors nearby can hear some faint yelling between two women. They ignore it as usual, because the two girls constantly bicker at each other and getting between them is asking to be in a warzone.

Inside the house, the only light left on is in the bedroom, which contains one hell of a mess: pillows flipped over, a tall lamp on the floor, clothes and blankets scattered about, and most alarmingly, two heads both facing south with scorned looks. Meri the rabbit and Chandy the cat continue their argument despite not being able to look at each other with Chandy's black hair flowing on the floor and Meri's head on her side.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you read the spell," says Chandy, "You can't do anything right!" "And whose idea was it to buy that spellbook in the first place?" Replies Meri, "You wanted to spice up our sex life while I thought it was a crock of shit!" "You're a crock of shit!" "Ugh, dammit body, you went over me again! Four times, that's four!"

As the rabbit body pats the floor, crawling on her knees, Meri gets a good view of her own vag... it's extremely teasing because the two girls wanted to try something new. Chandy suggested the most out-of-this-world idea... to have their bodies scissor while their heads watch with a head detachment spell. Unfortunately, Meri didn't pronounce a syllable correctly and as a result, the two had their heads roll off their shoulders and their bodies are now scrambling for them as they're stuck with no control. They can feel their hands patting the floor, their clothes, or even pillows, but not their heads.

"What made you think ordering at Amazon was a good idea anyway?" Yells Meri, "They sell Amish Vampire sex novels and instructional books on taking a shit! Of course that spellbook would be dodgy!" "They didn't steer me wrong when I bought that double-ended dildo," says Chandy, "And you sure enjoyed it last week." Meri blushes a bit, "Ugh, whatever, I just want to get back on." "Ditto, I'm hornier than a donkey over here." "You're not half as horny as I am." "Yes I am, dingus!" "No you're not, dongus!" "Roll over here and say that, carrot-muncher!" "Piss off, kitty lit--eeeeeeeee!" "What?" "My ass!"

While the two were arguing, Chandy's body accidentally patted Meri's ass. Now she seems to feel it curiously as if she had no idea what a rear end is. Meri responds by shaking slightly, her rabbit toes curling in bliss.

Suddenly, Chandy moves her hands upward, feeling Meri's hips and breasts, still curious and getting slowly turned on. Her hands cup Meri's breasts, rubbing them in circles slightly as the heads react by breathing rather heavily, feeling everything. Meri's body responds by patting Chandy's bottom. Her cat tail jumps up as she eeps. Meri manages to catch a glimpse of their neck stumps as they nuzzle against each other. Seeing the sight of that strangely turns her on... maybe her lesbian lover was on to something about this headless business. Chandy still can't see the action where she's facing, only Meri's head is at her left eye as the bodies sensually rubbing each other was out of her peripheral vision.

Then suddenly, the two feel their backs against the floor as their legs start to spread...

"Wait, what's happening out? Meri? Meriiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!" "OH GOD, FINALLY!"

Although the two heads can't see what's going on, they can certainly feel it. With Chandy twisting her torso so her legs are at the side while Meri lays flat, they press their vulvas against one another, rubbing as the two pant in sexual bliss. Chandy grabs Meri's calves to help her properly plant her rabbit feet down as Meri kicks her right leg high in the air.

The two heads suddenly forget about their current catastrophe and focus on the feelings that override them. They pant at each other, Chandy screaming "oh god" over and over as Meri bites her lip, smiling as she finally senses relief from her sexual tension soon.

The bodies keep rubbing their lips against each other, their nipples firm as their nude forms sweat and struggle. Chandy's grip on her lover's legs tighten as she throws her open neck stump back, showing her windpipe expanding and contracting. Meri stamps her left foot as her bunny butt wiggles in anticipation, the two grinding harder, pushing through the pain until...

Both girls moan loudly as the feel their orgasms rush through their spines, locking them in place for a moment before their bodies plop their backs on the floor. They pant with sweat beading on their foreheads, almost complete amnesiacs over their previous bickering as they finally got what they desired. After a few minutes of rest, the cat and rabbit finally get over their accidental passion and feel their bodies rise. As they resume the search, just a few seconds later, they feel themselves being grabbed by their hands.

"Oh God finally," says the rabbit with her eyes closed in satisfaction as she feels herself placed back on where she belongs. Chandy also gets reconnected just a few seconds later. Meri smiles as she looks down to find... tan fur with a light underbelly and C-cups instead of her usual B-cups. It immediately dawns on her that their bodies obtained the wrong heads!

Chandy groans as she sees her (or rather Meri's) white-furred hands and grey arms. They were so close to fixing this. She frowns, looking down at her white-furred rabbit feet. Meri seems rather pleased though.

"You know what?" She says, "I'm not even mad. As long as I can get around again, I can deal with being like this for a few hours." She is determined to stay happy after all this as she stretches her lover's arms that she now controls. She then puts her hands on her hips as she poses a bit, finding it strangely interesting. "A... few hours?" Replies Chandy. Meri raises an eyebrow at the cat's pause, "Yeees... why?" "Well um..." Chandy taps her index fingers together in embarrassment, "Body part switching is in volume 2." "Then... go get volume 2." "'s currently out of stock."

And with that, the neighbors hear the two girls bicker at each other for the rest of the night.

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